Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.

Fiddlesticks, oh pompous gasbag. People of different colors got married quite routinely, I promise you. And the definition has always been one man, one woman,

And they have equal protection under the law. Gay people cannot be disciminated against because they're gay. however, they can't be married because MARRIAGE means ... you got it, one of each.

They're perfectly welcome to write wills and such naming one another as beneficiaries, and set up accounts together, and raise children together, and enter into contracts together, and get insurance together, etc. and so forth. There is no right they are being denied...except the right to pretend they meet the definition of married couples.

It was against the law for people of different colors to get married here if one of them was white for 200 years.
Your problem is you have no clue about the facts involved with the history of this country.
You live a sheltered life in LAH LAH land.
If they can do all the things you claim then why not allow them to also get married?
How does that affect you? Are you married? Why do you care?
What is the big deal? It is a NON ISSUE.
Pave the roads, police the streets and 1001 other things COME FIRST.
Figure them out and then we can talk about gay marriage. Until then, who gives a shit? Let them marry. No brainer. Doesn't affect anyone other than the busy body old maids that have nothing else to gossip about.
Sounds like you fit that bill.
No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.

Fiddlesticks, oh pompous gasbag. People of different colors got married quite routinely, I promise you. And the definition has always been one man, one woman,

And they have equal protection under the law. Gay people cannot be disciminated against because they're gay. however, they can't be married because MARRIAGE means ... you got it, one of each.

They're perfectly welcome to write wills and such naming one another as beneficiaries, and set up accounts together, and raise children together, and enter into contracts together, and get insurance together, etc. and so forth. There is no right they are being denied...except the right to pretend they meet the definition of married couples.

It was against the law for people of different colors to get married here if one of them was white for 200 years.
Your problem is you have no clue about the facts involved with the history of this country.
You live a sheltered life in LAH LAH land.
If they can do all the things you claim then why not allow them to also get married?
How does that affect you? Are you married? Why do you care?
What is the big deal? It is a NON ISSUE.
Pave the roads, police the streets and 1001 other things COME FIRST.
Figure them out and then we can talk about gay marriage. Until then, who gives a shit? Let them marry. No brainer. Doesn't affect anyone other than the busy body old maids that have nothing else to gossip about.
Sounds like you fit that bill.

Race and who or what you Choose to have Sex with are NOT Analagous.

A Black Man and a White Woman CAN Marry the Flesh.

Two of the Same Sex can NOT.


Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

God made Everything, including those who Fuck the Animals...

He Addresses those in Leviticus 18, at the same time he Addresses Homosexuals. :thup:



Tell us about your efforts, passion and support of a ban on marriage for those that fuck animals mal.
When was that introduced as a constitutional amendment?
How is it that you personally are aware that his heterosexual urges were stronger when he was a boy? :lol:

I find it hilarious that your vast experience knowing ONE gay man grants you such insight into believing that people making fun of him for being smart and being musical made him gay. Clearly, by your "logic" everyone who is called gay becomes gay?

Here's another idea: smart kids are made fun of. Bullies call people gay. Guys who seek out musical theater and high fashion and say "fabulous" may actually be gay, regardless of what people call them as a result. Or they may not be.

But the idea that you can MAKE someone gay by calling them it is ridiculous. Or do you think you'd turn gay if everyone here referred to you as such?

Just like the large slippery slope arguments spring from the smaller slippery slope arguments!

he's not the only gay I know, but he's the one I was closest to as a child, and we were very close, over the principal years of our youths (5-15).

Scientific evidence shows us that there is no genetic propensity towards gayness, just as there's no genetic propensity towards heterosexuality. And my personal experience leads me to believe that, by golly, the science is RIGHT.

You folks are so dismissive of the science when it comes to disproving your biased beliefs...what a shame you aren't so flexible when it comes to topics like religion, god and abortion. With THOSE topics, the science is NEVER WRONG.

so, by extension, you could learn to be gay, eh? Tell me, how does the thought of warm clitoris on your tongue sound? Gooey snatch lapped up like a dog at the water bowl?

You could learn to LOVE IT, right?



Irrelevant, and retarded as well. Any and all sexual references put forth by you are going to be disgusting, that's a given. It has nothing to do with orietation.
Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?
Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?

Murder takes the right to life from another citizen.....tell us what rights of another do gays and gay marriage take away?
Tell me what right they are being denied?

They are choosing not to marry a person of the opposite sex, they have that choice.

It isn't like somebody is saying, "You can't be married!"

They can be married, if they marry somebody of the opposite sex. And they can be married in any church that will marry them as homosexual couples. But they don't have the *right* to force the rest of the world to call their living arrangement "marriage" when it doesn't meet the definition of the word.

Pretty simple, really.
Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?

Murder takes the right to life from another citizen.....tell us what rights of another do gays and gay marriage take away?

So does Abortion... True Story.

You have a Right to Marry... You don't have a Right to Expect Society to call your Defiance of your Natural Design "Marriage"...

You Choose not to Couple as Nature has Designed and that's not Society's Burden... :thup:

Got Legal, Estate, Death Issues?... Have a Contract or a Civil Union and Smile.


Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

God made Everything, including those who Fuck the Animals...

He Addresses those in Leviticus 18, at the same time he Addresses Homosexuals. :thup:



Man wrote Lev 18, not God. Man cannot know what a God might want.

You Speak of God as "Fact"...

And God made EVERYTHING... Including those who Fuck Animals... True Story.

Because it Exists doesn't make it Right nor Equal.


Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?

