E. Warren won't get nothing done without a maj in the Senate

unless she plans on signing EO's which I'm against. She has a plan for everything she says, well she will be lame unless we

the Democrats take control of the Senate and if M. McConnel gets re-voted in , we can mute him as well.(wont that be a gift in itself)
Present to date tramp signed 117 EO's.

Tramp was anti EO's till he got the pen:
I’m reminded of an Associated Press piece from April:

White House aides said that Trump will have signed 32 executive orders by Friday, the most of any president in their first 100 days since World War II. That’s a far cry from Trump’s heated campaign rhetoric, in which he railed against his predecessor’s use of executive action late in his tenure as President Barack Obama sought to maneuver around a Republican Congress. Trump argued that he, the consummate deal maker, wouldn’t need to rely on the tool.

“The country wasn’t based on executive orders,” said Trump at a town hall in South Carolina in February 2016. “Right now, Obama goes around signing executive orders. He can’t even get along with the Democrats, and he goes around signing all these executive orders. It’s a basic disaster. You can’t do it.”

And as we discussed at the time, that just scratches the surface. In January 2016, for example, Trump told Fox News, “[T]he problem with Washington, they don’t make deals. It’s all gridlock. And then you have a president that signs executive orders because he can’t get anything done. I’ll get everybody together.” In November 2015, in reference to Obama, Trump added, “He doesn’t work the system. That is why he signs executive orders all the time because he can’t get his own people to go along.” A month earlier, Trump said, “Look at Obama. He doesn’t get anything done…. You’ve got to close the door and get things done without signing your executive orders all the time. That’s the easy way out.”

Trump's views on the 'executive-order concept' have evolved
Any president is going to have to use EOs, and the dems are NOT going to take the senate in 20. Not unless a charismatic potus candidate emerges, and there doesn't appear to be one. But you may underestimate the ability of Warren to forge compromise. I'm not a huge fan, but ….. Harris? I mean if it's not Biden the dems are pretty focked at this point.

All the more reason we need the senate if a Dem does not get in.

I'm sorry but there's no way the dems win the senate back in 2020. Their best case is to hold the House and win the WH and then be able to run the off year elections as needing dems in the senate. The gop has a tough map to defend in 2022.

2022 United States Senate elections - Wikipedia
Just going to throw this out there. Given our current state of party politics, it is not surprising that more EOs are being signed. Compromise is the exception rather than the rule in Congress. It’s too easy to just denigrate the opposition and run for re-election. With that in mind, no matter which party takes the WH, unless that President has a supermajority in the legislature, these EOs will multiply.
unless she plans on signing EO's which I'm against. She has a plan for everything she says, well she will be lame unless we

the Democrats take control of the Senate and if M. McConnel gets re-voted in , we can mute him as well.(wont that be a gift in itself)
Present to date tramp signed 117 EO's.

Tramp was anti EO's till he got the pen:
I’m reminded of an Associated Press piece from April:

White House aides said that Trump will have signed 32 executive orders by Friday, the most of any president in their first 100 days since World War II. That’s a far cry from Trump’s heated campaign rhetoric, in which he railed against his predecessor’s use of executive action late in his tenure as President Barack Obama sought to maneuver around a Republican Congress. Trump argued that he, the consummate deal maker, wouldn’t need to rely on the tool.

“The country wasn’t based on executive orders,” said Trump at a town hall in South Carolina in February 2016. “Right now, Obama goes around signing executive orders. He can’t even get along with the Democrats, and he goes around signing all these executive orders. It’s a basic disaster. You can’t do it.”

And as we discussed at the time, that just scratches the surface. In January 2016, for example, Trump told Fox News, “[T]he problem with Washington, they don’t make deals. It’s all gridlock. And then you have a president that signs executive orders because he can’t get anything done. I’ll get everybody together.” In November 2015, in reference to Obama, Trump added, “He doesn’t work the system. That is why he signs executive orders all the time because he can’t get his own people to go along.” A month earlier, Trump said, “Look at Obama. He doesn’t get anything done…. You’ve got to close the door and get things done without signing your executive orders all the time. That’s the easy way out.”

Trump's views on the 'executive-order concept' have evolved

If Warren were to be elected, the first thing she will need to reckon with is Multiple Investigations. Personally, I think that impeachment is a possibility as well as utilizing the 25th Amendment to remove her. I've seen the Squaw on TV, she's really not a capable individual, and can easily be turned out by the wisdom of our Founders who established the 25th A.

The key to a Warren Presidency is to resist, resist, resist. Anything she does, get a court order from anyone to nullify it. Don't take any shit until she is removed.
unless she plans on signing EO's which I'm against. She has a plan for everything she says, well she will be lame unless we

the Democrats take control of the Senate and if M. McConnel gets re-voted in , we can mute him as well.(wont that be a gift in itself)
Present to date tramp signed 117 EO's.

Tramp was anti EO's till he got the pen:
I’m reminded of an Associated Press piece from April:

White House aides said that Trump will have signed 32 executive orders by Friday, the most of any president in their first 100 days since World War II. That’s a far cry from Trump’s heated campaign rhetoric, in which he railed against his predecessor’s use of executive action late in his tenure as President Barack Obama sought to maneuver around a Republican Congress. Trump argued that he, the consummate deal maker, wouldn’t need to rely on the tool.

“The country wasn’t based on executive orders,” said Trump at a town hall in South Carolina in February 2016. “Right now, Obama goes around signing executive orders. He can’t even get along with the Democrats, and he goes around signing all these executive orders. It’s a basic disaster. You can’t do it.”

And as we discussed at the time, that just scratches the surface. In January 2016, for example, Trump told Fox News, “[T]he problem with Washington, they don’t make deals. It’s all gridlock. And then you have a president that signs executive orders because he can’t get anything done. I’ll get everybody together.” In November 2015, in reference to Obama, Trump added, “He doesn’t work the system. That is why he signs executive orders all the time because he can’t get his own people to go along.” A month earlier, Trump said, “Look at Obama. He doesn’t get anything done…. You’ve got to close the door and get things done without signing your executive orders all the time. That’s the easy way out.”

Trump's views on the 'executive-order concept' have evolved

It makes zero sense for anyone to split their ticket for federal elected positions. Its about the dumbest thing a voter could do.
Just for clarity, the Founders had nothing to do with the 25th Amendment. The 25th was ratified into the Constitution after the assassination of JFK.

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