Dutch Supreme Court rules doctors can euthanize dementia patients

If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

It's a real bitch. I prefered my Fathers death when I was 16,fell of his tractor and got run over by the bush hog.
One day he was here,next he wasnt.
While it certainly sucked there wasnt that drawn out soul busting grief.
We dealt with my Mother for around 4 years. Watching the progression was horrible!!
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
Helium is cheap and legal to obtain. Hook it up to an oxygen mask turn it on. 30 seconds to unconsciousness and five minutes to cardiac arrest. Your loved ones hide the apparatus and call the coroner.
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
Helium is cheap and legal to obtain. Hook it up to an oxygen mask turn it on. 30 seconds to unconsciousness and five minutes to cardiac arrest. Your loved ones hide the apparatus and call the coroner.

Again....if I'm going out with chemicals I'm going out feeling Good!!!
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
Helium is cheap and legal to obtain. Hook it up to an oxygen mask turn it on. 30 seconds to unconsciousness and five minutes to cardiac arrest. Your loved ones hide the apparatus and call the coroner.

Who gives a fuck about cheap on your deathbed?
Dont care if it cost me a 1/4 mill I'd be on it.
They dont want to do it I could go blackmarket and get all I needed for five or six hundred bucks.
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
Helium is cheap and legal to obtain. Hook it up to an oxygen mask turn it on. 30 seconds to unconsciousness and five minutes to cardiac arrest. Your loved ones hide the apparatus and call the coroner.

So you'd rather go out talking like Minnie Mouse than buzzed to the top of your gourd?
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

Fuck that!!!!
If I'm going out chemically I want a steady Intravenous flow of cocaine with maybe some Dilaudid to slow things down.
Helium is cheap and legal to obtain. Hook it up to an oxygen mask turn it on. 30 seconds to unconsciousness and five minutes to cardiac arrest. Your loved ones hide the apparatus and call the coroner.

So you'd rather go out talking like Minnie Mouse than buzzed to the top of your gourd?
I suppose but some good weed and good old fashioned alcohol is all I've ever needed.

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