Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

uh, earth to mal.
I am a conservative.
Conservatives do not care about the sexual orientation of others.
Conservatives do not want government involved in the private lives of others.

Libertarians don't, anyway.

Libertarians also don't care about the religious faith of others.

I care not if my neighbors worships one god or twenty, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket - Thomas Jefferson.

Conservatives don't.
Before the religous right hijacked the party, the Republican party NEVER had a religous litmus test.
In fact, we looked down upon those that did.
Probably far before your time.
Conservatism has nothing to do with religous beliefs.

The must explain these quotes from the Father of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln.

do not think I could myself, be brought to support a man for office, whom I knew to be an open enemy of, and scoffer at, religion.
--July 31, 1846

Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty.
--March 4, 1861 First Inaugural Address

Nevertheless, amid the greatest difficulties of my Administration, when I could not see any other resort, I would place my whole reliance on God, knowing that all would go well, and that He would decide for the right.
--October 24, 1863 Remarks to the Baltimore Presbyterian Synod

All the good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.
--September 7, 1864 Reply to Loyal Colored People of Baltimore upon Presentation of a Bible

Quotes by Abraham Lincoln

"Without God there could be no American form of government nor an American way of life. Recognition of the Supreme Being is the first the most basic expression of Americanism.""
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Just stupid! Seiously, that was stupid.

Just because YOU feel prejudice toward "the religious right" don't project your feelings onto a revisionist history that exists ONLY in your own fantasies.
Are you Jewish?

Nice dodge, once again, demonstrating Biblical word has little meaning to you.

Old Jewish law.
Are you Jewish?

Did Yeshua say that He came to "replace" the law? I believe He said that He came to "fullfill" the law. He taught against 'going thru the motions' and understanding what you were doing. With Him, each of us is responsible for our own action (like misleading others). Am I Jewish? I have no idea. I cannot trace my roots back to when the Hebrews were scattered on the winds as slaves to many nations. Do I believe that Yeshua was truthful? I have not read one person's teachings that even come close. Yes, I think that He was the greatest man that ever lived, and the fact that He was G*d, also, made Him even better. He told us that we could be with Him, just by following His ways and believing in Him. He never promised that it would be easy, but He did promise rewards for all eternity. He gave us the choice. Each of us gets to make our own decision. Some of us, welcome others to join in this great reward. Others mislead many towards the pit, and death. Read it for yourself. I know you have a hangup about the OT, but you might want to read proverbs, especially the parts about "wisdom". It is more current than you can imagine.
:eusa_liar::eusa_liar: pants on fire.

I have delt with people like this before. Most are homosexuals who claim to be "Christians."

They claim that Jesus himself never mentioned homosexualty, thus it is not a sin.

Quite erroneous for several reasons.

For one, Jesus didn't HAVE to mention homosexuality.

Jesus preached to JEWS during his lifetime. His sermons, his debates, and the religious questioning from Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers (etc) were all from and for JEWS (the only exception may be the Herodians, since Herod himself was an Idumean)

Thus, the subject of homosexuality never came up, BECAUSE IT WAS A SETTLED MATTER. No one questioned Jesus on homosexuality, because no one had to. Everyone knew the answer to that issue.

Leviticus 18 made it very clear homosexuality was not only a sin, BUT an abomination. Jesus confirmed the validity of the law to his Jewish audience, which includes Leviticus 18.

Matthew 5:18 King James Version

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Can you imagine Jesus up and telling Jews that he was for gay marriage? He would have been stoned to death on the spot!

Get real people! You know what I'm saying is true!

Thus, the question of homosexuality is NEVER broached until the first Chapter of Romans.

Why you may ask! Why is homosexuality never mentioned (in the NT) until the first Chapter of Romans? The answer is to that is very easy to understand.

While Jesus' audience were Jews, who were debating points of the law, Paul (who wrote Romans) was bringing Christianity to PAGANS.

Although, there was NO QUESTION that homosexuality was verboten in Jewish Law, homosexuality was quite common in many pagan socities like Greece and Rome. (Indeed, people engaged in these pagan practices in the OT were called the "sodomites.")

Thus, right off the bat, Paul makes it clear to new Christian converts from the pagan cultures (that comprised the Roman Empire) that these sexual practices were a sin.

Thus, the erroneous notion that, since Jesus didn't mention homosexuality, homosexuality isn't a sin, is just a another way the PC crowd tries to rationalize their way around the Bible.

It's not based on fact, it's based on ignorance and lies.

