Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

You don't have the first clue how what my views are on race relations are. Stop, you look like a tool
We have no proof he was rightwing or leftwing but the rightwing is responding to the attacks against the right from the first hour after the crime was announced... should they not defend themselves against people attacking them without even the slightest ounce of proof?

The fact he did a Google search and the first site he came upon was a Conservative site wasn't even known at this point and yet, without a sliver of proof the left went on the attack.

At worst, those who did what you say Occupied only did to you what you did to them... did you like it? No, obviously not by your response. So imagine if almost from the moment the crime happened you and the ideological group you belong to fell under the worst of attacks without one ounce of proof by people who couldn't even wait an hour to do it.

Now, question... should we not have waited until the facts were presented "before" we start making assumptions and posting attacks?

Even in your argument, you prove the point as you certainly didn't like an eye for an eye when it was done to you so how do you think they felt when it was done to them?
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

You don't have the first clue how what my views are on race relations are. Stop, you look like a tool
I have a pretty good idea at this point, totally unsurprised to see you on this thread trying to defend your ideology. Your kind condemned the president as a Muslim illegal alien on far less than this.
I am a Centrist and I want to see Dylann Roof executed for what he did... my kind Occupied said wait til we know the facts and then you are free to attack all you want. I am not a Conservative and attack them as much or more than I do Democrats but then, there are people like yourself making assumptions without an ounce of proof and who are intellectually lazy to a point you didn't even read my previous remarks to see just how wrong you are.
And that ultimately is the point. They have been guessing since the first moment they heard about this shooting and with absolutely no proof or even the alleged shooters name, the Democrat left made up it's collective mind it had to be rightwing Conservative Republicans and began hammering away. Rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans responded exactly as we would expect because the accusations were based on the same principles as assuming when you hear about a crime that it must be a black man... discrimination.

I am a Centrist and former leftwing Democrat who just got sick of this behavior from the left and if I ever dared challenge them on views that were clearly wrong, suddenly I was the enemy and I either towed the line or they'd burn me along with those they considered the enemy.

I found the problem was more with leftwing Democrats than any other group and I began to confront them. They tend to get ticked off with me because if they want to attack the Republicans or Conservatives and prove correct or have their facts in a row... I'll agree with them and can be just as harsh if Conservative Republicans are deserving.

But go back to the first post... Dylann Roof does a Google search and the first link goes to a Conservative website and that's our proof he's a Conservative???

That's insane. It's like saying you do a search in Google and the first link you check happens to go to a site searching for Bigfoot. So that means you believe Bigfoot is real and you are a nutcase who believes that stuff?

If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

You don't have the first clue how what my views are on race relations are. Stop, you look like a tool
I have a pretty good idea at this point, totally unsurprised to see you on this thread trying to defend your ideology. Your kind condemned the president as a Muslim illegal alien on far less than this.

You're just full of hyperbole. I am defending the fact nobody knows if this kid even has a political side and/or agenda. YOU however are not willing to wait on the facts to come out. Now, who's ideology is in question? Who is pushing an agenda? Why....it's YOU!!!!!!! You should feel totally stupid but being a left loon you won't
In fact, I already stated who you are... I used to be a leftwing Democrat until people like yourself made me an enemy if I didn't tow the line and blindly accept what you want. If you are wrong I'll say you are wrong and I don't care if you are left / right / Democrat or Republican.
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
I do not have to explain anything, look to Roof's "manifesto" for your answers, it has all the rationalizations the right has regarding why they feel the problem is entirely with how black people behave.
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
I do not have to explain anything, look to Roof's "manifesto" for your answers, it has all the rationalizations the right has regarding why they feel the problem is entirely with how black people behave.

So you deduce that only conservatives dislike blacks? I have a newsflash for you....racism doesn't have a political party
If someone reads a conservative website and whole-heartedly agrees with it it's pretty safe to say they have conservative views. More than that he also sounds exactly like the many racially conscious conservatives who constantly barrage this board with their bullshit, no one has any doubts which side of the fence they are on. If you have trouble with the conservative label then call him a radical rightist or anything else you care to. This thread was started in response to those same self-described conservative posters making him out to be a leftist, do you have a problem with that characterization as well?

And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

You don't have the first clue how what my views are on race relations are. Stop, you look like a tool
I have a pretty good idea at this point, totally unsurprised to see you on this thread trying to defend your ideology. Your kind condemned the president as a Muslim illegal alien on far less than this.

You're just full of hyperbole. I am defending the fact nobody knows if this kid even has a political side and/or agenda. YOU however are not willing to wait on the facts to come out. Now, who's ideology is in question? Who is pushing an agenda? Why....it's YOU!!!!!!! You should feel totally stupid but being a left loon you won't
Sorry, this kid is the product of the right's recent flirtation with open racism during the Martin/Ferguson/Baltimore incidents. If this were some regular kid who read a bunch of ISIS propaganda and ran off to fight with them in Iraq you would not even hesitate to blame it on his reading material, why is this different?
And yet still no definite proof of anything.....:)
There will never be enough proof to make any of you reexamine the hateful way you deal with race relations.

