Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

If you don't believe I misspoke fine, keep believing I meant almost all our mid level agents are christian since that's true also.

What I believe is that you are so desperate to whitewash the threat from radical Islam and the aggression of theocratic Muslims that you'll say virtually anything.

If what you say happens to have some truth to it, that's fine, if not? Just as good. You have an agenda to cover for Islam, anything which fits that agenda is used.

My bullshit? Lol that's cute, everything you say is bullshit. I've said a thousand times that I think Islam is stupid and I wish it never existed,

You say all sorts of things.

Problem is, most of what you say is simply not true.

to you that translates to me being a liar for Allah and pro-Islam. I've stated another thousand times that most christians are good people and our government flaws have nothing to do with our leaders being christian, yet you keep repeating that I hate christians and am anti-christian despite my signature being nothing but the most hardcore type of Bible-thumping christians.

You're amazed that I'm willing to admit I made a mistake when I chose the wrong terminology, that amazes you because despite you being wrong on every post you make you still don't have the integrity to ever admit being wrong. Even when your own quotes you provide links to prove you're wrong.

What I'm amazed at is your aggression in portraying Islam as a benign and peaceful movement. That level of dishonesty is simply amazing.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev. 20.13 Lesbians are ok?
If you don't believe I misspoke fine, keep believing I meant almost all our mid level agents are christian since that's true also.

What I believe is that you are so desperate to whitewash the threat from radical Islam and the aggression of theocratic Muslims that you'll say virtually anything.

If what you say happens to have some truth to it, that's fine, if not? Just as good. You have an agenda to cover for Islam, anything which fits that agenda is used.

My bullshit? Lol that's cute, everything you say is bullshit. I've said a thousand times that I think Islam is stupid and I wish it never existed,

You say all sorts of things.

Problem is, most of what you say is simply not true.

to you that translates to me being a liar for Allah and pro-Islam. I've stated another thousand times that most christians are good people and our government flaws have nothing to do with our leaders being christian, yet you keep repeating that I hate christians and am anti-christian despite my signature being nothing but the most hardcore type of Bible-thumping christians.

You're amazed that I'm willing to admit I made a mistake when I chose the wrong terminology, that amazes you because despite you being wrong on every post you make you still don't have the integrity to ever admit being wrong. Even when your own quotes you provide links to prove you're wrong.

What I'm amazed at is your aggression in portraying Islam as a benign and peaceful movement. That level of dishonesty is simply amazing.

People in the middle east may have a threat from radical islam, here in the US? Not so much. We live in a country with open borders where people with machine guns could walk across and go wild in a mall, but it never happens. We live in a country with wide open ports where an enormous bomb could be snuck in easily and detonated, but it never happens. But you and your heros want me to live in round the clock fear the way you do, won't happen.

Sounds like you're waving the white flag on me supporting Islam, anyone with common sense knows when someone says they wish Islam never existed that they aren't voicing support for it.

My aggression in portraying Islam as a benign and peaceful movement? Boy oh boy I'd love to see the tiniest shred of evidence of me ever doing anything remotely like that please.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev. 20.13 Lesbians are ok?

It pretty much doesn't cover Woman on Woman... True Story.

Covers Women Presenting themselves to Animals, as it calls Homosexuality an Abomination, but it never Specifies Woman on Woman.

I am sure it's Inferred and the Book was Written from a Decidedly Male Perspect quite some time ago. ;)


LOL that binary thought process of the right. If you do not support Christianity you must support Islam.

I support no religion. I support ones right to believe as they wish as long as it does not impact me or others.
I read Romans 1 through 32, it's about unrighteous men in general, never a word about being gay.

Teaparty jumped to that conclusion on his own.

Oh please. That was just stupid!

A) The word "gay" wasn't adopted for homoexuality until 1969.

B) The word homosexual wasn't used until 1892.

C) You hypocrites have no doubt that verse in Leviticus covers homosexuality yet it never uses the word "gay" or "homosexual" either. It simply says "to lie with mankind as with womankind."

Leviticus 18 King James Version (KJV)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

You have no problem understanding THAT to mean homosexuality, so cut the BS.

D) Romans 1 makes it just as clear:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

It's pretty clear both Leviticus AND Romans are talking about the practice of homosexuality.

E) The ancient Greeks never used the word homosexual either, but they sure touted the practice in their literature.

Thus it is quite clear you don't need to use the words gay or homosexual to communicate a view about such practices.

