Economic Equality is Unjust

what you're saying is the trumps economy got just a little tiny bit better than Obama's. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt.
That’s a bargain compared to MaObama who spent $10 trillion and made the economy exponentially worse.
He did an amazing job and you are a brainwashed hater dupe functional GOP moron.
When MaObama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. After he passed his unconstitutional “Stimulus Packages”, unemployment topped off at over 10%. Only an idiot leftist would attempt to declare that that is doing an “amazing” job.
It was 7.8% and going up like crazy... It turned around at 10.3 in October and then 80 straight months of growth. Same growth as under Trump basically, super dupe. The point is every time the GOP gets in they have a corrupt bubble and bust. C 1929 1989 2008 under Trump too if he gets 8 years.
Uh-oh...we just caught mammaries in another lie

Everyone understands why you rely so heavily on namecalling. You can't debate what any liberal says, so you need to deflect. Yes, it is that obvious.

First she said Carter created more jobs, but now she says job “rate”.

No, I didn't. That's another outright lie on your part. Given that people can go back and look at posts, it's interesting that you're willing to lie so boldly.

My guess? You think the ends always justify the means for your side, that lying is a good thing if it gets the country closer to your Stalinist utopia.

So, the good news is how we've let a little bit of reality intrude into your SafeSpace.

You've abandoned your claim that revenues increased, after more than one person pointed out how dishonest it was to look at a single month instead of the whole year.

And you've admitted Carter had a better average job creation record than Reagan, retreating to "But job creation isn't everything!".

That's a decent start, but we need to continue prying open your SafeSpace door. Let's keep hammering on the thing you're avoiding. If supply-side is so awesome, how is it that the worst Democrat beats the best Republican?
First she said Carter created more jobs, but now she says job “rate”.
No, I didn't. That's another outright lie on your part. Given that people can go back and look at posts, it's interesting that you're willing to lie so boldly.
And thank God any buffoon can go back and look. If only your dumb ass had before making that ignorant post right there. Here you are in post #112:
The funniest part was how he got so triggered by a simple fact, that Carter's job creation record was better than Reagan's.
Word-for-word. Unedited. The word “rate” was not used. Not only caught mammaries in a lie, but then caught her lying about her lie!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
economic inequality is a drag on our economy to the extent our social services are not market friendly.
You’re an idiot to the extent that you constantly use terms that you’re clueless about and you’re ignorant of basic economics. Please stop trolling. You’re having absolutely no effect here whatsoever. All you’re doing is annoying people.

The simple solution is to end the unconstitutional social services and restore the free market so that the economy thrives and people don’t need idiotic social services.
You can do all of that...problem is wages have been falling behind for years and years. So if you get rid of social services the fact that wages stink isn't going to cut it. I don't trust American corporations to be decent in that respect.
economic inequality is a drag on our economy to the extent our social services are not market friendly.
You’re an idiot to the extent that you constantly use terms that you’re clueless about and you’re ignorant of basic economics. Please stop trolling. You’re having absolutely no effect here whatsoever. All you’re doing is annoying people.

The simple solution is to end the unconstitutional social services and restore the free market so that the economy thrives and people don’t need idiotic social services.
nothing but right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is market friendly and lets capitalism enjoy freedom within the "goalposts" Standards fixed by Government.
You can do all of that...problem is wages have been falling behind for years and years.
Thanks to failed left-wing policies for years and years. What happened to workers in Seattle after the $15 minimum wage went into effect? Wages fell. Why? Many were laid off. Those that weren't had their hours drastically reduced. They ended up going home with less than they did before the increase. That's a fact that comes directly from a University of Washington study (a left-wing institution).
I don't trust American corporations to be decent in that respect.
You know the simple solution to that? Start your own corporation. It's fall down hilarious listening to the left whine all day about how corporations treat people - but none of them ever start a corporation, treat people wonderful, and show the rest of them how it's done.

Gee...I wonder why that is (not really, I don't :laugh: )
Nobody is entitled to the fruits of my labor just because they are alive.