You don't have the first clue how what my views are on race relations are. Stop, you look like a tool
I have a pretty good idea at this point, totally unsurprised to see you on this thread trying to defend your ideology. Your kind condemned the president as a Muslim illegal alien on far less than this.

You're just full of hyperbole. I am defending the fact nobody knows if this kid even has a political side and/or agenda. YOU however are not willing to wait on the facts to come out. Now, who's ideology is in question? Who is pushing an agenda? Why....it's YOU!!!!!!! You should feel totally stupid but being a left loon you won't
Sorry, this kid is the product of the right's recent flirtation with open racism during the Martin/Ferguson/Baltimore incidents. If this were some regular kid who read a bunch of ISIS propaganda and ran off to fight with them in Iraq you would not even hesitate to blame it on his reading material, why is this different?

I'm still waiting on your proof he is of any political persuasion. Your nonsense is not proof
His manifesto reads like any other and the Republicans largely just ignore blacks and treat them like anyone else... that's the problem because they don't try to exploit their problems to win votes and then lie to them.

Look at Baltimore. We did everything there that we were told had to be done. Majority black leadership over the city and over the police department. Hundreds of millions in extra resources given over to the city leaders and absolutely nothing has changed there... in fact, it seems to have gotten worse hasn't it.

That's the point about the states and cities under Democrat control Occupied... it's the Democrats in control and yet theirs are the states and cities with the worst race relations, the worst poverty, the worst discrimination against blacks and if we try to address any of these realities... we're called racists, Uncle Toms and we're told by Democrats that they don't have to explain why it's the places they control that have the worst problems for minority populations... even though the same was just as true pre 1970 also going all the way back to the pre Civil War years.

Take responsibility for once to at least say you and yours, as you put it, chose to jump the gun on this and start attacking your political opposition without an ounce of proof that the shooter is a member of their party or ideology.
Conservatives never take responsibility for their actions. Its always someone else's fault.

The racist tone of Faux News and ALL of conservative-talk-radio is fact. This is who conservatives are. The fact that they are doubling down and claiming sainthood and blaming everyone else but their own distorted view of the world speaks volumes that they intend to keep inflaming these fringe conservative weirdos to commit these types of acts.

When Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes passed each other just after the shooting in Charlestown, a smirk came across each of their faces.

This is what the modern conservative movement in America is. Their ideology trumps ALL other considerations. Roof burned the American flag. The Republicans are in full gallop to deny the right to vote for millions of people. Conservatives have given up on American democracy. They see the writing on the wall, soon they won't be able to win national elections because the people in the country have changed.

Its time to move them all to the south and let them secede. They are not Americans any more.

You're so full of shit it would take all day to explain it. All you do is post insults and personal attacks. You're a despicable piece of leftwing shit.
Erm... the Martin incident was an outright lie from the start when the media falsely stated an adult white male killed a nine year old black child when it was a Hispanic male and a pre adult MMA fighter / football player who turned on the man who shot him and began beating the heck out of him before he erven had a chance to get his gun.

And Ferguson / Baltimore... Liberal Democrat cities Occupied... your people as you like to say.
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
I do not have to explain anything, look to Roof's "manifesto" for your answers, it has all the rationalizations the right has regarding why they feel the problem is entirely with how black people behave.

So you deduce that only conservatives dislike blacks? I have a newsflash for you....racism doesn't have a political party
White supremacists have made a definite choice in political parties, and it's not democrat.
In fact, the white supremacists were eating all these cases up with laughter because they weren't involved at all and there you were grilling a Hispanic man for killing a black child... and attacking cities completely controlled by Democrats and black Americans. They loved every moment of it and people like yourself Occupied were too blind to see you were providing them the entertainment of watching these people burn their own cities to the ground.
White supremacists are intellectuals and since the 1960's, it's been the Democrats telling blacks they can call one another ni**ers while Republicans have said no one should. It's been Democrats making excuses and scapegoating as black on black crime exploded until 90% of all violent crime and crime in general that happens to blacks is committed by blacks... and we can't say anything about it because we'll be called racists even if it's because we see the horror and are trying to voice that it needs to end. And who is it that controls most of these cities... it's certainly not the Republicans is it?
In fact, the white supremacists were eating all these cases up with laughter because they weren't involved at all and there you were grilling a Hispanic man for killing a black child... and attacking cities completely controlled by Democrats and black Americans. They loved every moment of it and people like yourself Occupied were too blind to see you were providing them the entertainment of watching these people burn their own cities to the ground.
Tell me more about the specific attitudes White Supremacists have towards race relations, I usually do not know or care.
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
Why should I explain it when you know these are Democrat cities and states but can't figure out why most of the violence and wrongdoing that happens to blacks occurs there and not in Conservative controlled cities and states.

You say Republicans are the white supremacists yet it's under the Democrats that all these things are happening.

Racism has more than one form. One is blatant and in your face like the Neo Nazi's and KKK. The other is the white banker who is your best friend during the day making you a home loan for you and your family... then wearing a sheet at night burning that same black family out of their home. Who does the worst damage... and where are blacks seeing most of their homes and businesses burned to the ground?

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