eavesdropping on obamacare

So instead of coming up with something that can be objectively reviewed, you are interjecting something you "overheard". This is a typical Obama-hater tactic.

She was sitting with her friend in the hospital. She's supposed to request documentation and scan it for the forum?

No. Besides the fact that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on people going through cancer treatment which is beyond disrespectful, it isn't really valid to use unsubstantiated hearsay as an argument against Obamacare. There is no way to objectively review the facts. It works well for subjective Obama-hate but not so much for those of us who prefer keeping it real. If a person hates Obama, that is their right. My opinion is that most people who hate Obamacare really just hate Obama. Same thing with Benghazi. They don't give a damn about the four dead Americans, they just want to capitalize on the situation as a way to attack Obama. Since this is a discussion forum, I think it is fair to ask for more than something that someone "heard". Links and sources are much more credible.

The guy listened in on his roommate getting the news he had cancer, he was perfectly aware just how useless a curtain is for blocking sound.
Besides the fact that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on people going through cancer treatment which is beyond disrespectful, it isn't really valid to use unsubstantiated hearsay as an argument against Obamacare.

I love these types of posts!

There is no way to objectively review the facts. It works well for subjective Obama-hate but not so much for those of us who prefer keeping it real. If a person hates Obama, that is their right. My opinion is that most people who hate Obamacare really just hate Obama.
Haven't been to the ER lately have you? Although the OP states the semi private room was divided and out side the ER
'Rooms' divided by curtains. :cuckoo:
Last time I had to frequent one, I eavesdropped on my neighbour. Both of our families still get a chuckle out of that one!!

Here's another for you:
I had to bring my youngest (at the age of two) to the ER.
We got to 'eavesdrop' the attempts to revive a self inflicted GS victim.

Flat line.

Now, prove me wrong instead attempting to back peddle. :thup:

Well, let's see. One way to preserve a little dignity for a cancer patient is not go and post about what you overheard them say while they were receiving treatment. There is a reason that the don't have live cams in the ER. Sometimes we just have to be decent to each other because it is the right thing to do. It seems like you want to defend the Obama-hate topic instead of actually caring about the person who's supposed conversation was listened in upon and then broadcast on the internet. How is it that the people who hate Obamacare so much all of the sudden care about uninsured Americans. I thought that was the general republican idea; let them eat worms. If the right wingers really cared about the people they are using as examples, then they would want them to have insurance. If this was a story with proper links and sources, then we could look at the facts. One specific question would be "How much is the total yearly deductible for this patient?" If it is less than the amount mentioned in the Op, then it would prove that the Op does not hold up. Again it is all hearsay so it doesn't allow for objectivity. I know that objectivity is not required for ideologues but I am speaking to the people here that are capable of independent thought.

He was not recieving treatment, asshole, he was on the phone wondering why he had to pay $9000 for his medicine when his maximum out of pocket was supposed to be $3000.
Well, let's see. One way to preserve a little dignity for a cancer patient is not go and post about what you overheard them say while they were receiving treatment. There is a reason that the don't have live cams in the ER. Sometimes we just have to be decent to each other because it is the right thing to do. It seems like you want to defend the Obama-hate topic instead of actually caring about the person who's supposed conversation was listened in upon and then broadcast on the internet. How is it that the people who hate Obamacare so much all of the sudden care about uninsured Americans. I thought that was the general republican idea; let them eat worms. If the right wingers really cared about the people they are using as examples, then they would want them to have insurance. If this was a story with proper links and sources, then we could look at the facts. One specific question would be "How much is the total yearly deductible for this patient?" If it is less than the amount mentioned in the Op, then it would prove that the Op does not hold up. Again it is all hearsay so it doesn't allow for objectivity. I know that objectivity is not required for ideologues but I am speaking to the people here that are capable of independent thought.

It's a personal story. Names were changed to protect the innocent. :cuckoo:

The OP wasn't speaking to deductibles. The OP was speaking to the COST of medication, period.

Dude, you're all over the map with your post.

Now keep linking to what you 'think' and ass-ume.

Keep :dig:

I apologize for assuming that you would understand that the cost of medication would in many cases be applied to the deductible.

