E. Jean Carroll considering new lawsuit; Trump called her a liar again during townhall

trump has to be one of the stupidest people to ever walk on earth. He will NEVER shut his mouth.

trump has to be one of the stupidest people to ever walk on earth. He will NEVER shut his mouth.
And Trump’s equally stupid supporters will continue to adore Trump.

trump has to be one of the stupidest people to ever walk on earth. He will NEVER shut his mouth.
And I'm sure the Special Prosecutor jotted down some tidbits of admissions too.

trump has to be one of the stupidest people to ever walk on earth. He will NEVER shut his mouth.
You need to find a hobby other than spending every minute of the day following Trump. I feel sorry for you.
During the CNN Townhall Donald Trump again said E. Jean Carroll lied about his sexual assault. Trump lost a lawsuit for making the same claim. Carroll might sue again.
Doing the same thing on Al-CNN during prime time? He dared that stinking fuck boi to sue him then. Once the matter gets to a regional court not dominated by democrook genetic garbage Trump will own everything the fuck boi has and will ever see again.

If you believe anyone EVER approached this creature with undesired erotic intentions you're a jabbering retard. Rosie O'Donnel wouldn't eat this fuckin thing.

Like your opinion that rape is fine? Whatever floats your boat.

No, I meant your unoriginal DNC talking point opinion, but it's cute that you realize that and still want to appear to participate in the conversation past the point of absurdity.

Your need to get the last word in every conversation is adorable. Keep it up.

Thanks for your intelligent post.

During the CNN Townhall Donald Trump again said E. Jean Carroll lied about his sexual assault. Trump lost a lawsuit for making the same claim. Carroll might sue again.
Sure....especially if he appeals this one. Slap him with another.

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