It's as simple as that.

so Paul spoke out against homosexuality but did Jesus?

or is Paul god too?


See this is what liberals do! When their lies are exposed they pretend they haven't been exposed and just repeat them like nothing happened.

So either you didn't read my entire post, WHICH ANSWERS YOUR STUPID QUESTION, you are just that dishonest, you are just that stupid, or you are just both stupid and dishonest.

I think it's the latter myself. :cuckoo:
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?

A) I have lived all over the country and have never seen a church have a "catfish fry." I've seen fish frys at the Elks Lodge but not a "catfish fry" at any church.

I would like to see some evidence for that.

B) Christians don't follow the JEWISH dietary laws. We don't feel bound because of what Christ said:

Matthew 15 King James Version

11Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

17Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

20These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

C) Next you are going to be stupid enough to say, "THEN HOW COME YOU FOLLOW THE JEWISH LAW ON HOMOSEXUALITY, HUH?????????????"

The answer to that is WE DON'T! If we were, we would be stoning homosexuals all over the country.

Even the Jews don't follow that.

D) Next you will ask, "THEN HOW CAN YOU SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, HUH???????????"

That's an easy one to answer. Because BOTH the Old Testement and the New Testement make it plain homosexuality is a sin:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Thus your premise is based on the usual ignorance of the Bible.

It really cracks me up when someone that hates Christianity because of their ignorance of the same tries to malign Christianity.

It reminds me of another verse from Romans:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:'ve never seen a church have a catfish fry?


Google is your friend.............

Catch the spirit at Westford church fish fry - Westford, MA - Westford Eagle

36th Annual Fish Fry

Local Church, VFDs Host Lenten Fish Fry Events « CBS Pittsburgh

West Kentucky Star - News

First Presbyterian Church Yazoo City :: Team Belize Catfish Fry

And that's just from the first page of Google.

BTW.........Leviticus is actually a manual for the Levites (i.e. Jewish Priests). So, if you're not Jewish nor a priest, why are you following their rules? Would you hold High Catholic Mass inside a Christian church?
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?

A) I have lived all over the country and have never seen a church have a "catfish fry." I've seen fish frys at the Elks Lodge but not a "catfish fry" at any church.

I would like to see some evidence for that.

B) Christians don't follow the JEWISH dietary laws. We don't feel bound because of what Christ said:

C) Next you are going to be stupid enough to say, "THEN HOW COME YOU FOLLOW THE JEWISH LAW ON HOMOSEXUALITY, HUH?????????????"

The answer to that is WE DON'T! If we were, we would be stoning homosexuals all over the country.

Even the Jews don't follow that.

D) Next you will ask, "THEN HOW CAN YOU SAY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, HUH???????????"

That's an easy one to answer. Because BOTH the Old Testement and the New Testement make it plain homosexuality is a sin:

Thus your premise is based on the usual ignorance of the Bible.

It really cracks me up when someone that hates Christianity because of their ignorance of the same tries to malign Christianity.

It reminds me of another verse from Romans:

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:'ve never seen a church have a catfish fry?


Google is your friend.............

Catch the spirit at Westford church fish fry - Westford, MA - Westford Eagle

36th Annual Fish Fry

Local Church, VFDs Host Lenten Fish Fry Events « CBS Pittsburgh

West Kentucky Star - News

First Presbyterian Church Yazoo City :: Team Belize Catfish Fry

And that's just from the first page of Google.

BTW.........Leviticus is actually a manual for the Levites (i.e. Jewish Priests). So, if you're not Jewish nor a priest, why are you following their rules? Would you hold High Catholic Mass inside a Christian church?

You libs really are dumb aren't you?

You ignored everything I wrote to concentrate on a false premise I already refuted.

So you found some fish fries! SO WHAT! It isn't a sin!

Thank you for proving me right.

You can't refute a thing I've stated from the Bible.

You're just going to be a sore loser and sputter.

Do you realize how intolerant you are?

You don't see me demanding YOU believe as I do or I will call you all kinds of names, and spew threats of how society will condemn me in the future, blah blah blah.

No, YOU are doing that. DEMANDING I believe as YOU do about homsexuality or ELSE! :eusa_snooty:

It is YOU that is the intolerant of other beliefs.

And that bit of hypocrisy, I bet, will never occur to you. It never does to those who are most intolerant of other beliefs.

Just remember, it wasn't Christians attacking homosxuals that started this thread.

It was those pro-gay that started this thread attacking Christians.

