Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

It says sodomy and oral sex is sodomy.

Today's Dictionary Definitions are not Applicable to the Bible...

What does it say in the Bible about a Married Couple Engaging in Oral Sex?...



Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong. The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

You have done Zero to Document your Conclusion, but it is a Fact that Oral Sex between a Married Man and Wife was not Addressed in the Bible, but you go ahead and Assume what you want about what is NOT Written. :thup:

As for what I may or may not do in the Privacy of the Bedroom, I don't Parade it or Demand Validation for it like the Activist Deviants you are currently in Bed with here @ USMB. :thup:


So well over half of Christians will go to hell for oral sex?
Wow! So the connection of the sin of sodomy and eating catfish has to do with smell?


Sin can be Forgiven...

Asking God to Accept and Embrace Sin is Absurd...

Telling People that God or Jesus think Homosexuality is OK and not Sin, well...

Don't Add or Subtract from the Book...

It will only Add to your... ;)



How convenient.

Tell ya what. If I ever personally meet God I will ask his/her forgiveness.
until then though....

It's Convenient that you have Concluded that any amount of Christians will go to Hell based on your own Assumptions about things the Bible doesn't Address Directly...

The Problem Lies with you, Friend. :thup:


I got curious.

So I hit good old Google.

Here's the closest we come to even the POSSIBILITY of an allusion to oral sex in the Bible. Not surprisingly, it is from the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon).

Son 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,

so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Son 4:16 Awake, O north wind;

and come, thou south;
blow upon my garden,
that the spices thereof may flow out.
Let my beloved come into his garden,
and eat his pleasant fruits.

Apparently some Biblical scholars consider it a "stretch" to say that these verses refer to oral sex.
Today's Dictionary Definitions are not Applicable to the Bible...

What does it say in the Bible about a Married Couple Engaging in Oral Sex?...



Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong. The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

You have done Zero to Document your Conclusion, but it is a Fact that Oral Sex between a Married Man and Wife was not Addressed in the Bible, but you go ahead and Assume what you want about what is NOT Written. :thup:

As for what I may or may not do in the Privacy of the Bedroom, I don't Parade it or Demand Validation for it like the Activist Deviants you are currently in Bed with here @ USMB. :thup:



No, it's not a fact. You're the one saying the Bible is against sodomy. What do you need? More education on the Bible or the definition of sodomy (again)?

You're the one obsessed with what gays do in the bedroom, I couldn't care less.
I got curious.

So I hit good old Google.

Here's the closest we come to even the POSSIBILITY of an allusion to oral sex in the Bible. Not surprisingly, it is from the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon).

Son 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,

so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Son 4:16 Awake, O north wind;

and come, thou south;
blow upon my garden,
that the spices thereof may flow out.
Let my beloved come into his garden,
and eat his pleasant fruits.

Apparently some Biblical scholars consider it a "stretch" to say that these verses refer to oral sex.


Yoar takin' the Hell Express for that one, Counselor...


It says sodomy and oral sex is sodomy.

Today's Dictionary Definitions are not Applicable to the Bible...

What does it say in the Bible about a Married Couple Engaging in Oral Sex?...



I'm not Biblical Expert (God knows), but the last time I read it (not all of it, so maybe I missed the blue material?), the bible said ZERO about oral sex between husband and wife.

In fact, if somebody were to claim anything to the contrary, many would find it hard to swallow.

Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.
I got curious.

So I hit good old Google.

Here's the closest we come to even the POSSIBILITY of an allusion to oral sex in the Bible. Not surprisingly, it is from the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon).

Son 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,

so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Son 4:16 Awake, O north wind;

and come, thou south;
blow upon my garden,
that the spices thereof may flow out.
Let my beloved come into his garden,
and eat his pleasant fruits.

Apparently some Biblical scholars consider it a "stretch" to say that these verses refer to oral sex.


Yoar takin' the Hell Express for that one, Counselor...



