Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

I didn't say you did.

Continue on with abiding to his golden rule to the best of your ability lol.

Got caught lying again, eh Drock?

You know why that keeps happening, don't you? It keeps happening because you keep lying.

The more the likes of you and Mal accuse me of lying, the more I know how truthful and honest I am.

Please keep having a negative opinion of me, the day people like you have a high opinion of me is the day I'll REALLY start questioning myself.
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

Actually the definition of Sodomy is:

Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex;​

So actually any husband that has ever gotten a hummer from his wife is a sodomite.

Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.


There is simply NO Question that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Mentioned in the Bible, Old and New Testaments both, it is Sin and Abomination.

Comparing Jewish Cerimonial Law about Fish to the Moral Law of Chapter 18 in Leviticus is Absurd, and those doing it are Dishonest.

They now Know what 18 is in Context and can't Honestly continue Presenting at as an Argument FOR Homosexuality in the Bible.

If you are Engaging in Homosexual Acts and want to be a Chrisitian, you must Recognize that it is Sin and Sin no more.

Christianity Inherently can NOT Embrace Homosexuality as OK.

Find another Faith if you don't Like it. :thup:



the only spokesman for Jesus has spoken folks.

I in no way shape or form Spoke for Jesus in that Post. :thup:


Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

Actually the definition of Sodomy is:

Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex;​

So actually any husband that has ever gotten a hummer from his wife is a sodomite.





Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults.

Oh looky there, the feral baboon created a strawman. The mindless creature imagines itself clever for being able to erect one..

If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

Get thee to a baboonary.
  • Thanks
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Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

Sodomy is condemned.
It includes gays and straights who perform anal sex. It means any anal sex, be it man with man, women with women, men with women or men with any animals,or women with any animals.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

The Law Reflects our Natural Design...

Man and Woman + Life.

Chosen Deviations from it do not.

YOU and yours are trying to Force your Choice on Society.

Unlike the Middle East, you won't be Killed by the State for being a Deviant here, Bodey...

But you can't Assume that Society will Embrace your Choice, and even if you get enough Court Rulings to Support you, you will NEVER have the Validation you Seek because those of us who do NOT Defy our Natural Design and Insist it be Embraced Publically, will NEVER Embrace you of Free Will...

Get it?


Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

Sodomy is condemned.
It includes gays and straights who perform anal sex. It means any anal sex, be it man with man, women with women, men with women or men with any animals,or women with any animals.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

The Law Reflects our Natural Design...

Man and Woman + Life.

Chosen Deviations from it do not.

YOU and yours are trying to Force your Choice on Society.

Unlike the Middle East, you won't be Killed by the State for being a Deviant here, Bodey...

But you can't Assume that Society will Embrace your Choice, and even if you get enough Court Rulings to Support you, you will NEVER have the Validation you Seek because those of us who do NOT Defy our Natural Design and Insist it be Embraced Publically, will NEVER Embrace you of Free Will...

Get it?



I doubt she cares that a small minded twit such as yourself will never embrace her.
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?


C'mon dude you gotta edit the bible passage in there for us....some of us aren't christians or very religious and dont want to google for ourselves ;)

ahhhh a few posts down you stated where it is a link

sounds to me like no eating any water animals without scales, sorta like how muslims don't eat pork.
Last edited:
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

Sodomy is condemned.
It includes gays and straights who perform anal sex. It means any anal sex, be it man with man, women with women, men with women or men with any animals,or women with any animals.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

God says it's a sin not me.
It's up to the individual to make that decision.
It is not right either that our children in our schools are being taught that it is OK to accept sodomites.
Homosexual beliefs should not be forced on our children.

Homosexual behavior does harm others,

Homosexual behavior not only seriously harms homosexuals individually, it harms society also. Let's start by looking at the health of people who engage in homosexual behavior:

People who practice homosexuality experience higher rates of many diseases, including:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Hepatitis A, B and C
Gay Bowel syndrome
Bacterial vaginosis

People who practice homosexuality have higher rates of:

Alcohol abuse
Drug abuse
Nicotine dependence
Domestic violence (20 times more common than among heterosexuals)
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

Actually the definition of Sodomy is:

Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex;​

So actually any husband that has ever gotten a hummer from his wife is a sodomite.






There would be many more Sodomite heterosexuals than there are Sodomite homosexuals based on shear numbers.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

The Law Reflects our Natural Design...

Man and Woman + Life.

Chosen Deviations from it do not.

YOU and yours are trying to Force your Choice on Society.

Unlike the Middle East, you won't be Killed by the State for being a Deviant here, Bodey...

But you can't Assume that Society will Embrace your Choice, and even if you get enough Court Rulings to Support you, you will NEVER have the Validation you Seek because those of us who do NOT Defy our Natural Design and Insist it be Embraced Publically, will NEVER Embrace you of Free Will...

Get it?



I doubt she cares that a small minded twit such as yourself will never embrace her.

USMBot #27 says what?... :lol:


Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

Actually the definition of Sodomy is:

Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex;​

So actually any husband that has ever gotten a hummer from his wife is a sodomite.


The Gomorrahites feel left out. Those partiers from Sodom get all the credit.
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

Sodomy is condemned.
It includes gays and straights who perform anal sex. It means any anal sex, be it man with man, women with women, men with women or men with any animals,or women with any animals.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

God says it's a sin not me.
It's up to the individual to make that decision.
It is not right either that our children in our schools are being taught that it is OK to accept sodomites.
Homosexual beliefs should not be forced on our children.

Homosexual behavior does harm others,

Homosexual behavior not only seriously harms homosexuals individually, it harms society also. Let's start by looking at the health of people who engage in homosexual behavior:

People who practice homosexuality experience higher rates of many diseases, including:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Hepatitis A, B and C
Gay Bowel syndrome
Bacterial vaginosis

People who practice homosexuality have higher rates of:

Alcohol abuse
Drug abuse
Nicotine dependence
Domestic violence (20 times more common than among heterosexuals)

Where are you getting your statistics? World Net
Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults.

Oh looky there, the feral baboon created a strawman. The mindless creature imagines itself clever for being able to erect one..

If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

Get thee to a baboonary.

I certainly know I'm on the right track when you come in with nothing but personal insults. Of course, it's a given that the day you actually present a legit, logical argument will probably be the day the world ends. :lol:
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

Sodomy is condemned.
It includes gays and straights who perform anal sex. It means any anal sex, be it man with man, women with women, men with women or men with any animals,or women with any animals.

Sodomy may be a sin to you....then don't do it. But do NOT create CIVIL laws forcing your sin/no sin beliefs on other law-abiding, tax-paying adults. If it does not hurt others or their's NONE of your business.

God says it's a sin not me.
It's up to the individual to make that decision.
It is not right either that our children in our schools are being taught that it is OK to accept sodomites.
Homosexual beliefs should not be forced on our children.

Homosexual behavior does harm others,

Homosexual behavior not only seriously harms homosexuals individually, it harms society also. Let's start by looking at the health of people who engage in homosexual behavior:

People who practice homosexuality experience higher rates of many diseases, including:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Hepatitis A, B and C
Gay Bowel syndrome
Bacterial vaginosis

People who practice homosexuality have higher rates of:

Alcohol abuse
Drug abuse
Nicotine dependence
Domestic violence (20 times more common than among heterosexuals)

You don't like it? You think it's a sin? Don't do it. Simple solution for you.

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