Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

You DO realize that Levitical law is for those who are Jewish priests, right?

When did you convert?

Yeah, you're Right... God Embraces Homosexuality and Beastiality. :thup:



Never said anything about God embracing any of that stuff. I just told you that Levitical moral law was for the Levites, who were the priests of Israel.

And.......if you're gonna follow Levitical law, you must have converted.

I think you've opened his eyes at least a little to how ridiculous his excuse for gay hating is, since he's afraid to respond to what you're saying.

Will that change anything? Probably not.
Yeah, you're Right... God Embraces Homosexuality and Beastiality. :thup:



Never said anything about God embracing any of that stuff. I just told you that Levitical moral law was for the Levites, who were the priests of Israel.

And.......if you're gonna follow Levitical law, you must have converted.

I think you've opened his eyes at least a little to how ridiculous his excuse for gay hating is, since he's afraid to respond to what you're saying.

Will that change anything? Probably not.

I have Responded to every Post he's Directed at me... :thup:

Is it Ignorance or Dishonesty with you?...


Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

It's Spoken Worse of than Beastiality in Levitical Moral Law in 18...

True Story.

It's also NEVER Embraced, along with the Incest, Beastiality and other things that were Listed in 18...


You Fuckers need to find another Book that doesn't call what you do an "Abomination".




There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.
Yeah, you're Right... God Embraces Homosexuality and Beastiality. :thup:



Never said anything about God embracing any of that stuff. I just told you that Levitical moral law was for the Levites, who were the priests of Israel.

And.......if you're gonna follow Levitical law, you must have converted.

I think you've opened his eyes at least a little to how ridiculous his excuse for gay hating is, since he's afraid to respond to what you're saying.

Will that change anything? Probably not.

How does relating what the bible says about gays equal gay hating?
Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

It's Spoken Worse of than Beastiality in Levitical Moral Law in 18...

True Story.

It's also NEVER Embraced, along with the Incest, Beastiality and other things that were Listed in 18...


You Fuckers need to find another Book that doesn't call what you do an "Abomination".




There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.

No they don't... They ALL Embrace Homosexuality.

Because some Insecure Deviants who can't just Enjoy Free Will in Private, Instead DEMAND Validation for their Choices, insist that it's so. :thup:


Never said anything about God embracing any of that stuff. I just told you that Levitical moral law was for the Levites, who were the priests of Israel.

And.......if you're gonna follow Levitical law, you must have converted.

I think you've opened his eyes at least a little to how ridiculous his excuse for gay hating is, since he's afraid to respond to what you're saying.

Will that change anything? Probably not.

How does relating what the bible says about gays equal gay hating?

You must Embrace their Defiance... There is no other Option.

They are like Agent Smith in the Matrix... They don't stop coming back to Insist.

Disagree with their Agenda?... You're a Faggot.

It's all in the Playbook.


Of the few times that homosexuality is referred to in the Bible, it's considered an abomination, not a sin.

The only sins that I'm currently aware of are the ones in the 10 Commandments.

You puritanical assholes need to slow yer fucking roll.

It's Spoken Worse of than Beastiality in Levitical Moral Law in 18...

True Story.

It's also NEVER Embraced, along with the Incest, Beastiality and other things that were Listed in 18...


You Fuckers need to find another Book that doesn't call what you do an "Abomination".




There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.

Really? My you are really quite the empty headed bimbo that you appear to be.

Incidentally, there are SEVERAL books in Judaic theology that discuss SPECIFIC LAWS FOR PRIESTS ONLY. Apparently you're not as "kosher" as you'd hoped.


In contemporary India LGBT people face discrimination and marginalization. This results from cultural attitudes imposed by the British during their long occupation of India. There is no condemnation of homosexuality in the ancient Hindu texts, and no bias against LGBT people is evident up to the 19th century. In a few Hindu lawbooks, same-gender sexuality is described as producing a state of impurity, but it can be expunged by a ritual bath.

