Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

White supremacists are intellectuals and since the 1960's, it's been the Democrats telling blacks they can call one another ni**ers while Republicans have said no one should. It's been Democrats making excuses and scapegoating as black on black crime exploded until 90% of all violent crime and crime in general that happens to blacks is committed by blacks... and we can't say anything about it because we'll be called racists even if it's because we see the horror and are trying to voice that it needs to end. And who is it that controls most of these cities... it's certainly not the Republicans is it?
White Supremacists are infants. You can deny Roof is a conservative but he was definitely a Supremacist most of whom vote republican.
Conservatives never take responsibility for their actions. Its always someone else's fault.

The racist tone of Faux News and ALL of conservative-talk-radio is fact. This is who conservatives are. The fact that they are doubling down and claiming sainthood and blaming everyone else but their own distorted view of the world speaks volumes that they intend to keep inflaming these fringe conservative weirdos to commit these types of acts.

When Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes passed each other just after the shooting in Charlestown, a smirk came across each of their faces.

This is what the modern conservative movement in America is. Their ideology trumps ALL other considerations. Roof burned the American flag. The Republicans are in full gallop to deny the right to vote for millions of people. Conservatives have given up on American democracy. They see the writing on the wall, soon they won't be able to win national elections because the people in the country have changed.

Its time to move them all to the south and let them secede. They are not Americans any more.

You're so full of shit it would take all day to explain it. All you do is post insults and personal attacks. You're a despicable piece of leftwing shit.

Thank you, coming from you that means absolutely nothing. Wow, why so angry Dylann?
Read up on Boss Tweed... he was the originator of this exploitation of the poor and minorities telling them what they wanted to hear and providing them with just enough to keep them in poverty but having just enough to cover the simple necessities so as to be complacent. He too was a Democrat from another era and the Democrats themselves put him in prison for what he did... yet, today the Democratic Party does the same thing on a massive scale and Democrat voters are too blind to see it or too closed minded to care.
Why should I explain it when you know these are Democrat cities and states but can't figure out why most of the violence and wrongdoing that happens to blacks occurs there and not in Conservative controlled cities and states.

You say Republicans are the white supremacists yet it's under the Democrats that all these things are happening.

Racism has more than one form. One is blatant and in your face like the Neo Nazi's and KKK. The other is the white banker who is your best friend during the day making you a home loan for you and your family... then wearing a sheet at night burning that same black family out of their home. Who does the worst damage... and where are blacks seeing most of their homes and businesses burned to the ground?
You need to rewrite this to include more than one form of racism.
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
I do not have to explain anything, look to Roof's "manifesto" for your answers, it has all the rationalizations the right has regarding why they feel the problem is entirely with how black people behave.
ROFL! God, you are such a despicable, race baiting, sleazy piece of shit. The right has never made any of the claims in that manifesto. Only a true moron without a single scruple like you would claim otherwise
And Occupied... why is it that nine out of the top ten states with the worst record of hate crimes are all Democrat controlled states? Why is it that the most hate crimes happen in large urban cities controlled by Democrats? In fact, the shock in the Charleston case is that this happens so rarely now days in Conservative controlled communities that it was hard to believe. New York City, Chicago, St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles... keep going down the list.

Now, explain why that is if you can. Even Ferguson is a majority white Democrat city where only the Mayor is a Republican and he was recently elected.
I do not have to explain anything, look to Roof's "manifesto" for your answers, it has all the rationalizations the right has regarding why they feel the problem is entirely with how black people behave.

So you deduce that only conservatives dislike blacks? I have a newsflash for you....racism doesn't have a political party
White supremacists have made a definite choice in political parties, and it's not democrat.

Pedophiles are all Democrats. So are convicted felons. So are Muslim terrorists.
He was put on the mind altering drug Suboxone when his personality and views changed. This is a drug which is widely used in place of Methadone to combat drug addiction even though it is itself extremely addictive. Before he was put on the drug, his friends included many black friends. After he was put on the drug, he completely changed according to everyone who knew him including people who didn't like him. His doctor was required to monitor him by law and at the first signs of such personality changes, he was supposed to take Dylann off the drug but didn't.

Under the influence of these drugs, his mind sank into darkness and he became the man you see now.

Even as he was in the church he said he had second thoughts and didn't want to do it because everyone was so nice to him and yet, he couldn't stop himself. The curse of everyone on mind altering drugs.

Even for that, nine people are dead because of him and there is no place on this Earth for someone like this.
White supremacists are intellectuals and since the 1960's, it's been the Democrats telling blacks they can call one another ni**ers while Republicans have said no one should. It's been Democrats making excuses and scapegoating as black on black crime exploded until 90% of all violent crime and crime in general that happens to blacks is committed by blacks... and we can't say anything about it because we'll be called racists even if it's because we see the horror and are trying to voice that it needs to end. And who is it that controls most of these cities... it's certainly not the Republicans is it?
White Supremacists are infants. You can deny Roof is a conservative but he was definitely a Supremacist most of whom vote republican.

Occupied syllogism for the day:

#1. A table has four legs.
#2. A dog has four legs.
#3. A table is a dog.
Well in Occupieds pov it does look like they think because a table has four legs and a dog has four legs that a table must be a dog lol.
He was put on the mind altering drug Suboxone when his personality and views changed. This is a drug which is widely used in place of Methadone to combat drug addiction even though it is itself extremely addictive. Before he was put on the drug, his friends included many black friends. After he was put on the drug, he completely changed according to everyone who knew him including people who didn't like him. His doctor was required to monitor him by law and at the first signs of such personality changes, he was supposed to take Dylann off the drug but didn't.

Under the influence of these drugs, his mind sank into darkness and he became the man you see now.

