Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Jewish Moral Law as Opposed to Jewish Cerimonial Law?...

The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus 18

Acts of Immorality Forbidden <King James has it...

Unlawful Sexual Relations <The New International Version has it...

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God.

3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.

4 Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God.

5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: Neh. 9.29 · Ezek. 18.9 ; 20.11-13 · Lk. 10.28 · Rom. 10.5 · Gal. 3.12 I am the LORD.

6 ¶ None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.

7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness. Lev. 20.11 · Deut. 22.30 ; 27.20

9 The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. Lev. 20.17 · Deut. 27.22

10 The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness.

11 The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is thy father's near kinswoman.

13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she is thy mother's near kinswoman.

14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. Lev. 20.19, 20

15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter-in-law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. Lev. 20.12

16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness. Lev. 20.21

17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. Lev. 20.14 · Deut. 27.23

18 Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, besides the other in her life time.

19 ¶ Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness. Lev. 20.18

20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife, to defile thyself with her. Lev. 20.10

21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: Lev. 20.1-5 I am the LORD.

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev. 20.13

23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Ex. 22.19 · Lev. 20.15, 16 · Deut. 27.21

24 ¶ Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

25 and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:

27 (for all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)

28 that the land spew not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spewed out the nations that were before you.

29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

30 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.


Damn it... I just can't Find ANYTHING in there about Food...

Interesting, that...

And those 3 there that I highlighted...

Difficult, they are... To Seperate.



Are you Jewish?


The Dishonestly of this Thread is Inherent...

The Bible doesn't Condone nor OK Homosexuality... EVER.

It ONLY Speaks of it as an Abomination.

It does NOT Compare it to Food as an Equal Sin, and the 18th Chapter of Leviticus Illustrates this 100% IN CONTEXT.

Stop fucking being so Dishonest, Liberals...

If Homosexuality can't find Validation on it's own, so be it...

But stop Lying about the Bible in some Lame Attempt at find Validation there.

Homosexuality is Sin in Christianity.

Don't like it?... Stop the Homosexuality or don't be a Christian.

Fairly Basic.

We aren't a Muslim Country, so you won't be Executed for being Homosexual :thup:



uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.
New one on me. A cat fish fry at a church!

I proved you wrong so you had to repeat yourself?

USC... Jewish Cerimonial Law does not Pertain to Christians...

Are you continuing to Troll for your own Entertainment?...



My point is that it does pertain when they want it to, but not when they don't.
Many christians quote Leviticus about Homosex being a sin.
Per Leviticus so is eating catfish.

Their preachers do not tell them that fact.
Accordingly, their marching orders can't digest it.
uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

Libertarians don't, anyway.

Libertarians also don't care about the religious faith of others.

I care not if my neighbors worships one god or twenty, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket - Thomas Jefferson.
uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

Libertarians don't, anyway.

Libertarians also don't care about the religious faith of others.

I care not if my neighbors worships one god or twenty, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket - Thomas Jefferson.

Conservatives don't.
Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.
In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.
uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

Libertarians don't, anyway.

Libertarians also don't care about the religious faith of others.

I care not if my neighbors worships one god or twenty, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket - Thomas Jefferson.

Conservatives don't.
Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.
In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.

At one of the Republican conventions - I can't remember if it was 2000 or 2004 - the number one self-identified group were evangelicals at 33%.
New one on me. A cat fish fry at a church!

I proved you wrong so you had to repeat yourself?

USC... Jewish Cerimonial Law does not Pertain to Christians...

Are you continuing to Troll for your own Entertainment?...



My point is that it does pertain when they want it to, but not when they don't.
Many christians quote Leviticus about Homosex being a sin.
Per Leviticus so is eating catfish.

You are Deliberately Ignoring Placement in Leviticus and Severity...

Murder and Lying are Sins...

It's Absurd to Equate them.

