Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Sabbath Years

When God spoke to Moses, and told him to establish the government, tabernacle and laws of the people, God told Moses that the calendar was to have special years. 6 years were to be common, the 7th was to be a Sabbath.3 Like the Sabbath day of the week, the Sabbath year was to be a year of rest.4 No crops were to be planted, food stored from previous years would suffice, provided the country had obeyed God.
Contracts involving slaves were to expire on the Sabbath year and slaves where then to go free.5 "
Bible Time - Definitions of Biblical Years

"If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing." Exodust 21:2
The Old Testament taught that man could have multiple wives and slaves. Maybe cons would like to go back to those values.

The Old Testament merely reflected the society in which the people of those days lived.

Perhaps you libs would prefer to REJECT all the things that the Old and New Testaments "teach?"

Most of the Old Testament is rejected by christians, thankfully.

If it weren't I'd be dead (non-believer), the few remaining people allowed to live on this Earth would abide by some crazy rules too.
You mean the Books where God was like, "Oh, forget about what I said about Incest, Homosexuals and Dog Fuckers, go ahead and do whatever the hell you want!"...




This dude compares gays to dog fuckers claiming he is a Christian.
He must be related to some of my kin in Alabama.
We are cousins mal! Welcome to the family.

God put Homosexuals and Dog Fuckers next to each other in Moral Law in Leviticus 18...

Have someone Read the Book to you, Inbred. :thup:



Thanx fer da edvice CUZ!.
This dude compares gays to dog fuckers claiming he is a Christian.
He must be related to some of my kin in Alabama.
We are cousins mal! Welcome to the family.

God put Homosexuals and Dog Fuckers next to each other in Moral Law in Leviticus 18...

Have someone Read the Book to you, Inbred. :thup:



I hadda look it up. (I am admittedly pretty ignorant of those kind of Biblical references):

In the NIV version, I discoverd, at Leviticus 18:

22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

It looks like mal nailed that one.

Looks like I have another cousin.
The Old Testament taught that man could have multiple wives and slaves. Maybe cons would like to go back to those values.

The Old Testament merely reflected the society in which the people of those days lived.

Perhaps you libs would prefer to REJECT all the things that the Old and New Testaments "teach?"

Most of the Old Testament is rejected by christians, thankfully.

If it weren't I'd be dead (non-believer), the few remaining people allowed to live on this Earth would abide by some crazy rules too.

You are dead wrong Doc.
The so called Christians, and my new found cousins here, on this board reject all of the old Testament EXCEPT comparing gays to dog fuckers.
They eat their BBQ hog sammiches, shrimp and cat fish galore. God stated it was abominable to do so but God had just put down his Redbook magazine and was only giving ceremonial advice.
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The Old Testament merely reflected the society in which the people of those days lived.

Perhaps you libs would prefer to REJECT all the things that the Old and New Testaments "teach?"

Most of the Old Testament is rejected by christians, thankfully.

If it weren't I'd be dead (non-believer), the few remaining people allowed to live on this Earth would abide by some crazy rules too.

You are dead wrong Doc.
The so called Christians, and my new found cousins here, on this board reject all of the new Testament EXCEPT comparing gays to dog fuckers.
They eat their BBQ hog sammiches, shrimp and cat fish galore. God stated it was abominable to do so but God had just put down his Redbook magazine and was only giving ceremonial advice.

Yeah sadly history and modern day has shown that a certain group of bigots within christianity will use and abuse parts of the Old Testament to rationalize and promote their hate.

Even though Jesus rejected the entire concept of hate, even for your enemies as my sig shows.
The Old Testament merely reflected the society in which the people of those days lived.

Perhaps you libs would prefer to REJECT all the things that the Old and New Testaments "teach?"

Most of the Old Testament is rejected by christians, thankfully.

If it weren't I'd be dead (non-believer), the few remaining people allowed to live on this Earth would abide by some crazy rules too.

