Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong.

Now see what you did there drock? When asked if red cars are attractive, you answered "ground beef" and thought yourself clever...

The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

Except of course, what he said is there is nothing in the Bible speaking of oral sex between married couples.

See, "ground beef' was the wrong answer.

Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.
One difference I've noticed....holding in that secret desire to eat catfish doesn't seem to be as destructive to the psyche as holding in that secret desire for members of the same gender.
Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong.

Now see what you did there drock? When asked if red cars are attractive, you answered "ground beef" and thought yourself clever...

The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

Except of course, what he said is there is nothing in the Bible speaking of oral sex between married couples.

See, "ground beef' was the wrong answer.

Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.

So you insist on the fallacy of ascribing modern definitions as an overlay to the ancient words and meanings of the Bible?
Then you need to re-write the Bible if you think the current translators got it wrong.

Now see what you did there drock? When asked if red cars are attractive, you answered "ground beef" and thought yourself clever...

The current translators think that the dictionary definition of the word sodomy is correct, hence why they use it.

So I'm sure from now on you'll tell future girlfriends or your wife that them giving you head is a sin against god and that you're disgusted by it.

Except of course, what he said is there is nothing in the Bible speaking of oral sex between married couples.

See, "ground beef' was the wrong answer.

Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.


Ah, Hope Springs Eternal.
Can I have a verse where Jesus advocated gay hating? I can provide plenty of verses that state the exact opposite.

How about a verse where Jesus even addresses gays or the act of being gay?

Jesus not Hating on things doesn't make them Suddenly OK...

He didn't Hate on Dog Fucking, did he?...

Must be OK then, Correct?...

Do you Think ANY Point you've Attempted to make was a good one so far?...



Damn, son. You are an idiot.
Dog fucking?
FYI, there were many homosexuals in the day of Jesus. He stated to love thy neighbor.
It is ok to be an atheist if you want to and have no religous or Christian beliefs. Not claiming all atheists hate gays or anything but Christians do not compare others to dog fuckers.
Love thy neighbor. Being Christlike is an action, not a feeling.

I guess I am going to have to repeat this over and over and over to every idiot who pushes this notion about Jesus approving of homosexuality.

BTW, loving thy neighbor was taught in the parable about the Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan, rescued a man who was beaten by theives, he didn't go to bed with him.

How DISGUSTING to suggest otherwise! :cuckoo:

BBTW, There were gays living in Jesus time. If they had been openly gay in Jerusalem, they would have been stoned to death.

I have delt with people like this before. Most are homosexuals who claim to be "Christians."

They claim that Jesus himself never mentioned homosexualty, thus it is not a sin.

Quite erroneous for several reasons.

For one, Jesus didn't HAVE to mention homosexuality.

Jesus preached to JEWS during his lifetime. His sermons, his debates, and the religious questioning from Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers (etc) were all from and for JEWS (the only exception may be the Herodians, since Herod himself was an Idumean)

Thus, the subject of homosexuality never came up, BECAUSE IT WAS A SETTLED MATTER. No one questioned Jesus on homosexuality, because no one had to. Everyone knew the answer to that issue.

Leviticus 18 made it very clear homosexuality was not only a sin, BUT an abomination. Jesus confirmed the validity of the law to his Jewish audience, which includes Leviticus 18.

Matthew 5:18 King James Version

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Can you imagine Jesus up and telling Jews that he was for gay marriage? He would have been stoned to death on the spot!

Get real people! You know what I'm saying is true!

Thus, the question of homosexuality is NEVER broached until the first Chapter of Romans.

Why you may ask! Why is homosexuality never mentioned (in the NT) until the first Chapter of Romans? The answer is to that is very easy to understand.

While Jesus' audience were Jews, who were debating points of the law, Paul (who wrote Romans) was bringing Christianity to PAGANS.

Although, there was NO QUESTION that homosexuality was verboten in Jewish Law, homosexuality was quite common in many pagan socities like Greece and Rome. (Indeed, people engaged in these pagan practices in the OT were called the "sodomites.")

Thus, right off the bat, Paul makes it clear to new Christian converts from the pagan cultures (that comprised the Roman Empire) that these sexual practices were a sin.

Thus, the erroneous notion that, since Jesus didn't mention homosexuality, homosexuality isn't a sin, is just a another way the PC crowd tries to rationalize their way around the Bible.

It's not based on fact, it's based on ignorance and lies.

It's as simple as that.
As long as we're in total agreement that Jesus never stated any issue or gave any inkling whatsoever that homosexuality was immoral on any level, than we're good.

Thank you

He didn't say anything about Siblings Fucking... Parents Fucking their Children... Humans Fucking Goats...

You are a Fuckpuddle.

