Ecology and Racism.

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If you took your blood pressure with one of those digital blood pressure monitors, would the readout it gave be a "theory?" The graphs I shoud came from actual measurements. Also, everybody want's more. Scientists are no different. But reality dissuades them. What is going on isn't a socialist agenda. It is a survival agenda.

Correlation does not equal causation is a scientific axiom that you should aquaint yourself with.

I have a couple sayings for you to aquaint yourself with. "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Also, "It's better to be safe than sorry." I have something else for you to consider. But it will probably be a little like asking a heroin addict to consider quitting. What "if" you are right. And that's a very very big "IF." What is the worst that can happen by doing something about HCGW. We start living more sustainably with the planet. And in doing so, for instance, stop making creatures go extinct.

But what "if" I am right. And that "if" is nonexistant. Because I am right. What is the worst than can happen by doing nothing about HCGW. Just most of the life on earth going extinct. Which I heard one college professor who had been studying the problem for the last 15 years, could happen in about 20 years. You tell me what is worse. Living sustainably, or destroying most of the life on earth.

Neither of those are scientific silly boy. i thought you were interested in science and the scientific method. You see dear child, the scientific method was developed over centuries to educate religious fanatics such as yourself so that you would stop sacrificing virgins to the volcano God. Clearly you are still locked in the 600's.

The point is that it is better to be safe than sorry. And in your case, the outcome of being wrong are far far more dire than the outcome of your being right. These statements are philosophical facts. There is nothing cultish about them either. So don't go trying to make mountains out of mole hills by saying that the science isn't good enough. Besides, for most scientists, the science is good enough.

The point is that it is better to be safe than sorry.

How much money should we waste? How much damage should we do to our economy?
What is the perfect global temperature, so we know when we can stop harming ourselves, to be safe?
We need some specifics.

And in your case, the outcome of being wrong are far far more dire than the outcome of your being right.

Based on what evidence? Life has thrived more during warm periods than during ice ages.

How much money should we "waste?" You sound like you think money has any real value. We are already over 18 trillion dollars in debt and have around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. The value of your money is buoyed by happy thoughts and fairy dust.

As to our diseased capitalistic consumerism economy, it needs to go away. We need an economy based on sustainability. Not endless growth. Next, the best we can do is return CO2 emissions back to what they were at the beginning of the industrial revolution. And start heading the population levels of non-whites back to what they were back then too. Next, why are you bringing ice ages into the discussion. The problems we are having aren't due to global cooling.
.... They also have mexicans [sic] of a sort in Canadia [sic]. They call them native peoples. ......

Holy crap......


The native peoples (First Nations) of Canada are NOT Mexican. Really.

Btw: Study free English classes online ESL classes
.... are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

No one has said that. Please try to pay attention if you insist on doing whatever the hell you are doing by posting here.
Correlation does not equal causation is a scientific axiom that you should aquaint yourself with.

I have a couple sayings for you to aquaint yourself with. "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Also, "It's better to be safe than sorry." I have something else for you to consider. But it will probably be a little like asking a heroin addict to consider quitting. What "if" you are right. And that's a very very big "IF." What is the worst that can happen by doing something about HCGW. We start living more sustainably with the planet. And in doing so, for instance, stop making creatures go extinct.

But what "if" I am right. And that "if" is nonexistant. Because I am right. What is the worst than can happen by doing nothing about HCGW. Just most of the life on earth going extinct. Which I heard one college professor who had been studying the problem for the last 15 years, could happen in about 20 years. You tell me what is worse. Living sustainably, or destroying most of the life on earth.

Neither of those are scientific silly boy. i thought you were interested in science and the scientific method. You see dear child, the scientific method was developed over centuries to educate religious fanatics such as yourself so that you would stop sacrificing virgins to the volcano God. Clearly you are still locked in the 600's.

