Dylan Mulvaney Becomes Woman Of The Year In The UK

I wish but unfortunately it's not.
It has to be the set-up for a layered joke.

The only alternative is the horrifying notion that males (like Dylan) — who think they “are” women because they believe that “feelings make it true” — actually believe their own delusions.
It has to be the set-up for a layered joke.

The only alternative is the horrifying notion that males (like Dylan) — who think they “are” women because they believe that “feelings make it true” — actually believe their own delusions.

Does that mean if I believe if I'm a mermaid that I can breathe underwater!? I ALWAYS wanted to be a mermaid!!! :D
Excuse me? How is this possible when the dude isn't a woman? It would be exactly the same as saying that a person would win first place at a dog show.

I'm identifying as the first lap dog that speaks English!!!! I'm going to receive medals for this and put my picture on the front of all pet magazines!
I'm identifying as the first lap dog that speaks English!!!! I'm going to receive medals for this and put my picture on the front of all pet magazines!

LOL I like you already so you earned an automatic and instant follow from me. :D

They're doing fine :thup:

So now you're referring them to an it too eh? I mean I did make a very legit point.
If this dude wants to make believe he's a girl, that's fine with me. If the UK wants me to make believe he's their woman of the year, that's fine with me too but it's probably pretty insulting to all the beautiful and talented women over there. Instead of celebrating some dude who is obsessed with living life without a dick, we should be getting him therapy. And all those responsible for giving him this award should also be in therapy.
Excuse me? How is this possible when the dude isn't a woman? It would be exactly the same as saying that a person would win first place at a dog show.

Thats great news. In a world full of hate there are still people with civilised values.
Well done Attitude !!
The irony here is that leftist feminists are allowing men to usurp all the rights and privileges they fought for decades to get.
Excuse me? How is this possible when the dude isn't a woman? It would be exactly the same as saying that a person would win first place at a dog show.

It is just another example of the insanity of wokism and leftist virtue signaling.
The dude is a grifter. He is not even a trans person. He created an online persona in his upteenth attempt to gain attention and notoriety. He finally managed to make it happen.

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