Even as he was in the church he said he had second thoughts and didn't want to do it because everyone was so nice to him and yet, he couldn't stop himself. The curse of everyone on mind altering drugs.

Even for that, nine people are dead because of him and there is no place on this Earth for someone like this.
I don't buy it, the drug causes people to fly into sudden rages, not commit cold-blooded calculated murder.
White supremacists are intellectuals and since the 1960's, it's been the Democrats telling blacks they can call one another ni**ers while Republicans have said no one should. It's been Democrats making excuses and scapegoating as black on black crime exploded until 90% of all violent crime and crime in general that happens to blacks is committed by blacks... and we can't say anything about it because we'll be called racists even if it's because we see the horror and are trying to voice that it needs to end. And who is it that controls most of these cities... it's certainly not the Republicans is it?
White Supremacists are infants. You can deny Roof is a conservative but he was definitely a Supremacist most of whom vote republican.

Occupied syllogism for the day:

#1. A table has four legs.
#2. A dog has four legs.
#3. A table is a dog.

LOL That reminded me of this....

Conservatives never take responsibility for their actions. Its always someone else's fault.

The racist tone of Faux News and ALL of conservative-talk-radio is fact. This is who conservatives are. The fact that they are doubling down and claiming sainthood and blaming everyone else but their own distorted view of the world speaks volumes that they intend to keep inflaming these fringe conservative weirdos to commit these types of acts.

When Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes passed each other just after the shooting in Charlestown, a smirk came across each of their faces.

This is what the modern conservative movement in America is. Their ideology trumps ALL other considerations. Roof burned the American flag. The Republicans are in full gallop to deny the right to vote for millions of people. Conservatives have given up on American democracy. They see the writing on the wall, soon they won't be able to win national elections because the people in the country have changed.

Its time to move them all to the south and let them secede. They are not Americans any more.

You're so full of shit it would take all day to explain it. All you do is post insults and personal attacks. You're a despicable piece of leftwing shit.

Thank you, coming from you that means absolutely nothing. Wow, why so angry Dylann?

It means exactly as much as everyone of your posts.
The drug alters a persons personality and his personality was altered from the moment he was put on the drug. His friends tell us this, his black friends tell us this, his parents tell us this, everyone who encountered him who knew him tell us this. It is on record before he committed this crime that he was having all forms or psychological issues and the doctor did know about them... so why didn't the doctor take him off the drug.

Dylann isn't using the drug as an excuse and he hasn't acknowledged at any point that he had changed even though everyone else knew it. In fact, one reason why many of the victims families are so forgiving is they have learned about him and believe what they have heard... why can't you?
Well in Occupieds pov it does look like they think because a table has four legs and a dog has four legs that a table must be a dog lol.

That's typical lib "logic." Almost all the arguments they post in here are logical fallacies.
Who fought to change the law allowing him to do that because they wanted to do it and who opposed changing the laws that said you cannot burn the flag or stomp on it? OH yeah... it was Liberal Democrats who changed those laws and Conservatives who opposed them doing it.

By your logic Where... you just proved him a Liberal Democrat which I believe was your point lol.
The drug alters a persons personality and his personality was altered from the moment he was put on the drug. His friends tell us this, his black friends tell us this, his parents tell us this, everyone who encountered him who knew him tell us this. It is on record before he committed this crime that he was having all forms or psychological issues and the doctor did know about them... so why didn't the doctor take him off the drug.

Dylann isn't using the drug as an excuse and he hasn't acknowledged at any point that he had changed even though everyone else knew it. In fact, one reason why many of the victims families are so forgiving is they have learned about him and believe what they have heard... why can't you?
You are using the drug as an excuse. Since the other one ducked the question maybe you can comment. If this exact same kid had read a bunch of ISIS propaganda and went out to commit acts of terror you would quickly have some blame for the ideology. Why is this different?
Who fought to change the law allowing him to do that because they wanted to do it and who opposed changing the laws that said you cannot burn the flag or stomp on it? OH yeah... it was Liberal Democrats who changed those laws and Conservatives who opposed them doing it.

By your logic Where... you just proved him a Liberal Democrat which I believe was your point lol.
There has never been any law that passed judicial review and found to be constitutional that prohibits defacing or disrespecting the flag, no one changed anything. There have been attempts to change this, by conservatives.
I am actually acting like a true Liberal would. He is not responsible for his actions because of a mind altering drug. That is a Liberal argument and the fact Conservatives are using it is only because they were attacked from hour one. If this had gone on for a while before anyone attacked anyone else, Democrats might be the ones using the drug as an excuse but then, they had their foot so deep up their own arses attacking him as a rightwing racist Conservative Republican that it was too late for that.

Conservatives rarely use drugs as an excuse and when they do, it's generally about themselves and trying to escape punishment like leftwing Democrats do.

If some kid read an ISIS propaganda booklet, considering ISIS is about as rightwing and extreme as it gets, I would assume they were rightwing extremists. The fact Christians attack Muslims is due to an ancient religious rivalry and it has nothing to do with political ideology. But Liberals view it in a way that makes absolutely no sense as ISIS and Muslims in general oppose everything the left stands for. They stone women for disobeying husbands, they execute gays, they kill children for being "too western" meaning too leftwing... yet you and the left defend them?

Explain that. Why are leftwing Democrats defending rightwing Muslims? Yes, I know there are leftwing Muslims but they are definately a minority much as Christians are majority rightwing with a leftwing minority.

So if I saw kids reading ISIS propaganda and trying to kill people I'd view it the same as I view this... you do the crime you do the time... an eye for an eye no matter if it was drugs or what. You have blood on your hands and forgiveness from the victims families who want you to turn to God is not going to wash that blood off.

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