Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Leviticus 11 is about Food...

Leviticus 18 is about Unlawful Sexual Relations...

Jewish Cerimonial Law in 11... Moral Law in 18.

And here's what God said about some things in 18:

21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: Lev. 20.1-5 I am the LORD.

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Lev. 20.13

23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Ex. 22.19 · Lev. 20.15, 16 · Deut. 27.21

24 ¶ Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

Seems God saw Beastiality as "Confusion", but Homosexuality as an "Abomination"...

Stop Comparing Rules about Food to Moral Law...

They have nothing to do with each other and are not even in the same Chapter.

They are 7 Chapters Seperated. :thup:



So you care about Jewish Moral Law but not Jewish Ceremonial Law?

That makes perfect sense............................

They aren't Analagous...

They aren't in the same Chapter, and Christs Blood changed MANY things...

But one thing is Consistent from Old to New...

Homosexuality is an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time it's Talked about. :thup:

It's this Easy... If you are a Proud Homosexual, you have no place in the Christian Church.

Find another Faith.



My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.
So you care about Jewish Moral Law but not Jewish Ceremonial Law?

That makes perfect sense............................

They aren't Analagous...

They aren't in the same Chapter, and Christs Blood changed MANY things...

But one thing is Consistent from Old to New...

Homosexuality is an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time it's Talked about. :thup:

It's this Easy... If you are a Proud Homosexual, you have no place in the Christian Church.

Find another Faith.



My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.


They aren't Analagous...

They aren't in the same Chapter, and Christs Blood changed MANY things...

But one thing is Consistent from Old to New...

Homosexuality is an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time it's Talked about. :thup:

It's this Easy... If you are a Proud Homosexual, you have no place in the Christian Church.

Find another Faith.



My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.



God is going to be pissed at you mal for the way you have treated homosexuals.
You are the one at risk my brother. Good luck mal. Love thy neighbor is what Christ brought.
So you care about Jewish Moral Law but not Jewish Ceremonial Law?

That makes perfect sense............................

They aren't Analagous...

They aren't in the same Chapter, and Christs Blood changed MANY things...

But one thing is Consistent from Old to New...

Homosexuality is an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time it's Talked about. :thup:

It's this Easy... If you are a Proud Homosexual, you have no place in the Christian Church.

Find another Faith.



My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

Our laws allow discrimination against gay men and lesbians because they are not allowed to marry a man or woman respectively. If straight men can marry women, and lesbian women cannot, they are being discriminated against.
They aren't Analagous...

They aren't in the same Chapter, and Christs Blood changed MANY things...

But one thing is Consistent from Old to New...

Homosexuality is an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time it's Talked about. :thup:

It's this Easy... If you are a Proud Homosexual, you have no place in the Christian Church.

Find another Faith.



My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.


Where does it say in the bible that gays have no place in the Christian church and should find another faith?

I sure hope you aren't Catholic because if you are you're going straight to hell for lying.
I'm assuming the denomination that knows;

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin, cast the first stone.
Not to mention;

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to."
My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.



God is going to be pissed at you mal for the way you have treated homosexuals.
You are the one at risk my brother. Good luck mal. Love thy neighbor is what Christ brought.

I haven't seen any evidence that Mal doesn't love his brother. Loving your brother doesn't mean you justify his sin or enable it.

It just means you love him.

And I always laugh when people presume to tell people what God thinks or what he will do, if that behavior is outside what the bible tells us. Please show me the passage where God says he'll be pissed at people who tell people what the bible says?
I'm assuming the denomination that knows;

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin, cast the first stone.

Sounds to me like people are judging right now, while claiming not to judge.

And Paul was talking about believers passing judgement on believers. So when believers say things like "God's gonna be mad at you!" and "you're not a good Christian!" that is exactly the behavior that comment was targeting.

It wasn't about sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is not the same as judgement. It's just sharing the gospel. You don't like it, as Mal said, take it up with God.
My Lutheran church accepts proud homosexuals.
We don't listen or take orders from you.
No Christian I have ever met in my 57 years has told another Christian "you have no place in the Christian church, find another faith".
What denomination are you? You are not Christlike. If anyone needs to find another faith it is you. The Muslims will take you as they hate homosexuals almost as much as you do.

It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.


Where does it say in the bible that gays have no place in the Christian church and should find another faith?

I sure hope you aren't Catholic because if you are you're going straight to hell for lying.

Careful with that Axe, Tubby... :thup:


It's what the book says... Take it up with the Inspired Author if you ever meet Him. :thup:

Ignore it at your own Risk.



God is going to be pissed at you mal for the way you have treated homosexuals.
You are the one at risk my brother. Good luck mal. Love thy neighbor is what Christ brought.

I haven't seen any evidence that Mal doesn't love his brother. Loving your brother doesn't mean you justify his sin or enable it.

It just means you love him.

And I always laugh when people presume to tell people what God thinks or what he will do, if that behavior is outside what the bible tells us. Please show me the passage where God says he'll be pissed at people who tell people what the bible says?

girl, hate to bust your bubble there sugar lips but there are many versions of the Bible and many books were left out.
I suggest you go study religion somewhere doctrine is not allowed.
I'm assuming the denomination that knows;

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin, cast the first stone.