If Democracy allows the majority to use the government to steal from the minority then Democrat is a shit form of government.

Unfortunately our Bill of Rights in our Republic is not strong enough to stop the thievery of government with our bloated welfare state. Too many damn Liberals in office that ignore individual rights and Liberties.

That is why the structural problems of this country can't be fixed at the ballot box.
Nobody is entitled to the fruits of my labor just because they are alive.

If Democracy allows the majority to use the government to steal from the minority then Democrat is a shit form of government.

Unfortunately our Bill of Rights in our Republic is not strong enough to stop the thievery of government with our bloated welfare state. Too many damn Liberals in office that ignore individual rights and Liberties.

That is why the structural problems of this country can't be fixed at the ballot box.
Providing for the general welfare is a General power not a Common power.
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
And thank God any buffoon can go back and look. If only your dumb ass had before making that ignorant post right there. Here you are in post #112:
The funniest part was how he got so triggered by a simple fact, that Carter's job creation record was better than Reagan's.

Yep. And the term "record" is ambiguous. Thus, when your pretended it absolutely meant "numbers" instead of "rate", you were being a piss-chugging retard.

The reason you can't discuss anything with the grownups without melting down is that you're a somewhat stupid human being. You fail to grasp basic English, you fail to grasp basic logic, and you fail to grasp the basics of any topic you discuss.

Then, because you can't understand what the grownups are saying, and because you sense can't refute what the grownups are saying, you stomp your widdle foot and scream how all the grownups are lying. That's typical of Trump's base, being a stupid person who is too stupid to understand how stupid they are.

The good news is that we know you were born stupid, so we don't hold you responsible for something that's not your fault. There's no shame in being stupid, but there is shame in hurling curses at the people who gently correct your stupidity.
I don't know, I just feel if you start taxing 70%, it will cause people to pull money out of the market. After all, having money in stocks is a risk. If you take away the reward, there is no reason to take the risk.

If several hundred billion dollars leave the market in this fashion, the markets will plummet, the dollar immediately loses its place as the world reserve currency, and America crumbles.

I'm no financial expert, but this is just my take on it...maybe I'm wrong?....
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
yet, the right wing wants to put the federal government in charge of walls and immigration.
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
yet, the right wing wants to put the federal government in charge of walls and immigration.
Hence the Failure
That is why the structural problems of this country can't be fixed at the ballot box.
I disagree, Flash. If what you are saying were even remotely true, Hitlery Clinton would be sitting in the Oval Office this evening and Merrick Garland would be sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Instead, Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office this evening and Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh sit on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The ballot box got it done in a big way. Are we golden? Absolutely not. The left fucked things up so bad - they made an absolute mess of everything. But things are MUCH better already and with Trump possibly getting to appoint 3 or 4 justices, things are definitely headed in the right direction.
That is why the structural problems of this country can't be fixed at the ballot box.
I disagree, Flash. If what you are saying were even remotely true, Hitlery Clinton would be sitting in the Oval Office this evening and Merrick Garland would be sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Instead, Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office this evening and Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh sit on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The ballot box got it done in a big way. Are we golden? Absolutely not. The left fucked things up so bad - they made an absolute mess of everything. But things are MUCH better already and with Trump possibly getting to appoint 3 or 4 justices, things are definitely headed in the right direction.

We aren't going to be saved by the courts. Hell those guys don't don't even know how to apply strict scrutiny to the Second Amendment, as an example.

Trump is a million times better than Crooked Hillary would have been but he isn't going to save us.

The size of government still grows and we are still $20 trillion in debt and many of the states are eating away at our Liberties.

The Constitution is being ignored. The welfare queens and Moon Bats have the votes to sway many elections. Look what happen last November.

I am afraid we are kaput. The ballot box won't save us. Maybe delay like with Trump but will not restore our Republic with individual freedoms. The growing greedy mob demands collective redistribution of income and wealth and we know how destructive that it.

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