Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."
- James Madison -

Conservatives are that cult of ignorance. You decry the educated with every breath. You lambast institutions of learning and the professors and PH.D's who have spent a lifetime educating themselves.

Racism comes from fear and ignorance, the domain of conservatives.

The ignorant do not recognize their own ignorance. The conservative mind.

"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument." - William G. McAdoo -

Thus conservatives think, in the end, telling someone they are an a@#hole wins an argument. Winning is what is important to the ignorant; instead of learning what the truth of the matter is.

We know you folks claim a "superior education"....and the world would be SO much better if we'd just bow to your every whim ;)

Of course a "Liberal" education is better than a "Conservative" education ;0

Yeah, then learn from this:



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"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."
- James Madison -

Conservatives are that cult of ignorance. You decry the educated with every breath. You lambast institutions of learning and the professors and PH.D's who have spent a lifetime educating themselves.

Racism comes from fear and ignorance, the domain of conservatives.

The ignorant do not recognize their own ignorance. The conservative mind.

"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument." - William G. McAdoo -

Thus conservatives think, in the end, telling someone they are an a@#hole wins an argument. Winning is what is important to the ignorant; instead of learning what the truth of the matter is.

We know you folks claim a "superior education"....and the world would be SO much better if we'd just bow to your every whim ;)

Of course a "Liberal" education is better than a "Conservative" education ;0

Yeah, then learn from this:


The lesson learned is "bad shit happens", the silly shit you people come up with to solve the worlds problems is just that, "silly shit".

Understand Reader, it NEEDS you to BE ignorant... because if you're NOT, IT is SCREWED![/QUOTE]

You refer to humans as 'it'? I'm guessing this is how Dylann Roof views other humans as well.

You prove the point with glaring accuracy.
The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

First post on this topic.

He went to a Conservative website because it was the first website that came up in a Google search? That's your proof he's a Conservative?

Also, maybe you are unaware of this but there are millions of Conservatives in the Democratic Party and many of them happen to be black.

So ok, since before we knew the first thing about the shooter, the Democrat left has been attacking Conservatives, the right and Republicans blaming them. However, did any of these self professed Democrats know this to be true?

Actually, no.

So how did they know he was a rightwing Conservative Republican?

Answer... they couldn't have as they had no facts.

However, they do have stereotypes, profiling and political hatred so of course the shooter had to be a rightwing Conservative Republican.

Only... we've heard this before and many times where the shooter was a rwhite ightwing Christian Conservative Republican... only it proved to be a black man, a Muslim, a Liberal Democrat and there's a long list of them simply because leftwing Democrats have so much hate they can't wait to learn any of the facts before jumping the gun exploiting a situation and blindly following the first idiot who makes the accusations right over a cliff.

Already we are seeing the media and special interests backing off after rumors he was a registered Democrat began to circulate because they realized they didn't know if he was a Democrat or a Republican.

And what about the Republicans addressing Dylann Roof was on powerful drugs?

Suboxone is a drug used in place of Methadone for helping people with drug addiction to get off the addiction. However, the reality is it costs three times as much as Methadone, it is so addictive itself that it's become a highly sought out street drug, it takes up to seven months to get out of your system but it's effects are so strong it actually forces most addicts back into addiction, it is known to create immediate personality changes, it has been proven to cause violence, it has also been proven to induce hate even against the closest people whom they care about and love... and it is supposed to be monitored by the physician that prescribed it.

It was immediately known this drug changed Dylann Roof. His doctor was required to remove him from the drug and did not. His family knew about his change in views and many of his friends before he went on it were black which is why they remained his friend after he clearly became racist in his views. Why? The things he was saying and yet, they remained his friends? You only do that if there is a sense of understanding and almost everyone knew he was on this drug and that it had changed him and his views.

The Republicans are correct to point out that the drug is a factor.

However, many Republicans do not know this was a prescription drug and are acting like it's a street drug. If you research it, you'll find it's a stolen black market drug worth it's weight in gold but that Dylanns drug use was legal and prescribed. If anything, this proves what the left is saying about Marijuana is true because prescription drugs can be far more deadly and this particular one doctors are paid royalties for prescribing it instead of Methadone because it costs three times more.

But do we know what political party he belongs to?

Remember, basic racism may be viewed as rightwing... but white supremacy was a leftwing invention linked directly to the science of eugenics which rightwingers and Christians did not support. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, did support eugenics and using both sterilization and abortion to eliminate all undesirables. Eugenics not only saw non whites as undesirable, it viewed the mentally ill, criminals, anyone with a birth defect and even the poor as undesirables because the leftwing ideals of Sangers day preached that poverty was caused by mental illness.

Two to three times as many blacks have abortions as whites. As many Hispanics in America have abortions as whites. And the majority of whites having abortions are poor... all targets for Margaret Sanger who told us in her own words she was a white supremacist.

Now, which political party supports abortion rights even to extremes? Yes, when raped, life endangerment or even fetal viability is involved, women should have the right... but, at least we can uphold the ideals of equality and if a woman gives a reason that deadbeat dads give for not wanting to be a parent, then both should be allowed to abandon their responsibilities for an unwanted consequence for an act they both willingly participated in. Yet, if a man doesn't want to be a father, Pro Choicers think he's scum and we need to force him to pay support... yet, the number one reason women give for wanting an abortion is they don't want to be a mother???!!

Why bring up abortion and Margaret Sanger?

To illustrate there is something very wrong in the views of leftwing Democrats and they need to face this head on because only Democrats will listen to their fellow Democrats... they are not going to listen to Republicans.

So, how is it that you guys knew Dylann Roof was a rightwing Conservative Republican from the moment you heard about the crime and before you even knew his name?

