Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.
All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

I agree.

All this talk of the good ol' days I never saw any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to mixed race couples was not discrimination, as marriage in most states at the time was defined as a union between members of the same race.

I think we needed interracial union certificates. Different, but equal.

All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

I agree.

All this talk of the good ol' days I never saw any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to mixed race couples was not discrimination, as marriage in most states at the time was defined as a union between members of the same race.

I think we needed interracial union certificates. Different, but equal.


Yeah, we had different but equal here for a very long time. No one complained except the colored folk.
:lol::lol::lol: I LOVE IT!!!!
All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

Thank you Plessy v. Ferguson.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

Here's something recently reported by the BBC.

The brains of gay men and women look like those found in heterosexual people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

The Swedish study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults.

Gay men and heterosexual women had halves of a similar size, while the right side was bigger in lesbian women and heterosexual men.

A UK scientist said this was evidence sexual orientation was set in the womb.

BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences'

As far as abuse being a contributing factor towards becoming gay? From age 5 until 10, I was physically, mentally and sexually abused. I was also orphaned at 8 and lived in foster care.

I'm also very heterosexual and the thought of having gay sex really turns me off.

Guess that blows your abuse theory outta the water, eh? 1/2 sister is straight, and she went through some of the same crap as I did.

As far as NOT remembering the abuse done to me? Wrong yet again. However, the fact that I lived through it, is one of the things that made me such an effective counselor in the Navy.
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

He doesn't promote homosexuality in any way, shape or form. He's a wonderful man who identifies himself as homosexual and Christian, and has carved out a niche for himself as such. He has no hatred towards Christians nor any towards the community in which he was raised, as he IS a true Christian and he walks the walk to the best of his ability, as do we all.
How is it that you personally are aware that his heterosexual urges were stronger when he was a boy? :lol:

I find it hilarious that your vast experience knowing ONE gay man grants you such insight into believing that people making fun of him for being smart and being musical made him gay. Clearly, by your "logic" everyone who is called gay becomes gay?

Here's another idea: smart kids are made fun of. Bullies call people gay. Guys who seek out musical theater and high fashion and say "fabulous" may actually be gay, regardless of what people call them as a result. Or they may not be.

But the idea that you can MAKE someone gay by calling them it is ridiculous. Or do you think you'd turn gay if everyone here referred to you as such?

The larger sins (in our opinions), spring from the smaller sins.
Just like the large slippery slope arguments spring from the smaller slippery slope arguments!
The opposition to homosexuality is an archaic anachronism. In the future, we will look at the opposition to gay rights today in the same way we look at the opposition to segregation 50 years ago. We will think "WTF was wrong with you people?" History is not on your side.


This thread was about the Biblical references to "sin".

Because society moves one way or another does not mean that it is following the Lord. If the country continues to move towards "sin", I doubt it will be here in 50 years, as it is. It may be a corrupt shell of what it once was, but not, as it was in the past, or even as it is now. With sin, comes the covet war (known as class warfare), and the tolerance for all things evil. Homosexual acceptance is just the beginning of corruption.

Ahh so the haves supporters already are being programmed with a projection/deflection name of "the covet war"? Interesting that the other side might call it "the greed war", and both pretty much mean the same thing.

You are right. The political machines are in motion. Class warfare is being promoted because telling someone to get off their @$$ is just too hard for politicians to say. Take a look at history, where did it ever work. This country was designed for those that followed the Word of the Lord, worked hard and lived by morals (that isn't to say that it wasn't used by those that did not want to live morally). It is the only country in the world were massive amounts of people can start with little more than the will to succeed, and can! Other countries, people are born into specific "classes" with no hope, no chance for the future using their own gifts. It is this country that promotes that. It is this country that holds the ambitious in esteem for what they can build.

The "greed" war, would imply that there is no way for those that start with the basics in this country, must stay there. That is simply not so. There are LEGAL immigrants that come to this country and build business(es), and lives, that most Americans would envy. The difference: many Americans would rather have someone "give" it to them, than to earn it. They want to be slaves of the gov't so the gov't will make all the hard decisions for them, can experiment on them, and will provide basic necessities, and look the other way as they sink into corruption. The covet war is taking what you have not earned (by theft, legal or not), and destroying it, just so someone else can't have it. Sound familiar?

Where do our tax dollars go that support the "poor"? Are the projects well maintained, or are they destroyed as quickly as possible, so the gov't will put more resources to waste? Do food stamps go to provide nutritious meals for those that can least afford them, or is it blown on name brand luxuries and the best cuts of meat? If those "tax dollars" (coveted) are not being invested, they are being destroyed. That makes the standard of living harder to maintain for all of us.
All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.

Fiddlesticks, oh pompous gasbag. People of different colors got married quite routinely, I promise you. And the definition has always been one man, one woman,

And they have equal protection under the law. Gay people cannot be disciminated against because they're gay. however, they can't be married because MARRIAGE means ... you got it, one of each.

