Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Who mistreated the strangers in Sodom? Was it heterosexuals that were banging at Lot's gate, demanding the beautiful male visitors, or was it the perverse, the lewd, and the sexually immoral?
Question, when you posted the Jonathan and David passages, and I posted them in context, why didn't you support your claims. Saul gave David his clothes too, you never answered if that meant Saul had an affair with David too (because after that it was pretty clear, it was not as it was implied by the homosexuals).
When the Lord references marriage, it is between one man and one woman. The Lord did not created a harem for Adam, He created Eve (that would be one woman).
How many times does the Lord have to tell you something is wrong, before you believe?
Other far eastern cultures still practice slavery, killing infant daughters, and child labor, as well as selective murder, are you suggesting this country follow those practices, as well?
Homosexuality in animals is a pure dominance ritual. Animals eat their young as well as other species babies, are you suggesting that we follow those practices, too?

This thread continues.....Weeks of dissing gay people. Don't you Christians have any other sins to worry about?

I guess your logical answers were in your other shirt.

Seriously, if you are really worried about sin, stop murder and war. Leave gay people alone.
You know.......I've told this story before, and's true.

Several years back I had a friend who stated she was a lesbian. She also was wondering if it was a choice or not, as she'd never been with a man.

She asked me (because we were good friends), if I would be willing to have sex with her so that she could be sure, as she'd had doubts about her choice.

Needless to say, it didn't quite go the way she'd thought. She didn't like having sex in the hetero way. We tried it twice, just so she could make sure.'s not a "choice".

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the temptation that just begs to be called.

LOL. That reminds me of my experience with my only male lover. We tried and tried but it's not nearly as much fun as being with a woman.

Sounds like you had a cheap experience with the wrong man. Did you choose that?
OH!!! And!!

I am sick unto death of people making it all about the sex. Really?? is that all there is to you and your significant other? Getting laid? Once you were married, did you continue at the mad rate you did before?

My sister and her partner got together - I wanna say going on 20 years ago now. My marriage just passed the 16 year mark, and they're a couple of years ahead. My sister is 54, her partner is 48. They're affectionate. Lots of hugs. Not much happening beyond that, but they love each other madly and cannot imagine life without the other. But they should be denied their right to marriage ... why, again?

What about the two gentlemen in this article? Been together 60 years, I assume they're married by now.

After 60 Years, a Deep Desire to Make It 'Legal' -

91 and 83. But their love is BAD! and WRONG! So despite they fact they probably are also on the "seldom if ever" board, they should not be allowed to wed.

Well too bad, sofuckingsad, because New York said 'yes'. :clap2::clap2:

but can you imagine all the damage it will do to people to see those 2 old guys hugging and kissing on each other?
Impressionable children might even get the idea it is ok for people to act that way! GASP!
OH!!! And!!

I am sick unto death of people making it all about the sex. Really?? is that all there is to you and your significant other? Getting laid? Once you were married, did you continue at the mad rate you did before?

My sister and her partner got together - I wanna say going on 20 years ago now. My marriage just passed the 16 year mark, and they're a couple of years ahead. My sister is 54, her partner is 48. They're affectionate. Lots of hugs. Not much happening beyond that, but they love each other madly and cannot imagine life without the other. But they should be denied their right to marriage ... why, again?

What about the two gentlemen in this article? Been together 60 years, I assume they're married by now.

After 60 Years, a Deep Desire to Make It 'Legal' -

91 and 83. But their love is BAD! and WRONG! So despite they fact they probably are also on the "seldom if ever" board, they should not be allowed to wed.

Well too bad, sofuckingsad, because New York said 'yes'. :clap2::clap2:

but can you imagine all the damage it will do to people to see those 2 old guys hugging and kissing on each other?
Impressionable children might even get the idea it is ok for people to act that way! GASP!

God forbid we have two loving people completely devoted to each other for 60 years actually show it in public. I'm sure this is just the kind of couple that Immanuel wouldn't want to see married in his church.
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OH!!! And!!

