

Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I'll be shoving all my Eco-terror into this thread...:)


Eco-terrorism - Google Search

‘The East’ glorifies eco-terrorists attacking corporations



“We are the East. We don’t care how rich you are. We want all those who are guilty to experience the terror of their crime. It’s easy when it’s not your life. Easy when it’s not your home. But when it’s your fault, it shouldn’t be so easy to sleep at night.

Especially when we know where you live. Lie to us; we’ll lie to you. Spy on us; we’ll spy on you. Poison us; we’ll poison you. We will counterattack three corporations in the next six months for the worldwide terrorism, and this is just the beginning.”

“This is so evil,” Glenn responded after the clip ended. “It is flat‑out evil. I’m telling you I don’t think I’ve seen anything so evil as this. This may be a crappy movie. I don’t know anything about it, but this is evil. This direction is absolutely evil. You cannot tell me that movies don’t affect people.”

Not to say that Hollywood is responsible for any real acts of violence — they’re not. That responsibility falls with the individual committing the act, but Glenn’s point is what is happening to our culture. What is put into culture will shape a society. And movies do have the power to impact people — especially young people. Glenn also pointed out the hypocrisy made when people say that movies don’t impact people.


“If the United States of America, if the West falls, forget about the red, white and blue. If the West falls, if decent God‑fearing Americans, if decent God‑fearing Canadians… if those who understand what made the West great, if they fall, the world will weep for decades, if not centuries. Where will the world run for freedom?

We have an eternal responsibility. I am a flawed messenger. I don’t know how to say it. You have to be worn out from listening to me for the last ten years. I don’t know how else to get the message out, but somebody in this audience does. Will it be you? Will you find a new way? Can you use new media is this can you use Facebook, Twitter? Can you find a new way? Is there an artist throughout? Is there a video, a video producer out there? Is there a songwriter? Is there a moviemaker? Is there a preacher or a pastor or a rabbi that will stand? We’re running out of time, America. We’re running out of time, and hatred and violence is not the answer. Peace, love, and God. He is our rock, He is our salvation, He is our hiding place. And if we don’t stand now, may I suggest, suggest that you strengthen that hiding place, fortify it because what you see and hear in this movie will not be a movie. We’ll be lucky if the world turns out to be as sane as China.”

?The East? glorifies eco-terrorists attacking corporations ? Glenn Beck
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Eco terrorism?

Is he talking about MONSANTO?

Yeah those bastards are an ECO-menace for sure.
Thankfully, the whole environmental movement has been highlighted by a tendency to be far, far left of center........clearly fringe. The real nutters burn shit down, but the run of the mill ones are all anti-capitalist, antisocial assholes who like to hang on fantasy farms populatd by unicorns.........

They are against ONLY about their own agendas..........and say "FUCK YOU!!!" to regular people.

Greens oppose drilling, fracking, Keystone ? and exports

The wonderful thing is...........compared to ten years ago, far more people are aware of it.......which is why climate legislation is fubar'd.
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Adventure Ridge

A man confident about his work with his Church and optimistic about modern man's work with industry was selling Braille Bibles on the Internet.

One day, while camping in the Pine Barrens (New Jersey, USA), he stumbled upon an eerie cabin which housed a maniacal man who wore a mask and carried a chainsaw. This maniac had a sign on his door that read, "I cut people down instead of trees."

The man was so horrified and shaken from his feeling of human goodness confidence, that when he ran home, he decided to purchase an eco-friendly electric car. Leaving his business of selling Braille Bibles on the Internet, the man decided to canvas initiatives to provide city police stations with electric cars.

Was the 'motivating' maniac the man encountered in the forest a sort of spiritual eco-terrorist or a rogue trader?


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