And, in many other cases, it wouldn't be covered at all.
It's a personal story. Names were changed to protect the innocent. :cuckoo:

The OP wasn't speaking to deductibles. The OP was speaking to the COST of medication, period.

Dude, you're all over the map with your post.

Now keep linking to what you 'think' and ass-ume.

Keep :dig:

Wait....bluesman is right...by reading your post...let's see...yes, yes - he is male...probably mid 60's....his name is BOB!!! That's it!
Man you are so cruel to expose this guy on the internets:lol::lol::lol:

If that is your take-away from what I am saying then you are never going to get it. The point is that people who not in favor of health care for the poor don't give a shit about this particular cancer patient. The bigger point is that it is not a valid example because it is hearsay and there is no way to objectively review the patient's actual situation. Can you tell me his deductible? The correct answer to insurance questions comes from objective people with expertise on insurance. It does not come from people who just want to say something bad about our democratically elected president.

That particular patient is a middle class supporter of Obamacare, and just discovered how much it is going to cost him.
Come on people. I am brand new here and it is already a bunch of bullshit personal attacks. However. I forgive you and will give you a second chance. I know you can do better.

You start out calling someone a lair, expect them to get personal in response.
The entire thread is based on hearsay. :zzz:

Syrenn heard it, she found it worth mentioning, she mentioned it.

Were people allowed to talk about things like this before the internet without being heckled about their sources?

Heckling by definition is an interruption from an audience member.

This is supposed to be a discussion forum where people talk about things. It isn't heckling to point out that it is weak to use hearsay instead of providing an actual source. It would be more honorable to just concede that it is weak to post hearsay instead of digging in and asking everyone to simply drink the right wing Kool-Aid and magically understand.

If Sarah Palin was giving a speech to a group of right wing ideologues and used hearsay and someone asked her about it in the middle of the speech, then it would be heckling. If they posted about it online, then they would just be exercising free speech.

^ that
Folks, let's try and get back on topic.

I now have 15 posts so I will be able to post a link:

Update: Julie Boonstra?s claim her Obamacare plan is ?unaffordable? gets downgraded to Three Pinocchios

The link above refers to an ad made by "Americans for Prosperity". You can do research and see how it was proven to be a bogus attack on Obamacare. They used the lady by pretending that they cared about her but instead they just wanted to attack Obamacare. It was proven fraudulent.

Now that attacks like that have failed, we are seeing examples like the one contained in the Opening Post for this thread. The attack is based on what someone claims to have "overheard". If that is all the proof that someone needs, then they aren't looking for proof. I am calling the tactic what it is. A tactic. The thing is that when you have facts on your side, you don't have to resort to tactics.

They admit upfront they have no idea what plan she has, what her personal expenses are, what here previous expenses were, but sill call her a liar. Sounds like good reporting to me.
Folks, let's try and get back on topic.

I now have 15 posts so I will be able to post a link:

Update: Julie Boonstra?s claim her Obamacare plan is ?unaffordable? gets downgraded to Three Pinocchios

The link above refers to an ad made by "Americans for Prosperity". You can do research and see how it was proven to be a bogus attack on Obamacare. They used the lady by pretending that they cared about her but instead they just wanted to attack Obamacare. It was proven fraudulent.

Now that attacks like that have failed, we are seeing examples like the one contained in the Opening Post for this thread. The attack is based on what someone claims to have "overheard". If that is all the proof that someone needs, then they aren't looking for proof. I am calling the tactic what it is. A tactic. The thing is that when you have facts on your side, you don't have to resort to tactics.

They admit upfront they have no idea what plan she has, what her personal expenses are, what here previous expenses were, but sill call her a liar. Sounds like good reporting to me.

Sounds like you are using some sort of selective reading process where you weed out the things that don't agree with what you want to believe.

Sorry to bother you with silly little facts but here is an excerpt from the link:

On March 10, however, the Detroit News reported that Boonstra admitted that she had Premier Gold plan. That has an out-of-pocket cap of $5,100 a year.

In other words, her old plan cost $13,200 a year—before co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses. The new plan is $11,952—including co-pays and out of pocket expenses. That’s a savings of more than $1,200 a year
Last edited:

Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

So instead of coming up with something that can be objectively reviewed, you are interjecting something you "overheard". This is a typical Obama-hater tactic.

so you are asking me for corroboration of my account?
She was sitting with her friend in the hospital. She's supposed to request documentation and scan it for the forum?

