Earth's lakes warming as well


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The temperatures of Earth's largest lakes have risen in the past 25 years as a result of climate change, according to a new NASA study.

NASA used satellite data to measure the surface temperatures of 167 lakes worldwide and found an average warming rate of .81 degrees Fahrenheit per decade and in some lakes, as much as 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit per decade, NASA said Tuesday.

The greatest increases were in the mid- to high- latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, in a pattern consistent with changes associated with global warming, said Simon Hook, a scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

"The key thing is it’s an independent study that provides a new of piece evidence that warming's taking place; and it's made possible through a comprehensive view that the satellite data provides, by allowing us to look over the entire world, as opposed to a particular region," he said.

NASA study finds Earth's lakes are warming – This Just In - Blogs
Good. I want to go swimming. Let me know when Lake Michigan hits 65 degrees in the winter.
Another lie, just five years ago Lake Huron was at a historic low and had been at least the last 20 years. Sorry, I did not look this up on Wiki or Google, like Chris the six figure man does. I was actually there and saw it.

I am not sure where the water level is today
You would think Libruls would be happy about global warming. If it really happens then most of the Earths' population would be killed off right? I would think they'd do what they could to speed up global warming.
Another lie, just five years ago Lake Huron was at a historic low and had been at least the last 20 years. Sorry, I did not look this up on Wiki or Google, like Chris the six figure man does. I was actually there and saw it.

I am not sure where the water level is today
1986, lake michigan had risen so high lakeshore properties had to consider seawalls.

1995, lake michigan had receeded to 'historic' lows.

Throughout all this time, mankind had NOTHING to do with it, and will continue to be unable to fix this.

Temperature is the same way.
Another lie, just five years ago Lake Huron was at a historic low and had been at least the last 20 years. Sorry, I did not look this up on Wiki or Google, like Chris the six figure man does. I was actually there and saw it.

I am not sure where the water level is today
1986, lake michigan had risen so high lakeshore properties had to consider seawalls.

1995, lake michigan had receeded to 'historic' lows.

Throughout all this time, mankind had NOTHING to do with it, and will continue to be unable to fix this.

Temperature is the same way.

I used to live close to Lake St. Claire, in between Lake Erie and Lake Huron, Lake Huron is also where Bruce nuclear is, hence I was personally knowledgeable thus able to catch a lie.

Thanks for the information.
What a ridiculous study. They surveyed 167 lakes and were able to use data from 104 of them. Of that total 41 had "statistically significant" results. That's a 39% hit rate on the lakes that were used. I wonder where they were located? Near nuclear power plants? All lakes were in the northern hemisphere and 193 square miles or larger in extent. It's amazing the level to which NASA has sunk.
Another lie, just five years ago Lake Huron was at a historic low and had been at least the last 20 years. Sorry, I did not look this up on Wiki or Google, like Chris the six figure man does. I was actually there and saw it.

I am not sure where the water level is today

Good Lord! Water level was not mentioned, the aticle concerned the temperature of the water in the lakes.

A MINER’S CANARY Every fall, the Center for Limnology (lake science)
at UW-Madison posts a graph of the date each winter when Lake Mendota
has frozen over in the past, and everyone at the center gets a chance to guess
when it will occur in the coming winter. Few even came close last winter
(2006-07), when the lake did not freeze over until January 20—the second
latest date in the center’s 150 years of records.
The center’s ice-on, ice-off records go back to the 1850s, when they were
started by early settlers and Madison residents because the lake’s ice was
important to them—it was harvested for local use in early “icebox” refrigerators,
and after the railroads arrived in the late 1800s, lake ice became a
commodity that was shipped as far away as New Orleans.
This lake ice record shows that in the 1850s Lake Mendota was frozen
over for about four months each winter. By the early 2000s, however, the
ice cover lasted an average of just three months a year. In other words,
the amount of time the lake is ice-covered is nearly 25 percent less than it
was 150 years ago. If this trend continues, the time will come when Lake
Mendota will be ice-free all winter long.
What a ridiculous study. They surveyed 167 lakes and were able to use data from 104 of them. Of that total 41 had "statistically significant" results. That's a 39% hit rate on the lakes that were used. I wonder where they were located? Near nuclear power plants? All lakes were in the northern hemisphere and 193 square miles or larger in extent. It's amazing the level to which NASA has sunk.

Sure, Walleyes, a scientific study that disagrees with the twaddle that you daily trot out is 'ridiculous'. Which, of course, means that 90% of scientific studies are 'ridiculous'.

NASA, USGS, NOAA, and all the Univesities around the world are, of course, ridiculous. They have all sponsored studies that show the affects of the present warming. Like the study that I posted in the prior post.
Another lie, just five years ago Lake Huron was at a historic low and had been at least the last 20 years. Sorry, I did not look this up on Wiki or Google, like Chris the six figure man does. I was actually there and saw it.

I am not sure where the water level is today
1986, lake michigan had risen so high lakeshore properties had to consider seawalls.

