Earth Day 2013

I'm bragging about defiance knucklehead. The fact that you persist on labeling it immature doesn't baffle me, it's because you you can't admit when you're wrong.

"Defiance" of what? Littering laws?

What do you think your "act of protest" will accomplish?

Acts of defiance don't have to accomplish big things. My act of defiance only accomplish's one thing, and that is the self-satisfaction that I'm not some mindless sheep that follows every foolish notion perpetuated by an oppressive government, it's lapdog media, and corrupt institutions.

I notice how you isolated littering and ignore the rest. While I am old enough to remember the trash heaps along the sides of the major highways, it's only a small part of the defiance and I actually don't normally litter.

Damn right, no sheep for you. Instead you follow every foolish notion perpetuated by wee-hours conspiracy nuts, gadfly bloggers, hair-on-fire TV fearmongers and lapdog reactionary talk radio bloviaviators. It's all about choices.

Good for you, taking a stand. Next time I see an empty Big Gulp cup lying in a pristine nature preserve, I'll take my proverbial hat off to these informed inspired principles that made it possible, and try to crack a wee smile.
"Defiance" of what? Littering laws?

What do you think your "act of protest" will accomplish?

An act of defiance against those who believe in the lie that we are harming the planet and would control others actions.

Do you think humanity causes no harm to other life on Earth?

No, I do not think that, nor did I state it.

Or do you think the lie is harm to the planet itself, rather than the life upon it?

The planet.

I'm just not sure exactly what you think is a lie.

It isn't just about a lie, but the attempt to control the actions of people.
Ira kind of had a hand in starting Earth Day.

So the preliminary association of Earth Day with Ira emanated from Ira.

I for one have never heard that association until now, although I do remember Earth Day from the first one in 1970. And I've heard of Ira Einhorn and his gruesome murder and the fugitiving in France. Just never heard them connected before.
But even if IE did invent Earth Day -- so what? Wtf would a murder have to do with an utterly unrelated act seven years prior? Pretty shoddy fallacy of association, innit?

I mean, should people not keep dogs because Hitler loved his Shepherd? :cuckoo:

This may be the most inane thread I've ever read.

Thanks, Pogo. I thought I was the only one who had never heard that Einhorn was connected to Earth Day. I remember watching a documentary about his crime, and I remember the news reports when he was found in and eventually extradited from France. But, until this thread, I never heard or read anything that connected him to Earth Day.

Your analogy is astute: people should not dismiss the concept of Earth Day just because of some long ago and tenuous connection it has to Einhorn any more than people should not have German Shepherds just because Hitler had one.

I am dismissing the concept of Earth Day, and it has nothing what so ever to do with Ira Einhorn.
"Defiance" of what? Littering laws?

What do you think your "act of protest" will accomplish?

Acts of defiance don't have to accomplish big things. My act of defiance only accomplish's one thing, and that is the self-satisfaction that I'm not some mindless sheep that follows every foolish notion perpetuated by an oppressive government, it's lapdog media, and corrupt institutions.

I notice how you isolated littering and ignore the rest. While I am old enough to remember the trash heaps along the sides of the major highways, it's only a small part of the defiance and I actually don't normally litter.

Damn right, no sheep for you. Instead you follow every foolish notion perpetuated by wee-hours conspiracy nuts, gadfly bloggers, hair-on-fire TV fearmongers and lapdog reactionary talk radio bloviaviators. It's all about choices.

Good for you, taking a stand. Next time I see an empty Big Gulp cup lying in a pristine nature preserve, I'll take my proverbial hat off to these informed inspired principles that made it possible, and try to crack a wee smile.

Lame. Name the person who told me the idea that I mentioned in the OP. Name the personality who gave me this idea. Name that person who publically stated this.

You can't. You are simply talking out your left wing nutter ass.
I'm going to celebrate Earth Day 2013 by eating bacon, beef, veal, and fattened goose liver. Then I'm going to drink a 36 oz Big Gulp and throw the empty plastic cup into the river, all the while driving my V-8 work truck all around to do this.

Then I'll run my sprinkler system for several hours tonight, and keep every light on in the house until late at night. Happy Earth Day sheeple!

You forgot to mention venting a few dozen cans of freon into the atmosphere.
Acts of defiance don't have to accomplish big things. My act of defiance only accomplish's one thing, and that is the self-satisfaction that I'm not some mindless sheep that follows every foolish notion perpetuated by an oppressive government, it's lapdog media, and corrupt institutions.

I notice how you isolated littering and ignore the rest. While I am old enough to remember the trash heaps along the sides of the major highways, it's only a small part of the defiance and I actually don't normally litter.

Damn right, no sheep for you. Instead you follow every foolish notion perpetuated by wee-hours conspiracy nuts, gadfly bloggers, hair-on-fire TV fearmongers and lapdog reactionary talk radio bloviaviators. It's all about choices.

