Ecology and Racism.

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There are more than enough rooftops do do the job.

How much would it cost? How useful is it at night or on cloudy days?

Also, what if we were to start paving roads and parking lots with durable pannels that were transluicent enough to let light through.

As long as we're building stuff that hasn't been invented yet, let's go straight to fusion.

Next, you need to worry about what I do know.

It's more fun to laugh at your idiocy.

What if you paid absolutely nothing for solar and wind.

Are you hitting the medical marijuana?

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct. Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess. It HAS been invented. What would you prefer. Plastic or glass. Next, you're the idiot. And maybe you should start smoking weed. Your debates couldn't get any worse.

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

And if you would bother to check you would find that not a single one of them is working. Ivanpah a billion dollar solar plant in the desert is having to increase the amount of natural gas it is using to try and meet it's power contracts, and it is STILL failing. To the point that it is in danger of losing its license. Like I said, your knowledge level is laughable.
Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.

That's why it's so damn important to keep those 3rd worlders unpowered and underdeveloped. Because you'll hurt the planet allowing them to develop.. If you sterilize them FIRST -- then you don't have wait til they are middle class and cut their OWN birthrate..
Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

No -- It kills me (us?) that you don't go get a bunch of diplomas and try to make some of that fantasy shit happen instead of trying to stop minority races from breeding.
There are more than enough rooftops do do the job.

How much would it cost? How useful is it at night or on cloudy days?

Also, what if we were to start paving roads and parking lots with durable pannels that were transluicent enough to let light through.

As long as we're building stuff that hasn't been invented yet, let's go straight to fusion.

Next, you need to worry about what I do know.

It's more fun to laugh at your idiocy.

What if you paid absolutely nothing for solar and wind.

Are you hitting the medical marijuana?

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct. Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess. It HAS been invented. What would you prefer. Plastic or glass. Next, you're the idiot. And maybe you should start smoking weed. Your debates couldn't get any worse.

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Sure. Solar THERMAL farms can store heat in that way. But that doesn't INCREASE their capacity. It just spreads it out over a few more hours of the day. AND it's a toxic hazard to the enviro -- but you don't care -- because you're a racist first and an ecologist second. Most of the LARGEST solar thermal plants have avoided adding this storage..

And a fraction of an inch of snow will virtually KILL the output from a solar panel.. So will bird poo or pollen..
First, you use solar and wind to produce more than you need.

You make it sound so easy. How many thousands of square miles will we need?

Next, I don't know what "lignite" is.

If only we could harness the energy of all the things you don't know.......

Well if they didn't have the solar energy that they have, they would probably be burning more of it.

Or they could use something reliable and useful, like nat gas or nuclear........

Next, today we had both sun and wind. Did you pay for any of it?

Based on the stupid subsidies we have in place, probably.

First of all, wind energy isn't even needed. There are more than enough rooftops do do the job. Also, what if we were to start paving roads and parking lots with durable pannels that were transluicent enough to let light through. There is enough pavement in the U.S. to cover the state of West Virginia. Next, you need to worry about what I do know. Next, let me put it this way. What if you paid absolutely nothing for solar and wind. Would the sun still shine and the wind blow?

Solar panels don't do well being driven over. No quick solution to that. Furthermore, even tiny amounts of dirt or oil would destroy the efficiency.. And pointing directly UP at the sky is not the optimum installation angle. Want me to go on???

First, if they were underneath an inch or two of durable yet fairly translucent material, you could drive a tank over them. Next, there is probably light that will filter through a layer of sand. Also, any oil or dirt on the road would probably be pretty thin. And not likely to stop much sunlight. But if it got really thick and dark, all you need to do is send a streetsweeper over it. Also, of we switched over to all electric cars, as we should, there wouldn't be that much, if any, oil on the streets to begin with. Next any material that would difuse the light going through it would also collect light at any angle. And you can go on if you want to. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Every effort is made to NOT diffuse the light. In fact, much work has been done to CONCENTRATE it. Why do think all those commercial solar farm pictures you see are not pointing straight up to the sky? If they are gimbaled -- they might SOMETIMES,.. But if they are installed stationary -- they are southward pointing at an optimum angle for that latitude..