So keep trying liberal liars. If you are going to make "expert" proclammations like that, you better have the evidence to back it up.


Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev. 20.13 Lesbians are ok?

It pretty much doesn't cover Woman on Woman... True Story.

Covers Women Presenting themselves to Animals, as it calls Homosexuality an Abomination, but it never Specifies Woman on Woman.

I am sure it's Inferred and the Book was Written from a Decidedly Male Perspect quite some time ago. ;)



However Romans 1 DOES cover that.

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
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Matthew 15 King James Version

11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

20These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Pay reall close attention to those verses.
Those who speak of libtards, etc....

Real Christians pay attention the ALL of the verses there.
and we know that it is unhealthy to eat Catfish more than once a week for helathy people.
And we also know it is unhealthy to eat with unwashed hands or to eat tainted or spoiled food.
ecoli? Salmonella, etc...

Real Christians follow CHRIST, not hypocrites who want to make up stories about cat fish fries at Churches. Which I have still not seen any evidence for.

New one on me. A cat fish fry at a church!
I read Romans 1 through 32, it's about unrighteous men in general, never a word about being gay.

Teaparty jumped to that conclusion on his own.

Oh please. That was just stupid!

A) The word "gay" wasn't adopted for homoexuality until 1969.

B) The word homosexual wasn't used until 1892.

C) You hypocrites have no doubt that verse in Leviticus covers homosexuality yet it never uses the word "gay" or "homosexual" either. It simply says "to lie with mankind as with womankind."

Leviticus 18 King James Version (KJV)

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

You have no problem understanding THAT to mean homosexuality, so cut the BS.

D) Romans 1 makes it just as clear:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

It's pretty clear both Leviticus AND Romans are talking about the practice of homosexuality.

E) The ancient Greeks never used the word homosexual either, but they sure touted the practice in their literature.

Thus it is quite clear you don't need to use the words gay or homosexual to communicate a view about such practices.

So keep trying liberal liars. If you are going to make "expert" proclammations like that, you better have the evidence to back it up.



I'm 1,000 times more conservative than you, probably 1,000,000 times. Your republican/tea party heros are way too liberal for me.

Again, you're wrong, you jumped to that conclusion with pre thought out assumptions you already had in your head. In 50 years or so when the majority of christians take no moral issue with homosexuality (if we aren't there already), they'll feel very sorry for the bigots of the past like yourself.
Matthew 15 King James Version

11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

20These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Pay reall close attention to those verses.
Those who speak of libtards, etc....

Real Christians pay attention the ALL of the verses there.
and we know that it is unhealthy to eat Catfish more than once a week for helathy people.
And we also know it is unhealthy to eat with unwashed hands or to eat tainted or spoiled food.
ecoli? Salmonella, etc...

Real Christians follow CHRIST, not hypocrites who want to make up stories about cat fish fries at Churches. Which I have still not seen any evidence for.

New one on me. A cat fish fry at a church!

Church plans fish fry Saturday
Comments 0
September 25, 2010 6:56 AM

ALTON - The youth of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, 2621 Amelia St., are having a fish fry, Saturday, Sept. 25, beginning at 11.

A catfish filet sandwich and drink is $6. Catfish filet dinner, includes spaghetti, cole slaw and dessert for $8.

You might want to google "Church catfish fry".
I got 510,000 results on Alta Vista.
Last edited:
I read Romans 1 through 32, it's about unrighteous men in general, never a word about being gay.

Teaparty jumped to that conclusion on his own.

Oh please. That was just stupid!

A) The word "gay" wasn't adopted for homoexuality until 1969.

B) The word homosexual wasn't used until 1892.

C) You hypocrites have no doubt that verse in Leviticus covers homosexuality yet it never uses the word "gay" or "homosexual" either. It simply says "to lie with mankind as with womankind."

You have no problem understanding THAT to mean homosexuality, so cut the BS.

D) Romans 1 makes it just as clear:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

It's pretty clear both Leviticus AND Romans are talking about the practice of homosexuality.

E) The ancient Greeks never used the word homosexual either, but they sure touted the practice in their literature.

Thus it is quite clear you don't need to use the words gay or homosexual to communicate a view about such practices.

So keep trying liberal liars. If you are going to make "expert" proclammations like that, you better have the evidence to back it up.



I'm 1,000 times more conservative than you, probably 1,000,000 times. Your republican/tea party heros are way too liberal for me.

