Easter question: What can Christians on the left and right do about the evil of our world?

Easter question: What can Christians on the left and right do about the evil of our world?

Contribute less.

Yes, Europe is in such fine shape with that philosophy. Keep your cultural rot over there.
Yes...Europe IS in such fine shape. They are (rightfully) laughing at our so-called president.

NO there are many MILLIONS on this Continent who like The Donald, you do not hear this in the MSM though, I have not met ONE person who does NOT like The Donald.
:desk:In answer to the OP's question, I have an idea:
Start treating EACH OTHER as Christians; work together to overcome the hate and the sin in the world. Hating each other the way every poster on page 1 is engaged in will not help solve the problems.
If you are blaming modern Germans for the Nazis then it must follow that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. That would be absurd. Do you see how this works ?

Oh please Tommy, first. That is part of why you European Lefties hate America in the first place: slavery and racism and etc. And yes you do blame us. Whether I blame modern Germans or not is immaterial; YOU blame modern Americans, so don't even go there.

But I do not--what I do blame them for is their projection and the way they're handling their guilt NOW. They are handling it in rampant anti-Americanism. That's not "hate" Tommy. Anytime someone disagrees with you or makes an observation YOU DON'T LIKE, it is not "hate". Tommy.
How are they handling "their guilt" ?

Guilt is in quotes?

They're not guilty?
What are they guilty of ?

This is 50 year old Jurgen Klopp. He is a German. Explain what he has to feel guilt for.

You realize Tommy that they have admitted guilt, which you stupidly put in quotes, by paying reparations right?

I mean what are you even talking about Tommy?

You are a vile American Propagandist.

As Tommy say with YOUR logic that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans.YOU are PERSONALLY responsible Sweet Sue for the SLAVERY and GENOCIDE of Native Americans and I add with that YOU Sweet Sue are SQUATTING on Native American land, so GTFO already and GIVE it back to them and also give ALL your MONEYS to the Native Americans.
:desk:In answer to the OP's question, I have an idea:
Start treating EACH OTHER as Christians; work together to overcome the hate and the sin in the world. Hating each other the way every poster on page 1 is engaged in will not help solve the problems.

There is A LOT of HATE in Sweet Sue, she INSIST no she does NOT HATE but AGAIN post VILE Xenophobic Propaganda. And she is on the Right like me but not like Leftists I have NO problem slapping another Rightist when I KNOW they are WRONG on ALL LEVELS of a subject.
:desk:In answer to the OP's question, I have an idea:
Start treating EACH OTHER as Christians; work together to overcome the hate and the sin in the world. Hating each other the way every poster on page 1 is engaged in will not help solve the problems.

There is A LOT of HATE in Sweet Sue, she INSIST no she does NOT HATE but AGAIN post VILE Xenophobic Propaganda. And she is on the Right like me but not like Leftists I have NO problem slapping another Rightist when I KNOW they are WRONG on ALL LEVELS of a subject.
Don't worry about Sweet Sue, Lucy. You can only control your own reactions, not hers.
:desk:In answer to the OP's question, I have an idea:
Start treating EACH OTHER as Christians; work together to overcome the hate and the sin in the world. Hating each other the way every poster on page 1 is engaged in will not help solve the problems.

There is A LOT of HATE in Sweet Sue, she INSIST no she does NOT HATE but AGAIN post VILE Xenophobic Propaganda. And she is on the Right like me but not like Leftists I have NO problem slapping another Rightist when I KNOW they are WRONG on ALL LEVELS of a subject.
Don't worry about Sweet Sue, Lucy. You can only control your own reactions, not hers.

My reactions to this are organic.
:desk:In answer to the OP's question, I have an idea:
Start treating EACH OTHER as Christians; work together to overcome the hate and the sin in the world. Hating each other the way every poster on page 1 is engaged in will not help solve the problems.

There is A LOT of HATE in Sweet Sue, she INSIST no she does NOT HATE but AGAIN post VILE Xenophobic Propaganda. And she is on the Right like me but not like Leftists I have NO problem slapping another Rightist when I KNOW they are WRONG on ALL LEVELS of a subject.
Don't worry about Sweet Sue, Lucy. You can only control your own reactions, not hers.

My reactions to this are organic.
? No pesticides? Good for you!
Look at their leader.

And make no mistake, Donald Trump IS the leader of the Christian right.

Donald Trump is a role model for the children of the Christian right.

These are NOT the same Christians I grew up with. Today's radical and racist Christian right is nothing like traditional Christianity.

You wouldn't know "traditional Christianity" if it fell on your head, and neither would Penny
I went to Catholic School and we actually read the Bible. We had assignments from the Bible.
It was nothing like what right wingers teach today.
Adultery is NOT excusable.
Tax cuts for billionaires is NOT what Jesus preached.
Racism isn't promoted.
See what I mean?