No. Besides the fact that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on people going through cancer treatment which is beyond disrespectful, it isn't really valid to use unsubstantiated hearsay as an argument against Obamacare. There is no way to objectively review the facts. It works well for subjective Obama-hate but not so much for those of us who prefer keeping it real. If a person hates Obama, that is their right. My opinion is that most people who hate Obamacare really just hate Obama. Same thing with Benghazi. They don't give a damn about the four dead Americans, they just want to capitalize on the situation as a way to attack Obama. Since this is a discussion forum, I think it is fair to ask for more than something that someone "heard". Links and sources are much more credible.

The guy listened in on his roommate getting the news he had cancer, he was perfectly aware just how useless a curtain is for blocking sound.

There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.
No. Besides the fact that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on people going through cancer treatment which is beyond disrespectful, it isn't really valid to use unsubstantiated hearsay as an argument against Obamacare. There is no way to objectively review the facts. It works well for subjective Obama-hate but not so much for those of us who prefer keeping it real. If a person hates Obama, that is their right. My opinion is that most people who hate Obamacare really just hate Obama. Same thing with Benghazi. They don't give a damn about the four dead Americans, they just want to capitalize on the situation as a way to attack Obama. Since this is a discussion forum, I think it is fair to ask for more than something that someone "heard". Links and sources are much more credible.

The guy listened in on his roommate getting the news he had cancer, he was perfectly aware just how useless a curtain is for blocking sound.

There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.

contrived.... would suggest i am lying about the account.

but i will watch and laugh none the less at you.

Sitting in the hospital yesterday i was party to an interesting conversation.....

My friend was put into a semi private room for his test out of the ER...... they usually put people with the same kind of issues in the same room for hospital convenience. I was there most of the day....and it is impossible NOT hear what his roommate and visitors are talking about.....

The roommate has cancer. It was very obvious that he had had this problem for a long time. He and his visitor were discussing his new covered California insurance (obamacare)... and what his portion of payment for one drug that was prescribed him was going to cost him.

He was PISSED... kept saying to his visitor.... this CANT be right... it just cant be! I paid almost nothing for the drugs before I got the new insurance!!!! I thought this whole thing (obamacare) was to bring the costs down!!!!!!

He calls someone..... asking about the price of this drug, who ordered the drug, he never paid so much for it before..... and were they sure HIS portion of the cost of the drug was going to be......

Nine... Thousand...Dollars???!!!???

My friend and i just looked at each other in amazement.... welcome to obamacare.

So instead of coming up with something that can be objectively reviewed, you are interjecting something you "overheard". This is a typical Obama-hater tactic.

so you are asking me for corroboration of my account?

No. I specifically said what I meant. I see this as a tactic and I don't buy it. You would have to have a serious reading comprehension problem to interpret that as some sort of request for corroboration. Please stop. This is getting embarrassing.
So instead of coming up with something that can be objectively reviewed, you are interjecting something you "overheard". This is a typical Obama-hater tactic.

so you are asking me for corroboration of my account?

No. I specifically said what I meant. I see this as a tactic and I don't buy it. You would have to have a serious reading comprehension problem to interpret that as some sort of request for corroboration. Please stop. This is getting embarrassing.

what tacit? An account of what happened is just that....and account of what happened. I put this in healthcare.... not obmamcare you know.

i agree.... you are embarrassing yourself now.
Folks, let's try and get back on topic.

I now have 15 posts so I will be able to post a link:

Update: Julie Boonstra?s claim her Obamacare plan is ?unaffordable? gets downgraded to Three Pinocchios

The link above refers to an ad made by "Americans for Prosperity". You can do research and see how it was proven to be a bogus attack on Obamacare. They used the lady by pretending that they cared about her but instead they just wanted to attack Obamacare. It was proven fraudulent.

Now that attacks like that have failed, we are seeing examples like the one contained in the Opening Post for this thread. The attack is based on what someone claims to have "overheard". If that is all the proof that someone needs, then they aren't looking for proof. I am calling the tactic what it is. A tactic. The thing is that when you have facts on your side, you don't have to resort to tactics.