You dream on.. It just doesn't pan out. A TREE, a building, even the shadows from the traffic itself would make this less than merely devastingly POOR economic performance.. Should I go on???

Not to mention that this only supplies power about 6 hours a day..

Do you know what is worse than having a solar pannel that doesn't have sunlight directly over it? Not having a solar pannel at all. Also, slight imperfections could be put into glass that would act like built in reflectors and direct sunlight from any angle downward. Not that it would really be necessary. Need proof? Get a solar pannel and put a piece of wax paper over it. Which would cause the light reaching it to be diffuse. Hook it up to a multimeter and see if it still works. Also, please go on. Maybe you can tell me why there are only leaves on one side of a tree or something.

Wax paper over a solar cell will reduce it's output to useless levels.. (interesting story there about grade school ecology studies using wax paper and solar cells and how I pointed out to the State Ed folks that the students were measuring the wrong results)

BUT --- ever hear of Solyndra???? You know the Obama buddies that went bust with taxpayer money before even opening day of the plant?????

Well THEY had solar concentrating optics. That was their whole market advantage. Except that the prices of panels kept coming down to the point where it was just cheaper to put out more panels WITHOUT concentration. You missed that boat.
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Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.

That's why it's so damn important to keep those 3rd worlders unpowered and underdeveloped. Because you'll hurt the planet allowing them to develop.. If you sterilize them FIRST -- then you don't have wait til they are middle class and cut their OWN birthrate..

What is truly sad is if the First World simply gave the Third World enough cash to become second world class, they would lower their birth rate to below maintenance. Yes, it would cost a fortune (though surprisingly less than what these idiots want us to spend to prevent a one degree temp rise) and in the long run they would repay the gift many times over by buying products that we make, and that they want.

These "environmentalists" are the most murderous, bigoted, people I have ever seen.
I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.

That's why it's so damn important to keep those 3rd worlders unpowered and underdeveloped. Because you'll hurt the planet allowing them to develop.. If you sterilize them FIRST -- then you don't have wait til they are middle class and cut their OWN birthrate..

What is truly sad is if the First World simply gave the Third World enough cash to become second world class, they would lower their birth rate to below maintenance. Yes, it would cost a fortune (though surprisingly less than what these idiots want us to spend to prevent a one degree temp rise) and in the long run they would repay the gift many times over by buying products that we make, and that they want.

These "environmentalists" are the most murderous, bigoted, people I have ever seen.

I think you just figured the whole IPCC game plan. Forget the $19Trill in stopping the industrialized companies from generating CO2 -- just make regular payments to those 3rd worlders who are ALL victims of GW pollution and nobody gets hurt. (or sterilized).

There's a great TED talk from a Dane? who shows animated graphs of Family Size versus income, energy use and other variables. It's an amazing display to see all the different countries floating upwards economically and downwards in family size.
And a fraction of an inch of snow will virtually KILL the output from a solar panel.. So will bird poo or pollen..

And paint and titanium dioxide ointment and 8 meters of volcanic ash.

Wait till you see what metal filings do in the lube oil of a gas turbine. Or a crud burst on the restart of a nuke plant.
China has a HUGE birth control issues, they pollute big-time and abort female babies to. When I see pictures of downtown Beijing in a permanent smog, that says it ALL.

From what I hear, the one child per couple rule in China wasn't being all that strictly enforced to begin with. Then they changed it to a two children per couple rule. They HAVE to be insane. If they are worrying about having enough people to take care of the elderly, maybe they should employ fewer hackers and have them work in some social services program.

As to the aborted female babies thing, China isn't the only place it happens. And most often the "useless first born female babies" are murdered after they are born. I knew a girl from Korea who's father (most likely) tried to kill her. Unsucessfully of course. She just has cerberal palsey from it.
Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. .........

What the Plummeting Hispanic Birthrate Means for the U.S. Economy

Demographics: Birth rate fall and prospect of longer life cloud Mexico’s future -

U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

From what I hear, you are willfully ignorant. This is the difference between sitting on your ass somewhere imagining things and actually learning things. By 2050, if trends continue, Mexico is likely to have a lower birthrate than the US. Your racism isn't why you're stupid, but it's not helping.