Again, you're wrong, you jumped to that conclusion with pre thought out assumptions you already had in your head. In 50 years or so when the majority of christians take no moral issue with homosexuality (if we aren't there already), they'll feel very sorry for the bigots of the past like yourself.


In 1994, a couple of authors from England made the boast that if "Christianity survived another five years, it would much different than it was today."

I took a bet with them, and in the year 2000 I made sure to let them know they had both LOST the bet.

They didn't lose with anymore grace than you have.

They sputtered a tirade much the same as you are now. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You remind me of Jim Jones (you know the one who killed all his followers at Guyana?).

During one sermon he angrily threw the Bible down in the Church and yelled that there were more people that followed the Bible than him. Sounds like that's what you think should happen.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that, although I will most likely not be around in 50 years, the Bible will be.

Which means the language in the Bible you can't refute will still be there as well.

So, that bet, YOU ALREADY LOST.

Matthew 15 King James Version

11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

20These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Pay reall close attention to those verses.
Those who speak of libtards, etc....

Real Christians pay attention the ALL of the verses there.
and we know that it is unhealthy to eat Catfish more than once a week for helathy people.
And we also know it is unhealthy to eat with unwashed hands or to eat tainted or spoiled food.
ecoli? Salmonella, etc...

Real Christians follow CHRIST, not hypocrites who want to make up stories about cat fish fries at Churches. Which I have still not seen any evidence for.

New one on me. A cat fish fry at a church!

Church plans fish fry Saturday
Comments 0
September 25, 2010 6:56 AM

ALTON - The youth of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, 2621 Amelia St., are having a fish fry, Saturday, Sept. 25, beginning at 11.

A catfish filet sandwich and drink is $6. Catfish filet dinner, includes spaghetti, cole slaw and dessert for $8.

Church plans fish fry Saturday | church, catfish, filet - Local News - The Telegraph

You might want to google "Church catfish fry".
I got 510,000 results on Alta Vista.


As I already made it clear, it's not a sin for Christians to eat catfish. Nor pork, nor shrimp, or any of the other foods that are not "Kosher."

I already proved your entire premise is bogus, but I suppose I shall have to repeat myself.

That's what liberals do when they have a lie refuted. They just repeat it over and over.

Oh please. That was just stupid!

A) The word "gay" wasn't adopted for homoexuality until 1969.

B) The word homosexual wasn't used until 1892.

C) You hypocrites have no doubt that verse in Leviticus covers homosexuality yet it never uses the word "gay" or "homosexual" either. It simply says "to lie with mankind as with womankind."

You have no problem understanding THAT to mean homosexuality, so cut the BS.

D) Romans 1 makes it just as clear:

It's pretty clear both Leviticus AND Romans are talking about the practice of homosexuality.

E) The ancient Greeks never used the word homosexual either, but they sure touted the practice in their literature.

Thus it is quite clear you don't need to use the words gay or homosexual to communicate a view about such practices.

So keep trying liberal liars. If you are going to make "expert" proclammations like that, you better have the evidence to back it up.



I'm 1,000 times more conservative than you, probably 1,000,000 times. Your republican/tea party heros are way too liberal for me.

Again, you're wrong, you jumped to that conclusion with pre thought out assumptions you already had in your head. In 50 years or so when the majority of christians take no moral issue with homosexuality (if we aren't there already), they'll feel very sorry for the bigots of the past like yourself.


In 1994, a couple of authors from England made the boast that if "Christianity survived another five years, it would much different than it was today."

I took a bet with them, and in the year 2000 I made sure to let them know they had both LOST the bet.

They didn't lose with anymore grace than you have.

They sputtered a tirade much the same as you are now. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You remind me of Jim Jones (you know the one who killed all his followers at Guyana?).

During one sermon he angrily threw the Bible down in the Church and yelled that there were more people that followed the Bible than him. Sounds like that's what you think should happen.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that, although I will most likely not be around in 50 years, the Bible will be.

Which means the language in the Bible you can't refute will still be there as well.

So, that bet, YOU ALREADY LOST.


Bigots like you have falsely used the Bible in the past to rationalize their bigotry, and have always been looked on by future generations as wrong.

You can blind your eyes to it if it makes you feel better, but there's an enormous CHRISTIAN movement that says there's nothing immoral about homosexuality. All these states wouldn't be allowing gay marriage if the majority of christians who make up most of the states took moral issue with it.

