Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

I have no doubt that some Christians are genuine in their beliefs that homosexuality is a sin, that gay people can be converted, and it is their duty as Christians to convert them. I think the intent and motives of some Christians are as pure as a new snowfall.

But I think many people use religion - and its certainly not just Christians - as a way to rationalize their own squeemishness towards gay sex. Most people aren't gay. And many, if not most heterosexuals find gay sex to be - let's be honest - repulsive. But most people are decent enough to know that prejudicism towards gay people just for being gay is not right. So they rationalize their own repulsion of gay sex in more acceptable manners. And one way they do that is through religion.

However, like in the past when religion was used to reinforce other social strictures - slavery and segregation was rationalized by the churches as Jesus being white, blacks not having souls, etc. - this will eventually crumble, at least to the point whereby homosexuals are no longer denied full civil rights in society, because the march of society is towards the self-actualization of the individual.

If I may add to that...

I think that you will find that rationalization also results in a heavy investment in the paradigm that homosexuality is a "choice". They scream "choice" from the roof tops and will deny that homosexuality has any foundation at all in biology (whether genetic, developmental, or environmental). They claim that there is no correlation in arguments between race & gender and homosexuality because one is biological and homosexuality is a "choice" (even though the structure of the arguments used to justify other forms of discrimination are very similar).

If "they" were to ever admit that there may be a biological foundation for homosexuality then supporting unequal treatment under the law equates much closer to racial discrimination.

Personally is "it" a choice or biological? I don't think it matters.

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It is of course a choice, almost all behavior is. I don't know why the left clings to the backward notion that it isn't, when it has been proven it is. Over and over.

It's a personal choice, however, and as such nobody's business.

It's the LEFT who wants to make it everybody's business, by legislating to change terminology, attempting to force the rest of the world to embrace the behavior as the same thing as *marriage*. Homsexual pairing isn't any more *marriage* than adulterous affairs are *marriages* or whacking off to porn is *marriage* or screwing your dog is *marriage* or rooming with your best friend is *marriage*. Those are things you are welcome to do, but they are not *marriage*.
I have no doubt that some Christians are genuine in their beliefs that homosexuality is a sin, that gay people can be converted, and it is their duty as Christians to convert them. I think the intent and motives of some Christians are as pure as a new snowfall.

But I think many people use religion - and its certainly not just Christians - as a way to rationalize their own squeemishness towards gay sex. Most people aren't gay. And many, if not most heterosexuals find gay sex to be - let's be honest - repulsive. But most people are decent enough to know that prejudicism towards gay people just for being gay is not right. So they rationalize their own repulsion of gay sex in more acceptable manners. And one way they do that is through religion.

However, like in the past when religion was used to reinforce other social strictures - slavery and segregation was rationalized by the churches as Jesus being white, blacks not having souls, etc. - this will eventually crumble, at least to the point whereby homosexuals are no longer denied full civil rights in society, because the march of society is towards the self-actualization of the individual.

If I may add to that...

I think that you will find that rationalization also results in a heavy investment in the paradigm that homosexuality is a "choice". They scream "choice" from the roof tops and will deny that homosexuality has any foundation at all in biology (whether genetic, developmental, or environmental). They claim that there is no correlation in arguments between race & gender and homosexuality because one is biological and homosexuality is a "choice" (even though the structure of the arguments used to justify other forms of discrimination are very similar).

If "they" were to ever admit that there may be a biological foundation for homosexuality then supporting unequal treatment under the law equates much closer to racial discrimination.

Personally is "it" a choice or biological? I don't think it matters.


Homosexuality and heterosexuality are a "choice" for bi-sexuals, only.
You're a disgusting bigot. If I said even a fraction of the crap you anti-Christian haters say only substituted *black* or *Muslim* for *christian* I'd be arrested for hate speech and racism.
Yes, I am bigot against bigots! I hate on those who hate on others for no reason! Woe is you! You are perhaps one of my favorite drama queens on this forum. Arrested for hate speech? What country do you live in? Clearly it's not America.

It's the LEFT who wants to make it everybody's business, by legislating to change terminology, attempting to force the rest of the world to embrace the behavior as the same thing as *marriage*. Homsexual pairing isn't any more *marriage* than adulterous affairs are *marriages* or whacking off to porn is *marriage* or screwing your dog is *marriage* or rooming with your best friend is *marriage*. Those are things you are welcome to do, but they are not *marriage*.
Hold on I heard that comparison before. Let's take a look:
DOMA Sweet DOMA - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/17/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

and Tip/Wag - Evangelical Scientists & Rick Santorum - The Colbert Report - 2011-17-08 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
fast forward to 2:45.