I am sick unto death of people making it all about the sex. Really?? is that all there is to you and your significant other? Getting laid? Once you were married, did you continue at the mad rate you did before?

My sister and her partner got together - I wanna say going on 20 years ago now. My marriage just passed the 16 year mark, and they're a couple of years ahead. My sister is 54, her partner is 48. They're affectionate. Lots of hugs. Not much happening beyond that, but they love each other madly and cannot imagine life without the other. But they should be denied their right to marriage ... why, again?

What about the two gentlemen in this article? Been together 60 years, I assume they're married by now.

After 60 Years, a Deep Desire to Make It 'Legal' -

91 and 83. But their love is BAD! and WRONG! So despite they fact they probably are also on the "seldom if ever" board, they should not be allowed to wed.

Well too bad, sofuckingsad, because New York said 'yes'. :clap2::clap2:

but can you imagine all the damage it will do to people to see those 2 old guys hugging and kissing on each other?
Impressionable children might even get the idea it is ok for people to act that way! GASP!

God forbid we have two loving people completely devoted to each other for 60 years actually show it in public.

That will completely undermine our system of marriage!
The moral fabric of America will completely unravel.
Everyone knows that only opposite sexes are supposed to love each other!
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I am still waiting for someone to explain why there are no gay fish.

I can't possibly be the first person in the entire universe to ask the question.
This thread continues.....Weeks of dissing gay people. Don't you Christians have any other sins to worry about?

I guess your logical answers were in your other shirt.

Seriously, if you are really worried about sin, stop murder and war. Leave gay people alone.

The larger sins (in our opinions), spring from the smaller sins. That is like telling kids, it okay if you kill animals for fun, it won't hurt anything.

People would love to leave "gay" people alone. "Gay" people won't leave the heterosexuals alone. They want to preach to them that their faith in the Lord is WRONG. They have no spiritual authority. They have no knowledge of how the world was formed. They have no control over the weather. Yet, they want to declare themselves as the Lord and say what is right and wrong. Tell the "gay" people to quit attacking everyone that disagrees with their lifestyle. They would discover that once people tell them they are leading a sinful life (a sincere attempt at showing the "gay" people, salvation), they will be left alone.

Seriously, it would be different if you could hold up a "gay" role model. The ones seen in the public eye are some of the most miserable people in spirit and personality. They are arrogant, selfish, tyrantical, and downright childish. Sorry, when it comes to people that I would most like to be like when I grow up, it is the Christian, heterosexual couple that have been together for fifty years, built a familiy and a life, together. Their faith held them together, and keeps them strong.

What is a homosexuals faith? That the Bible is wrong? That the Lord didn't reallly mean it when He said if you committed homosexual acts that your life was forfeit? That Yeshua didn't mean lewd, perverse, or immoral sex was sinful? Read Jonah, about the spoiled brat that thinks he knows better than the Lord. Read what the Lord says to Jonah, when Jonah is throwing a tantrum, about how Jonah doesn't like how things are going. The Lord is not here to "serve" us. We are here to praise Him and all that He has done, not the other way around.
Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

It’s remarkable the ignorance and hate of the right, as if the notion that if one elects to be gay – that it’s not naturally occurring – this somehow justifies discriminating against gays, or withholding from them their civil rights.

It’s as if conservatives are saying: “If you don’t want to be discriminated against, stop being gay! Simple!”

Many conservatives are apparently ignorant of the fact that the law makes no distinction between ‘choice’ and ‘nature,’ just as one is free to choose and practice a religion free from discrimination.

It would seem, then, that conservatives represent a significant portion of the population that needs to hate. Where does this hate come from? Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.
Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

It’s remarkable the ignorance and hate of the right, as if the notion that if one elects to be gay – that it’s not naturally occurring – this somehow justifies discriminating against gays, or withholding from them their civil rights.