So if you're disgusted by society becoming more accepting of homosexuality, the first place you should try to "fix" is your own churches.
Last edited:
I'm 1,000 times more conservative than you, probably 1,000,000 times. Your republican/tea party heros are way too liberal for me.

Again, you're wrong, you jumped to that conclusion with pre thought out assumptions you already had in your head. In 50 years or so when the majority of christians take no moral issue with homosexuality (if we aren't there already), they'll feel very sorry for the bigots of the past like yourself.


In 1994, a couple of authors from England made the boast that if "Christianity survived another five years, it would much different than it was today."

I took a bet with them, and in the year 2000 I made sure to let them know they had both LOST the bet.

They didn't lose with anymore grace than you have.

They sputtered a tirade much the same as you are now. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You remind me of Jim Jones (you know the one who killed all his followers at Guyana?).

During one sermon he angrily threw the Bible down in the Church and yelled that there were more people that followed the Bible than him. Sounds like that's what you think should happen.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that, although I will most likely not be around in 50 years, the Bible will be.

Which means the language in the Bible you can't refute will still be there as well.

So, that bet, YOU ALREADY LOST.


Bigots like you have falsely used the Bible in the passed to rationalize their bigotry, and have always been looked on by future generations as wrong.

You can blind your eyes to it if it makes you feel better, but there's an enormous CHRISTIAN movement that says there's nothing immoral about homosexuality. All these states wouldn't be allowing gay marriage if the majority of christians who make up most of the states took moral issue with it.

So if you're disgusted by society becoming more accepting of homosexuality, the first place you should try to "fix" is your own churches.

Thank you for proving me right.

You can't refute a thing I've stated from the Bible.

You're just going to be a sore loser and sputter.

Do you realize how intolerant you are?

You don't see me demanding YOU believe as I do or I will call you all kinds of names, and spew threats of how society will condemn me in the future, blah blah blah.

No, YOU are doing that. DEMANDING I believe as YOU do about homsexuality or ELSE! :eusa_snooty:

It is YOU that is the intolerant of other beliefs.

And that bit of hypocrisy, I bet, will never occur to you. It never does to those who are most intolerant of other beliefs.

Just remember, it wasn't Christians attacking homosxuals that started this thread.

It was those pro-gay that started this thread attacking Christians.

You hypocrites are just outraged we Christians not only defended ourselves but we BEAT YOU at your own game.

Last edited:

In 1994, a couple of authors from England made the boast that if "Christianity survived another five years, it would much different than it was today."

I took a bet with them, and in the year 2000 I made sure to let them know they had both LOST the bet.

They didn't lose with anymore grace than you have.

They sputtered a tirade much the same as you are now. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You remind me of Jim Jones (you know the one who killed all his followers at Guyana?).

During one sermon he angrily threw the Bible down in the Church and yelled that there were more people that followed the Bible than him. Sounds like that's what you think should happen.

Well, I'm sorry to tell you that, although I will most likely not be around in 50 years, the Bible will be.

Which means the language in the Bible you can't refute will still be there as well.

So, that bet, YOU ALREADY LOST.


Bigots like you have falsely used the Bible in the passed to rationalize their bigotry, and have always been looked on by future generations as wrong.

You can blind your eyes to it if it makes you feel better, but there's an enormous CHRISTIAN movement that says there's nothing immoral about homosexuality. All these states wouldn't be allowing gay marriage if the majority of christians who make up most of the states took moral issue with it.

So if you're disgusted by society becoming more accepting of homosexuality, the first place you should try to "fix" is your own churches.

Thank you for proving me right.

You can't refute a thing I've stated from the Bible.

You're just going to be a sore loser and sputter.

Do you realize how intolerant you are?

You don't see me demanding YOU believe as I do or I will call you all kinds of names, and spew threats of how society will condemn me in the future, blah blah blah.

No, YOU are doing that. DEMANDING I believe as YOU do about homsexuality or ELSE! :eusa_snooty:

It is YOU that is the intolerant of other beliefs.

And that bit of hypocrisy, I bet, will never occur to you. It never does to those who are most intolerant of other beliefs.

Just remember, it wasn't Christians attacking homosxuals that started this thread.

It was those pro-gay that started this thread attacking Christians.

You hypocrites are just outraged we Christians not only defended ourselves but we BEAT YOU at your own game.