The point is that it is better to be safe than sorry. And in your case, the outcome of being wrong are far far more dire than the outcome of your being right. These statements are philosophical facts. There is nothing cultish about them either. So don't go trying to make mountains out of mole hills by saying that the science isn't good enough. Besides, for most scientists, the science is good enough.

The point is that it is better to be safe than sorry.

How much money should we waste? How much damage should we do to our economy?
What is the perfect global temperature, so we know when we can stop harming ourselves, to be safe?
We need some specifics.

And in your case, the outcome of being wrong are far far more dire than the outcome of your being right.

Based on what evidence? Life has thrived more during warm periods than during ice ages.

How much money should we "waste?" You sound like you think money has any real value. We are already over 18 trillion dollars in debt and have around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. The value of your money is buoyed by happy thoughts and fairy dust.

As to our diseased capitalistic consumerism economy, it needs to go away. We need an economy based on sustainability. Not endless growth. Next, the best we can do is return CO2 emissions back to what they were at the beginning of the industrial revolution. And start heading the population levels of non-whites back to what they were back then too. Next, why are you bringing ice ages into the discussion. The problems we are having aren't due to global cooling.

You sound like you think money has any real value.

If you had any, you'd realize it does have real value.

We are already over 18 trillion dollars in debt and have around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations.

So we should add trillions more for unreliable "green energy"?

As to our diseased capitalistic consumerism economy, it needs to go away.

One way to make people consume less is to make them use more expensive "green energy", eh comrade?

Next, the best we can do is return CO2 emissions back to what they were at the beginning of the industrial revolution.


Next, why are you bringing ice ages into the discussion.

Why not? An ice age would kill billions. Life on Earth, including us, does much better during warm periods.

The problems we are having aren't due to global cooling.

Or global warming.
Wow, what an issue, Mexicans pour motor oil down storm drains and fill up TWO trash dumpsters in less than six hours. It's amazing, a two bedroom apartment stuffed with Mexican men , And then the homes? Loud ass music and drunken sexist men? Real liberals would not like nor tolerate what baggage Mexicans bring with them. Instead, they live in gated communities and tilt at racist windmills. What a bunch of dweebs.
Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. .........

What the Plummeting Hispanic Birthrate Means for the U.S. Economy

Demographics: Birth rate fall and prospect of longer life cloud Mexico’s future -

U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

From what I hear, you are willfully ignorant. This is the difference between sitting on your ass somewhere imagining things and actually learning things. By 2050, if trends continue, Mexico is likely to have a lower birthrate than the US. Your racism isn't why you're stupid, but it's not helping.

Where did those bullshit websites come from. Someplace funded by LaRaza? Next, I don't imagine anything. What I have heard comes from various news programs and science shows over the years. Next, is falling birth rates why mexico city is the fifth largest city in the world? Are falling birth rates behind the flood of overpopulating illegal invader scab scum jumping over the southern border or tunnling under it? Take a look at the graph again.
Human Population Growth.jpg
Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. .........

What the Plummeting Hispanic Birthrate Means for the U.S. Economy

Demographics: Birth rate fall and prospect of longer life cloud Mexico’s future -

U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

From what I hear, you are willfully ignorant. This is the difference between sitting on your ass somewhere imagining things and actually learning things. By 2050, if trends continue, Mexico is likely to have a lower birthrate than the US. Your racism isn't why you're stupid, but it's not helping.

Where did those bullshit websites come from. Someplace funded by LaRaza? ...

The Economist? The Pew Research Center? The Financial Times? All funded by la raza? Is this all some performance-art joke you are doing?
How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct. Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess. It HAS been invented. What would you prefer. Plastic or glass. Next, you're the idiot. And maybe you should start smoking weed. Your debates couldn't get any worse.

How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Yes, a vat of liquid sodium in my basement would be much easier to handle than tons of lead batteries.

Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty.

Really? What % would be lost?

Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you.

Why? An idiot mocking me would be kinda pathetic.
Even more pathetic than you have been.

