easily the best move in foraging, for cost-effort/return ratio,

May 21, 2015
is putting a small mesh net across a culvert' outlet end, after rainfall flooding has calmed down, or if that culvert normally has a flow. if there's enough flow for bigger fish, and if the culvert is large enough to let you walk into it, set a gill net halfway down the culvert. If you try this during flood time, your nets will be washed away, torn up, or jammed full of debris/knotted beyond salvaging. Cached your nets where you will need them, if shtf, along with snares, mesh for making box traps, etc.
Your life really depends on a SHTF scenario, doesn't it?

Between prepping and trying to be a badass with your pistol, talking about hiding at night and sniping with a suppressed M4, your life is really about fear, isn't it?
Yeah, culvert fishing. Hear there's a big movement to make it an Olympic sport next go-round.
Well, as general survival advice, what is said has value.

Wondering about using punk little semi-autos for hunting bears is another universe.
Your life really depends on a SHTF scenario, doesn't it?

Between prepping and trying to be a badass with your pistol, talking about hiding at night and sniping with a suppressed M4, your life is really about fear, isn't it?
Could it be his only way out of a life stretch?

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