I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.
It's human nature Dr. Drock, for people to assume things. We all do it. It doesn't make it right, but we all do it at sometime or another.
You just did it with me assuming that I am a man.
I don't know whether it's sad of funny that you think that a man would have a user name as peach.
Not even my gay male friends would use peach as their user name.
Bigots like you have falsely used the Bible in the passed to rationalize their bigotry, and have always been looked on by future generations as wrong.

You can blind your eyes to it if it makes you feel better, but there's an enormous CHRISTIAN movement that says there's nothing immoral about homosexuality. All these states wouldn't be allowing gay marriage if the majority of christians who make up most of the states took moral issue with it.

So if you're disgusted by society becoming more accepting of homosexuality, the first place you should try to "fix" is your own churches.

Thank you for proving me right.

You can't refute a thing I've stated from the Bible.

You're just going to be a sore loser and sputter.

Do you realize how intolerant you are?

You don't see me demanding YOU believe as I do or I will call you all kinds of names, and spew threats of how society will condemn me in the future, blah blah blah.

No, YOU are doing that. DEMANDING I believe as YOU do about homsexuality or ELSE! :eusa_snooty:

It is YOU that is the intolerant of other beliefs.

And that bit of hypocrisy, I bet, will never occur to you. It never does to those who are most intolerant of other beliefs.

Just remember, it wasn't Christians attacking homosxuals that started this thread.

It was those pro-gay that started this thread attacking Christians.

You hypocrites are just outraged we Christians not only defended ourselves but we BEAT YOU at your own game.


I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.

You didn't refute ANYTHING.

All you did was claim you read the bible and never saw the word gay or homosexual.

Which is laughable considering the word homosexual was first used in 1892 and the word gay in 1969.

Nice try, but keep sputtering.

And you ARE intolerant. You are the one attacking me for MY beliefs and calling me a bigot because I won't believe as you do.

You don't see me doing that with you.

It's pro-gay people like YOU that started this thread attacking Christians, NOT the other way around.

But, thank you for proving me right. The most intolerant people are usually the biggest hypocrites when it comes to the issue of tolerance.

Keep sputtering.

All you have so far is, I'm a "bigot" because I have evidence from the Bible to back up my beliefs and you have zip, zilch, nadda to refute it.


Last edited:
It's human nature Dr. Drock, for people to assume things. We all do it. It doesn't make it right, but we all do it at sometime or another.
You just did it with me assuming that I am a man.
I don't know whether it's sad of funny that you think that a man would have a user name as peach.
Not even my gay male friends would use peach as their user name.

Not sure why we're going on discussion about assumption but I apologize for calling you a man.

However I disagree that a man could use the name peach too, gay or straight. I don't attach the word peach to feminine, I think of it as a fruit.
Thank you for proving me right.

You can't refute a thing I've stated from the Bible.

You're just going to be a sore loser and sputter.

Do you realize how intolerant you are?

You don't see me demanding YOU believe as I do or I will call you all kinds of names, and spew threats of how society will condemn me in the future, blah blah blah.

No, YOU are doing that. DEMANDING I believe as YOU do about homsexuality or ELSE! :eusa_snooty:

It is YOU that is the intolerant of other beliefs.

And that bit of hypocrisy, I bet, will never occur to you. It never does to those who are most intolerant of other beliefs.

Just remember, it wasn't Christians attacking homosxuals that started this thread.

It was those pro-gay that started this thread attacking Christians.

You hypocrites are just outraged we Christians not only defended ourselves but we BEAT YOU at your own game.


I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.

You didn't refute ANYTHING.

All you did was claim you read the bible and never saw the word gay or homosexual.

Which is laughable considering the word homosexual was first used in 1892 and the word gay in 1969.

Nice try, but keep sputtering.


There's no word in the Bible that translates to homosexual, which helps illustrate to me how ridiculous the anti-homosexual movement you're involved with is.

But I'm thankful you're in a slowly dying off minority of bigots, the young generation of christians mostly take no moral issue with homosexuality and they'll teach their kids that, and they'll teach their kids that, and you and people like you will just be a tiny asterisk to christianity when they look back at their history.
You will find that Christian's are recognizing that gays have as much rights as everyone else but marriage is still not widely accepted throughout the states.
Christian's recognize that gays have problems with things like, Child care, life insurance, health insurance, pensions, inheritance and visiting their loved ones in the hospital and also making arrangements for them.
I think that you will find that these things will be addressed for them in the future.
But not marriage. So far, and that also includes almost all of the major religions in this world.
Islam is still dealing harshly with them. They are whipped, jailed, or even killed for being a homosexual.

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