1995, lake michigan had receeded to 'historic' lows.

Throughout all this time, mankind had NOTHING to do with it, and will continue to be unable to fix this.

Temperature is the same way.

Fritzy, just why don't you show us some studies that indicate that the lakes have been varying in temperature in a manner that contradicts the present GHG induced warming? Come on, you are good at yap-yap, back it up.
Warming Climate is Changing Life on Global Scale - The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Rosenzweig and researchers from 10 other institutions across the world analyzed data from published papers on 829 physical systems and some 28,800 plant and animal systems, stretching back to 1970. Their analysis of revealed a picture of changes on continental scales; previous studies had looked mainly at single phenomena, or smaller areas. In physical systems, 95% of observed changes are consistent with warming trends. These include wastage of glaciers on all continents; melting permafrost; earlier spring river runoff; and warming of water bodies. Among living creatures inhabiting such systems, 90% of changes are consistent with warming. The researchers say it is unlikely that any force but human-influenced climate change could be driving all this; factors like deforestation or natural climate variations could not explain it. Their work builds upon the consensus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which in 2007 declared manmade climate warming “likely” to have discernible effects on biological and physical systems.
What a ridiculous study. They surveyed 167 lakes and were able to use data from 104 of them. Of that total 41 had "statistically significant" results. That's a 39% hit rate on the lakes that were used. I wonder where they were located? Near nuclear power plants? All lakes were in the northern hemisphere and 193 square miles or larger in extent. It's amazing the level to which NASA has sunk.

Sure, Walleyes, a scientific study that disagrees with the twaddle that you daily trot out is 'ridiculous'. Which, of course, means that 90% of scientific studies are 'ridiculous'.

NASA, USGS, NOAA, and all the Univesities around the world are, of course, ridiculous. They have all sponsored studies that show the affects of the present warming. Like the study that I posted in the prior post.

I grow tired of you global warming dorks trying to say that all scientists that disagree with you are wrong.

Your theories make no sense whatsoever.... and you all refuse to explain how all the previous ice ages came and went while we were all still one celled nuclei crawling on rocks.
The earth has cycles and thats that!
We are awfully arrogant to think that we can dramatically affect climate.

Another liar, unable to read with any comprehension. Look up Milankovic Cycles, ignoramous.


Periodic variations in the earth's position relative to the sun as the earth orbits, affecting the distribution of the solar radiation reaching the earth and causing climatic changes that have profound impacts on the abundance and distribution of organisms, best seen in the fossil record of the Quaternary Period (the last 1.6 million years).

Hmmm.... OK, that just proves my thought you idiot! :clap2:

What..... did all of a sudden these things stopped b/c we can blame it on us now?

No.... YOU are the ignoramus.
What a ridiculous study. They surveyed 167 lakes and were able to use data from 104 of them. Of that total 41 had "statistically significant" results. That's a 39% hit rate on the lakes that were used. I wonder where they were located? Near nuclear power plants? All lakes were in the northern hemisphere and 193 square miles or larger in extent. It's amazing the level to which NASA has sunk.

Sure, Walleyes, a scientific study that disagrees with the twaddle that you daily trot out is 'ridiculous'. Which, of course, means that 90% of scientific studies are 'ridiculous'.

NASA, USGS, NOAA, and all the Univesities around the world are, of course, ridiculous. They have all sponsored studies that show the affects of the present warming. Like the study that I posted in the prior post.

No, you poor silly person. The study is bad because it is woefully incomplete and, based on what I have been able to find, it used poor controls. Furthermore any study that begins with a preconcieved notion will perforce be poor because they don't really want to know what is really happening.
NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, who was not part of the study, said the research made sense and adds another independent measuring system to show that the world is warming up. Eleven different indicators - including air temperature, humidity, snow cover, ocean heat content - show statistically significant man-made global warming, while no environmental measurements show otherwise, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Warming lakes is No. 12 and "another brick in the wall," said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver.

World's lakes getting hotter, more than the air
NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, who was not part of the study, said the research made sense and adds another independent measuring system to show that the world is warming up. Eleven different indicators - including air temperature, humidity, snow cover, ocean heat content - show statistically significant man-made global warming, while no environmental measurements show otherwise, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Warming lakes is No. 12 and "another brick in the wall," said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver.

World's lakes getting hotter, more than the air

You mean this Gavin Schmidt?

Global warming: The most bizarre statement in the history of science - National environmental policy |

Or maybe this one?

Does Gavin Schmidt Understand Boundary Layer Physics? Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.

Or how about this one where he admits the climate models they rely on are woefully inadequate..yet they still quote them as gospel..

Edge: THE PHYSICS THAT WE KNOW: A Conversation With Gavin Schmidt

Or how about this one? You know the jackass who has been hiding and destroying data so other researchers can't check his that the one to whom you refer?

Researcher: NASA hiding climate data - Washington Times

So is this the Gavin Schmidt you refer too? One of the more clueless individuals I've ever spoken to. Try again Chris, your religious prophets are getting their asses handed to them left and right.

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