Go play in Traffic you Dishonest Shit. :thup:



Well as long as you never use Jesus as an excuse for gay-hating, than all is well.

While we're on the subject of Jesus, I can certainly tell you take his golden rule very seriously lol.

Sigh, are you people trying to suggest gays have reading comprehension problems, or just are willing to try ANY laughable rationalization to justify their lifestyle?

Are we now going to be told it's bigotry not to see how laughable are these rationalizations?

have delt with people like this before. Most are homosexuals who claim to be "Christians."

They claim that Jesus himself never mentioned homosexualty, thus it is not a sin.

Quite erroneous for several reasons.

For one, Jesus didn't HAVE to mention homosexuality.

Jesus preached to JEWS during his lifetime. His sermons, his debates, and the religious questioning from Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers (etc) were all from and for JEWS (the only exception may be the Herodians, since Herod himself was an Idumean)

Thus, the subject of homosexuality never came up, BECAUSE IT WAS A SETTLED MATTER. No one questioned Jesus on homosexuality, because no one had to. Everyone knew the answer to that issue.

Leviticus 18 made it very clear homosexuality was not only a sin, BUT an abomination. Jesus confirmed the validity of the law to his Jewish audience, which includes Leviticus 18.

Matthew 5:18 King James Version

18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Can you imagine Jesus up and telling Jews that he was for gay marriage? He would have been stoned to death on the spot!

Get real people! You know what I'm saying is true!

Thus, the question of homosexuality is NEVER broached until the first Chapter of Romans.

Why you may ask! Why is homosexuality never mentioned (in the NT) until the first Chapter of Romans? The answer is to that is very easy to understand.

While Jesus' audience were Jews, who were debating points of the law, Paul (who wrote Romans) was bringing Christianity to PAGANS.

Although, there was NO QUESTION that homosexuality was verboten in Jewish Law, homosexuality was quite common in many pagan socities like Greece and Rome. (Indeed, people engaged in these pagan practices in the OT were called the "sodomites.")

Thus, right off the bat, Paul makes it clear to new Christian converts from the pagan cultures (that comprised the Roman Empire) that these sexual practices were a sin.

Thus, the erroneous notion that, since Jesus didn't mention homosexuality, homosexuality isn't a sin, is just a another way the PC crowd tries to rationalize their way around the Bible.

It's not based on fact, it's based on ignorance and lies.

It's as simple as that.
Let's say that the Basshole had a secret yearning to fuck a male catfish of tender years up the fishie poop shoot before devouring the fishie.

Let's say the Basshole acted upon his secret desire.

Is the sin in the yearning?

Is it in the fact that it's pedophiliac in nature?

Is the sin that it's a scale-less fish?

Is the sin that the fishie is male?

Is the sin that the sexual expression is anal in nature?

Is the sin in the dining on a scale-less fishie?

Are some but not all of these things sinful?

Of those things that are sinful, is their a gradation in sinfulness?
Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.

So you're sticking with your answer of "ground beef," huh?

What was asserted was that there is nothing in the Bible speaking of, much less prohibiting oral sex between married couples.

Feel free to list verses showing otherwise.

"Ground beef" is the wrong answer, though.
"been the based"
You mean been the base?
The religous right was never the base of the Republican party until maybe 20 years ago.
Get your facts straight.
But once again we have to give you a pass. Too young and naive to know any better.
I was a Republican before you were born.
I got news for you, there are just as many, or more, Democratic Christians as Republican Christians.
Turn Rush and Sean off.

Of course there were Christian democrats - EVERYONE was Christian. Both parties were Christian based and heavily influenced by religion. You pretend that the GOP was "hijacked' by the Christians, which is silly bullshit. The only thing that changed is that the democrats were hijacked by the Marxists and adopted the suppression of religion position.

Turn Keith and Rachel off.


+1million! :eusa_angel:
Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.

So you're sticking with your answer of "ground beef," huh?

What was asserted was that there is nothing in the Bible speaking of, much less prohibiting oral sex between married couples.

Feel free to list verses showing otherwise.

"Ground beef" is the wrong answer, though.

Steak tartare?
Google "definition of sodomy" then read it, then come back and apologize to me.

So you're sticking with your answer of "ground beef," huh?

What was asserted was that there is nothing in the Bible speaking of, much less prohibiting oral sex between married couples.

Feel free to list verses showing otherwise.

"Ground beef" is the wrong answer, though.

So you're sticking with the idea that the Bible doesn't speak against sodomy? I'll happily prove you wrong, but I'll give you another chance to go back and admit you're wrong.
From a society, not necessarially a christian one.

You think morals originate from a society?

So a person alone on an island does not and cannot have a moral sense or code?


No wonder you're a leftist.