None of the liquid sodium heat collectors that they have out west are in anybody's basement. Next. I don know what percentage would be lost. But try this next time there is snow outside and you have sunlight shining at whatever angle on a window. Go outside and throw a snowball at it. Then go back inside and see how much light comes through the snow.
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How much would it cost if the life on earth went extinct.

It would be free.

Next, it would be useful enough when you stored the excess.

So beyond the massive cost for the panels, we all need thousands of pounds of lead batteries in each home and business, to store the excess?
That's a relief, I thought you were pushing for something environmentally friendly.

What would you prefer. Plastic or glass.

I prefer reliable energy that actually works. That leaves your "road panels" out.

Your debates couldn't get any worse.

I agree, my debates with grade school intellects like you are unsatisfying.

First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Yes, a vat of liquid sodium in my basement would be much easier to handle than tons of lead batteries.

Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty.

Really? What % would be lost?

Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you.

Why? An idiot mocking me would be kinda pathetic.
Even more pathetic than you have been.

None of the liquid sodium heat collectors that they have out west are in anybody's basement. Nexy. I don know what percentage would be lost. But try this next time there is snow outside and you have sunlight shining at whatever angle on a window. Go outside and throw a snowball at it. Then go back inside and see how much light comes through the snow.

I don know what percentage would be lost.

It would be quite large.
Makes it hard to run a modern, high tech economy when your power can drop so much in winter.
I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. .........

What the Plummeting Hispanic Birthrate Means for the U.S. Economy

Demographics: Birth rate fall and prospect of longer life cloud Mexico’s future -

U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

From what I hear, you are willfully ignorant. This is the difference between sitting on your ass somewhere imagining things and actually learning things. By 2050, if trends continue, Mexico is likely to have a lower birthrate than the US. Your racism isn't why you're stupid, but it's not helping.

Where did those bullshit websites come from. Someplace funded by LaRaza? ...

The Economist? The Pew Research Center? The Financial Times? All funded by la raza? Is this all some performance-art joke you are doing?

Fuck the first, fuck the second and fuck the third. From "what I have heard," White people are on their way to becoming a minority in this country. Hell, these days, about half of the cable TV channels are spanish language.
First, for example, you can't build or sell many cars with only dead people around. Next, it probably didn't cost the pharaohs much to build pyramids. Pretty much all they had to do was tell the people to do it, and they did it. And just about nothing can be as useless to the average person as a pyramid. But solar pannels are useful. Next, battery technology has advanced far beyond led acid batteries. Massive capicators could also be used. Energy can also be stored as heat.

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy. And easy to do technology. That leaves my "road pannels" in. Next, I can see how your being defeated in debate can be unsatisfying to you. It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Yes, a vat of liquid sodium in my basement would be much easier to handle than tons of lead batteries.

Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty.

Really? What % would be lost?

Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you.

Why? An idiot mocking me would be kinda pathetic.
Even more pathetic than you have been.

None of the liquid sodium heat collectors that they have out west are in anybody's basement. Nexy. I don know what percentage would be lost. But try this next time there is snow outside and you have sunlight shining at whatever angle on a window. Go outside and throw a snowball at it. Then go back inside and see how much light comes through the snow.

I don know what percentage would be lost.

It would be quite large.
Makes it hard to run a modern, high tech economy when your power can drop so much in winter.

That's another reason why you go for MORE than what you need.
..... Next, is falling birth rates why mexico city is the fifth largest city in the world? ......


This has to be a put-on. There is no way anyone is this stupid.

RELATIVE TO THE OP, since there is no "overpopulation," calling anyone "overpopulating...scum..." makes as much sense as calling someone 'unicorn riding scum.'
China has a HUGE birth control issues, they pollute big-time and abort female babies to. When I see pictures of downtown Beijing in a permanent smog, that says it ALL.
The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. .........

