eavesdropping on obamacare

Thank you for caring again. I know for a while there you didn't care but if you are concerned about my mental health then it shows you started caring again. I wonder if you care about me as much as you cared about the cancer patient? All I can say is thank you for caring enough to eavesdrop so you could have some ammunition to say something bad about the president.

wow.... is that what you took away from the op......

sad you are such a blindered hack you can not see what is right before you eyes.

The Op and its title are both pretty clear. You eavesdropped (secretly listened in) on a cancer patient and here was the specific reaction you listed: "My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare".

You eavesdropped on a cancer patient and specifically said that you were at that moment in a state of "amazement". Unless you are some kind of person that is "amazed" by the suffering of a cancer patient that you were "eavesdropping" on, then I would assume your "amazement" had something to do with the title of the thread. Unless you are now saying that you were saying something positive about Obamacare, then it is beyond any reasonable doubt that I am correct in my interpretation of what you posted. Maybe you could get some professional snooping equipment and go hang around in cancer treatment centers so you can experience some more "amazement". However instead of posting about it here, you might get a better reaction if you call in to Sean Hannity's radio program. He loves ignorant shit like that.

poor thing... do try and keep up.

eavesdropping was the tile..... not in the op.

i never said i was secretly listening.... the curtains were pulled back and he could see us... he was talking rather openly and loudly. He knew we were there and could hear everything.... It was a conversation he and my friend had had on going for a few days....

do tell.... never had someone next to you on a cell phone speaking loudly?

Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

It is impossible to know what happened when you don't know what insurance he had before and what he has now. Switching insurance when you are sick is dangerous because it is hard for most people to know what is or isn't covered.

Market economics rely on the purchaser having good information. Sounds like this person didn't even know enough about the plan they were purchasing to know how or if it covered the treatment they knew they were going to need.

That's usually what happens when you set up insurance exchanges with "navigators" who were community agitators last week with no knowledge of insurance.. There never was any attention paid to GETTING folks adequate information.. Only an emphasis on getting information FROM the applicants..
So lemme get this straight.. When the Prez takes a photo op with 13 folks HE CLAIMS have been helped by ObamaCare and it turns out that only 3 had actually enrolled --- that's not fraudulent witnessing. But reporting on ACTUAL patients trying to understand WHY their bills have skyrocketed is not solid enough for ya? Just hearsay...

Shock: Just THREE out of the 13 Americans standing behind Obama in Monday's Rose Garden Obamacare photo-op have actually signed up | Mail Online

When President Barack Obama defended his foundering health insurance overhaul Monday in a carefully staged and scripted White House pep rally, thirteen people stood behind him as examples of Americans whom the 'Obamacare' law would help. But according to their biographies, just three have actually enrolled in the plans offered in their states.
They include the state of Delaware's first Obamacare insurance participant – and, so far, its only one – along with a Tennessee woman who enrolled less than a day before the press event, and a Washington, D.C. man that the Obama White House has used on two previous occasions to symbolize the administration's policy positions.

Remember that little freak show? Or Obama talking about all those "substandard" policies that were getting cancelled INCLUDING MINE which I carried for 20 years.. The type of CRAP being offered under ObamaCare are tickets straight to BANKRUPTCY for the struggling middle and younger folks. And neither you partisians or the dude with his name on this abomination give a crap about the guy in that hospital bed...
wow.... is that what you took away from the op......

sad you are such a blindered hack you can not see what is right before you eyes.

The Op and its title are both pretty clear. You eavesdropped (secretly listened in) on a cancer patient and here was the specific reaction you listed: "My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare".

You eavesdropped on a cancer patient and specifically said that you were at that moment in a state of "amazement". Unless you are some kind of person that is "amazed" by the suffering of a cancer patient that you were "eavesdropping" on, then I would assume your "amazement" had something to do with the title of the thread. Unless you are now saying that you were saying something positive about Obamacare, then it is beyond any reasonable doubt that I am correct in my interpretation of what you posted. Maybe you could get some professional snooping equipment and go hang around in cancer treatment centers so you can experience some more "amazement". However instead of posting about it here, you might get a better reaction if you call in to Sean Hannity's radio program. He loves ignorant shit like that.

poor thing... do try and keep up.

eavesdropping was the tile..... not in the op.

i never said i was secretly listening.... the curtains were pulled back and he could see us... he was talking rather openly and loudly. He knew we were there and could hear everything.... It was a conversation he and my friend had had on going for a few days....

do tell.... never had someone next to you on a cell phone speaking loudly?