I love this slippery slope argument. The only people who liken marriage to porn, beastiablity, pediphilia, or sex with non consenting aliens are the nutjobs. :lol:

You amuse me, little drama queen. Please continue.
It is of course a choice, almost all behavior is. I don't know why the left clings to the backward notion that it isn't, when it has been proven it is. Over and over.

It's a personal choice, however, and as such nobody's business.

It's the LEFT who wants to make it everybody's business, by legislating to change terminology, attempting to force the rest of the world to embrace the behavior as the same thing as *marriage*. Homsexual pairing isn't any more *marriage* than adulterous affairs are *marriages* or whacking off to porn is *marriage* or screwing your dog is *marriage* or rooming with your best friend is *marriage*. Those are things you are welcome to do, but they are not *marriage*.

Sexuality is hardwired. It is not a choice. Acting on impulses is a choice but the impulses themselves are not.
I ate BBQ hog sammiches last night. Washed them down with 5 brewskis. I am headed to the Georgia Dome in a little while to watch my BullDogs kick some Boise State ass tonight at 8 pm. We be picnicking on the lot across from the Dome, west side Northside Dr. Jeff is frying cat fish (for real), I am doing yard bird and there will be other items along with more cold brew. One of the bunch married a black woman.
So I guess we is all going to HAYELL. After we beat the heyell out of Boise State.
Rumor is the Boise kicker is gay. OH NO. But who cares. No one likes kickers and I hate all QBs.
I love the "choice" argument. The bigot usually starts by saying homosexuality is a choice, despite not being able to identify when they themselves choose to be heterosexual. When pressed, they will avoid or ignore all questions asking if they could choose to become homosexual, as if they could just flip a switch in their head and make them have romantic feelings for members of the same gender. The smart bigot will usually cut their losses at that point and leave, but the dumb ones press on, stating that the FEELING doesn't matter but the ACT of sex is what is the real choice in the issue. Someone like me then comes along to rub their nose in the stupidity of separating the emotions of love and romantic attraction with sexual interactions, as it is invariably the bigot's claim that the latter should be reserved only for the former, so long as the gender setup is the same as their own.
It is of course a choice, almost all behavior is. I don't know why the left clings to the backward notion that it isn't, when it has been proven it is. Over and over.

It's a personal choice, however, and as such nobody's business.

It's the LEFT who wants to make it everybody's business, by legislating to change terminology, attempting to force the rest of the world to embrace the behavior as the same thing as *marriage*. Homsexual pairing isn't any more *marriage* than adulterous affairs are *marriages* or whacking off to porn is *marriage* or screwing your dog is *marriage* or rooming with your best friend is *marriage*. Those are things you are welcome to do, but they are not *marriage*.

Sexuality is hardwired. It is not a choice. Acting on impulses is a choice but the impulses themselves are not.

Don't you love it when this clown compares committed relationships gays have to "affairs, porn, dog fucking" and such?
"homosexual pairing".:lol::lol:
Gay marriage is a NON ISSUE to sane Americans.
Gay marriage affects NO ONE in America.
Those that are involved to stop it have nothing better to do with their lives. They are the busy bodys and trouble makers of the neighborhood.
I love the "choice" argument. The bigot usually starts by saying homosexuality is a choice, despite not being able to identify when they themselves choose to be heterosexual. When pressed, they will avoid or ignore all questions asking if they could choose to become homosexual, as if they could just flip a switch in their head and make them have romantic feelings for members of the same gender. The smart bigot will usually cut their losses at that point and leave, but the dumb ones press on, stating that the FEELING doesn't matter but the ACT of sex is what is the real choice in the issue. Someone like me then comes along to rub their nose in the stupidity of separating the emotions of love and romantic attraction with sexual interactions, as it is invariably the bigot's claim that the latter should be reserved only for the former, so long as the gender setup is the same as their own.

Uhhhh, .......yeah.
Makes 100% sense to this dumb country boy done very good.
But wait a damn minute there Jethro! You are stating fact, reason and common sense without allowing your religous ideology to fake differentiating between the $hit and shinola.
What they offer is all $hit.
There has never been any evidence of sexuality being a choice but that is what the preachers tell them they have to say to force a square peg into a round hole.
As hard and hard as they try, they CAN NOT polish a turd.
But it sure is funny hearing their "arguments".:lol:
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".
You are trying to use one part ogf the bible to overrule a part you do not like/agree with.
Hence rationalization.

If you are "forgiven". You are given the Lord's grace to overcome. You are not the same person that made the same mistakes. In many cases, people marry without inviting the Lord into their relationship. Once that marriage fails, they embrace the Lord and His ways; they are no longer the same person.