What the Plummeting Hispanic Birthrate Means for the U.S. Economy

Demographics: Birth rate fall and prospect of longer life cloud Mexico’s future -

U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

From what I hear, you are willfully ignorant. This is the difference between sitting on your ass somewhere imagining things and actually learning things. By 2050, if trends continue, Mexico is likely to have a lower birthrate than the US. Your racism isn't why you're stupid, but it's not helping.

Where did those bullshit websites come from. Someplace funded by LaRaza? ...

The Economist? The Pew Research Center? The Financial Times? All funded by la raza? Is this all some performance-art joke you are doing?

Fuck the first, fuck the second and fuck the third. .......

Yeah, facts aren't real useful for whatever seizure event you are experiencing, huh? Nonetheless, the FACTS are as I have presented them regardless of what you "have heard."
Energy can also be stored as heat.

That is an awesome idea! How would you suggest we turn it back into useful electricity?

Next, what I am talking about is reliable energy.

How many hours a day would your "road panel" generate useful amounts of electricity?
How about in the winter, when it's covered with snow?

It must kill you that it comes from a high school dropout.

Yeah, mocking a high school dropout and his moronic ideas isn't very satisfying.

It is being done right now at various solar farms out west. One was is using liquid sodium. Next, that'w why I said that use use enough to make MORE than you need. The rest can be stored and used when there is no sunlight. Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty. But they may only work as well as on a cloudy day until the snowplows come through. Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you. Because that it would be justified would kill you even more.

Yes, a vat of liquid sodium in my basement would be much easier to handle than tons of lead batteries.

Also, inless the snow is pretty thick, solar pannels will still create electricty.

Really? What % would be lost?

Next, consider yourself lucky that you don't have this high school dropout mocking you.

Why? An idiot mocking me would be kinda pathetic.
Even more pathetic than you have been.

None of the liquid sodium heat collectors that they have out west are in anybody's basement. Nexy. I don know what percentage would be lost. But try this next time there is snow outside and you have sunlight shining at whatever angle on a window. Go outside and throw a snowball at it. Then go back inside and see how much light comes through the snow.

I don know what percentage would be lost.

It would be quite large.
Makes it hard to run a modern, high tech economy when your power can drop so much in winter.

That's another reason why you go for MORE than what you need.

Yes, when you're building expensive, unreliable power generation, you need to build twice what you need.

That's some really expensive, unreliable stuff you're pushing.
You never got to the good math or econ classes before you dropped out, did you?
Or science, obviously.

A native of the Western Hemisphere is basically the same wherever they come from. South, Central or North America. That includes Canada.


Actually studying history is fun and informative!
Can't wait to get back to the racism connection.. :eusa_dance:

I can help. Humans cause pollution. They are also responsible for things like deforrestation. In some countries, they use cattle as currency. And cattle are also hard on the environment and produce a lot of methane. Many like to have lots of children for cheap labor and as a sort of Social Security. Etc. etc. etc. Obviously, the more humans there are, the worse things will get. The population of White people isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. But every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. Taking muslims and mexicans as an example, apparently a lot of those overpopulating non-white lowlifes want to invade, (migrate) to areas where White people live. "Racism" is the best way to stop that.

The birth rate in Mexico is plummeting, you dunce. So is the birth rate among Latino immigrants in the US.

There is no over population. It is an old myth that only mental defectives like you still cling to.

Is that the best you can do? Lies? The birth rate in mexico is probably the same as it ever was. Also, I have heard that latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. They also have mexicans of a sort in Canadia. They call them native peoples. They are the fastest growing ethnic group there too. It is probably just a shortcoming of the species. It doesn't matter which part of the Western Hemisphere they come from. Also, I showed you the graph of human population growth before. It isn't a myth. Or are you going to tell me that there were over 7 billion people on the planet 50 years ago.

I suggest you take a look at the most recent demographic studies that show that even in the Third World birth rates are dropping. It is stunning the amount of things you don't know.
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