OK, now the story evolves. When you said "eavesdropping" you actually meant they were talking to you and you were invited to take notes and post the story on the internet. Yes, that is very compassionate. The titled of the thread shows that you had nothing but concern for the cancer patient on your mind. Then when you chose the word "amazed" to document your reaction, that is just a natural expression of compassion. Next time I find out someone gets sick, I will have to remember to tell their family member how "amazing" it is to hear the news. The reason the bullshit doesn't add up is specifically because it is bullshit.
The Op and its title are both pretty clear. You eavesdropped (secretly listened in) on a cancer patient and here was the specific reaction you listed: "My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare".

You eavesdropped on a cancer patient and specifically said that you were at that moment in a state of "amazement". Unless you are some kind of person that is "amazed" by the suffering of a cancer patient that you were "eavesdropping" on, then I would assume your "amazement" had something to do with the title of the thread. Unless you are now saying that you were saying something positive about Obamacare, then it is beyond any reasonable doubt that I am correct in my interpretation of what you posted. Maybe you could get some professional snooping equipment and go hang around in cancer treatment centers so you can experience some more "amazement". However instead of posting about it here, you might get a better reaction if you call in to Sean Hannity's radio program. He loves ignorant shit like that.

poor thing... do try and keep up.

eavesdropping was the tile..... not in the op.

i never said i was secretly listening.... the curtains were pulled back and he could see us... he was talking rather openly and loudly. He knew we were there and could hear everything.... It was a conversation he and my friend had had on going for a few days....

do tell.... never had someone next to you on a cell phone speaking loudly?

OK, now the story evolves. When you said "eavesdropping" you actually meant they were talking to you and you were invited to take notes and post the story on the internet. Yes, that is very compassionate. The titled of the thread shows that you had nothing but concern for the cancer patient on your mind. Then when you chose the word "amazed" to document your reaction, that is just a natural expression of compassion. Next time I find out someone gets sick, I will have to remember to tell their family member how "amazing" it is to hear the news. The reason the bullshit doesn't add up is specifically because it is bullshit.

lol... if that take on it makes you feel better about yourself please.... run with it :thup:

we will watch and laugh..... :eusa_clap:
The Op and its title are both pretty clear. You eavesdropped (secretly listened in) on a cancer patient and here was the specific reaction you listed: "My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare".

You eavesdropped on a cancer patient and specifically said that you were at that moment in a state of "amazement". Unless you are some kind of person that is "amazed" by the suffering of a cancer patient that you were "eavesdropping" on, then I would assume your "amazement" had something to do with the title of the thread. Unless you are now saying that you were saying something positive about Obamacare, then it is beyond any reasonable doubt that I am correct in my interpretation of what you posted. Maybe you could get some professional snooping equipment and go hang around in cancer treatment centers so you can experience some more "amazement". However instead of posting about it here, you might get a better reaction if you call in to Sean Hannity's radio program. He loves ignorant shit like that.

poor thing... do try and keep up.

eavesdropping was the tile..... not in the op.

i never said i was secretly listening.... the curtains were pulled back and he could see us... he was talking rather openly and loudly. He knew we were there and could hear everything.... It was a conversation he and my friend had had on going for a few days....

do tell.... never had someone next to you on a cell phone speaking loudly?

OK, now the story evolves. When you said "eavesdropping" you actually meant they were talking to you and you were invited to take notes and post the story on the internet. Yes, that is very compassionate. The titled of the thread shows that you had nothing but concern for the cancer patient on your mind. Then when you chose the word "amazed" to document your reaction, that is just a natural expression of compassion. Next time I find out someone gets sick, I will have to remember to tell their family member how "amazing" it is to hear the news. The reason the bullshit doesn't add up is specifically because it is bullshit.