Bigotry... discrimination... you didn't know just like you knew from the start that Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis was a white rightwing Conservative Republican before you knew his name... had to be one of those rightwing gunnuts didn't it. Only, it wasn't... Aaron Alexis was a black man. But you bought in because the media jumped the gun, inflamed the bigotry in your hearts and before your head could catch up and say whoah, let's wait a minute... it was too late. I went online with the little we knew when we learned his name and in less than three minutes, pulled up the gun related case he was involved in at Ft Worth and there was his photo. I began emailing every major news network with the link and the details. Something I am proud of as they responded that this was important and they would change their reporting on the matter.

What if Dylann Roof proves to be a registered Democrat?

How many of you jumped the gun and bought in to all the hate?

How many of you even checked to see what the drug he was taking does to peoples minds or the fact he changed almost immediately after he started taking it? You have been led to attack gun owners... but, it was the drugs that caused this.

He even tells us that the people at the church who invited him in were so nice to him that he tried to change his mind but couldn't. That's exactly what drug addicts always say when they are arrested and it's later proven the drugs caused the crime.

Only, Dylann Roof isn't claiming the drugs made him do it and this drug can stay in his body affecting his mind for up to seven months. One reason they are delaying his case so long is to let the drugs leave his system so they can put him on trial sober and sound of mind... and to give him time where he and his handlers can see if things change.

As for myself?

He killed nine people and whether or not the drugs made him do it, there is no place left for him on this Earth and he should be put to death.

I am no hypocrite praising all the people forgiving him and asking him to turn to God as if to say if he does it, they want him released... morons! I give them their right to say they forgive but the judge over his bond hearing was removed for his behavior and the things he said along the lines of what all the victims families said... and maybe the families need to be removed from the case until they likewise come to their senses.

No, I don't care if it was the drugs, I only care that the truth and facts of the case are addressed honestly... then stick a needle in his arm and be done with it.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."
- James Madison -

Conservatives are that cult of ignorance. You decry the educated with every breath. You lambast institutions of learning and the professors and PH.D's who have spent a lifetime educating themselves.

Racism comes from fear and ignorance, the domain of conservatives.

The ignorant do not recognize their own ignorance. The conservative mind.

"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument." - William G. McAdoo -

Thus conservatives think, in the end, telling someone they are an a@#hole wins an argument. Winning is what is important to the ignorant; instead of learning what the truth of the matter is.

We know you folks claim a "superior education"....and the world would be SO much better if we'd just bow to your every whim ;)

Of course a "Liberal" education is better than a "Conservative" education ;0

Yeah, then learn from this:


The lesson learned is "bad shit happens", the silly shit you people come up with to solve the worlds problems is just that, "silly shit".

There is nothing silly about the composite graphic I have presented. Both incidents were perpetrated by right wingers who didn't value Black lives. The point my depiction is making is this: Blacks in Charleston, SC cannot feel safe anywhere.
White cops are viewed with even more suspicion than before.

Threads of racism and bigotry headline common themes of right wing talking heads and they have done their jobs well.
Even police officers like Slager have been seduced by the not so subtle propaganda and inhibition against taking human life, especially black life, has been lowered considerably. Daryl Root's insanity does not explain the nexus between his hatred of blacks and that of Slager's hate for blacks. Both were driven to kill with disdain and impunity and both did their deeds in Charleston.

There is hope. Prominent White people of Charleston have come forth to express their condolences and to unite with local black leaders to denounce racial animus and to defuse a racial powder keg. The swift actions of law enforcement in capturing the killer has dome much to repair the damage done by ex officer Slager when he killed Walter Scott.
There won't be protests in the streets of Charleston. The citizens ( white and black} are too busy holding hands and lamenting over losing 9 of their own!

However, there is much to do. The racist underground has to be rooted out and dealt with. If Charleston can do it, such an endeavor might mark a new racial horizon for the 21st Century!
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

Prove that statement
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.

I doubt he has a political persuasion, he's just a messed up kid suffering from a mental illness.
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.

I agree with the op... impugn it and you got me.
Dylan Roof was a conservative in his own words. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.

I agree with the op... impugn it and you got me.
Dylan Roof was a conservative in his own words. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unfortunately for you that is not proof he is a conservative
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.

I agree with the op... impugn it and you got me.
Dylan Roof was a conservative in his own words. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unfortunately for you that is not proof he is a conservative
Well what proof do you have that he wasn't?
We don't need proof that he wasn't. You made the assertion he was... the burden of proof is on you and you proved nothing more than he visited a Conservative website because it was the first link in a Google search.
He can't. For all he knows Roof is a Libertarian as they hold strong leftwing and rightwing views.

He's made a statement he cannot back up with anything other than political bias. That's been the problem here as from the moment the shooting happened, people like JQPublic 1 have been saying it was a racist white rightwing Conservative Republican.

Even if it proves he's a Conservative "Democrat"... that only goes to prove how much hate and division exists within the Democrat Party which explains why they cannot hold onto power for more than two years in federal government before the Republicans are brought back to power. Regardless of peoples views, Republicans are more united as a party and more stable. Even the Liberal Republicans work with the Conservative counterparts and the hate we see from progressive Democrats for Conservative Democrats that splits the party apart... simply does not exist at that self destructive level.

So yes... it really would matter.

I agree with the op... impugn it and you got me.
Dylan Roof was a conservative in his own words. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unfortunately for you that is not proof he is a conservative
Well what proof do you have that he wasn't?

Any proof, as a matter of fact I'll take proof he was a democrat, a republican, a conservative,Libertarian or liberal or didn't even have a political view. That's the point, right now people are only guessing
And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?
And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

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