You would be just as Absurd to say that Beastiality and Eating Fish were Equal in Leviticus...

Fucking Absurd.

Fish is not Mentioned in 18, and 18 is not linked to 17 or any other Part of Leviticus... It's it's own Chapter Dealing with Moral Law.

End of Fucking List.

Don't like it, Subscribe to another Book. :thup:


Libertarians don't, anyway.

Libertarians also don't care about the religious faith of others.

I care not if my neighbors worships one god or twenty, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket - Thomas Jefferson.

Conservatives don't.
Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.
In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.

At one of the Republican conventions - I can't remember if it was 2000 or 2004 - the number one self-identified group were evangelicals at 33%.

And they wonder why we lose to the likes of Obama.
Go back to the Georgia Republican state convention when Bush I defeated Pat Robertson here. The religous kook Robertson Christian Coalition/ Moral Majority refused to accept that Bush won the primary and thus the delegates. They attempted to stonewall the vote and we had to take 2 groups of delegates to NO for the national convention.
We were the laughing stock of the convention. We then proved that that the religous kook Christian Coalition Robertson head delegate was a convicted felon and the others they had were not far off. Bob Barr led the day for us then as he would not back down from the lies and criminal activity of the Christian Coalition/Moral Majority Robertson delegates.
They lie to get their way. All in the name of "Anything to get God fearing family values people in government."
Are you Jewish?


The Dishonestly of this Thread is Inherent...

The Bible doesn't Condone nor OK Homosexuality... EVER.

It ONLY Speaks of it as an Abomination.

It does NOT Compare it to Food as an Equal Sin, and the 18th Chapter of Leviticus Illustrates this 100% IN CONTEXT.

Stop fucking being so Dishonest, Liberals...

If Homosexuality can't find Validation on it's own, so be it...

But stop Lying about the Bible in some Lame Attempt at find Validation there.

Homosexuality is Sin in Christianity.

Don't like it?... Stop the Homosexuality or don't be a Christian.

Fairly Basic.

We aren't a Muslim Country, so you won't be Executed for being Homosexual :thup:



uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

I am a Conservative, and I don't want the Government involved in what People do in their own Bedrooms...

They are involved when the Possibility of Life and the Repsonsibility of Caring for it, is a Product of a Union of 2 People.

It's the System we have and have had.

Chosen Deviations from what Creates us as Nature Designed it, are NOT Equal to what Creates us...

They are all Equally unEqual to it.

We exist only because of it.

It is Homosexuals Demanding something that is Invalid that has this as a Public Debate...

Not because I or any other Person who doesn't Defy their Design wanted something Special for ourselves.

Homosexuals can Marry the Flesh... They are Designed to.

They Choose to Defy their Design.

Society doesn't need to Suffer that Burden.

Keep Perverted Sex in the Bedroom with all other Sex and Society will be just Fine.


USC... Jewish Cerimonial Law does not Pertain to Christians...

Are you continuing to Troll for your own Entertainment?...



My point is that it does pertain when they want it to, but not when they don't.
Many christians quote Leviticus about Homosex being a sin.
Per Leviticus so is eating catfish.

You are Deliberately Ignoring Placement in Leviticus and Severity...

Murder and Lying are Sins...

It's Absurd to Equate them.

You would be just as Absurd to say that Beastiality and Eating Fish were Equal in Leviticus...

Fucking Absurd.

Fish is not Mentioned in 18, and 18 is not linked to 17 or any other Part of Leviticus... It's it's own Chapter Dealing with Moral Law.

End of Fucking List.

Don't like it, Subscribe to another Book. :thup:



Where did you study Hebrew and receive your doctorate in religion?

The Dishonestly of this Thread is Inherent...

The Bible doesn't Condone nor OK Homosexuality... EVER.

It ONLY Speaks of it as an Abomination.

It does NOT Compare it to Food as an Equal Sin, and the 18th Chapter of Leviticus Illustrates this 100% IN CONTEXT.