^ that

using *supposed* anecdotal evidence AT BEST and then extrapolating that to make a political attack thread

Reminds me of my thread about that Americans for Prosperity ad claiming that a woman was going to have to pay way more for her treatment and, after it was fact checked, turned out she saved money w/ O'care :redface:

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Note: it is not appropriate to discuss political ramifications of one's life or one's neighbor's life when one is in deep distress. That is politicizing something which shouldn't be politicized. Plus, you're probably not in your right mind when you are in distress. If you were in your right mind you would see how wonderful it is that expensive drugs are no longer covered by insurance, though they were last year.

One must only make sanitized posts derived from preapproved links on the internet.
The Op and its title are both pretty clear. You eavesdropped (secretly listened in) on a cancer patient and here was the specific reaction you listed: "My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare".

You eavesdropped on a cancer patient and specifically said that you were at that moment in a state of "amazement". Unless you are some kind of person that is "amazed" by the suffering of a cancer patient that you were "eavesdropping" on, then I would assume your "amazement" had something to do with the title of the thread. Unless you are now saying that you were saying something positive about Obamacare, then it is beyond any reasonable doubt that I am correct in my interpretation of what you posted. Maybe you could get some professional snooping equipment and go hang around in cancer treatment centers so you can experience some more "amazement". However instead of posting about it here, you might get a better reaction if you call in to Sean Hannity's radio program. He loves ignorant shit like that.

poor thing... do try and keep up.

eavesdropping was the tile..... not in the op.

i never said i was secretly listening.... the curtains were pulled back and he could see us... he was talking rather openly and loudly. He knew we were there and could hear everything.... It was a conversation he and my friend had had on going for a few days....

do tell.... never had someone next to you on a cell phone speaking loudly?

OK, now the story evolves. When you said "eavesdropping" you actually meant they were talking to you and you were invited to take notes and post the story on the internet. Yes, that is very compassionate. The titled of the thread shows that you had nothing but concern for the cancer patient on your mind. Then when you chose the word "amazed" to document your reaction, that is just a natural expression of compassion. Next time I find out someone gets sick, I will have to remember to tell their family member how "amazing" it is to hear the news. The reason the bullshit doesn't add up is specifically because it is bullshit.

Want some more free advice that will make you think I care? Go stick your head in a toilet and flush.
Are you not capable of an adult discussion with out the silly names?

Also, it is it beyond your reading comprehension level to understand that I am specifically pointing out how weak it is to post what someone "overheard". Anyone who is keeping up with political discussions in these types of forums knows that the right has offered some stories about this topic that turned out to be bogus. I already provided one example in an earlier post. It isn't valid to give up on that and then just move on to stuff people "overheard". If you don't comprehend why that is weak, then I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain it to you.

Bogus? Like if you like your health care plan you can keep it? Like we've got to pass this so we can find out what's in it?

I didn't make any such statements so I have no responsibility to defend them.
Besides, they do not address what I said. When you respond to just one word out of an entire paragraph, that really isn't a valid response. Otherwise it would make sense for me to start talking about football because you included the word "pass". Please just do better in your next post. I don't have the energy to keep explaining things like this.

Wow that's what Pelosi said lol.

Regardless of your hair splitting the facts are the facts. These things are happening. There were promises made that were not delivered.

Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

I know of a single mother with two kids and a deadbeat dad, her subsidy is now taken out of the child care that she doesn't get. So, she pays full rate and prescriptions are more expenses. She was for Obamacare and now...she hates it.
Bogus? Like if you like your health care plan you can keep it? Like we've got to pass this so we can find out what's in it?

I didn't make any such statements so I have no responsibility to defend them.
Besides, they do not address what I said. When you respond to just one word out of an entire paragraph, that really isn't a valid response. Otherwise it would make sense for me to start talking about football because you included the word "pass". Please just do better in your next post. I don't have the energy to keep explaining things like this.

Wow that's what Pelosi said lol.

Regardless of your hair splitting the facts are the facts. These things are happening. There were promises made that were not delivered.

Here is a suggestion: How about re-engaging your brain and then maybe you can understand that switching the topic is a dodge tactic? If you want to start a thread about something Obama or Pelosi said, then do it. However, this is a thread with no links or sources but instead just another "anecdotal Obamacare horror story". The tactic here is to post hearsay and then when questioned, the Obama-hater says "trust me". This is just a continuation of a strategy that is aimed at the dumb.

