E.B.O.L.A = Red Meat For Righties


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
"Here's your moment of Zen..."

Ebola Stands For "Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America"
Ebola Stands For Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America - Topekas News

We can see this EBOLA: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America virus is literally spelling out the name of its creator, Obama. 2016 is fast approaching and the liberals are now revealing their true hand to destroy America.

Several months ago, Obama forced the CDC to launch a program called: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America. E.B.O.L.A.

The plan was quite simple, create a new super virus using the old forgotten Ebola virus, a deadly plague that can kill a healthy human in under a week. Barack Obama has the cure for this virus, a reverse transcriptase that forces the virus to form the word “OBAMA” in the blood stream, as seen in the image from the CDC above.

That OBAMA virus you see is the mark of the beast the Bible warned us about. If you do not get the antidote within a week of showing symptoms, you will die. Now here is the kicker: to get the antidote, you have to sign up for Obamacare.

And starting in 2016, to get Obamacare you will have to get a shot that gives you the mark of the Beast. This means the only people who will survive E.B.O.L.A. are those who agree to get Obama’s mark of the beast and have the words “OBAMA” circulating in their bloodstream, so as to show a blood covenant unto him.

Just like a used furniture salesman, Barack Obama is standing on the corner and announcing to all passerbye, “America is having a liquidation sale! All items must go!”

And my friends, by items Obama means the lives of each and every American who does not fear him.

I can only imagine that right now and pardon my Oxford comma, but I want this list to be clear,, Russia, China, North Korea and Hamasestine, must be licking their chops, proud that their puppet Obama is finally revealing his hand to destroy America.
(Music Rises)

The way I found this azzhat's site is because a good friend of mine has a physical therapist who comes up with this wild-eyed shit. So I googled the keywords.
This PT also told my friend that Obama would be instilling martial law right after the midterms in November and that there will be no 2016 presidential election because Obama will declare himself dictator in 2015.

I wish I was making this up.
"Here's your moment of Zen..."

Ebola Stands For "Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America"
Ebola Stands For Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America - Topekas News

We can see this EBOLA: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America virus is literally spelling out the name of its creator, Obama. 2016 is fast approaching and the liberals are now revealing their true hand to destroy America.

Several months ago, Obama forced the CDC to launch a program called: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America. E.B.O.L.A.

The plan was quite simple, create a new super virus using the old forgotten Ebola virus, a deadly plague that can kill a healthy human in under a week. Barack Obama has the cure for this virus, a reverse transcriptase that forces the virus to form the word “OBAMA” in the blood stream, as seen in the image from the CDC above.

That OBAMA virus you see is the mark of the beast the Bible warned us about. If you do not get the antidote within a week of showing symptoms, you will die. Now here is the kicker: to get the antidote, you have to sign up for Obamacare.

And starting in 2016, to get Obamacare you will have to get a shot that gives you the mark of the Beast. This means the only people who will survive E.B.O.L.A. are those who agree to get Obama’s mark of the beast and have the words “OBAMA” circulating in their bloodstream, so as to show a blood covenant unto him.

Just like a used furniture salesman, Barack Obama is standing on the corner and announcing to all passerbye, “America is having a liquidation sale! All items must go!”

And my friends, by items Obama means the lives of each and every American who does not fear him.

I can only imagine that right now and pardon my Oxford comma, but I want this list to be clear,, Russia, China, North Korea and Hamasestine, must be licking their chops, proud that their puppet Obama is finally revealing his hand to destroy America.
"Here's your moment of Zen..."

Ebola Stands For "Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America"
Ebola Stands For Evil Barack Obama Liquidating America - Topekas News

We can see this EBOLA: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America virus is literally spelling out the name of its creator, Obama. 2016 is fast approaching and the liberals are now revealing their true hand to destroy America.

Several months ago, Obama forced the CDC to launch a program called: Eternal Barack Obama Liquidating America. E.B.O.L.A.

The plan was quite simple, create a new super virus using the old forgotten Ebola virus, a deadly plague that can kill a healthy human in under a week. Barack Obama has the cure for this virus, a reverse transcriptase that forces the virus to form the word “OBAMA” in the blood stream, as seen in the image from the CDC above.

That OBAMA virus you see is the mark of the beast the Bible warned us about. If you do not get the antidote within a week of showing symptoms, you will die. Now here is the kicker: to get the antidote, you have to sign up for Obamacare.

And starting in 2016, to get Obamacare you will have to get a shot that gives you the mark of the Beast. This means the only people who will survive E.B.O.L.A. are those who agree to get Obama’s mark of the beast and have the words “OBAMA” circulating in their bloodstream, so as to show a blood covenant unto him.

Just like a used furniture salesman, Barack Obama is standing on the corner and announcing to all passerbye, “America is having a liquidation sale! All items must go!”

And my friends, by items Obama means the lives of each and every American who does not fear him.

I can only imagine that right now and pardon my Oxford comma, but I want this list to be clear,, Russia, China, North Korea and Hamasestine, must be licking their chops, proud that their puppet Obama is finally revealing his hand to destroy America.

Lame, sort of like your other posts.

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