Stop fucking being so Dishonest, Liberals...

If Homosexuality can't find Validation on it's own, so be it...

But stop Lying about the Bible in some Lame Attempt at find Validation there.

Homosexuality is Sin in Christianity.

Don't like it?... Stop the Homosexuality or don't be a Christian.

Fairly Basic.

We aren't a Muslim Country, so you won't be Executed for being Homosexual :thup:



uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

I am a Conservative, and I don't want the Government involved in what People do in their own Bedrooms...

They are involved when the Possibility of Life and the Repsonsibility of Caring for it, is a Product of a Union of 2 People.

It's the System we have and have had.

Chosen Deviations from what Creates us as Nature Designed it, are NOT Equal to what Creates us...

They are all Equally unEqual to it.

We exist only because of it.

It is Homosexuals Demanding something that is Invalid that has this as a Public Debate...

Not because I or any other Person who doesn't Defy their Design wanted something Special for ourselves.

Homosexuals can Marry the Flesh... They are Designed to.

They Choose to Defy their Design.

Society doesn't need to Suffer that Burden.

Keep Perverted Sex in the Bedroom with all other Sex and Society will be just Fine.



Damn mal, gay folks bother you that much?
Even us rednecks in Georgia do not give a shit about gays.
Non issue mal. We are in 2 shooting wars, gas is killing my 3 corporations, education is going down the tubes, health care costs are skyrocketing and you worried about gay folks?
Quoting 2500 year old Jewish law?
Conservatives don't.

You're wrong.

I openly state that I am not a conservative, I am actually a liberal. As such, I don't care who others have sex with, I also don't care what god they worship, provided they aren't on a Jihad and flying planes into buildings.

Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.

Complete nonsense. Before the Marxists hijacked the democratic party in the early 70's, BOTH parties held Christian cultural mores.

The democrats were taken over by the counter-culture and have adopted the bizarre moral standards Soviet Union, amoral yet authoritarian.

In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.

Utter nonsense. In 1960, there was a twitter that Kennedy was Catholic, and that was a disruption of Protestant values.
Conservatives don't.

You're wrong.

I openly state that I am not a conservative, I am actually a liberal. As such, I don't care who others have sex with, I also don't care what god they worship, provided they aren't on a Jihad and flying planes into buildings.

Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.

Complete nonsense. Before the Marxists hijacked the democratic party in the early 70's, BOTH parties held Christian cultural mores.

The democrats were taken over by the counter-culture and have adopted the bizarre moral standards Soviet Union, amoral yet authoritarian.

In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.

Utter nonsense. In 1960, there was a twitter that Kennedy was Catholic, and that was a disruption of Protestant values.

How old are you? How many state GOP party conventions have you attended? How many conservative Republican candidates have you supported with cash and neighborhood canvassing?
1960? You claim Nixon was running with the support of the religous folk?:lol::lol:
"a disruption of Protestant values":lol::lol:
You are funny!!!
They did that because they said that he would be taking orders from the Pope as a Catholic.
That was in the day that Republicans wanted NO PART of religion in government.
But keep them coming! Them are some WHOPPERS!!!
How old are you? How many state GOP party conventions have you attended? How many conservative Republican candidates have you supported with cash and neighborhood canvassing?
1960? You claim Nixon was running with the support of the religous folk?:lol::lol:

Nixon was a Quaker. This was a big issue.

{A key factor that hurt John F. Kennedy in his campaign was the widespread prejudice against his Roman Catholic religion; some Protestants believed that, if he were elected President, Kennedy would have to take orders from the Pope in Rome. To address fears that his Roman Catholicism would impact his decision-making, Kennedy famously told the Greater Houston Ministerial Association on September 12, 1960, "I am not the Catholic candidate for President. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for President who also happens to be a Catholic. I do not speak for my Church on public matters &#8212; and the Church does not speak for me."[17}

United States presidential election, 1960 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nixon very much had the Protestant vote.

