Economic Equality is Unjust

To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
They need to get off their ass and earn money then.
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To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
Get off your ass and earn money then.
You miss understood, Weatherman2020. I agree with you.
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
Get off your ass and earn money then.
You miss understood, Weatherman2020. I agree with you.
My bad.
I am happily retired, super duper.
Hence the reason you demand that society pay your way and provide for you.
You're against retirement now? LOL what a goddamn idiot perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich.
Bwahahaha! Franco believe retirement means “someone else owes me to pay my way”. He just admitted it!!!
I paid into it for 47 years or something. What the hell is wrong with you people?
The economy exploded under Clinton and Obama, but was quite anemic for Reagan and Bush and Trump.
More idiotic lies by mammaries. Ronald Reagan oversaw the greatest economic turnaround in U.S. history and the economy under President Trump has experienced record highs in the market and record lows in unemployment.
I paid into it for 47 years or something. What the hell is wrong with you people?
Paid into what?!? What the hell are you talking about, you fucking dimwit?!? You and danielpalos both just spout off all day long without following the discussion or making an ounce of sense.

Nobody is talking about Social Security if that’s what you’re referring to. That has nothing to do with “economic equality”. Man alive you are such an idiot.
I am happily retired, super duper.
Hence the reason you demand that society pay your way and provide for you.
You're against retirement now? LOL what a goddamn idiot perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich.
Bwahahaha! Franco believe retirement means “someone else owes me to pay my way”. He just admitted it!!!
I paid into it for 47 years or something. What the hell is wrong with you people?
How much did you pay?

You think it’s a ponzy scheme?
Meanwhile, the real data, over a whole year, as opposed to P@triots propaganda. Not that he'll care. He like being lied to, and he liked repeating the lies.

Treasury: 2018 Deficit was $779 Billion

For 2018
Accounting for inflation or as a share of the economy, revenues were down 4 to 9 percent over the tax year.

P@triot won't care. He actually enjoys being everyone's bitch, not just mine.

The funniest part was how he got so triggered by a simple fact, that Carter's job creation record was better than Reagan's.

Carter -- 9.8 million jobs in 4 years
Reagan -- 16.5 million jobs in 8 years

Carter's rate was better. Clinton's record was _way_ better, and Clinton did it without the deficits.
I paid into it for 47 years or something. What the hell is wrong with you people?
Paid into what?!? What the hell are you talking about, you fucking dimwit?!? You and danielpalos both just spout off all day long without following the discussion or making an ounce of sense.

Nobody is talking about Social Security if that’s what you’re referring to. That has nothing to do with “economic equality”. Man alive you are such an idiot.
We were talking about retirement, remember, dingbat? Quote the whole thing so people can see what an idiot you are...
I am happily retired, super duper.
Hence the reason you demand that society pay your way and provide for you.
You're against retirement now? LOL what a goddamn idiot perfect chump of the greedy idiot rich.
Bwahahaha! Franco believe retirement means “someone else owes me to pay my way”. He just admitted it!!!
I paid into it for 47 years or something. What the hell is wrong with you people?
How much did you pay?

You think it’s a ponzy scheme?
Of course not, it's a great program-- what you're talkin about I have no idea. You just have a few talking points and you're like Pavlov's dog, brainwashed functional moron.
The funniest part was how he got so triggered by a simple fact, that Carter's job creation record was better than Reagan's.
When she says “triggered” that’s left-wing code for “I got my ass handed to me with facts and am terribly frustrated rate now so I’ll attempt to accuse my opposition of what I am guilty of”.
[QUOTES="P@triot, post: 21687938, member: 30955"]
The economy exploded under Clinton and Obama, but was quite anemic for Reagan and Bush and Trump.
More idiotic lies by mammaries. Ronald Reagan oversaw the greatest economic turnaround in U.S. history and the economy under President Trump has experienced record highs in the market and record lows in unemployment.[/QUOTE]
Reagan also tripled the debt and caused the corrupt SNL bubble.what you're saying is the trumps economy got just a little tiny bit better than Obama's. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt.
It will grind the economy to a halt

Your made that prediction under Clinon and Obama, and the exact opposite happened.

So the answer to your question is that sinece we leftists are familiar with real world economics, so we know your claims are delusional, with the source of the delusion probably being emotional in nature. You want to believe it, so you do, regardless of the facts.

Obama and your real world economics gave us a stagnant service only economy that was so bad, Obama said it was the new normal. Record people were on government assistance, and you claim I'm delusional? As bad as that was, it will be a drop in the bucket compared to what the extreme left has planned. It is not possible for a few hundred Bill Gates types to fund a nationwide daycare. The numbers don't work, more importantly, why would you want to do that in the first place?
And the corrupt 2008 GOP World Depression had nothing to do with all of that? Super duper? Other countries can afford daycare programs, it's not that expensive.

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