I did not say that is how it always works. You asked how someone that was divorced could be re-married. I explained how it could work in Christianity. In the NT, the disciples were given the power to forgive sins. A person that is cleansed of their sins, is not the same person that has given themselves over to temptation and ignores the ways of the Lord. They are still responsible for the decisions/choices they made in the past, but in the eyes of the Lord, they are "clean from sin", and can start, fresh.

Bullshit. Your religion rejects and discriminates against gays. You say a gay can be Christian if he or she is celibate and leaves their spouse or partner.

YOUR code of "sexual ethics" is skewed in favor of heterosexuals.

Loving someone faithfully for 26 years is not a sin. It's beautiful.

You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

OMFG! You promised you would never tell that story about you and I!
In fact, one of the most devout Christians I know is a homosexual man. A powerful, wealthy, politically active and incredibly successful homosexual man, I might add. He is extremely involved in the church, works very hard with youth (and no, nobody needs to worry about his motivation, he's absolutely not a sex abuser or even wired that way).

I grew up with him, and as a very, very bright boy who was also musical he was targeted from a young age by other students, and identified as *gay*. He wasn't born gay, this I know. He had the same hetero sexual urges as any other boy, in fact his were probably stronger from a younger age.

But I think the fact that the entire community labeled him as gay sent him down that road.

He doesn't promote homosexuality in any way, shape or form. He's a wonderful man who identifies himself as homosexual and Christian, and has carved out a niche for himself as such. He has no hatred towards Christians nor any towards the community in which he was raised, as he IS a true Christian and he walks the walk to the best of his ability, as do we all.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

So tell us what science offers to back up your absurd claims.
Science does not support your claims. In fact science proves all of your claims FALSE.
Abuse cause homosexuality?
You are about as dumb as they come koshergirl. Good luck to you in the real world.
Sexuality is hardwired. It is not a choice. Acting on impulses is a choice but the impulses themselves are not.

I've yet to hear from one fundy who has watched this video and said it's wrong - and why.

[ame=]Are we born straight or gay? - Making of Me: John Barrowman - BBC - YouTube[/ame]
OH!!! And!!

I am sick unto death of people making it all about the sex. Really?? is that all there is to you and your significant other? Getting laid? Once you were married, did you continue at the mad rate you did before?

My sister and her partner got together - I wanna say going on 20 years ago now. My marriage just passed the 16 year mark, and they're a couple of years ahead. My sister is 54, her partner is 48. They're affectionate. Lots of hugs. Not much happening beyond that, but they love each other madly and cannot imagine life without the other. But they should be denied their right to marriage ... why, again?

What about the two gentlemen in this article? Been together 60 years, I assume they're married by now.

After 60 Years, a Deep Desire to Make It 'Legal' -

91 and 83. But their love is BAD! and WRONG! So despite they fact they probably are also on the "seldom if ever" board, they should not be allowed to wed.

Well too bad, sofuckingsad, because New York said 'yes'. :clap2::clap2:
OH!!! And!!

I am sick unto death of people making it all about the sex. Really?? is that all there is to you and your significant other? Getting laid? Once you were married, did you continue at the mad rate you did before?

My sister and her partner got together - I wanna say going on 20 years ago now. My marriage just passed the 16 year mark, and they're a couple of years ahead. My sister is 54, her partner is 48. They're affectionate. Lots of hugs. Not much happening beyond that, but they love each other madly and cannot imagine life without the other. But they should be denied their right to marriage ... why, again?

What about the two gentlemen in this article? Been together 60 years, I assume they're married by now.

After 60 Years, a Deep Desire to Make It 'Legal' -

91 and 83. But their love is BAD! and WRONG! So despite they fact they probably are also on the "seldom if ever" board, they should not be allowed to wed.

Well too bad, sofuckingsad, because New York said 'yes'. :clap2::clap2:

Boop, that is what changed my mind 20 years ago.
Gay folk fall in love with someone of the opposite sex.
The love I have for my wife is not a damn choice. I can not choose to not have it.
Same with gay folk. Anyone that suggests otherwise is spreading rumor and lies.
Shame on them.
I have wondered from time to time:

what possible difference does it make to me and any part of my life who some other guy falls in love with?

If a gay guy seeks companionship and love from another male, is one gram of anything of value either added to or subtracted from my life?

If a lesbian finds another woman to share some time together with in terms of meaningful conversation, shared experience, tender moments or sexual relationship, am I or are any of my family or friends hurt in any way?

I cannot imagine that any rational person gives a damn that heterosexual men prefer women for intimacy.

I cannot imagine that any rational person gives a damn that heterosexual women prefer men for intimacy.

Yet some folks seem to believe that we heterosexuals "ought" to care about the attraction of homosexuals. Why?

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