"a disruption of Protestant values":lol::lol:
You are funny!!!

I'm factual.

They did that because they said that he would be taking orders from the Pope as a Catholic.


That was in the day that Republicans wanted NO PART of religion in government.
But keep them coming! Them are some WHOPPERS!!!

In fact, ALL were expected to be Christians and hold Christian values. Prior to McGovern and the radicalization of the DNC, both parties openly advocated Christian values.
He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.

What percentage of our politicians are claiming they are going to war for "Christ"? What Christians are dancing in the street because a muslim community was bombed? What Christians rip out the intestines of muslims and hold them up as victory, along with hands covered in the blood of their "non-believers"?

It amazes me when idiots want to say that muslims and Christians are "just the same". They have to reach far and wide for Christian-proclaimed crimminals over a period of decades. Yet they overlook muslim terrorist acts that are committed almost daily, muslim human slavery trafficing, stoning women, murdering homosexuals, just in general deceit, destruction and death by thousands, on a global basis. Just where are those piles of be-headed bodies the Christians, have?

You were going real good there, making a lot of sense then you started your last paragraph.
I overlook no Muslim terror acts. I have always been one of the first to proclaim that only a small % of Muslims are terrorists but a very large of terrorists are Muslim.
Stick with the facts and you do fine. When you allow your ideology to come out, you stray from common sense into opinion only.

Aren't you, you the one, spouting that the places the Lord condemns homosexual acts (immoral acts or lewdness or perversity) don't really "mean" that? Don't preach to me unless you are speaking from the Bible, not some wacko preacher's opinion that he makes up to keep his coffers full.
Well, one set of folks believe in Muhammad and my set of folks believe in the teachings of Jesus.
Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet.

Ask them if they follow Yeshua's teachings.

Do you follow their teachings?
Something about The United States of America and respect of other religions.

Who is "their"? Are you saying "truth" is disrespectful? Where does it say that ALL religions will be "respected" in the Constitution?
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?

But, if the fish were homosexual fish, it would be ok.

It is not like anyone would notice the difference...especially after the wine....except that, over time, there would be fewer of them...
He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.

What percentage of our politicians are claiming they are going to war for "Christ"? What Christians are dancing in the street because a muslim community was bombed? What Christians rip out the intestines of muslims and hold them up as victory, along with hands covered in the blood of their "non-believers"?

It amazes me when idiots want to say that muslims and Christians are "just the same". They have to reach far and wide for Christian-proclaimed crimminals over a period of decades. Yet they overlook muslim terrorist acts that are committed almost daily, muslim human slavery trafficing, stoning women, murdering homosexuals, just in general deceit, destruction and death by thousands, on a global basis. Just where are those piles of be-headed bodies the Christians, have?

What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

The excuse for killing: this country usually uses the excuse of protecting freedoms, saving people from genocide, stopping the invasion of other nations (it is not a religion thing, though it is based off of Christian principals)...... that other religion: kills those that do not believe as they do, kills those that they wish to covet wealth, killls those that do not convert, kills those that are not intimidated, kills to intimidate, kills their own to stage the enemy "supposed" crimes, kills based on false witness, kills those that comitt adultery, kills those that are homosexual with wealth that can be coveted, kills children of any non-believer, kills animals they do not consider "clean" (where is PETA?). Yes, apparently we kill for exactly the same reasons, NOT.
What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

So you can show where US Service men are being told that when they bomb enemy positions that they must say "I Bomb thee in the name of Jesus?"

Yer bullshitting again, the wars by the USA have nothing to do with religion, they are not "Christian," as you lie, but the purely military act of the nation.

He specifically stated that it did not have anything to do with religion. Can't you read?

When you have thousands screaming I am doing this murder for Allah, wouldn't you think it was for the religion? ..... Just sayin':rolleyes::rolleyes:

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