The ancient Hindu attitude was that sexuality should be fully integrated into the fabric of life, and nothing to be ashamed of. For instance, in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, IV:4, there is a passage about sex magic which was so explicit that Max Müller felt compelled to translate it into Latin.

Homosexuality is discussed frankly and without condemnation in the ancient Hindu sexual treatises. In the Kama Sutra, in Chapter VI, lesbianism in harems is described, and in Chapter IX, male and female homosexuality in the context of a discussion of oral sex. To quote the Kama Sutra, Chapter IX: " all things connected with love, everybody should act according to the custom of his country and his own inclination."

There are many accounts of beings who transformed their gender by supernatural means in the ancient Hindu epics and Puranas. One prominent example occurs in the Mahabharata. A transgender person, Sikhandin, plays a pivotal role in that ancient Hindu epic. In book 5, Chapter 191-5, the origin of Sikhandin is related. Sikhandin was born as the daughter of King Drupada of the Panchalas, who had previously been childless. Druapada begged the God Mahadeva, to give him a son. He told him that "Thou shalt have a child who will be a female and male. Desist, O king, it will not be otherwise."

His wife gives birth to a baby girl, Sikhandin. King Drupada conceals the gender of his child and proclaims a male heir has been born, and Sikhandin is raised as a boy. When Sikhandin comes of age, a marriage is arranged with an unnamed daughter of King Hiranyavarman, of the Dasrnakas. Hiranyavarman is described as Drupada's brother. The two women are married, "...and the former soon came to know that that latter was a women like herself." The daughter of King Hiranyavarman sends word back to her father about the deception, and he proclaims war as a result: "Thou hadst, from folly, solicited my daughter for thy daughter!"

At this juncture, Sikhandin flees into the forest, where she encounters a Yaksha, a demon, named Sthunakarna. Sthunakarna says that he will grant one boon to Sikhandin, who asks to become a male, the swap to be temporary until the situation with King Hiranyavarman is cleared up. So the princess exchanges gender with the demon; and, now a prince, returns to the city which the army of King Hiranyavarman is about to besiege. King Drupada tells his brother, now truthfully, that Sikhandin is a man, and that he can prove it. King Hiranyavarman sends "a number of young ladies of great beauty" to Sikhandin, and they report back that he is "a powerful person of the masculine sex." Unfortunately, the demon, now female, is placed under a curse by the lord of the Yakshas, and the sex exchange is permanent. Sikhandin grows into a mighty warrior.

Sikhandin later plays an important role during the cataclysmic battle which is the central part of the Mahabharata. In the climax of Book 8 of the Mahabharata, Bhishma, one of the chief protagonists, is killed because he refuses to attack a charge which is led by Sikhandin, because Sikhandin was born female. This ends up being the turning point in the battle and the war.

In this story we see what might, hypothetically, be an very old tale of a same-sex union woven into the vast epic of the Mahabharata. How old may be indicated by the fact that cousins are being married, which is typical of tribal societies worldwide. In Ancient Egypt women who attained positions of power wore male clothing, including false beards, in order to formally establish their leadership; for such a woman to marry a woman as a political maneuver would not be inconceivable.

Sikhandin, raised as a boy, is ready and willing to exchange gender magically. Once having switched to the male gender, he excels at the role, and becomes a famous and very skilled warrior. Sikhandin is reconciled with his transformed masculine identity, despite the fatal display of chivalry by his opponent Bhishma in battle. This brings into relief the contradictions of ancient Hindu society with regard to gender roles.

The story of Sikhandin is the classic hero narrative with a transgender twist.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
Oh, I'm sorry. One of the MANY Hindu sects endorses homosexuality.

Some of them also endorse sex wth animals.

India is certainly an advanced country, don't you think? Look how well they've done in the world...
I don't think I've ever seen footage of a gay Hindu marriage. Could you provide that for me? So we can model ourselves after them and all?

What a joke.
Oh, I'm sorry. One of the MANY Hindu sects endorses homosexuality.