I have always made fools of idiots like that (moral relativists) by asking them about Nazi Germany.

If society decides morality, then explain Nazi Germany. Were they evil? Were they moral? Who can decide?

It's hilarious watching them twist themselves into knots trying to get out of that one.

So you're sticking with the idea that the Bible doesn't speak against sodomy?

I'm sticking with - your straw man didn't work because the straw you used was rancid.

I'll happily prove you wrong, but I'll give you another chance to go back and admit you're wrong.

Wrong about what? The assertion YOU just assigned to me, that I didn't make?
How in the FUCK would any Thinking Person Conclude such an Absurd thing?...

Good Jebus Loard almighty...

You are one Stupid Motherfucker, Ravi... :thup:


It's quite easy. The passages from the bible that have been posted have God being against men having anal sex.

There is nothing in the bible about oral sex.

There is nothing in the bible about what married couples can do.

In other words, anal sex is forbidden. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden.

The bible is pretty clear.

btw, homosexuality among Christians wasn't made illegal until 390 A.D.

It's like this... The Bible doesn't Condone Homosexuality ANYWHERE in it... Front to Back...

It is Sin and Abomination in the Eyes of the Christian God.

Homosexuals can either see what they are doing as Sin, and stop and Repent...

Or find another Book.

Personally, I don't Care, but it's when these Activists are set on Changing a Religion to like what they Choose to do when it so Clearly goes Against it's Teachings...

Go to another fucking Church. :thup:

But it's not about that... As with all of these Activists, it's about Forcing People to Embrace their Choice in the Hopes that it will be Validated.

End of List.



Anal sex is the abomination. Not homosexuality. You can keep stamping your feet and denying it, but it is very clear in the bible.
Damn, this is so easy it is unreal.
The Bible lists 667 sins and does not distinguish between them like you do mal. The penalty for lust is death in the Bible.
Homosexuality is listed as sin the same as the 7 "deadly sins": greed, envy, pride, wrath/anger, lust gluttony and sloth.
I am sure you treat the sin of gluttony the same as you do homosexuality mal.
Of course it is the Old Testament that lists most of these sins. New Testament does not mention homosexuality at all.
And most of these sins are Jewish law. We do not go by religous law in this country.
Something about the United States Constitution.
You need to read Romans 14:4 10, Mark 9:42, Acts 21:28, Numbers 14:2-3, 16:3 mal. Get back to us when you have mastered that.
Matthew said it best: It is a sin to think evil against any of God's children.
Luke got it right: It is a sin to despise your neighbor.


Why do you libs keep lying about this!

Romans 1 King James Version (KJV)

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

All of that refers to HOMOSEXUALITY. I already addressed this over and over and YET you lying libs insist on repeating the same lies.

As for the wages of sin:

Romans 6:23 King James Version (KJV)

23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The PENALTY FOR EVERY SIN IS DEATH. That's why Jesus died for us. Because God doesn't differentiate between sins.

You are confusing how God treats sin, and the laws he set up for a civil Hebrew Society through the Mosaic Law.


You speak ONLY OF YOUR OWN IGNORANCE and prejudice regarding the Bible, NOT from any knowlege.
Sorry bout that,

1. You can't reason with gaybiker or uscitizen, both are secret homos, who live in a fantasy world.
2. Eating a food has no *sin value* as long as the person eating the food is thankful for it.
3. But being a homo is always a sin, and shall always be punished, there are no homos in heaven.
4. To try to tie these two things together is something only a *Homo Fuckchop* would do.


There is simply NO Question that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Mentioned in the Bible, Old and New Testaments both, it is Sin and Abomination.

Comparing Jewish Cerimonial Law about Fish to the Moral Law of Chapter 18 in Leviticus is Absurd, and those doing it are Dishonest.

They now Know what 18 is in Context and can't Honestly continue Presenting at as an Argument FOR Homosexuality in the Bible.

If you are Engaging in Homosexual Acts and want to be a Chrisitian, you must Recognize that it is Sin and Sin no more.

Christianity Inherently can NOT Embrace Homosexuality as OK.

Find another Faith if you don't Like it. :thup:



the only spokesman for Jesus has spoken folks.

Excuse the HELL OUT OF ME, but it is YOU that started this thread as a "spokesman" for God, ignorantly claiming that it was a sin to eat catfish of all things, without knowing what you were talking about.

From a society, not necessarially a christian one.

You think morals originate from a society?

So a person alone on an island does not and cannot have a moral sense or code?


No wonder you're a leftist.

Why would a person need morals if he lived with no one else?
Who would he learn them from?

So, you answer to the question of morality is kill everyone else and live alone?

Because otherwise you WILL be dealing with people and THUS a need for morality.


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