Each "peson" saves at the pump

Lol what ever . Hypartisan bull shitt. Wrong when they do it right when I do it bullshit. Mean while I wanna go to sleep when I hear it. Trump tapped reserves when supply and demand caused high prices. Biden did the same. Both cases resulted in relief at the pump. Both were right to do it. Any one that as different are slobbering idiots.

But gasoline didn't drop over any reserves getting released. They dropped because investors got rid if their long contracts and bought short. That's what brings prices down. The looming recession (which some experts are claiming we're already in one) is what caused investors to drop their oil and gasoline contracts. The small amount of oil reserves is perhaps responsible for about 8 to 10 cents on the gallon at most. Prices here dropped nearly a dollar a gallon and oil reserves couldn't possibly do that.

Saying that Trump and Biden did the same thing is like saying the arson put out the house fire that he started is the same as a citizen putting out a house fire he didn't start. It's not the same thing.
To stop spread of covid you are damn fucking Skippy dumb duck. H I'd he job in 2017 releasing reserves for a hurricane. Biden did his fucking job this time ass wipe. If Biden should be tarred and feathered for releasing reserves this year then Trump should have been in 2017. It's the same fucking thing. Take put being a partisan fucking jack ass ya realize they were both right to do it when they did. Go duck your self
Dang, and you're still pissing and moaning.

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