Good for you, taking a stand. Next time I see an empty Big Gulp cup lying in a pristine nature preserve, I'll take my proverbial hat off to these informed inspired principles that made it possible, and try to crack a wee smile.

Lame. Name the person who told me the idea that I mentioned in the OP. Name the personality who gave me this idea. Name that person who publically stated this.

You can't. You are simply talking out your left wing nutter ass.

You want me to crawl inside your head and tell you where you got your own ideas?
Nooo, I ain't going in there. It's all full of litter and sugary drinks. I was already warned. I ain't slipping on no fattened goose liver.

Besides, you didn't bother to name the government that oppresses you with Earth Day, the names of its lapdog media they do it with, or the corrupt institutions that do ... whatever it is they do in force-marching you to Earth Day Prison.

Double standard much?
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I'm going to celebrate Earth Day 2013 by eating bacon, beef, veal, and fattened goose liver. Then I'm going to drink a 36 oz Big Gulp and throw the empty plastic cup into the river, all the while driving my V-8 work truck all around to do this.

Then I'll run my sprinkler system for several hours tonight, and keep every light on in the house until late at night. Happy Earth Day sheeple!

You forgot to mention venting a few dozen cans of freon into the atmosphere.

Can you still get Freon?
Damn right, no sheep for you. Instead you follow every foolish notion perpetuated by wee-hours conspiracy nuts, gadfly bloggers, hair-on-fire TV fearmongers and lapdog reactionary talk radio bloviaviators. It's all about choices.

Good for you, taking a stand. Next time I see an empty Big Gulp cup lying in a pristine nature preserve, I'll take my proverbial hat off to these informed inspired principles that made it possible, and try to crack a wee smile.

Lame. Name the person who told me the idea that I mentioned in the OP. Name the personality who gave me this idea. Name that person who publically stated this.

You can't. You are simply talking out your left wing nutter ass.

You want me to crawl inside your head and tell you where you got your own ideas?

You already did that, dipshit.

Besides, you didn't bother to name the government that oppresses you with Earth Day,

the US government, and it is every day not just Earth day. But you know that, you're just being a hack.

the names of its lapdog media they do it with,

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. But you know that too.

... whatever it is they do in force-marching you to Earth Day Prison.

When did I say that anyone was force-marching me anywhere? Again, you are talking right out of your left wing nutter ass.

Double standard much?

Dodge the point much?
Lame. Name the person who told me the idea that I mentioned in the OP. Name the personality who gave me this idea. Name that person who publically stated this.

You can't. You are simply talking out your left wing nutter ass.

You want me to crawl inside your head and tell you where you got your own ideas?

You already did that, dipshit.

Well then it appears I'm done, smegma mouth.

Besides, you didn't bother to name the government that oppresses you with Earth Day,
the US government, and it is every day not just Earth day. But you know that, you're just being a hack.

Nope, that's just ipse dixit. You named a government, but you've demontrated absolute squat, hackmouth.

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR. But you know that too.

Nope, wrong again-- this is your claim, not mine. So I know no such thing. You haven't even demonstrated what this oppression is.

... whatever it is they do in force-marching you to Earth Day Prison.

When did I say that anyone was force-marching me anywhere? Again, you are talking right out of your left wing nutter ass.

I shouldn't be surprised that the metaphor sailed over your head but here's what you posted:
An act of defiance against those who believe in the lie that we are harming the planet and would control others actions.

And Earth Day "controls your actions" ..... how exactly?

My, we're easily controlled aren't we?
Whiny little bitch. Have another Koch.
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You want me to crawl inside your head and tell you where you got your own ideas?

You already did that, dipshit.

Well then it appears I'm done, smegma mouth.

Nope, that's just ipse dixit. You named a government, but you've demontrated absolute squat, hackmouth.

Nope, wrong again-- this is your claim, not mine. So I know no such thing. You haven't even demonstrated what this oppression is.

When did I say that anyone was force-marching me anywhere? Again, you are talking right out of your left wing nutter ass.

I shouldn't be surprised that the metaphor sailed over your head but here's what you posted:
An act of defiance against those who believe in the lie that we are harming the planet and would control others actions.

And Earth Day "controls your actions" ..... how exactly?

My, we're easily controlled aren't we?
Whiny little bitch. Have another Koch.

Wow, problems with reading comprehension plus dogged stubborn partisanship is a bad combination for you man. I hope for your sake it's simply partisan hackery and not abject stupidity. Either way, you're too far gone for me to help you. Good Luck.
I'm going to celebrate Earth Day 2013 by eating bacon, beef, veal, and fattened goose liver. Then I'm going to drink a 36 oz Big Gulp and throw the empty plastic cup into the river, all the while driving my V-8 work truck all around to do this.

Then I'll run my sprinkler system for several hours tonight, and keep every light on in the house until late at night. Happy Earth Day sheeple!