Nah: A real Biblical Scholar wrote all about it and came to the conclusion that while masturbation IS referenced and forbidden (sinful spilling of seed) and that anal sex is specifically prohibited, the notion of oral sex between man and wife is not referenced as sinful.

So, my path away from hell is all good -- except maybe for that seed thing.
Today's Dictionary Definitions are not Applicable to the Bible...

What does it say in the Bible about a Married Couple Engaging in Oral Sex?...



I'm not Biblical Expert (God knows), but the last time I read it (not all of it, so maybe I missed the blue material?), the bible said ZERO about oral sex between husband and wife.

In fact, if somebody were to claim anything to the contrary, many would find it hard to swallow.

Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.

How in the FUCK would any Thinking Person Conclude such an Absurd thing?...

Good Jebus Loard almighty...

You are one Stupid Motherfucker, Ravi... :thup:


Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong.

Now see what you did there drock? When asked if red cars are attractive, you answered "ground beef" and thought yourself clever...

The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

Except of course, what he said is there is nothing in the Bible speaking of oral sex between married couples.

See, "ground beef' was the wrong answer.
I'm not Biblical Expert (God knows), but the last time I read it (not all of it, so maybe I missed the blue material?), the bible said ZERO about oral sex between husband and wife.

In fact, if somebody were to claim anything to the contrary, many would find it hard to swallow.

Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.

How in the FUCK would any Thinking Person Conclude such an Absurd thing?...

Good Jebus Loard almighty...

You are one Stupid Motherfucker, Ravi... :thup:


It's quite easy. The passages from the bible that have been posted have God being against men having anal sex.

There is nothing in the bible about oral sex.

There is nothing in the bible about what married couples can do.

In other words, anal sex is forbidden. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden.

The bible is pretty clear.

btw, homosexuality among Christians wasn't made illegal until 390 A.D.
Today's Dictionary Definitions are not Applicable to the Bible...

What does it say in the Bible about a Married Couple Engaging in Oral Sex?...



I'm not Biblical Expert (God knows), but the last time I read it (not all of it, so maybe I missed the blue material?), the bible said ZERO about oral sex between husband and wife.

In fact, if somebody were to claim anything to the contrary, many would find it hard to swallow.

Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.

That's one possible interpretation. Divorced from the words of the argument and the Bible.

But I dunno.

I'm not only not a Biblical Expert or particularly religious, but as I understand it, the Bible refers to men "laying" with men.

I guess I could Google it to refine the answer. But ... nah.

Anybody could do that.
I've already refuted it, plus Jesus never spoke a word against it. You're ignoring the question of "What would Jesus do?" just so you don't have to better yourself by ending your bigotry.

How intolerant I am lol, that's cute. You're on here proudly boasting of your bigotry and you call me intolerant. When did I ever say or else about anything? You can be a bigot until the cows come in, it's your own flaw you have to deal with. Doesn't affect me any.

I agree the premise of the thread was wrong, because christians in america are going through a revolutionary change of mindset and better understanding their religion by knowing that Jesus would never advocate for the hate of your brothers and sisters, the way you do.

Christians deserve most of the credit for homosexuals being accepted in american society and not being looked down on, which I'm sure disgusts you.

:eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty: Yeshua did teach against immoral sexual behavior, as well as lewdness and perversity. You just want to deny the Lord. He would have treated you as he did the religious leaders that tried to trip Him up with petty games.

Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Thank you for proving me right Drock.

See, what I told you?

They pull the "Jesus never said anything about homosexuality" bit.


Typical of liberals, it doesn't matter how many times you refute the lies, they just repeat them over and over again.

I'm not Biblical Expert (God knows), but the last time I read it (not all of it, so maybe I missed the blue material?), the bible said ZERO about oral sex between husband and wife.

In fact, if somebody were to claim anything to the contrary, many would find it hard to swallow.

Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.

That's one possible interpretation. Divorced from the words of the argument and the Bible.

But I dunno.

I'm not only not a Biblical Expert or particularly religious, but as I understand it, the Bible refers to men "laying" with men.

I guess I could Google it to refine the answer. But ... nah.

