E Jean Carroll Case discussed

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Of all the litigation against Trump, Hanson says the E. Jean Carroll case is the craziest. Carroll's allegations just don't make sense:

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of bizarre inconsistencies in her story, some of them seemingly exculpatory of Trump.
It was never clear what the preliminaries were that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours, the alleged assault took place.
Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto — and only after Trump was running for and then became president.
Hanson concludes that Trump will have to keep a level head because these dubious lawfare attacks are going to continue throughout the campaign, and that they are much more serious than even the phony Russia Collusion allegations:

We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with left-wing politicos (compare campaign boasts of [New York Attorney General Letitia James] and [Fulton County, GA District Attorney Fani] Willis or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House), is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.
Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.
There are no cases against Trump that are even based on reality. It's all reactionary marxist bullshit, and I hope Trump fires the entire DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest, restaff the few positions that are needed with decent Americans, and show these sociopaths what justice really is.

Ain't gonna happen, even if Trump won, made Ted Cruz AG, Allen West Def Sec and Ollie North Chief of Intel.

The "purge" that needs to happen won't. The democrooks would go on a real purge ala The Long Knives well before they allow themselves to be properly investigated and prosecuted.
There are no cases against Trump that are even based on reality. It's all reactionary marxist bullshit, and I hope Trump fires the entire DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest, restaff the few positions that are needed with decent Americans, and show these sociopaths what justice really is.

Ain't gonna happen, even if Trump won, made Ted Cruz AG, Allen West Def Sec and Ollie North Chief of Intel.

The "purge" that needs to happen won't. The democrooks would go on a real purge ala The Long Knives well before they allow themselves to be properly investigated and prosecuted.
They can't fight a reduction of force......Trump needs a ".Gov Agency Gutting Czar" like Vivek to take it to the agencies and gut them like a fish.
Of all the litigation against Trump, Hanson says the E. Jean Carroll case is the craziest. Carroll's allegations just don't make sense:

A jury believed her over the rants and poor behavior of Trump
Trumps own deposition doomed him

Trump claimed he had no idea who E Jean Carrol was and then ridiculed her as “not my type”


When shown this picture, Trump said “That’s my wife Marla”
When in fact it was E Jean Carroll
Not his type?
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trump is liable

liable = guilty

too bad, so sad.

now the rat bastard is going to be held accountable.

Trump lost a $5 million judgement and couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Now, it cost him Bigly
$83 million
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There are no cases against Trump that are even based on reality. It's all reactionary marxist bullshit, and I hope Trump fires the entire DOJ, FBI, CIA and the rest, restaff the few positions that are needed with decent Americans, and show these sociopaths what justice really is.

Ain't gonna happen, even if Trump won, made Ted Cruz AG, Allen West Def Sec and Ollie North Chief of Intel.

The "purge" that needs to happen won't. The democrooks would go on a real purge ala The Long Knives well before they allow themselves to be properly investigated and prosecuted.
You have all of the talking points down, peter puffer. Such a decent american, you.
Of all the litigation against Trump, Hanson says the E. Jean Carroll case is the craziest. Carroll's allegations just don't make sense:

Hanson concludes that Trump will have to keep a level head because these dubious lawfare attacks are going to continue throughout the campaign, and that they are much more serious than even the phony Russia Collusion allegations:
Need to provide a link to the quoted information. It's in the rules.
A jury in an area that voted ninety percent AGAINST Trump.

How to Choose a Jury of Trump’s Peers

A federal judge probed the backgrounds and political biases of dozens of New Yorkers, searching for nine people to serve as jurors for E. Jean Carroll’s rape lawsuit against the former President.
By Eric LachApril 26, 2023

... For the next hour, [Judge] Kaplan read from a list of questions that he’d prepared in consultation with the lawyers from both sides of the lawsuit. He asked the jurors to indicate their answers by either raising their hands or standing. Question: Was there anything about the nature of the case or the parties that would make it difficult for them to be impartial and fair to both sides? Anything at all? The reporters in the gallery shook their heads. Who could be impartial here? But only nine of the forty-eight indicated that they’d have a problem. Those nine were immediately excused from the courtroom.

Did any of them know Carroll personally? No one did. Did any of them know Trump personally? No one did. Had any of them personally had any “dealings” with Trump or his company? No one did. Did any of them know anyone else who’d had any “dealings” with Trump or his company? A voice spoke up. “Your honor—possibly,” a man near the back of the courtroom said. It was Juror No. 23. “A client of mine is an attorney for the defendant in some other cases,” he said. Kaplan asked Juror No. 23 for his occupation. “I’m a literary agent,” ...

How to Choose a Jury of Trumpâs Peers
So in your diseased mind, "rants and poor behavior" are more important than actual guilt or innocence?

in a CIVIL lawsuit, it is the preponderance of the evidence that donny exhibited in real time - in front of the jury ... that sank him way past the $10,000,000.00

he simply can't control himself, because he is a petulant child.

syphilitic brain syndrome will do that.


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