You forgot to mention venting a few dozen cans of freon into the atmosphere.

Can you still get Freon?

I've got a stockpile. And you can still buy it with a license.
All you have to do is fill out some paper work and you got it.
You forgot to mention venting a few dozen cans of freon into the atmosphere.

Can you still get Freon?

I've got a stockpile. And you can still buy it with a license.
All you have to do is fill out some paper work and you got it.

Well, the truth is that although I love tweaking the environmental wack jobs, I wasn't able to complete all of the tasks I set for myself in the OP.

Lights on.......................check
Red Meat......................check
Goose Liver pate'...........check
Driving V8 all over town..check
Excess water usage........check
Veal..............went with the goose liver instead.
Big Gulp.........Didn't get around to it.
Plastic in the river......see big gulp.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to manage the freon. It's still a pretty big carbon footprint.
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Can you still get Freon?

I've got a stockpile. And you can still buy it with a license.
All you have to do is fill out some paper work and you got it.

Well, the truth is that although I love tweaking the environmental wack jobs, I wasn't able to complete all of the tasks I set for myself in the OP.

Lights on.......................check
Red Meat......................check
Goose Liver pate'...........check
Driving V8 all over town..check
Excess water usage........check
Veal..............went with the goose liver instead.
Big Gulp.........Didn't get around to it.
Plastic in the river......see big gulp.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to manage the freon. It's still a pretty big carbon footprint.

All that matters is you did your part.
Hell,with my 1200.00 dollar electric bills I do my part every month.
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I've got a stockpile. And you can still buy it with a license.
All you have to do is fill out some paper work and you got it.

Well, the truth is that although I love tweaking the environmental wack jobs, I wasn't able to complete all of the tasks I set for myself in the OP.

Lights on.......................check
Red Meat......................check
Goose Liver pate'...........check
Driving V8 all over town..check
Excess water usage........check
Veal..............went with the goose liver instead.
Big Gulp.........Didn't get around to it.
Plastic in the river......see big gulp.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to manage the freon. It's still a pretty big carbon footprint.

All that matters is you did your part.
Hell,with my 1200.00 dollar electric bills I do my part every month.

Holy shit! That makes me feel like my bill is nothing.

btw, I also bought 10 of the old fashioned light bulbs.
Hey if some of us choose to waste our money to protest earthday, that's fine with me.

It's their money they're throwing down the drain.
I've got a stockpile. And you can still buy it with a license.
All you have to do is fill out some paper work and you got it.

Well, the truth is that although I love tweaking the environmental wack jobs, I wasn't able to complete all of the tasks I set for myself in the OP.

Lights on.......................check
Red Meat......................check
Goose Liver pate'...........check
Driving V8 all over town..check
Excess water usage........check
Veal..............went with the goose liver instead.
Big Gulp.........Didn't get around to it.
Plastic in the river......see big gulp.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to manage the freon. It's still a pretty big carbon footprint.

All that matters is you did your part.
Hell,with my 1200.00 dollar electric bills I do my part every month.

Doing some quick math... it takes me roughly two and a half years to spend that much on electricity. Jeepers, I'm jealous. :redface:
Well, the truth is that although I love tweaking the environmental wack jobs, I wasn't able to complete all of the tasks I set for myself in the OP.

Lights on.......................check
Red Meat......................check
Goose Liver pate'...........check
Driving V8 all over town..check
Excess water usage........check
Veal..............went with the goose liver instead.
Big Gulp.........Didn't get around to it.
Plastic in the river......see big gulp.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to manage the freon. It's still a pretty big carbon footprint.

All that matters is you did your part.
Hell,with my 1200.00 dollar electric bills I do my part every month.

Doing some quick math... it takes me roughly two and a half years to spend that much on electricity. Jeepers, I'm jealous. :redface:

You spend $4 a month on electricity? How does that happen?

I haven't owned a car for 10 years, so that is me doing my bit for the environment.
All that matters is you did your part.
Hell,with my 1200.00 dollar electric bills I do my part every month.

Doing some quick math... it takes me roughly two and a half years to spend that much on electricity. Jeepers, I'm jealous. :redface:

You spend $4 a month on electricity? How does that happen?

I haven't owned a car for 10 years, so that is me doing my bit for the environment.

I have another confession. I own a Prius.

It's my wife's car, she wanted it, it has all the buttons and whistles. I don't drive it.
I'm going to celebrate Earth Day 2013 by eating bacon, beef, veal, and fattened goose liver. Then I'm going to drink a 36 oz Big Gulp and throw the empty plastic cup into the river, all the while driving my V-8 work truck all around to do this.

Then I'll run my sprinkler system for several hours tonight, and keep every light on in the house until late at night. Happy Earth Day sheeple!

Ima burn some tires, let my car idle in the drive way, spray paint a bunch of shit, smoke two packs of cigarets, throw a bunch of plastic in the trash, and whack a babe seal on its head.

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