Anybody could do that.

I'm pretty sure it is men laying with men as if one of them was a woman. That would also imply anal sex.
How in the FUCK would any Thinking Person Conclude such an Absurd thing?...

Good Jebus Loard almighty...

You are one Stupid Motherfucker, Ravi... :thup:



If you want to conclude things like that, you have to think like Ravi.

To think like Ravi, you need a cordless drill with a BIG chuck, and a 2" diameter bit. Home Despot can order them for you.

Set the bit in the chuck, and set the drill to lowest speed. Put the tip of the bit on your forehead and start drilling. Keep drilling until the bit pops out the back of your skull. When complete, you'll think just like Ravi does!
Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you


I have delt with people like this before. Most are homosexuals who claim to be "Christians."

They claim that Jesus himself never mentioned homosexualty, thus it is not a sin.

Quite erroneous for several reasons.

For one, Jesus didn't HAVE to mention homosexuality.

Jesus preached to JEWS during his lifetime. His sermons, his debates, and the religious questioning from Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers (etc) were all from and for JEWS (the only exception may be the Herodians, since Herod himself was an Idumean)

Thus, the subject of homosexuality never came up, BECAUSE IT WAS A SETTLED MATTER. No one questioned Jesus on homosexuality, because no one had to. Everyone knew the answer to that issue.

Leviticus 18 made it very clear homosexuality was not only a sin, BUT an abomination. Jesus confirmed the validity of the law to his Jewish audience, which includes Leviticus 18.

Matthew 5:18 King James Version

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Can you imagine Jesus up and telling Jews that he was for gay marriage? He would have been stoned to death on the spot!

Get real people! You know what I'm saying is true!

Thus, the question of homosexuality is NEVER broached until the first Chapter of Romans.

Why you may ask! Why is homosexuality never mentioned (in the NT) until the first Chapter of Romans? The answer is to that is very easy to understand.

While Jesus' audience were Jews, who were debating points of the law, Paul (who wrote Romans) was bringing Christianity to PAGANS.

Although, there was NO QUESTION that homosexuality was verboten in Jewish Law, homosexuality was quite common in many pagan socities like Greece and Rome. (Indeed, people engaged in these pagan practices in the OT were called the "sodomites.")

Thus, right off the bat, Paul makes it clear to new Christian converts from the pagan cultures (that comprised the Roman Empire) that these sexual practices were a sin.

Thus, the erroneous notion that, since Jesus didn't mention homosexuality, homosexuality isn't a sin, is just a another way the PC crowd tries to rationalize their way around the Bible.

It's not based on fact, it's based on ignorance and lies.

It's as simple as that.
Therefore the only problem God must have with homosexuals is anal sex.

As long as homosexuals are married to each other and don't engage in anal sex they have God's blessing.

How in the FUCK would any Thinking Person Conclude such an Absurd thing?...

Good Jebus Loard almighty...

You are one Stupid Motherfucker, Ravi... :thup:


It's quite easy. The passages from the bible that have been posted have God being against men having anal sex.

There is nothing in the bible about oral sex.

There is nothing in the bible about what married couples can do.

In other words, anal sex is forbidden. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden.

The bible is pretty clear.

btw, homosexuality among Christians wasn't made illegal until 390 A.D.

It's like this... The Bible doesn't Condone Homosexuality ANYWHERE in it... Front to Back...

It is Sin and Abomination in the Eyes of the Christian God.

Homosexuals can either see what they are doing as Sin, and stop and Repent...

Or find another Book.

Personally, I don't Care, but it's when these Activists are set on Changing a Religion to like what they Choose to do when it so Clearly goes Against it's Teachings...

Go to another fucking Church. :thup:

But it's not about that... As with all of these Activists, it's about Forcing People to Embrace their Choice in the Hopes that it will be Validated.

End of List.


Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you

He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:



Actually Jesus did in confirming that the Jewish Law was still in force:

Matthew 5:18 King James Version

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

And the Jewish Law DID say a lot about incest and the rest.

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