Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

Where is YOUR evidence to back that claim up?
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

He doesn't promote homosexuality in any way, shape or form. He's a wonderful man who identifies himself as homosexual and Christian, and has carved out a niche for himself as such. He has no hatred towards Christians nor any towards the community in which he was raised, as he IS a true Christian and he walks the walk to the best of his ability, as do we all.

By identifying himself as gay, he has (or some would claim). And furthermore, there are many here that would claim that he cannot be a Christian if he is gay.
I have wondered from time to time:

what possible difference does it make to me and any part of my life who some other guy falls in love with?

If a gay guy seeks companionship and love from another male, is one gram of anything of value either added to or subtracted from my life?

If a lesbian finds another woman to share some time together with in terms of meaningful conversation, shared experience, tender moments or sexual relationship, am I or are any of my family or friends hurt in any way?

I cannot imagine that any rational person gives a damn that heterosexual men prefer women for intimacy.

I cannot imagine that any rational person gives a damn that heterosexual women prefer men for intimacy.

Yet some folks seem to believe that we heterosexuals "ought" to care about the attraction of homosexuals. Why?

Thank you.
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

Where is YOUR evidence to back that claim up?

Oh, ffs. So - the fact that my sister and I were molested and abused by the same man, to the same degree, over the same period of time - she's a lesbian and I'm straight.

Try again?
Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

Where is YOUR evidence to back that claim up?

Oh, ffs. So - the fact that my sister and I were molested and abused by the same man, to the same degree, over the same period of time - she's a lesbian and I'm straight.

Try again?

Or that I and my brothers and sister were raised in a loving home with no abuse, we're all happily grown and married and our parents are still loving and together....that's what made them all straight and me gay..........:eusa_eh:
Being in the world I have lived in for the past 35 years, comparing the homosexuals that I have known and continue to know to dog fuckers, 2nd class citizens and immoral humans would be totally wrong.
I remember playing a lot of quarters for many years and crossed those white lines and then coached many a year. Years later I have learned through the fact that many humans now live who they are. Every one of the folks from that background that I know now are gay are outstanding individuals. They never quit, always were there and worked hard at what they did. They still do.
As a licensed private investigator for 32 years I have worked with attorneys, prosecutors, homicide detectives, police officers, forensic examiners, doctors, nurses, EMTs, other PIs and many others from various professions that are gay. I have seen how they are no different than me or anyone else other than who they fall in love with. When you have worked as many cases for trial as I have you know that it takes a team effort. You do not get very far in life when another team member you work with believes there are folks in the team that actively state that they are immoral, 2nd class citizens and are condemned to hell for being who they are. I vividly remember the APD homicide cop that years ago worked 85 hour weeks solving gthe stalking of a woman at the old Riverside Apartment complex in Atlanta. They believed this case was tied to another murder and his work proved it wasn't but he found the suspect and had the evidence to convict him on the stalking.The cop was gay. Would not meet a finer person ever. And those of us that work in such stress know that you never insult the others that are on the team with nonsense as I see here.
I come from a very large extended family. My wife has 7 brothers and sisters and I have 4. There are over 100 of us with kids and grand kids, neices and nephews, etc. There are a few gays and lesbians. And they are all very well educated and some are professionals and/or have masters degrees.
None of them are immoral, 2nd class people. So when I hear others state that all of the professionals I have known and now work with professionally and others that are family are the same as dog fuckers and label them as 2nd class citizens going to burn in hell as perverts I do not stand by and just listen to it. I fight it at every turn as I know how these people are no different than any other citizen in what really counts.
Again, my world was a competitive one for many years. You stand by and fight for those that have been there with you and paid the price.
Gays and lesbians are good and honest people. They have their bad apples just as the straight population does. America is the land of the free, not the land of religous mandates. Either you stand up and speak for everyone and their rights or you pick and choose who should get what rights, when and how and use The Bible, instead of the law, to make those choices.
True patriots of freedom seek to protect the rights ofeveryone, even those they may despise the most. The weak sit on the sidelines on the frigging bench and point fingers at those they believe to be gay/lesbian and judge them by labeling them as less than human.
To those that flee comes neither power nor glory.