Conservative Media Hides Behind Cancer Patient As Another Obamacare Horror Story Falls Apart | Blog | Media Matters for America

...The episode is part of an ongoing pattern in the conservative media of promoting anecdotal Obamacare horror stories that have fallen apart under scrutiny...

This idea here in this thread was to contrive a bullshit story that cannot possibly be scrutinized. Anybody who defends this tactic is a willful moron.
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I didn't make any such statements so I have no responsibility to defend them.
Besides, they do not address what I said. When you respond to just one word out of an entire paragraph, that really isn't a valid response. Otherwise it would make sense for me to start talking about football because you included the word "pass". Please just do better in your next post. I don't have the energy to keep explaining things like this.

Wow that's what Pelosi said lol.

Regardless of your hair splitting the facts are the facts. These things are happening. There were promises made that were not delivered.

Here is a suggestion: How about re-engaging your brain and then maybe you can understand that switching the topic is a dodge tactic? If you want to start a thread about something Obama or Pelosi said, then do it. However, this is a thread with no links or sources but instead just another "anecdotal Obamacare horror story". The tactic here is to post hearsay and then when questioned, the Obama-hater says "trust me". This is just a continuation of a strategy that is aimed at the dumb.

Conservative Media Hides Behind Cancer Patient As Another Obamacare Horror Story Falls Apart | Blog | Media Matters for America

...The episode is part of an ongoing pattern in the conservative media of promoting anecdotal Obamacare horror stories that have fallen apart under scrutiny...

This idea here in this thread was to contrive a bullshit story that cannot possibly be scrutinized. Anybody who defends this tactic is a willful moron.

I was thinking the rw media (SeanRushDrudgeBreitbartPJO'RourkeLevin) and their shadowy front groups are putting their zany & gullible viewers into crisis mode (through fear & hate- what they do best ;) ) since March 31st is approaching and it looks like things might be working :shock:
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I didn't make any such statements so I have no responsibility to defend them.
Besides, they do not address what I said. When you respond to just one word out of an entire paragraph, that really isn't a valid response. Otherwise it would make sense for me to start talking about football because you included the word "pass". Please just do better in your next post. I don't have the energy to keep explaining things like this.

Wow that's what Pelosi said lol.

Regardless of your hair splitting the facts are the facts. These things are happening. There were promises made that were not delivered.

Here is a suggestion: How about re-engaging your brain and then maybe you can understand that switching the topic is a dodge tactic? If you want to start a thread about something Obama or Pelosi said, then do it. However, this is a thread with no links or sources but instead just another "anecdotal Obamacare horror story". The tactic here is to post hearsay and then when questioned, the Obama-hater says "trust me". This is just a continuation of a strategy that is aimed at the dumb.

Conservative Media Hides Behind Cancer Patient As Another Obamacare Horror Story Falls Apart | Blog | Media Matters for America

...The episode is part of an ongoing pattern in the conservative media of promoting anecdotal Obamacare horror stories that have fallen apart under scrutiny...

This idea here in this thread was to contrive a bullshit story that cannot possibly be scrutinized. Anybody who defends this tactic is a willful moron.

What's the problem? Did someone use the only technique you ever learned against you?
Wow that's what Pelosi said lol.

Regardless of your hair splitting the facts are the facts. These things are happening. There were promises made that were not delivered.

Here is a suggestion: How about re-engaging your brain and then maybe you can understand that switching the topic is a dodge tactic? If you want to start a thread about something Obama or Pelosi said, then do it. However, this is a thread with no links or sources but instead just another "anecdotal Obamacare horror story". The tactic here is to post hearsay and then when questioned, the Obama-hater says "trust me". This is just a continuation of a strategy that is aimed at the dumb.

Conservative Media Hides Behind Cancer Patient As Another Obamacare Horror Story Falls Apart | Blog | Media Matters for America

...The episode is part of an ongoing pattern in the conservative media of promoting anecdotal Obamacare horror stories that have fallen apart under scrutiny...

This idea here in this thread was to contrive a bullshit story that cannot possibly be scrutinized. Anybody who defends this tactic is a willful moron.

What's the problem? Did someone use the only technique you ever learned against you?

Your post is incoherent.

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