Some of them also endorse sex wth animals.

India is certainly an advanced country, don't you think? Look how well they've done in the world...

Yeah......look how well........they're advertising vacations in their country on US television, they have a space program, and oh yeah.........they also have a lot of jobs that used to be here.

How bad ARE they doing?

You're just pissed that you got called on your bullshit.
Oh, I'm sorry. One of the MANY Hindu sects endorses homosexuality.

Some of them also endorse sex wth animals.

India is certainly an advanced country, don't you think? Look how well they've done in the world...

Yeah......look how well........they're advertising vacations in their country on US television, they have a space program, and oh yeah.........they also have a lot of jobs that used to be here.

How bad ARE they doing?

You're just pissed that you got called on your bullshit.

You're just pissed that you're a faggot...
I don't know why I give the slightest credence to anything the nutballs say.

"This 'offensive' Sleaze Ball theme, they worry, "erroneously gives the impression that Hinduism promotes and accepts homosexuality and promiscuity…This is absolutely false and misleading."

An anti-gay activist in Australia fumed:

"It's outrageous and totally hypocritical that homosexual activists are bludgeoning a minority religion with such offensive, sacrilegious materials. Here in NSW, they've lobbied government to pass an anti-vilification law that protects themselves, homosexuals, yet they think it's perfectly OK to vilify and blaspheme people of religious faiths. Today it's Hindus, tomorrow it'll be Christians, Buddhists, or Muslims. If there's going to be an anti-vilification law, then it should include people of all religions."

Radha-Krishnadas, from the Australian School of Meditation (ASM) said:

"It deeply saddens me that homosexual activists are engaging in such obvious hate-mongering. This kind of religion bashing is anti-Hindu, anti-family, anti-Australian and anti-humanity. Government and businesses should be ashamed for sponsoring this hateful agenda."

A growing number of religious, civil and political organizations worldwide, such as AHAD (American Hindus Against Defamation), Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America and Rev. Fred Nile of the Christian Democrats have condemned the "Sleaze Ball" event as bigoted, anti-religious and anti-multicultural.

Letters and offending materials from the "Sleaze Ball" have been sent to the sponsors and Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Committee. Some gay activists say they worry that fundamentalist Hinduism is positioning itself in such a way as to emulate the Rev. Jerry Falwell or Scotland's Cardinal Winning in the Christian fold.

"What we are demanding," say the Hindus, "is that the sponsors issue a public apology to the Hindu community and that they also promise to withdraw all future funding to any anti-religious and anti-multicultural event."

Gay Today: Top Story

Doesn't sound to me like Hinduism is all that open to gayness.

So I stand by my original statement..there is no religion in the world that endorses homosexuality.
" Hindu views of homosexuality are varying and diverse, in part because the accepted Hindu religious texts do not explicitly mention homosexuality.
Homosexuality is also a complex matter in Hinduism because of the many types of religious life. In general, "twice-born" Hindus are prohibited from homosexual acts (maithunam pumsi), such as in Manusmrti 11:174, which mentions both men and women. "

Homosexuality and Hinduism - ReligionFacts
There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.
So I stand by my original statement..there is no religion in the world that endorses homosexuality.
" Hindu views of homosexuality are varying and diverse, in part because the accepted Hindu religious texts do not explicitly mention homosexuality.

Your original statement and the second statement are quite different as there is a HUGE difference between saying all religions condemn homosexuality and saying that a religion endorses homosexuality. For a religion to "condemn" homosexuality it would have to have in it's sacred text statements against homosexuality, being silent on homosexuality neither condemns nor endorses it.

Your third quote above disproves your first statement. As you post the Hindu religion (which isn't the religion you mention in the first post) is silent on homosexuality in it's sacred text. Now people who follow the Hindu faith may condemn homosexuality, not surprising since they condemnation will be based on social norms, but that does not mean that it is in their texts. Same with Buddhism, Buddhist text to not condemn homosexuality, Buddhist people apply their social norms and condemn it, but that is a social construct not a religious one.