I never said that they were second class citizens. You asked where in the Bible homosexuality was mentioned and saw the scripture where immoral sexual behavior, lewdness, and perversity (any of which would cover homosexual acts). Now you want to lecture us. What a great gimmic you have, you tell us you want evidence, and then you try to make us feel guilty for demonstrating that it is in the Bible.

You want to point out these "great" people that you know, and have known. Oh, how nice. I work with people every day that seem to be upstanding and professional. Truth is, I don't want to learn about their personal lives. Some of what I have discovered, I wish I had not. They smoke dope. They drink too much. They sleep around. One of the homosexuals posted suggestive pictures of themselves and their partner on the internet where others that I work with could see (oh, the crap I heard over that: my response, don't go there).

The point is: homosexual behavior is immoral. Just like when I commit a sin, it is immoral. It is not righteous, it is not just, it is immoral. Difference: I don't cry that nobody loves me and everybody is picking on me when they found out that I did something immoral. It is a "choice" that I made, and I have to live with that decision. I don't tell other people to "quit judging me", I don't tell people "you need to accept me as I am". I apologize. Or I just live with it, and take the shit that "I" earned. If you want to "coddle" sin, go on, suck it up, live with it. Do not ask the rest of us to follow you to the dark side.

You are wrong as usual. I am not headed to the dark side.
Unlike you, I lead and shine the light.

Like the prostitute in OT's Proverbs?
Good we agree, the Bible says sex outside of marriage is a sin.

So if all sex outside of marriage is a sin, and remarrying breaks one of the Ten Commandments making it the worst kind of sin, why do homophobic bigots ONLY spend their time babbling about the sin of homosexuality?

Why aren't they bashing about 99% of straight people who mess around before marriage or the enormous number of married people who previously divorced?

Why aren't you bigotted against straight people who mess around without a ring?

Yes, all sex outside is sinful. (Are there any people trying to pass legislation saying it isn't so?)

If a person is re-married and they are not the same person as the one that divorced (they repented, and grew spiritually), then it is not a sin. They are entering that marriage as a "new" person in the eyes of the Lord.

Straight people that mess around, just "do it", they don't try to force legislation saying they are "the same" as a married couple.

Homosexual activists are trying to force immorality to be LEGISLATED, not "freely" accepted. It would be like legislating that every time you noticed someone in an adulterous affair, you would have to praise them, publicly. Most of us know right from wrong, and will not interfere with another person's choices if they don't seem to harm anyone. Then again there are a lot of places in this country where people will stop you, if they see you trying to hurt another. Personally, I hope that never changes.

Only YOUR religous beliefs state it is immoral.
You have NO other justification in your claims.
Take that away and homosexuals are not "forcing immorality to be legislated".
And there are millions of religous Chrisians just like me that do not believe homosexuals are immoral in wanting to marry those they love.
Jesus never said a thing about it. ONLY MAN has condemned it and only a few times as old Jewish law and once by Paul.
BTW, calling someone immoral for who they are is a pretty bad thing.

So, I have demonstrated where Yeshua said that sexual immorality, lewdness, perversiveness are sinful, and you still continue to screech at me?
Take away that murder is unlawful (immoral), and everyone could do that, too (Duhhhhh).
If you make legislative rules prohibiting anyone from disagreeing with the homosexual lifestyle (similar to what muslims do), aren't you legislating immorality?
Millions of Christians (Christians were never supposed to join the "legion") that are ignoring the Lord's Word, and teaching the exact opposite of that Word, are WRONG.

BTW, how many times does the Lord have to state a thing is wrong, before, you take Him at His Word?
You are trying to use one part ogf the bible to overrule a part you do not like/agree with.
Hence rationalization.

If you are "forgiven". You are given the Lord's grace to overcome. You are not the same person that made the same mistakes. In many cases, people marry without inviting the Lord into their relationship. Once that marriage fails, they embrace the Lord and His ways; they are no longer the same person.

I did not say that is how it always works. You asked how someone that was divorced could be re-married. I explained how it could work in Christianity. In the NT, the disciples were given the power to forgive sins. A person that is cleansed of their sins, is not the same person that has given themselves over to temptation and ignores the ways of the Lord. They are still responsible for the decisions/choices they made in the past, but in the eyes of the Lord, they are "clean from sin", and can start, fresh.