They admit upfront they have no idea what plan she has, what her personal expenses are, what here previous expenses were, but sill call her a liar. Sounds like good reporting to me.

Sounds like you are using some sort of selective reading process where you weed out the things that don't agree with what you want to believe.

Sorry to bother you with silly little facts but here is an excerpt from the link:

On March 10, however, the Detroit News reported that Boonstra admitted that she had Premier Gold plan. That has an out-of-pocket cap of $5,100 a year.

In other words, her old plan cost $13,200 a year—before co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses. The new plan is $11,952—including co-pays and out of pocket expenses. That’s a savings of more than $1,200 a year

Talk about selective reading.

Under the new plan all her expenses will hit early in the year, and she won't be able to afford that. She is going to be stuck with bills, and interest, that will strain her finances, but you are so happy that she might be able to save money that you ignore that little detail.
No. Besides the fact that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on people going through cancer treatment which is beyond disrespectful, it isn't really valid to use unsubstantiated hearsay as an argument against Obamacare. There is no way to objectively review the facts. It works well for subjective Obama-hate but not so much for those of us who prefer keeping it real. If a person hates Obama, that is their right. My opinion is that most people who hate Obamacare really just hate Obama. Same thing with Benghazi. They don't give a damn about the four dead Americans, they just want to capitalize on the situation as a way to attack Obama. Since this is a discussion forum, I think it is fair to ask for more than something that someone "heard". Links and sources are much more credible.

The guy listened in on his roommate getting the news he had cancer, he was perfectly aware just how useless a curtain is for blocking sound.

There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.

How about a long, one on one, conversation with the roommate? Would you like me to give you his phone number, and the fact that he voted for Feinstein, and is completely pissed at her, as evidence that I actually know what I am talking about?
The guy listened in on his roommate getting the news he had cancer, he was perfectly aware just how useless a curtain is for blocking sound.

There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.

How about a long, one on one, conversation with the roommate? Would you like me to give you his phone number, and the fact that he voted for Feinstein, and is completely pissed at her, as evidence that I actually know what I am talking about?

Right. Like I will be able to verify who the roommate voted for. Please stop with the silliness. If you want to do better, then next time don't post hearsay and instead use something with a link to a credible source. Hearsay that is being recounted by a person who hates Obamacare is not going to cut it. I get it that you don't like Obama and want to join the right wing attack on Obamacare. That is pretty much all that you have established.
There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.

How about a long, one on one, conversation with the roommate? Would you like me to give you his phone number, and the fact that he voted for Feinstein, and is completely pissed at her, as evidence that I actually know what I am talking about?

Right. Like I will be able to verify who the roommate voted for. Please stop with the silliness. If you want to do better, then next time don't post hearsay and instead use something with a link to a credible source. Hearsay that is being recounted by a person who hates Obamacare is not going to cut it. I get it that you don't like Obama and want to join the right wing attack on Obamacare. That is pretty much all that you have established.

that would be where corroboration of the account comes in.... yes?
There is no way to know what happened or what his insurance covered because it is all supposed hearsay posted by someone who obviously is primarily concerned about attacking Obama. Only an ideologue would by something that is so contrived and take it all at face value.

If this was about concern for the cancer patient, then the titled of the thread would not be "eavesdropping on obamacare". I find it sick to use this kind of shit for partisan attacks. Nobody gives a fuck about this cancer patient so let's quit pretending.

How about a long, one on one, conversation with the roommate? Would you like me to give you his phone number, and the fact that he voted for Feinstein, and is completely pissed at her, as evidence that I actually know what I am talking about?

Right. Like I will be able to verify who the roommate voted for. Please stop with the silliness. If you want to do better, then next time don't post hearsay and instead use something with a link to a credible source. Hearsay that is being recounted by a person who hates Obamacare is not going to cut it. I get it that you don't like Obama and want to join the right wing attack on Obamacare. That is pretty much all that you have established.

You must think I care about your opinion. Guess what, fuckwad, I don't. You have two people here who both herd the same conversation. I had the advantage of being in the room with the guy for 3 days, so we had some time to talk. I know the details of his treatment, and exactly what drug he had questions about, but am not posting it because that would be, as you pointed out, wrong.

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