Homosexuality and Buddhism - ReligionFacts

Oh please.

I said there was no book that condones or endorses homosexuality, and I was right.

And all religions do condemn it. No, they do not have to have something written to make that statement true, that's your qualification, not mine. But it doesn't matter, as far as I can see, they all do have condemnation of the practice in their books...I provided the Hindu condemnation, we have all seen the biblical condemnation, we know the Koran condemns it.....

YOu can kibbitz all you like about what qualifies as "condemnation" but you're just moving the goal posts. What I said is true.
There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.
So I stand by my original statement..there is no religion in the world that endorses homosexuality.
" Hindu views of homosexuality are varying and diverse, in part because the accepted Hindu religious texts do not explicitly mention homosexuality.

Your original statement and the second statement are quite different as there is a HUGE difference between saying all religions condemn homosexuality and saying that a religion endorses homosexuality. For a religion to "condemn" homosexuality it would have to have in it's sacred text statements against homosexuality, being silent on homosexuality neither condemns nor endorses it.

Your third quote above disproves your first statement. As you post the Hindu religion (which isn't the religion you mention in the first post) is silent on homosexuality in it's sacred text. Now people who follow the Hindu faith may condemn homosexuality, not surprising since they condemnation will be based on social norms, but that does not mean that it is in their texts. Same with Buddhism, Buddhist text to not condemn homosexuality, Buddhist people apply their social norms and condemn it, but that is a social construct not a religious one.

Homosexuality and Buddhism - ReligionFacts


Yes, I know there's a difference between condemnation and endorsement. I said initially that all religions condemn homosexuality, which they do.

Then a poster claimed that the Hindu religion ENDORSES homosexuality. So I addressed that.

And the buddhist religion, while it doesn't necessarily come right out and condemn homosexuality, certainly discourages it, and never endorses it.

The Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism has campaigned against prejudice toward homosexuals, but at the same time has adopted a religious view against non-procreative sex:
"Homosexuality, whether it is between men or between women, is not improper in itself. What is improper is the use of organs already defined as inappropriate for sexual contact."; “wrong and against Buddhist ethics."; "It’s part of what we Buddhists call bad sexual conduct. Sexual organs were created for reproduction between the male element and the female element — and everything that deviates from that is not acceptable from a Buddhist point of view."

Buddhism / list of buddhist topics / buddhist views of homosexuality
Oh please.

I said there was no book that condones or endorses homosexuality, and I was right.

That's not what you said which has been quoted. So no, you were not right.

And all religions do condemn it. No, they do not have to have something written to make that statement true, that's your qualification, not mine.

Of course they would need to have it in their sacred text, otherwise it becomes opinion of the individuals.

Just like it's your opinion that all religions condemn homosexuality when you have provided the link showing that Hindu texts do not condemn homosexuality.

But it doesn't matter, as far as I can see, they all do have condemnation of the practice in their books...I provided the Hindu condemnation,

No you didn't, you provided a citation that said that homosexuality is not mentioned in Hindu text, not mentioning it is not a condemnation in those texts.

YOu can kibbitz all you like about what qualifies as "condemnation" but you're just moving the goal posts.

Actually it's you that has moved the goal posts, as previously quoted you cite Buddhism as an example, then post about Hindu religion - they are not the same.

Then you post a citation showing that homosexuality is not condemned in Hindu texts

What I said is true.

No it's not, as has been shown with your own links.

There is a huge difference between the text of a religion condemning something (i.e. the basis of a religion) and the people of a religion doing something. One is the foundation of a religion, the other is an example of individual people being influenced by tradition and social/cultural norms not necessarily based in a religious foundation.

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There is no such book. All religions, including Buddhism, condemn homosexuality.

" Hindu views of homosexuality are varying and diverse, in part because the accepted Hindu religious texts do not explicitly mention homosexuality.