Where did those bullshit websites come from. Someplace funded by LaRaza? ...

The Economist? The Pew Research Center? The Financial Times? All funded by la raza? Is this all some performance-art joke you are doing?

Fuck the first, fuck the second and fuck the third. .......

Yeah, facts aren't real useful for whatever seizure event you are experiencing, huh? Nonetheless, the FACTS are as I have presented them regardless of what you "have heard."

I just entered into my browser, "World population growth by ethnicity." In looking over the websites that came up, I discovered what I already knew. You are full of shit. So are the websites you brought up.
It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Yes, a vat of liquid sodium in my basement would be much easier to handle than tons of lead batteries.

Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty.

Really? What % would be lost?

Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you.

Why? An idiot mocking me would be kinda pathetic.
Even more pathetic than you have been.

None of the liquid sodium heat collectors that they have out west are in anybody's basement. Nexy. I don know what percentage would be lost. But try this next time there is snow outside and you have sunlight shining at whatever angle on a window. Go outside and throw a snowball at it. Then go back inside and see how much light comes through the snow.

I don know what percentage would be lost.

It would be quite large.
Makes it hard to run a modern, high tech economy when your power can drop so much in winter.

That's another reason why you go for MORE than what you need.

Yes, when you're building expensive, unreliable power generation, you need to build twice what you need.

That's some really expensive, unreliable stuff you're pushing.
You never got to the good math or econ classes before you dropped out, did you?
Or science, obviously.
How much did the pyramids cost the pharaoh's to build. And going to green energy would be nothing compared to that feat. Also, the solar collectors they have built out west are reliable. And are working quite well.

A native of the Western Hemisphere is basically the same wherever they come from. South, Central or North America. That includes Canada.


Actually studying history is fun and informative!

Fuck your history. Just listen to me. For example, they have herds of buffalo in both the U.S. and Canada. The buffalo up on Canada tend to be a bit larger than ours. Because they have a harsher climate to survive. But both groups are still buffalo.
Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.

I entered into my browser, "World population growth by ethnicity." By all the websites that I saw, you are full of crap. Maybe you shouldn't be getting your samples from Darfur or Syria. How much would like to bet that in 10 years time, for instance, there are more people in India and China than there are now. Also, even if there are any decreases in any third world country, I have a sure fire way to get them to increase again. Let them emigrate to the U.S. or Europe.
The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.

That's why it's so damn important to keep those 3rd worlders unpowered and underdeveloped. Because you'll hurt the planet allowing them to develop.. If you sterilize them FIRST -- then you don't have wait til they are middle class and cut their OWN birthrate..

What is truly sad is if the First World simply gave the Third World enough cash to become second world class, they would lower their birth rate to below maintenance. Yes, it would cost a fortune (though surprisingly less than what these idiots want us to spend to prevent a one degree temp rise) and in the long run they would repay the gift many times over by buying products that we make, and that they want.

These "environmentalists" are the most murderous, bigoted, people I have ever seen.

I think you just figured the whole IPCC game plan. Forget the $19Trill in stopping the industrialized companies from generating CO2 -- just make regular payments to those 3rd worlders who are ALL victims of GW pollution and nobody gets hurt. (or sterilized).

There's a great TED talk from a Dane? who shows animated graphs of Family Size versus income, energy use and other variables. It's an amazing display to see all the different countries floating upwards economically and downwards in family size.

I like the sterilization approach for non-whites in the poor third world countries we send aid to. Because like it or not, if you feed a bunch of hungry rabbits, all you are going to end up with are even more rabbits. Who are likely to be hungry again. What we need to do is send them food laced with something that will suspend human reproduction. Then they can have the choice of either eating well or having children.
How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct. Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess. It HAS been invented. What would you prefer. Plastic or glass. Next, you're the idiot. And maybe you should start smoking weed. Your debates couldn't get any worse.

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

And if you would bother to check you would find that not a single one of them is working. Ivanpah a billion dollar solar plant in the desert is having to increase the amount of natural gas it is using to try and meet it's power contracts, and it is STILL failing. To the point that it is in danger of losing its license. Like I said, your knowledge level is laughable.