They're perfectly welcome to write wills and such naming one another as beneficiaries, and set up accounts together, and raise children together, and enter into contracts together, and get insurance together, etc. and so forth. There is no right they are being denied...except the right to pretend they meet the definition of married couples.
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

He doesn't promote homosexuality in any way, shape or form. He's a wonderful man who identifies himself as homosexual and Christian, and has carved out a niche for himself as such. He has no hatred towards Christians nor any towards the community in which he was raised, as he IS a true Christian and he walks the walk to the best of his ability, as do we all.
How is it that you personally are aware that his heterosexual urges were stronger when he was a boy? :lol:

I find it hilarious that your vast experience knowing ONE gay man grants you such insight into believing that people making fun of him for being smart and being musical made him gay. Clearly, by your "logic" everyone who is called gay becomes gay?

Here's another idea: smart kids are made fun of. Bullies call people gay. Guys who seek out musical theater and high fashion and say "fabulous" may actually be gay, regardless of what people call them as a result. Or they may not be.

But the idea that you can MAKE someone gay by calling them it is ridiculous. Or do you think you'd turn gay if everyone here referred to you as such?

The larger sins (in our opinions), spring from the smaller sins.
Just like the large slippery slope arguments spring from the smaller slippery slope arguments!

he's not the only gay I know, but he's the one I was closest to as a child, and we were very close, over the principal years of our youths (5-15).

Scientific evidence shows us that there is no genetic propensity towards gayness, just as there's no genetic propensity towards heterosexuality. And my personal experience leads me to believe that, by golly, the science is RIGHT.

You folks are so dismissive of the science when it comes to disproving your biased beliefs...what a shame you aren't so flexible when it comes to topics like religion, god and abortion. With THOSE topics, the science is NEVER WRONG.
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

He doesn't promote homosexuality in any way, shape or form. He's a wonderful man who identifies himself as homosexual and Christian, and has carved out a niche for himself as such. He has no hatred towards Christians nor any towards the community in which he was raised, as he IS a true Christian and he walks the walk to the best of his ability, as do we all.
How is it that you personally are aware that his heterosexual urges were stronger when he was a boy? :lol:

I find it hilarious that your vast experience knowing ONE gay man grants you such insight into believing that people making fun of him for being smart and being musical made him gay. Clearly, by your "logic" everyone who is called gay becomes gay?

Here's another idea: smart kids are made fun of. Bullies call people gay. Guys who seek out musical theater and high fashion and say "fabulous" may actually be gay, regardless of what people call them as a result. Or they may not be.

But the idea that you can MAKE someone gay by calling them it is ridiculous. Or do you think you'd turn gay if everyone here referred to you as such?

The larger sins (in our opinions), spring from the smaller sins.
Just like the large slippery slope arguments spring from the smaller slippery slope arguments!

he's not the only gay I know, but he's the one I was closest to as a child, and we were very close, over the principal years of our youths (5-15).

Scientific evidence shows us that there is no genetic propensity towards gayness, just as there's no genetic propensity towards heterosexuality. And my personal experience leads me to believe that, by golly, the science is RIGHT.

You folks are so dismissive of the science when it comes to disproving your biased beliefs...what a shame you aren't so flexible when it comes to topics like religion, god and abortion. With THOSE topics, the science is NEVER WRONG.

so, by extension, you could learn to be gay, eh? Tell me, how does the thought of warm clitoris on your tongue sound? Gooey snatch lapped up like a dog at the water bowl?

You could learn to LOVE IT, right?


All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

No, it was between a white man and white woman for hundreds of years here and then they added any man and woman of the same race.
And that was ruled unconstitutional.
I suggest you educate yourself in the theory of equal protection under the LAW.
Now I believe gay marriage is strange but it affects NO ONE to allow it.
Doesn't affect any marriage anywhere. The only reason folks oppose it is because of religion.
And religion has no part IN THE LAW.
Forcing your religous beliefs on others is always bad.

Sorry, religion is a big part of the "law". Cultures/societies are people with similar beliefs living together. If their beliefs are not similar, then they form different societies/countries. Religion (beliefs) are a huge part of every person. The laws of the country/society are based off what the predominant religion considers "right" (it does not matter if it is mentioned in the law or not, it is understood that is where the law originates). Many of the ten Commandments are written into our laws. Our Bill of Rights are listed as "unalienable" (those rights are not given by man, but by the Creator). Because, the leftists of the day, have toned down the relationship between the law and religion, does not remove it. It is still very clear to those that actually consider where the laws originated. Before the Hebrew Lord made Himself known, people would make laws for "classes" or relations of the leaders. The laws were not equal. The severity, too, depended on your social rank. Only with the Lord, did equality under the Law come into play. Starting with the 10 Commandments, society after society built upon "justice under the law". It improved the world. The people that lived two thousand years ago were just as intelligent, as those that live today. Why did technology advance like it has: people were relatively safe to pursue "happiness" (their dreams). That is not possible in an immoral and guarded society.

Now, we have a "new" religion, the one of the left, that says that man, not the Lord gives men their rights. That belief system, the one from the left, has no morals, no equality, just their beliefs. Quit forcing your beliefs onto a successful society. There is no evidence that those leftist beliefs work, anywhere. There is over three centuries of evidence, where people, left to pretend they are the Lord, instead of listening to the Lord ends with hundred, thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of human deaths trying to make a false religion (belief system) work. Quit trying to force your corrupt beliefs onto us.
I was jut thinking and came to the conclusion that Koshergirl is a sinful concept.
"Eating" a female is sodomy and quite sinful.

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