Your original statement and the second statement are quite different as there is a HUGE difference between saying all religions condemn homosexuality and saying that a religion endorses homosexuality. For a religion to "condemn" homosexuality it would have to have in it's sacred text statements against homosexuality, being silent on homosexuality neither condemns nor endorses it.

Your third quote above disproves your first statement. As you post the Hindu religion (which isn't the religion you mention in the first post) is silent on homosexuality in it's sacred text. Now people who follow the Hindu faith may condemn homosexuality, not surprising since they condemnation will be based on social norms, but that does not mean that it is in their texts. Same with Buddhism, Buddhist text to not condemn homosexuality, Buddhist people apply their social norms and condemn it, but that is a social construct not a religious one.

Homosexuality and Buddhism - ReligionFacts


Yes, I know there's a difference between condemnation and endorsement. I said initially that all religions condemn homosexuality, which they do.

Then a poster claimed that the Hindu religion ENDORSES homosexuality. So I addressed that.

And the buddhist religion, while it doesn't necessarily come right out and condemn homosexuality, certainly discourages it, and never endorses it.

The Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism has campaigned against prejudice toward homosexuals, but at the same time has adopted a religious view against non-procreative sex:
"Homosexuality, whether it is between men or between women, is not improper in itself. What is improper is the use of organs already defined as inappropriate for sexual contact."; “wrong and against Buddhist ethics."; "It’s part of what we Buddhists call bad sexual conduct. Sexual organs were created for reproduction between the male element and the female element — and everything that deviates from that is not acceptable from a Buddhist point of view."

Buddhism / list of buddhist topics / buddhist views of homosexuality

In a 1993 talk given in Seattle, the Dalai Lama said:

nature arranged male and female organs "in such a manner that is very suitable... Same-sex organs cannot manage well." But he stopped short of condemning homosexual relationships altogether, saying if two people agree to enter a relationship that is not sexually abusive, "then I don't know. It's difficult to say." [5]​

The Dalai Lama was more specific in a meeting with Buddhist leaders and human rights activists in San Francisco in 1997, where he commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." But he did note that this rule is for Buddhists, and from society's viewpoint, homosexual relationships can be "of mutual benefit, enjoyable, and harmless." [6]

The Dalai Lama is well known for his activism for human rights, and this specifically includes equal rights for gays. According to an Office of Tibet spokeman, "His Holiness opposes violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation. He urges respect, tolerance, compassion, and the full recognition of human rights for all."

Homosexuality and Buddhism - ReligionFacts

In his individual opinion, one not supported in the text of the religion, the Dalai Lama is welcome to his opinion shaped by the social/cultural norms he was raised in. He does not "condemn" homosexuals and has supported equal treatment and full recognition of homosexuals.

So? The fact remains, he was pretty specific about homosexuality. I'm sure homosexual relations can be long as they don't involve productive organs, lol. You figure that one out. I don't have a pony in this race. You want to justify homosexuality via religion, knock yourself out. You know and I know that you're grasping at straws.
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So? The fact remains, he was pretty specific about homosexuality. I'm sure homosexual relations can be long as they don't involve productive organs, lol. You figure that one out. I don't have a pony in this race. You want to justify homosexuality via religion, knock yourself out.

I'm also not confused about the fact the two religions mentioned do not condemn homosexuality as you previously stated, their sacred text are silent on the issue (as your link supports) although individual who practice that religion can have their own opinions.

Not trying to justify homosexuality via religion. The interaction of the individual and religious view are a personal responsibility with thousands of different religions (with sub-sects and denominations) you have been proven wrong on your statement that "all religions condemn homosexuality".

You know and I know that you're grasping at straws.

Not in the least and thank you again for the citation that shows that the Hindu religious sacred texts are silent on the issue of homosexuality. Gotta love it when a posters own cite shows they are wrong. :eusa_whistle:k

Time to do yard work, so I'll be the gentleman and give the lady the last word. You have a nice day.


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