Dylan Roof was a conservative, in his own words.

So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????

At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
You dont even have an idea if you are conscious or not. What makes you think anyone is surprised anymore regarding your lack of knowledge?
At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
Of course you don't, willfully blind monkey. No one is surprised by the deliberate stupidity of piss drinking rubes who follow the cues of their masters.
This guy's a nutjob with a history of drug and mental problems.... that is all you need to know.
It goes without saying that people who only talk about blacks, Hispanics, gays, and Muslims in negative terms have mental problems.
So you are admitting to mental problems?
Do I only talk about them in negative terms, retard?

Hmmmm. Who on this forum always does?
Yes you do.... Oh I see you dont think you are a bigot LMAO
For anyone who doesn't think this kid is a domestic rightwing terrorist,

I'd like to hear you tell us who is or was a domestic rightwing terrorist, and why he or they are or were different than this kid.
First you explain why the lefties that go on rampages and murder multiple people are NOT representative of the left but anyone on the right that does is representative of the right?
For anyone who doesn't think this kid is a domestic rightwing terrorist,

I'd like to hear you tell us who is or was a domestic rightwing terrorist, and why he or they are or were different than this kid.
First you explain why the lefties that go on rampages and murder multiple people are NOT representative of the left but anyone on the right that does is representative of the right?
Because to them it is about the gun not the gun free zone.
This guy's a nutjob with a history of drug and mental problems.... that is all you need to know.
It goes without saying that people who only talk about blacks, Hispanics, gays, and Muslims in negative terms have mental problems.
So you are admitting to mental problems?
Do I only talk about them in negative terms, retard?

Hmmmm. Who on this forum always does?
Yes you do....

A bald faced lie.

Not even a nice try. Too bad for you.

That's the problem with lies. When you tell one, you have to keep telling more.

All this just to divert from the "history of drug and mental problems" manufactured bullshit.
This guy's a nutjob with a history of drug and mental problems.... that is all you need to know.
Still waiting for this bullshit to be substantiated.

"That is all you need to know" is the retard way of saying, "I want you to just believe my bullshit without evidence".
This guy's a nutjob with a history of drug and mental problems.... that is all you need to know.
It goes without saying that people who only talk about blacks, Hispanics, gays, and Muslims in negative terms have mental problems.
So you are admitting to mental problems?
Do I only talk about them in negative terms, retard?

Hmmmm. Who on this forum always does?
Yes you do....

A bald faced lie.

Not even a nice try. Too bad for you.

That's the problem with lies. When you tell one, you have to keep telling more.

All this just to divert from the "history of drug and mental problems" manufactured bullshit.
We all can read what you post dummy.
It goes without saying that people who only talk about blacks, Hispanics, gays, and Muslims in negative terms have mental problems.
So you are admitting to mental problems?
Do I only talk about them in negative terms, retard?

Hmmmm. Who on this forum always does?
Yes you do....

A bald faced lie.

Not even a nice try. Too bad for you.

That's the problem with lies. When you tell one, you have to keep telling more.

All this just to divert from the "history of drug and mental problems" manufactured bullshit.
We all can read what you post dummy.
Yep. We sure can. And we can read what the purported right wingers post about blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, and gays.
You won't find a topic anywhere on this forum by a purported right winger which portrays blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, or gays in a positive light.

Instead, we get non-stop whining about food stamps and bogus bullshit about causing the housing crash and Mexican uncles raping their nieces and the bloodthirsty cult that is Islam, and "multiculturalism", and so forth and so on.

Dylann Roof is just a physical manifestation of all that hate. “You rape our women, and you're taking over our country, and you have to go.”
So prove your point he is a Republican. That's simple enough and without you're doing that, you are making assertions only the person you just described would make.

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????

At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
You dont even have an idea if you are conscious or not. What makes you think anyone is surprised anymore regarding your lack of knowledge?

You don't have any idea whether he's liberal or conservative either, asshole. Anyone who claims he does is blowing hot gas out his ass. All you've done is announce to the forum that you're vast geyser of bullshit.
At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
Of course you don't, willfully blind monkey. No one is surprised by the deliberate stupidity of piss drinking rubes who follow the cues of their masters.