Where is there a ban on murderers getting married?
You are the one that picks and chooses who to discriminate against.
You support giving murderers more rights than gay folk.
Tell me what right they are being denied?

They are choosing not to marry a person of the opposite sex, they have that choice.

It isn't like somebody is saying, "You can't be married!"

They can be married, if they marry somebody of the opposite sex. And they can be married in any church that will marry them as homosexual couples. But they don't have the *right* to force the rest of the world to call their living arrangement "marriage" when it doesn't meet the definition of the word.

Pretty simple, really.

Full marriage rights in all states as would any straight couple. But I see that you support discrimination based on gender.
Anyone who has a prob with gay marriage is a homophobe and a bigot.

Fact is, God made gays.

another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?

Where is there a ban on murderers getting married?
You are the one that picks and chooses who to discriminate against.
You support giving murderers more rights than gay folk.

She sure walked into that one, didn't she? :lol::lol::lol:
No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.

Fiddlesticks, oh pompous gasbag. People of different colors got married quite routinely, I promise you. And the definition has always been one man, one woman,

And they have equal protection under the law. Gay people cannot be disciminated against because they're gay. however, they can't be married because MARRIAGE means ... you got it, one of each.

They're perfectly welcome to write wills and such naming one another as beneficiaries, and set up accounts together, and raise children together, and enter into contracts together, and get insurance together, etc. and so forth. There is no right they are being denied...except the right to pretend they meet the definition of married couples.

It was against the law for people of different colors to get married here if one of them was white for 200 years.
Your problem is you have no clue about the facts involved with the history of this country.
You live a sheltered life in LAH LAH land.
If they can do all the things you claim then why not allow them to also get married?
How does that affect you? Are you married? Why do you care?
What is the big deal? It is a NON ISSUE.
Pave the roads, police the streets and 1001 other things COME FIRST.
Figure them out and then we can talk about gay marriage. Until then, who gives a shit? Let them marry. No brainer. Doesn't affect anyone other than the busy body old maids that have nothing else to gossip about.
Sounds like you fit that bill.

Lol...I'm quite well versed in history. You said marriage was only for white people, and you were wrong.

Nor do I live a sheltered life. I know an ignoramus when I see one, and you fit the bill. We are not talking about race, which is a completely different ball of wax. Men and women were denied the right to marry (as other men and women do) based upon their color, and that was wrong. They were actually being denied the right based upon their skin.

Gays aren't being denied the right. They have the right to marry a person of the opposite sex, which is, by definition, what marriage is. If they want some other sort of union, say, a union with a person of the same sex, they are welcome to have that. What they DON'T have a right to do is force people to call their alternate union a "marriage" since it isn't a marriage.

They could just call it something else, but it's all about them forcing their sexual lifestyle into the spotlight.
another idiotic and irrelevant argument.

God made murderers, too. Shall we legalize murder as well?

Oh, wait..abortion, euthanasia....I forgot. You guys are all for that as well. What was I thinking?

Where is there a ban on murderers getting married?
You are the one that picks and chooses who to discriminate against.
You support giving murderers more rights than gay folk.

She sure walked into that one, didn't she? :lol::lol::lol:

I feel like I've fallen into an argument with mentally retarded children. I sort of feel bad.
Fiddlesticks, oh pompous gasbag. People of different colors got married quite routinely, I promise you. And the definition has always been one man, one woman,

And they have equal protection under the law. Gay people cannot be disciminated against because they're gay. however, they can't be married because MARRIAGE means ... you got it, one of each.

They're perfectly welcome to write wills and such naming one another as beneficiaries, and set up accounts together, and raise children together, and enter into contracts together, and get insurance together, etc. and so forth. There is no right they are being denied...except the right to pretend they meet the definition of married couples.

It was against the law for people of different colors to get married here if one of them was white for 200 years.
Your problem is you have no clue about the facts involved with the history of this country.
You live a sheltered life in LAH LAH land.
If they can do all the things you claim then why not allow them to also get married?
How does that affect you? Are you married? Why do you care?
What is the big deal? It is a NON ISSUE.
Pave the roads, police the streets and 1001 other things COME FIRST.
Figure them out and then we can talk about gay marriage. Until then, who gives a shit? Let them marry. No brainer. Doesn't affect anyone other than the busy body old maids that have nothing else to gossip about.
Sounds like you fit that bill.

Lol...I'm quite well versed in history. You said marriage was only for white people, and you were wrong.

Nor do I live a sheltered life. I know an ignoramus when I see one, and you fit the bill. We are not talking about race, which is a completely different ball of wax. Men and women were denied the right to marry (as other men and women do) based upon their color, and that was wrong. They were actually being denied the right based upon their skin.

Gays aren't being denied the right. They have the right to marry a person of the opposite sex, which is, by definition, what marriage is. If they want some other sort of union, say, a union with a person of the same sex, they are welcome to have that. What they DON'T have a right to do is force people to call their alternate union a "marriage" since it isn't a marriage.

They could just call it something else, but it's all about them forcing their sexual lifestyle into the spotlight.

Question: Why don't gays get the same tax cuts and legal rights?
She sure walked into that one, didn't she? :lol::lol::lol:

I feel like I've fallen into an argument with mentally retarded children. I sort of feel bad.

So...where IS that ban on murderers getting married?

There's nothing wrong with a pedophile and murderer being given a chance to bond together for the rest of their lives if they're opposite sex, but boy oh boy if 2 law abiding tax paying gay citizens wanna get married my morals won't stand for it!!!!!!


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