Bullshit. Your religion rejects and discriminates against gays. You say a gay can be Christian if he or she is celibate and leaves their spouse or partner.

YOUR code of "sexual ethics" is skewed in favor of heterosexuals.

Loving someone faithfully for 26 years is not a sin. It's beautiful.

The religion does not discrimminate against homosexuals. I know of no church that has a sign on the door saying homosexuals are not welcome (homosexuals should be respectful of the congregation, and not flaunt their sins in the church or at church events). The Bible relates that homosexual acts are sinful. Choosing to live in a state of sin, is your choice. Going to the Lord for redemption without trying to correct sinful behavior, is arrogance, plain and simple. You "chose" to live in SIN for 26 years. The Lord left you alone to sin at your leisure. If you want the Lord to come into your life, you must try to meet Him on middle ground. You must try to stop sinning (that being said, no Christian would expect you to correct years of behavior, overnight). The Lord works with each person, differently. If you truly want Him, in your life, talk to HIM, not us. If He believes that you truly want Him in your life, He will make a way. He answers sincere prayers (not necessarily how we want them answered, but how we need them answered).

I understand, from your point of view, that it looks impossible. It is not. With Him, miracles do happen. People that are weak (mind, body, spirit), can overcome great obstacles. People, will let you down, every time; they are not all-powerful. The Lord is the only One that is always informed on your life, knows where you are and knows where your heart is.
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?

Sin is sin is sin. Very surprised this thread went on so long. I am heartened to see that you recognize it. There is hope for the future.
Homosexuals can be Christian...

They just have to Acknowlege that in Christianity that the Defiance of God's Natural Design is an Abomination and stop doing it.

Otherwise, find a Faith that Embraces the Deliberate Deviation from what Creates us. :thup:



Nope, homosexuals CAN NOT be Christian, unless they agree to forsake their loved ones and remain celibate.

Question for you...........if God is love like you Christians want us to believe, why would He require us to forsake another human being?

If that human being will take you or keep you in a sinful life, He would want you to forsake them. When Simon Peter told Yeshua how He could avoid the judgement and the death that was to come from it, what did Yeshua say to Peter? Was it, yeah, let's go hang, forget what my Dad wanted me to do, or was it, get thee behind me, Satan? Life is about choices, and eternal life, is even more so, where your decisions determine your eternal fate. There were very frank statements made by Yeshua about the burden of being one of His followers. There were prophesies on some of the ways Christians would be tortured and killed for not turning from Yeshua. Satan works on us all. For homosexuals, it is a very hard path, were few explain why you should resist, and many more simply tell you, that you as a person, are unacceptable, while, others are telling you to make the pleasure of the body, the only priority in life. I am sorry that you suffer so. I know, for me, the only way, I fought and continue to fight my temptations was through prayer. I am still tempted (my own weaknesses), and it is a daily fight to beat temptation. Along with asking the Lord to "lead me not into temptation" to help when I feel overwhelmed. Also, focusing on His will, instead of my selfish needs, also helps.
240.2 Corinthians 6:15 (Whole Chapter)
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Question for you...........if God is love like you Christians want us to believe, why would He require us to forsake another human being?

Why did God refer to Homosexuality as an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time in the Bible?...

Why did his Son Define Marriage VERY Specifically as a Man and Woman becoming One Flesh?...

Why is Every Homosexual Capable of Reflecting that Natural Design, yet they Choose not to?...

The Problem isn't with God and his Design, or Nature and it's Design, if you are not about God...

The Problem is with those who Choose to Defy and then go that extra Step to Demand Validation for thier Choice.

It's one thing to be Left alone in a Society, it's another to try to Change Laws to the Absurd, or to Demand that a Church Ingore it's own Teachings and Embrace something it simply can't Honestly Embrace.



* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Who mistreated the strangers in Sodom? Was it heterosexuals that were banging at Lot's gate, demanding the beautiful male visitors, or was it the perverse, the lewd, and the sexually immoral?
Question, when you posted the Jonathan and David passages, and I posted them in context, why didn't you support your claims. Saul gave David his clothes too, you never answered if that meant Saul had an affair with David too (because after that it was pretty clear, it was not as it was implied by the homosexuals).
When the Lord references marriage, it is between one man and one woman. The Lord did not created a harem for Adam, He created Eve (that would be one woman).
How many times does the Lord have to tell you something is wrong, before you believe?
Other far eastern cultures still practice slavery, killing infant daughters, and child labor, as well as selective murder, are you suggesting this country follow those practices, as well?
Homosexuality in animals is a pure dominance ritual. Animals eat their young as well as other species babies, are you suggesting that we follow those practices, too?
Why did God refer to Homosexuality as an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time in the Bible?...

Why did his Son Define Marriage VERY Specifically as a Man and Woman becoming One Flesh?...

Why is Every Homosexual Capable of Reflecting that Natural Design, yet they Choose not to?...

The Problem isn't with God and his Design, or Nature and it's Design, if you are not about God...

The Problem is with those who Choose to Defy and then go that extra Step to Demand Validation for thier Choice.

It's one thing to be Left alone in a Society, it's another to try to Change Laws to the Absurd, or to Demand that a Church Ingore it's own Teachings and Embrace something it simply can't Honestly Embrace.



* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Who mistreated the strangers in Sodom? Was it heterosexuals that were banging at Lot's gate, demanding the beautiful male visitors, or was it the perverse, the lewd, and the sexually immoral?
Question, when you posted the Jonathan and David passages, and I posted them in context, why didn't you support your claims. Saul gave David his clothes too, you never answered if that meant Saul had an affair with David too (because after that it was pretty clear, it was not as it was implied by the homosexuals).
When the Lord references marriage, it is between one man and one woman. The Lord did not created a harem for Adam, He created Eve (that would be one woman).
How many times does the Lord have to tell you something is wrong, before you believe?
Other far eastern cultures still practice slavery, killing infant daughters, and child labor, as well as selective murder, are you suggesting this country follow those practices, as well?
Homosexuality in animals is a pure dominance ritual. Animals eat their young as well as other species babies, are you suggesting that we follow those practices, too?

This thread continues.....Weeks of dissing gay people. Don't you Christians have any other sins to worry about?
Why did God refer to Homosexuality as an Abomination and Sin 100% of the time in the Bible?...

Why did his Son Define Marriage VERY Specifically as a Man and Woman becoming One Flesh?...

Why is Every Homosexual Capable of Reflecting that Natural Design, yet they Choose not to?...

The Problem isn't with God and his Design, or Nature and it's Design, if you are not about God...

The Problem is with those who Choose to Defy and then go that extra Step to Demand Validation for thier Choice.

It's one thing to be Left alone in a Society, it's another to try to Change Laws to the Absurd, or to Demand that a Church Ingore it's own Teachings and Embrace something it simply can't Honestly Embrace.



* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Who mistreated the strangers in Sodom? Was it heterosexuals that were banging at Lot's gate, demanding the beautiful male visitors, or was it the perverse, the lewd, and the sexually immoral?
Question, when you posted the Jonathan and David passages, and I posted them in context, why didn't you support your claims. Saul gave David his clothes too, you never answered if that meant Saul had an affair with David too (because after that it was pretty clear, it was not as it was implied by the homosexuals).
When the Lord references marriage, it is between one man and one woman. The Lord did not created a harem for Adam, He created Eve (that would be one woman).
How many times does the Lord have to tell you something is wrong, before you believe?
Other far eastern cultures still practice slavery, killing infant daughters, and child labor, as well as selective murder, are you suggesting this country follow those practices, as well?
Homosexuality in animals is a pure dominance ritual. Animals eat their young as well as other species babies, are you suggesting that we follow those practices, too?

I don't think he is suggesting any of those things. I do think you are doing disservice to love & mercy to be that judgemental.
I have no doubt that some Christians are genuine in their beliefs that homosexuality is a sin, that gay people can be converted, and it is their duty as Christians to convert them. I think the intent and motives of some Christians are as pure as a new snowfall.