Donald Trump has adultery in his past but he is not preaching it as PUBLIC POLICY.

What you want us to do is vote for politicians who endorse BABY KILLING AS PUBLIC POLICY.
What GOP policies help children?
Arming school shooters?
Children in cages?
Using CHIP for politics?

GOP leaders say no action will be taken on gun legislation

How about not ripping them limb from limb in their mothers' wombs just for starters? Or leaving them TO DIE if the abortion is botched?

No infant is left to die. Repeat the fallacies if you must, its the rights talking point.
What do you know about Christianity?

Where do you want me to start Penny? I mean ask me a question. But even your question, no doubt, will reveal a stunning lack of self-awareness
Do you think that all that hate in your heart will cause you problems come the rapture ?

Tommy do you suppose that we are to put up with your anti-Christian rot and say nothing? Oh that's right. If we speak back we have "hate in our heart". I don't hate you. Or Penny. Or Dean. I think you're deluded and I feel sorry for all of you.
The first post of yours I read was full of loony conspiracy theories about Germans. It was dripping with hate. Hate seems to be an integral part of the US evangelical cult.

I slapped her for that post you refer to and if she posts any more Anti-Germanic Hate Rants I will slap her again. She is a Conservative and we can agree on many things but I am not going to allow her to trash my own. Blood is more IMPORTANT than politics and so if any more trashing I will defend and slap her again.

You all can do what you want. We're just so clearly not allies anymore. Not all Germans are viciously anti-American, but too many are for us to be called "allies". President Trump sees this and it should be obvious to everyone.
You wouldn't know "traditional Christianity" if it fell on your head, and neither would Penny
I went to Catholic School and we actually read the Bible. We had assignments from the Bible.
It was nothing like what right wingers teach today.
Adultery is NOT excusable.
Tax cuts for billionaires is NOT what Jesus preached.
Racism isn't promoted.
See what I mean?


Donald Trump has adultery in his past but he is not preaching it as PUBLIC POLICY.

What you want us to do is vote for politicians who endorse BABY KILLING AS PUBLIC POLICY.
What GOP policies help children?
Arming school shooters?
Children in cages?
Using CHIP for politics?

GOP leaders say no action will be taken on gun legislation

How about not ripping them limb from limb in their mothers' wombs just for starters? Or leaving them TO DIE if the abortion is botched?

No infant is left to die. Repeat the fallacies if you must, its the rights talking point.

I don't care if you define them as infants or not, you define and undefine many things on whims. They are absolutely left to die.
Tommy do you suppose that we are to put up with your anti-Christian rot and say nothing? Oh that's right. If we speak back we have "hate in our heart". I don't hate you. Or Penny. Or Dean. I think you're deluded and I feel sorry for all of you.
The first post of yours I read was full of loony conspiracy theories about Germans. It was dripping with hate. Hate seems to be an integral part of the US evangelical cult.

"Dripping with hate" means disagrees with Tommy strongly. We know, Tommy, we know.
No it was nasty stuff. Germany and the US have been allies for over 70 years but you want to project nazi atrocities on to people who are your friends. It is a bizarre stance.

Poor Tommy, cry some more. Reminder: they ARE the people who spawned the Nazis, remember? Are you going to pretend YOU don't remind us of all American school shootings even if we don't do it, or Jim Crow laws and etc? Oh please. That's for starters. For enders, they are no allies of ours, nor friends. Saying so is not "hate" Tommy. Disagreeing with you is not "hate", Tommy.

"Reminder: they ARE the people who spawned the Nazis, remember?"

STFU that crap end 74 years ago, stop with your insane American Propaganda, you are a Xenophobe and have issues.

No. You can't make me stop talking about it. The Holocaust was perpetrated by Germans. That is simply the truth. It doesn't mean all Germans are rotten or that Germans are more particularly rotten than any other humans. But I'll be gosh darned if I"m going to get to the point we can't say Germany spawned the Nazis because such talk is "HATE".

It's not hate.



Poor Tommy, cry some more. Reminder: they ARE the people who spawned the Nazis, remember? Are you going to pretend YOU don't remind us of all American school shootings even if we don't do it, or Jim Crow laws and etc? Oh please. That's for starters. For enders, they are no allies of ours, nor friends. Saying so is not "hate" Tommy. Disagreeing with you is not "hate", Tommy.
If you are blaming modern Germans for the Nazis then it must follow that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. That would be absurd. Do you see how this works ?

Oh please Tommy, first. That is part of why you European Lefties hate America in the first place: slavery and racism and etc. And yes you do blame us. Whether I blame modern Germans or not is immaterial; YOU blame modern Americans, so don't even go there.