Sounds to me like people are judging right now, while claiming not to judge.

And Paul was talking about believers passing judgement on believers. So when believers say things like "God's gonna be mad at you!" and "you're not a good Christian!" that is exactly the behavior that comment was targeting.

It wasn't about sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is not the same as judgement. It's just sharing the gospel. You don't like it, as Mal said, take it up with God.

If Mal is going to comport himself as God's representative, and claim he knows who is or isn't going to hell, damn straight I'll take it up with Mal.
You ignored me mal. What denomination are you?

I Ignored nothing... I don't Belong to a Brand of Church.

I am Christian, if that is a Lable you Need.

I am not Catholic, although I spent 5 years in a Catholic School.

3 years in Lutheran...

4 years in a Baptist Academy.


Old mal is one proud Christian.
He spreads the Gospel so loud and clear and witnesses to Christ.
Problem is where do the folks that he witnesses go as mal hides where he attends church?
I'm assuming the denomination that knows;

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin, cast the first stone.

Sounds to me like people are judging right now, while claiming not to judge.

And Paul was talking about believers passing judgement on believers. So when believers say things like "God's gonna be mad at you!" and "you're not a good Christian!" that is exactly the behavior that comment was targeting.

It wasn't about sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is not the same as judgement. It's just sharing the gospel. You don't like it, as Mal said, take it up with God.

If Mal is going to comport himself as God's representative, and claim he knows who is or isn't going to hell, damn straight I'll take it up with Mal.

He didn't do those things.

That's just your bigot hat talking to you.
I'm assuming the denomination that knows;

Judge not, lest ye be judged.

By the same measure with which you judge, you will be judged.

He that is without sin, cast the first stone.

Sounds to me like people are judging right now, while claiming not to judge.

And Paul was talking about believers passing judgement on believers. So when believers say things like "God's gonna be mad at you!" and "you're not a good Christian!" that is exactly the behavior that comment was targeting.

It wasn't about sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is not the same as judgement. It's just sharing the gospel. You don't like it, as Mal said, take it up with God.

If Mal is going to comport himself as God's representative, and claim he knows who is or isn't going to hell, damn straight I'll take it up with Mal.

Yeah, God didn't have an Rules...*

Fuck a Cat... Fuck little kids... Rape, Murder... Go ahead.*

God Embraces it all.*

The Bible is Irrelevant and Meaningless.*

Say it says whatever.*

It's your Soul, not Mine. :thup:

(*Clearly Sarcasm)

You ignored me mal. What denomination are you?

I Ignored nothing... I don't Belong to a Brand of Church.

I am Christian, if that is a Lable you Need.

I am not Catholic, although I spent 5 years in a Catholic School.

3 years in Lutheran...

4 years in a Baptist Academy.



mal, I would take you in my church. 25 years ago there was someone I remember real well that had exactly the same beliefs as you. Similar background also.
The real world and following Christ changed me.
Good money that one day you will see how foolish you were. You have a good heart I am sure. Be Christlike and let it go. One day you will. I guarantee it.
Seen it hundreds of times. How old are you mal, under 30?
You ignored me mal. What denomination are you?

I Ignored nothing... I don't Belong to a Brand of Church.

I am Christian, if that is a Lable you Need.

I am not Catholic, although I spent 5 years in a Catholic School.

3 years in Lutheran...

4 years in a Baptist Academy.



mal, I would take you in my church. 25 years ago there was someone I remember real well that had exactly the same beliefs as you. Similar background also.
The real world and following Christ changed me.
Good money that one day you will see how foolish you were. You have a good heart I am sure. Be Christlike and let it go. One day you will. I guarantee it.
Seen it hundreds of times. How old are you mal, under 30?

I'm Foolish?... :lol: You are Attempting to tell me NOT to "Judge" based on the Book and the Consistent Message, yet you Judge me as "Foolish"?...

As for my Age... 40... Recently.

I have Gay Friends and Family and they Know how I feel about what they do, no Different than the People I know who Swing and do Drugs...

I don't Care, as long as it's not trying to Change a Church or make Society Embrace it, do as you Please in the Privacy of your own Home.


Sounds to me like people are judging right now, while claiming not to judge.

And Paul was talking about believers passing judgement on believers. So when believers say things like "God's gonna be mad at you!" and "you're not a good Christian!" that is exactly the behavior that comment was targeting.

It wasn't about sharing the gospel. Sharing the gospel is not the same as judgement. It's just sharing the gospel. You don't like it, as Mal said, take it up with God.

If Mal is going to comport himself as God's representative, and claim he knows who is or isn't going to hell, damn straight I'll take it up with Mal.

Yeah, God didn't have an Rules...*

Fuck a Cat... Fuck little kids... Rape, Murder... Go ahead.*

God Embraces it all.*

The Bible is Irrelevant and Meaningless.*

Say it says whatever.*

It's your Soul, not Mine. :thup:

(*Clearly Sarcasm)


Your "peace" is anything but.

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