You are dead wrong Doc.
The so called Christians, and my new found cousins here, on this board reject all of the old Testament EXCEPT comparing gays to dog fuckers.
They eat their BBQ hog sammiches, shrimp and cat fish galore. God stated it was abominable to do so but God had just put down his Redbook magazine and was only giving ceremonial advice.

If I remember correctly does not Leviticus call for death for someone the curses their parents.

I also believe there is a call that women are not to speak, teach or have authority over men - I wonder how that jives with Bachmann possibly being the Commander-in-Chief.

For those that claim to follow all laws laid out in the Bible I wonder how those work.

The same old crap, no matter where you go. There are always a few Christian bashers who flit from thread to thread, spouting the same tired rhetoric.

"Christians aren't really Christians because they don't live by the OT! They're HYPOCRITES! They don't REALLY understand the bible, only WE understand the bible, they're so stupid!"

It's the same everywhere. It's so standard it's completely predictable and always follows the same course. God has a plan...and obviously so does the devil.

Sometimes I wish the devil was more creative, because hearing the same lame crap over and over is sooo boring.
The same old crap, no matter where you go. There are always a few Christian bashers who flit from thread to thread, spouting the same tired rhetoric.

"Christians aren't really Christians because they don't live by the OT! They're HYPOCRITES! They don't REALLY understand the bible, only WE understand the bible, they're so stupid!"

It's the same everywhere. It's so standard it's completely predictable and always follows the same course. God has a plan...and obviously so does the devil.

Sometimes I wish the devil was more creative, because hearing the same lame crap over and over is sooo boring.

You're hearing what you want to hear because you want to be a victim.

I didn't say anything remotely like that. I said christians mostly ignore the Old Testament and that that was a GOOD thing, nothing about them not being christian for doing so. There's a lot of unChristlike stuff in the Old Testament.

So you can climb out from under your bed, I don't have a little red guy on my shoulder telling me what to post.
Please don't assume you are the only person I was referring to.

And I'm capable of reading English, thank you. I don't need an interpreter.
Please don't assume you are the only person I was referring to.

And I'm capable of reading English, thank you. I don't need an interpreter.

Often times it does appear you need an interpreter on here.

Also World Watcher said nothing like what you said, so that takes both he and myself out of the equation.

In my opinion the more christians ignore the many immoral parts of the Old Testament the better christian they are.
Oh the old argument "the bible refers to slaves so we must throw out the bible! It's no good I tell ya!"

SLAVES in the bible were essentially indentured servants, and freed every 7 years.

Judaism and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, that doesn't explain the standoff between Moses and the Pharaoh, and Exodus. I mean really! Just move up the free date. Why lose all the first born over his stubbornness?

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The Old Testament merely reflected the society in which the people of those days lived.

Perhaps you libs would prefer to REJECT all the things that the Old and New Testaments "teach?"

Most of the Old Testament is rejected by christians, thankfully.

If it weren't I'd be dead (non-believer), the few remaining people allowed to live on this Earth would abide by some crazy rules too.

You are dead wrong Doc.
The so called Christians, and my new found cousins here, on this board reject all of the old Testament EXCEPT comparing gays to dog fuckers.
They eat their BBQ hog sammiches, shrimp and cat fish galore. God stated it was abominable to do so but God had just put down his Redbook magazine and was only giving ceremonial advice.

Where was Homosexuality Embraced anywhere in the Old or New?...

And what did Christ say about Marriage?...

Find another Book... Seriously, it's not the only one out there. :thup:


Yeah, God didn't have an Rules...*

Fuck a Cat... Fuck little kids... Rape, Murder... Go ahead.*

God Embraces it all.*

The Bible is Irrelevant and Meaningless.*

Say it says whatever.*

It's your Soul, not Mine. :thup:

(*Clearly Sarcasm)


Your "peace" is anything but.

In mal's case, "peace", is about as meaningful as "have a nice day!":eusa_angel:

Like the Barbie stewardess on Toy Story.

[ame=]Toy Story 2 - Barbie Bloopers Fandub - YouTube[/ame]

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