Liberal Dictionary":
Willfully blind: waiting for all the facts to be revealed.

You're complaint is that I'm not a knee-jerk race-baiting asshole like you.
liberals are so quick to jump on the political persuasion of someone like this......except of course when they find out the person is a liberal, all of a sudden political persuasion is irrelevant and the only thing that matters is his mental state

Root is a conservative. Not necessarily a republican OR a Democrat. He said so. Besides, is Slager, the other Charleston shooter, a liberal? I think not. Most cops identify with "conservative " values. Care to dispute that?

So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????

At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
You dont even have an idea if you are conscious or not. What makes you think anyone is surprised anymore regarding your lack of knowledge?

You don't have any idea whether he's liberal or conservative either, asshole. Anyone who claims he does is blowing hot gas out his ass. All you've done is announce to the forum that you're vast geyser of bullshit.
Actually he is conservative. I told you that you were stupid.
So Slager is a conservative because he's a cop? That's your argument?

You know you're a ridiculous human being, don't you?
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????

At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
You dont even have an idea if you are conscious or not. What makes you think anyone is surprised anymore regarding your lack of knowledge?

You don't have any idea whether he's liberal or conservative either, asshole. Anyone who claims he does is blowing hot gas out his ass. All you've done is announce to the forum that you're vast geyser of bullshit.
Actually he is conservative. I told you that you were stupid.

Actually, there's no evidence to support that claim. I told you that you are a lying, blowhard, race-baiting asshole.
So you think he is a liberal because ??????????

At this point I have no idea whether he's liberal or conservative.
You dont even have an idea if you are conscious or not. What makes you think anyone is surprised anymore regarding your lack of knowledge?

You don't have any idea whether he's liberal or conservative either, asshole. Anyone who claims he does is blowing hot gas out his ass. All you've done is announce to the forum that you're vast geyser of bullshit.
Actually he is conservative. I told you that you were stupid.

Actually, there's no evidence to support that claim. I told you that you are a lying, blowhard, race-baiting asshole.
Actually there is plenty of evidence. He spells it out in his manifesto. You really should do something about being ignorant.

Man who radicalized Dylan Roof Blacks are privileged - NY Daily News
The willfully blind monkeys are working double overtime to avoid admitting Roof was a racist.

Well, his numerous black friends are the one's saying that.

So why does a drug addled kid with black friends suddenly end up at a church, walking inside, sitting down and fellowshipping with good people studying the scriptures... then walking outside retrieving a firearm and murdering those people?

"Being a Racist" doesn't explain that... .

Now, within the scope of the Ideological Left is the longstanding treatise known as Cloward and Piven... wherein the revolutionary notion was plotted to gain control of the US Federal Government, spend it into bankruptcy through unbridled spending, largely due to social subsidies... ending in a race war that would destroy the last bastions of the bourgeois capitalists, from which would rise a workers paradise.

Now... we know that the screed originated in Columbia University, with many of its sycophant adherents being central to the Chicago Democrat Cult, namely Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn... terrorists in their own right, murderers of police officers and bombers of private property... who like lil' Roof, professed a desire to ignite a race war; but who unlike lil' Roof, have a close, personal relationship with Columbia University graduate and bankrupting spender of national treasure on all manner of social subsidies... with absolutely no concern for the sustainability of that spending.

So, the question becomes, how does a drug addled loser, with no history of violence against people of color, end up dong what he did... actions which specifically coincide with the long term, well established plans of the Democratic entrenched (Socialist) establishment... which has spent the last several months fomenting substantial racial division across the US as it works to undermine the perceived authority of Local Law enforcement.

I'd be very interested in seeing in what sites this critter has been camped recently, with whom he's had contact beyond his local affiliations and how he goes from being just another inbred halfwit to a pitiful murderer of wholly innocent people, who are at that moment humbling themselves before God.

All we know for certain, is that what IS behind THIS incident is Raw, inalterable, irretrievable evil; which has less to do with drug addled, ignorant inbreds and generational conspiracies by drug addled, demons, educated well beyond their intellectual means.

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