But I do not--what I do blame them for is their projection and the way they're handling their guilt NOW. They are handling it in rampant anti-Americanism. That's not "hate" Tommy. Anytime someone disagrees with you or makes an observation YOU DON'T LIKE, it is not "hate". Tommy.
How are they handling "their guilt" ?

Guilt is in quotes?

They're not guilty?

NOT GUILTY. As you are a low IQ Muppet I put again:


Oh 74 years is the new cut off now? I'll remind snotty Europeans of that the next time they bring up slavery to me. This is so easy. Lots of times it's Germans
Oh please Tommy, first. That is part of why you European Lefties hate America in the first place: slavery and racism and etc. And yes you do blame us. Whether I blame modern Germans or not is immaterial; YOU blame modern Americans, so don't even go there.

But I do not--what I do blame them for is their projection and the way they're handling their guilt NOW. They are handling it in rampant anti-Americanism. That's not "hate" Tommy. Anytime someone disagrees with you or makes an observation YOU DON'T LIKE, it is not "hate". Tommy.
How are they handling "their guilt" ?

Guilt is in quotes?

They're not guilty?
What are they guilty of ?

This is 50 year old Jurgen Klopp. He is a German. Explain what he has to feel guilt for.

You realize Tommy that they have admitted guilt, which you stupidly put in quotes, by paying reparations right?

I mean what are you even talking about Tommy?

You are a vile American Propagandist.

As Tommy say with YOUR logic that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans.YOU are PERSONALLY responsible Sweet Sue for the SLAVERY and GENOCIDE of Native Americans and I add with that YOU Sweet Sue are SQUATTING on Native American land, so GTFO already and GIVE it back to them and also give ALL your MONEYS to the Native Americans.

This is what the majority of what European Leftists actually believe I hope you know. Love how you add that we are squatting on NA land too. See what I mean? You think less of us, and it's all over Germany like an infestation.

Fine dear, please get on with it. But I am telling you we are no allies.
Poor Tommy, cry some more. Reminder: they ARE the people who spawned the Nazis, remember? Are you going to pretend YOU don't remind us of all American school shootings even if we don't do it, or Jim Crow laws and etc? Oh please. That's for starters. For enders, they are no allies of ours, nor friends. Saying so is not "hate" Tommy. Disagreeing with you is not "hate", Tommy.
If you are blaming modern Germans for the Nazis then it must follow that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. That would be absurd. Do you see how this works ?

Oh please Tommy, first. That is part of why you European Lefties hate America in the first place: slavery and racism and etc. And yes you do blame us. Whether I blame modern Germans or not is immaterial; YOU blame modern Americans, so don't even go there.

But I do not--what I do blame them for is their projection and the way they're handling their guilt NOW. They are handling it in rampant anti-Americanism. That's not "hate" Tommy. Anytime someone disagrees with you or makes an observation YOU DON'T LIKE, it is not "hate". Tommy.
How are they handling "their guilt" ?

Guilt is in quotes?

They're not guilty?

NOT GUILTY. As you are a low IQ Muppet I put again:


New York Leftists are pretty divided, A lot of Blacks, and Catholic Democrats don't really care a heck of a lot about Jews, and their Holocaust, in the New York area.

As for "Evil" in terms of "Genocide" it generally happens when people are accomplices, and 'Zombies" towards authority.
Tommy do you suppose that we are to put up with your anti-Christian rot and say nothing? Oh that's right. If we speak back we have "hate in our heart". I don't hate you. Or Penny. Or Dean. I think you're deluded and I feel sorry for all of you.
The first post of yours I read was full of loony conspiracy theories about Germans. It was dripping with hate. Hate seems to be an integral part of the US evangelical cult.

"Dripping with hate" means disagrees with Tommy strongly. We know, Tommy, we know.
No it was nasty stuff. Germany and the US have been allies for over 70 years but you want to project nazi atrocities on to people who are your friends. It is a bizarre stance.

Poor Tommy, cry some more. Reminder: they ARE the people who spawned the Nazis, remember? Are you going to pretend YOU don't remind us of all American school shootings even if we don't do it, or Jim Crow laws and etc? Oh please. That's for starters. For enders, they are no allies of ours, nor friends. Saying so is not "hate" Tommy. Disagreeing with you is not "hate", Tommy.
If you are blaming modern Germans for the Nazis then it must follow that you are responsible for slavery and the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. That would be absurd. Do you see how this works ?

Is it absurd, and evil to blame those for the sins of some of their forefathers?

So, it's absurd, and evil, when Jews keep bringing up the Holocaust, and blaming the wrong people to pay them Money for it, being the Jewish slander, and blame upon Polish people?

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