Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?

I visited the website (at least I think I did, there are a couple of them) and to be honest I'm not seeing this "hateful, rightwing, white supremacist" thing going on. There are articles about events and news articles but I'm not seeing what's being described. In fact there isn't a Confederate flag on it, it does have a Gadsden flag but that isn't racist. I find it hard to believe this site transformed anyone into what this kid became
Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?
Ideas are more powerful than any drug, that is a fact.
Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?
Ahhh Occupied... a technicality as the Supreme Court at that time was also controlled by Liberal Democrats lol... just like now the Democrats howl when any decision goes against them because it's majority Conservative Republican.
I said conservatives, I didn't mention parties because back when the question was being settled (the first time) Both parties had liberals and conservatives. Your reading comprehension sucks. Liberals have always allowed for a very broad interpretation of the 1st Amendment and not one of them ever thought banning flag burning was a good idea. All attempts at banning flag burning has come from the right. What does this have to do with anything? I do not quite get what you are trying to prove here. You claimed originally that liberals make it legally okay to burn the flag, a claim contradicted by your link.

Actually, you proved nothing because the Democratic Party in 1968 was also majority Liberal and leftwing
Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?

I visited the website (at least I think I did, there are a couple of them) and to be honest I'm not seeing this "hateful, rightwing, white supremacist" thing going on. There are articles about events and news articles but I'm not seeing what's being described. In fact there isn't a Confederate flag on it, it does have a Gadsden flag but that isn't racist. I find it hard to believe this site transformed anyone into what this kid became
Racists crave "factual" rationalization and justification as well a community of like-minded individuals. He was undoubtedly also a member of various forums where god-knows who told him god-knows what. The site he mentioned was a gateway to a whole wide internet world of hatred.
Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?

I visited the website (at least I think I did, there are a couple of them) and to be honest I'm not seeing this "hateful, rightwing, white supremacist" thing going on. There are articles about events and news articles but I'm not seeing what's being described. In fact there isn't a Confederate flag on it, it does have a Gadsden flag but that isn't racist. I find it hard to believe this site transformed anyone into what this kid became
Racists crave "factual" rationalization and justification as well a community of like-minded individuals. He was undoubtedly also a member of various forums where god-knows who told him god-knows what. The site he mentioned was a gateway to a whole wide internet world of hatred.

I don't know but that site is tame. Nothing at all like is being described, it's as if someone or somebody is using it to fuel all this
Racists lack the ability to comprehend "factual" rationalization because they and their views are based in ignorance.

Where did he belong to a racist group?

In fact, he stated he had to act alone because he couldn't find any other racists or racists groups in Charleston.

True or untrue there are no racists or racist groups in Charleston?
Well, let's look further, shall we?
Hitler's architect Albert Speer believed he had "no real attachment" to Catholicism, but that he had never formally left the Church. Unlike his comrade Joseph Goebbels, Hitler was not excommunicated[5] prior to his suicide. The biographer John Toland noted Hitler's anticlericalism but considered him still in "good standing" with the Church by 1941, while historians such as Ian Kershaw, Joachim Fest and Alan Bullock agree that Hitler was anti-Christian - a view evidenced by sources such as the Goebbels Diaries, the memoirs of Speer, and the transcripts edited by Martin Bormann contained within Hitler's Table Talk.[6] Goebbels wrote in 1941 that Hitler "hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[7] Many historians have come to the conclusion that Hitler's long-term aim was the eradication of Christianity in Germany,[8] while others maintain that there is insufficient evidence for such a plan.[9]

Hitler's public relationship to religion has been characterized as one of opportunistic pragmatism.[10] His regime did not publicly advocate for state atheism, but it did seek to reduce the influence of Christianity on society.

Ok, let's play this game:

- Hitler was ardently anti-religion, especially anti-Christian, and a staunch believer in Darwinian evolution.

- Joseph Stalin believed religion was a dangerous drug and he supported socialized medicine, socialized agriculture, etc., etc. Stalin was also strongly anti-Israeli.

- The Columbine killers were leftists who rejected God and religion.

- Adam Lanza was anything but a church-going believer. He was profane and played violent video games for endless hours.

Shall we continue?

Roof is a disturbed, mentally ill, and evil young man, more than anything else.
Your first sentence is untrue. Your last sentence is the standard copout of whites when a white person does something like this.

Occupied... you claim that being under the influence of a powerful mind altering drug didn't cause this but viewing a website did... do you realize how ignorant that makes you sound?
Ahhh Occupied... a technicality as the Supreme Court at that time was also controlled by Liberal Democrats lol... just like now the Democrats howl when any decision goes against them because it's majority Conservative Republican.
I said conservatives, I didn't mention parties because back when the question was being settled (the first time) Both parties had liberals and conservatives. Your reading comprehension sucks. Liberals have always allowed for a very broad interpretation of the 1st Amendment and not one of them ever thought banning flag burning was a good idea. All attempts at banning flag burning has come from the right. What does this have to do with anything? I do not quite get what you are trying to prove here. You claimed originally that liberals make it legally okay to burn the flag, a claim contradicted by your link.