You have to be high. Of course they are working. What would keep them from working. As long as the sun shines on them they will work. Also, I doubt very much if any of them even have a natural gas pipeline running to them. They were designed to work with sunlight. Not gas. And whoever built them would have had to have known what to expect from them. So any "contracts" would have had that output in mind.
China has a HUGE birth control issues, they pollute big-time and abort female babies to. When I see pictures of downtown Beijing in a permanent smog, that says it ALL.

From what I hear, the one child per couple rule in China wasn't being all that strictly enforced to begin with. Then they changed it to a two children per couple rule. They HAVE to be insane. If they are worrying about having enough people to take care of the elderly, maybe they should employ fewer hackers and have them work in some social services program.

As to the aborted female babies thing, China isn't the only place it happens. And most often the "useless first born female babies" are murdered after they are born. I knew a girl from Korea who's father (most likely) tried to kill her. Unsucessfully of course. She just has cerberal palsey from it.

You would be wrong. As usual. The reason why the rule has been rescinded is the Chinese figured out that they would run out of people in about 40 years if they maintained the law. Once again the vastness of your ignorance is only matched by your supreme desire to remain that way.
How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

And if you would bother to check you would find that not a single one of them is working. Ivanpah a billion dollar solar plant in the desert is having to increase the amount of natural gas it is using to try and meet it's power contracts, and it is STILL failing. To the point that it is in danger of losing its license. Like I said, your knowledge level is laughable.

You have to be high. Of course they are working. What would keep them from working. As long as the sun shines on them they will work. Also, I doubt very much if any of them even have a natural gas pipeline running to them. They were designed to work with sunlight. Not gas. And whoever built them would have had to have known what to expect from them. So any "contracts" would have had that output in mind.

Ummmm, my guess would be the fact that they don't. But that's just a guess. Don't believe me look it up here. But only read the article if you really want to learn something.

Could California’s massive Ivanpah solar power plant be forced to go dark?
Published: Mar 16, 2016 8:18 p.m. ET

"A federally backed, $2.2 billion solar project in the California desert isn’t producing the electricity it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corp., which says the solar plant may be forced to shut down if it doesn’t receive a break Thursday from state regulators."

Could California’s massive Ivanpah solar power plant be forced to go dark?
Human caused global warming is probably the biggest danger to our planet. But there is another problem that is as bad. If in fact not worse. Overpopulation. Right now, like it or not, there are too many people on the planet for it to sustainably support. Like it or not, every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Like it or not, the population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. So what can White people do about this problem that they aren't contributing to without being called "racist." Well there is only one sane path to take. EMBRACE "RACISM!" If you are White and care anything at all about our ecological system, like it or not, you HAVE to embrace racism. It's the only way.

Human caused global warming is probably the biggest danger to our planet.
What a load of crap. :eusa_liar:

Blog: Proof that the man-made global warming theory is false

Try again dumbass. :lol:
China has a HUGE birth control issues, they pollute big-time and abort female babies to. When I see pictures of downtown Beijing in a permanent smog, that says it ALL.

From what I hear, the one child per couple rule in China wasn't being all that strictly enforced to begin with. Then they changed it to a two children per couple rule. They HAVE to be insane. If they are worrying about having enough people to take care of the elderly, maybe they should employ fewer hackers and have them work in some social services program.

As to the aborted female babies thing, China isn't the only place it happens. And most often the "useless first born female babies" are murdered after they are born. I knew a girl from Korea who's father (most likely) tried to kill her. Unsucessfully of course. She just has cerberal palsey from it.

You would be wrong. As usual. The reason why the rule has been rescinded is the Chinese figured out that they would run out of people in about 40 years if they maintained the law. Once again the vastness of your ignorance is only matched by your supreme desire to remain that way.

You are the one who is ignorant. It may or may not be very accurate. But I remember Robert Ripley having said something about the topic once. And this was probably 50 years ago. He said that if Chinese were to start marching into the sea in a four abrest column, they would never run out of Chinese. Also, there is no way that over a billion people, with each couple having one child, could run out of people in 40 years.
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