You hypocrites are just outraged we Christians not only defended ourselves but we BEAT YOU at your own game.


I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.

:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty: Yeshua did teach against immoral sexual behavior, as well as lewdness and perversity. You just want to deny the Lord. He would have treated you as he did the religious leaders that tried to trip Him up with petty games.

Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?
Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.

I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.

:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty: Yeshua did teach against immoral sexual behavior, as well as lewdness and perversity. You just want to deny the Lord. He would have treated you as he did the religious leaders that tried to trip Him up with petty games.

Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...


Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.


There is simply NO Question that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Mentioned in the Bible, Old and New Testaments both, it is Sin and Abomination.

Comparing Jewish Cerimonial Law about Fish to the Moral Law of Chapter 18 in Leviticus is Absurd, and those doing it are Dishonest.

They now Know what 18 is in Context and can't Honestly continue Presenting at as an Argument FOR Homosexuality in the Bible.

If you are Engaging in Homosexual Acts and want to be a Chrisitian, you must Recognize that it is Sin and Sin no more.

Christianity Inherently can NOT Embrace Homosexuality as OK.

Find another Faith if you don't Like it. :thup:


Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.


You're confused about who the real "secret homos" are around here. FYI
:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty: Yeshua did teach against immoral sexual behavior, as well as lewdness and perversity. You just want to deny the Lord. He would have treated you as he did the religious leaders that tried to trip Him up with petty games.

Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you
Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.


You're confused about who the real "secret homos" are around here. FYI

The Talking Dumptruck is calling people "Faggots" again... :clap2:

Hey Mr. Gervais, you gonna Hide behind that attack for another Decade as you follow me around the Internet?... :lol:

Or are you gonna start Debating in an Honest Fashion at some point?


Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you

He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:


:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty: Yeshua did teach against immoral sexual behavior, as well as lewdness and perversity. You just want to deny the Lord. He would have treated you as he did the religious leaders that tried to trip Him up with petty games.

Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



Damn, son. You are an idiot.
Dog fucking?
FYI, there were many homosexuals in the day of Jesus. He stated to love thy neighbor.
It is ok to be an atheist if you want to and have no religous or Christian beliefs. Not claiming all atheists hate gays or anything but Christians do not compare others to dog fuckers.
Love thy neighbor. Being Christlike is an action, not a feeling.
Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you

He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:



Well as long as you never use Jesus as an excuse for gay-hating, than all is well.

While we're on the subject of Jesus, I can certainly tell you take his golden rule very seriously lol.
Awe... One of Bodecea's Minders Removed the Thread that was Documenting her Obsessive "Faggot" Drops...

You've always needed Assistance, haven't you, Dumptruck. :thup:


As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you

He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:



Well as long as you never use Jesus as an excuse for gay-hating, than all is well.

While we're on the subject of Jesus, I can certainly tell you take his golden rule very seriously lol.

You can go ahead and Link me using Jesus for Gay Hating...

Or shut your Ignorant Trollish Hole, you Stain. :thup:


He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:



Well as long as you never use Jesus as an excuse for gay-hating, than all is well.

While we're on the subject of Jesus, I can certainly tell you take his golden rule very seriously lol.

You can go ahead and Link me using Jesus for Gay Hating...

Or shut your Ignorant Trollish Hole, you Stain. :thup:



I didn't say you did.

Continue on with abiding to his golden rule to the best of your ability lol.
Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



Damn, son. You are an idiot.
Dog fucking?
FYI, there were many homosexuals in the day of Jesus. He stated to love thy neighbor.
It is ok to be an atheist if you want to and have no religous or Christian beliefs. Not claiming all atheists hate gays or anything but Christians do not compare others to dog fuckers.
Love thy neighbor. Being Christlike is an action, not a feeling.

I didn't Compare anyone to a Dog Fucker, you Chimp.

I was Illstrating that Jesus didn't run around being Against anything...

But the Old and New Testaments, 100% of the Time, Refer to Homosexuality as a Sin and Abomination...

Consistently and Clearly.

Don't Like it... Find another Book. :thup:


Well as long as you never use Jesus as an excuse for gay-hating, than all is well.

While we're on the subject of Jesus, I can certainly tell you take his golden rule very seriously lol.

You can go ahead and Link me using Jesus for Gay Hating...

Or shut your Ignorant Trollish Hole, you Stain. :thup:



I didn't say you did.

Continue on with abiding to his golden rule to the best of your ability lol.

You may be one of the most Dishonest Trolls on this Forum.

Have a Wonderful Day!



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