Actually, you proved nothing because the Democratic Party in 1968 was also majority Liberal and leftwing
I gotta go but maybe by the time I return you can figure out what you are trying to say on this off-topic discussion.
Racists lack the ability to comprehend "factual" rationalization because they and their views are based in ignorance.

Where did he belong to a racist group?

In fact, he stated he had to act alone because he couldn't find any other racists or racists groups in Charleston.

True or untrue there are no racists or racist groups in Charleston?

Welcome to the board. I've enjoyed your comments
The Nazi's were also environmentalists, supported universal healthcare, supported animal rights, were decades ahead of every other nation searching for alternative fuels and green energies, they embraced science, many of the Brownshirts were homosexuals including Hitlers right hand man Ernst Rohm, Jesus was a Jew to Hitler and if we are to believe he hated Jews there was no way he supported Christianity but catered to it because 80% of Germans were Christian... even the laws they wrote on these beliefs were almost word for word identical to the ideals of todays left in the US.

Need I mention he took eugenics to it's logical conclusion and eugenics was a Liberal ideal... eugenics was the final solution to exterminate the unfit and undesirable.

So why are the Nazi's called rightwing? Well, they weren't until the 1960's as they were largely called leftwing before that and always put on the side of politics with the Communists. It's also true that Democrats of that era wrote most of our Anti Communist laws, a fact forgotten because our history books focus on Joseph McCarthy which is where we began thinking the Nazi's were rightwing.
Thanks Sassy.

People like Occupied like to act like they don't understand me... they just don't want to.

but then, this works very well for Republicans as notice how the left on this site like to clarify they didn't just mean Conservative Republicans? They attack Conservative Democrats the same way and that splits their party against itself. It's why the Blue Dog Democrats usually vote with Republicans and Clinton... for all his mistakes during his first two years, he was a Centrist Democrat who switched tunes after the 1994 elections turned Congress back over to the Republicans. He was also a former Governor who had worked with both parties and Jimmy Carter hated him because he wouldn't listen to anything Carter wanted... Obama did and look how well that turned out.

I'm not actually against the left on their actual beliefs. But, they shifted hard left in the 60's and the extremists shouting the loudest are the ones they follow.

They sold out their ideals, their logic and became the very things they claimed to oppose.

The 1960's Counter Culture was a grass roots movement that saw the government as the enemy. Today, most of the grass roots movements are long since dead, their movements are headed up by extremists like Al Sharpton and they want the government to do everything for them... even though everything that was wrong with the government in the 1960's is still wrong today if not worse.

The left might have had hippies and potheads in the 60's, but they at least had a cause and tried to stand behind it... and most of them were crying through the 70's at how their leaders had sold them out and became the man instead of booting the man out.

So anyone with any sense who actually does support leftwing views for what they should be is a Moderate Democrat and there really are no true Liberals left as they've become Liberal Progressives... and Progressive Democrats have long since been overtaken by Communists and Old Socialists which is why the rightwing Liberals / New Conservatives / Neocons separated from them and when the unions shifted their support to Liberal (leftwing) Democrats, the Neocons began shifting parties which is why the Republicans became the majority... and why JFK is always listed as one of the top five favorite Presidents by Republicans because JFK was a Neocon lol.
Shouldn't this thread be combined with the several just like it in the "current events" forum, like mine was earlier today?
In a conservative's mind they have never done anything wrong nor has any other conservative.

At least in their mind that's the unreality that exists.
Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

It's always entertaining to see who the Left turns to for reference material, and believes without any question.
Here they assume a deranged mass murderer is telling the truth. And they further assume he's somehow "conservative".

A note for leftists: Conservatives don't go around shooting innocent people.

Hope this helps.
Funny that nobody tried to pin a political title on the jihad Army Major who murdered a dozen of his own men. Why is a political label so important to progs?
Shouldn't this thread be combined with the several just like it in the "current events" forum, like mine was earlier today?

The Progs have no honor... They're going to do whatever they can to deflect from the truth... moving and merging effective threads, being among their favorite tactics; they moved my thread to the Euro-peon Forum, because it showed a massive rejection of the pretense of marriage by the Italians and we can't have THAT just before the SCOTUS embraces their insanity here in the US, flushing all sense of reason from the judicial branch.

They're becoming increasingly more desperate and deluded.

We haven't even begun to understand what actual madness looks like, but we're right around the corner from floor seats.
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????
In a conservative's mind they have never done anything wrong nor has any other conservative.

At least in their mind that's the unreality that exists.

And Liberal Progressives don't act like this? Puh-lease, Liberal Democrats are never wrong and if even their fellow Liberal Democrats try to convince them they are, they turn on them and treat them like they're no different than the political opposition.

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