But I think many people use religion - and its certainly not just Christians - as a way to rationalize their own squeemishness towards gay sex. Most people aren't gay. And many, if not most heterosexuals find gay sex to be - let's be honest - repulsive. But most people are decent enough to know that prejudicism towards gay people just for being gay is not right. So they rationalize their own repulsion of gay sex in more acceptable manners. And one way they do that is through religion.

However, like in the past when religion was used to reinforce other social strictures - slavery and segregation was rationalized by the churches as Jesus being white, blacks not having souls, etc. - this will eventually crumble, at least to the point whereby homosexuals are no longer denied full civil rights in society, because the march of society is towards the self-actualization of the individual.

If I may add to that...

I think that you will find that rationalization also results in a heavy investment in the paradigm that homosexuality is a "choice". They scream "choice" from the roof tops and will deny that homosexuality has any foundation at all in biology (whether genetic, developmental, or environmental). They claim that there is no correlation in arguments between race & gender and homosexuality because one is biological and homosexuality is a "choice" (even though the structure of the arguments used to justify other forms of discrimination are very similar).

If "they" were to ever admit that there may be a biological foundation for homosexuality then supporting unequal treatment under the law equates much closer to racial discrimination.

Personally is "it" a choice or biological? I don't think it matters.


Homosexuality and heterosexuality are a "choice" for bi-sexuals, only.

You are being dishonest. How many homosexuals were married with (children, OHH!, how did that happen), before "coming out of the closet". Men, can have sex with a woman if they are homosexual. Women, can be impregnated by a man if she is homosexual. It is a choice.

I say that having coffee every morning is not a choice, but a necessity. It is not so, there have been one or two days in my adult life that I have gone without coffee (and survived to tell about it). It is a choice.
I love the "choice" argument. The bigot usually starts by saying homosexuality is a choice, despite not being able to identify when they themselves choose to be heterosexual. When pressed, they will avoid or ignore all questions asking if they could choose to become homosexual, as if they could just flip a switch in their head and make them have romantic feelings for members of the same gender. The smart bigot will usually cut their losses at that point and leave, but the dumb ones press on, stating that the FEELING doesn't matter but the ACT of sex is what is the real choice in the issue. Someone like me then comes along to rub their nose in the stupidity of separating the emotions of love and romantic attraction with sexual interactions, as it is invariably the bigot's claim that the latter should be reserved only for the former, so long as the gender setup is the same as their own.

Uhhhh, .......yeah.
Makes 100% sense to this dumb country boy done very good.
But wait a damn minute there Jethro! You are stating fact, reason and common sense without allowing your religous ideology to fake differentiating between the $hit and shinola.
What they offer is all $hit.
There has never been any evidence of sexuality being a choice but that is what the preachers tell them they have to say to force a square peg into a round hole.
As hard and hard as they try, they CAN NOT polish a turd.
But it sure is funny hearing their "arguments".:lol:

This "religios ideology" was started with this thread. It is obvious that you cannot show anywhere in the Bible where the Lord stated that homosexuality was a good thing, and have to resort to the "team" act, of a group against others throwing insults with no facts. Yawn.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the temptation that just begs to be called.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the temptation that just begs to be called.

LOL. That reminds me of my experience with my only male lover. We tried and tried but it's not nearly as much fun as being with a woman.

Who mistreated the strangers in Sodom? Was it heterosexuals that were banging at Lot's gate, demanding the beautiful male visitors, or was it the perverse, the lewd, and the sexually immoral?
Question, when you posted the Jonathan and David passages, and I posted them in context, why didn't you support your claims. Saul gave David his clothes too, you never answered if that meant Saul had an affair with David too (because after that it was pretty clear, it was not as it was implied by the homosexuals).
When the Lord references marriage, it is between one man and one woman. The Lord did not created a harem for Adam, He created Eve (that would be one woman).
How many times does the Lord have to tell you something is wrong, before you believe?
Other far eastern cultures still practice slavery, killing infant daughters, and child labor, as well as selective murder, are you suggesting this country follow those practices, as well?
Homosexuality in animals is a pure dominance ritual. Animals eat their young as well as other species babies, are you suggesting that we follow those practices, too?

This thread continues.....Weeks of dissing gay people. Don't you Christians have any other sins to worry about?

I guess your logical answers were in your other shirt.

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