It’s as if conservatives are saying: “If you don’t want to be discriminated against, stop being gay! Simple!”

Many conservatives are apparently ignorant of the fact that the law makes no distinction between ‘choice’ and ‘nature,’ just as one is free to choose and practice a religion free from discrimination.

It would seem, then, that conservatives represent a significant portion of the population that needs to hate. Where does this hate come from? Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

I have not seen much hate in the last few pages of this thread, just disagreement in the choice of lifestyle. Typical, when you can give no logical reason to support your belief, you accuse the people with real reasons that are listed, of "hate". No hate, dude, just logic. If you can give evidence that homosexual lifestyle "improves" society by example, by statistics, not some propoganda machine, chant, quotes, I will be glad to listen. Otherwise, you just look small, without relevance, and unable to piece together any articulate thought.
The opposition to homosexuality is an archaic anachronism. In the future, we will look at the opposition to gay rights today in the same way we look at the opposition to segregation 50 years ago. We will think "WTF was wrong with you people?" History is not on your side.

The opposition to homosexuality is an archaic anachronism. In the future, we will look at the opposition to gay rights today in the same way we look at the opposition to segregation 50 years ago. We will think "WTF was wrong with you people?" History is not on your side.


This thread was about the Biblical references to "sin".

Because society moves one way or another does not mean that it is following the Lord. If the country continues to move towards "sin", I doubt it will be here in 50 years, as it is. It may be a corrupt shell of what it once was, but not, as it was in the past, or even as it is now. With sin, comes the covet war (known as class warfare), and the tolerance for all things evil. Homosexual acceptance is just the beginning of corruption.
You know what is the worst?

Gay catfish!

Think about it...

You know I did a search about gay catfish and almost nothing is known about their sexual orientations.
they may all be gay??

We need a govt grant to study that.
The opposition to homosexuality is an archaic anachronism. In the future, we will look at the opposition to gay rights today in the same way we look at the opposition to segregation 50 years ago. We will think "WTF was wrong with you people?" History is not on your side.


This thread was about the Biblical references to "sin".

Because society moves one way or another does not mean that it is following the Lord. If the country continues to move towards "sin", I doubt it will be here in 50 years, as it is. It may be a corrupt shell of what it once was, but not, as it was in the past, or even as it is now. With sin, comes the covet war (known as class warfare), and the tolerance for all things evil. Homosexual acceptance is just the beginning of corruption.

Ahh so the haves supporters already are being programmed with a projection/deflection name of "the covet war"? Interesting that the other side might call it "the greed war", and both pretty much mean the same thing.
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Oh, well that COMPLETELY DEBUNKS everything that science has to say about it.

Idiot. Perhaps she just didn't like having sex with you. That would be a shocker.

Lots and lots of people don't like sex, or only like certain types of sex. It DOESN'T PROVE THEY'RE BORN GAY.

Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

It’s remarkable the ignorance and hate of the right, as if the notion that if one elects to be gay – that it’s not naturally occurring – this somehow justifies discriminating against gays, or withholding from them their civil rights.

It’s as if conservatives are saying: “If you don’t want to be discriminated against, stop being gay! Simple!”

Many conservatives are apparently ignorant of the fact that the law makes no distinction between ‘choice’ and ‘nature,’ just as one is free to choose and practice a religion free from discrimination.

It would seem, then, that conservatives represent a significant portion of the population that needs to hate. Where does this hate come from? Usually it has to do with abuse, and many of them will never admit it, don't remember it, or perhaps didn't even recognize it as abuse because it had to do with the atmosphere in which they were raised, and the idiocy of their parents, and not overt abuse.

Most all of the conservatives I know do not state that.
Only the right wing religous conservatives.
All this talk of discrimination..I have yet to see any evidence of it.

Not providing state certificates of marriage to gays is not discrimination, as marriage in most states is defined as a union between man and woman.

I think we need special gay union certificates. Different, but equal.

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