Economic Equality is Unjust

I just love how Patirot wants everyone to pay the same but not earn the same...
And I just love how left-wing losers who dropped out of high school can’t do basic math.

Snowflake...the total paid is bolded in blue (since you’re slow and too many numbers and symbols confuse you)

$5,000,000 x 10% = $500,000
$50,000 x 10% = $5,000

Now tell us...does $5,000 = $500,000?
I just love how Patirot wants everyone to pay the same but not earn the same...
And I just love how left-wing losers who dropped out of high school can’t do basic math.

Snowflake...the total paid is bolded in blue (since you’re slow and too many numbers and symbols confuse you)

$5,000,000 x 10% = $500,000
$50,000 x 10% = $5,000

Now tell us...does $5,000 = $500,000?
No, does $8.50 an hour equal $75.00 and hour for work?
Corporations have such an easy time finding ultra hard working productive people and this will drive wages down.
why is paying more taxes on more than a certain amount, a problem?
Because it is immoral and unjust. You have no right to punish someone through taxes. And you have no right to burden one American more than another.

All Americans are privileged with the same military, roads, courts, etc. so all should share in the burden. Mammaries is losing her shit because she loves being a parasite who mooches off of others. It’s sick.
I just love how Patirot wants everyone to pay the same but not earn the same...
$5,000,000 x 10% = $500,000
$50,000 x 10% = $5,000

Now tell us...does $5,000 = $500,000?
There you, snowflake. No. Not it doesn’t. Therefore I do not advocate for everyone to “pay the same”. I advocate for everyone to share in the same percentage of burden. You just admitted your a liar. But don’t worry, everyone knew that already.
why is paying more taxes on more than a certain amount, a problem?
Because it is immoral and unjust. You have no right to punish someone through taxes. And you have no right to burden one American more than another.

All Americans are privileged with the same military, roads, courts, etc. so all should share in the burden. Mammaries is losing her shit because she loves being a parasite who mooches off of others. It’s sick.
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror only burden the People.
why is paying more taxes on more than a certain amount, a problem?
Because it is immoral and unjust. You have no right to punish someone through taxes. And you have no right to burden one American more than another.

All Americans are privileged with the same military, roads, courts, etc. so all should share in the burden. Mammaries is losing her shit because she loves being a parasite who mooches off of others. It’s sick.
Providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution.

Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror only burden the People.

attempting to derail another thread?
Does he have any workers without it?

The rich guy gets far, far more back, thus he needs to pay more in. That's basic common sense and basic morality, so no wonder that the concept eludes you.

You got this bass ackwards.. Note the recent "suck-off" of cities to attract to new Amazon business. They only GET that business if their education and infrastructure and services are up to par.. AND THEN -- the cities cut Amazon all manner of breaks and agree to literally have intercourse with themselves to get the deal...

WTF does the FED govt do to "provide workers" for the rich??

WTF does the FED govt do to "pay the rich back" ??

Bomb syria for them? Waste money on Elon Musk? Cut down the price of logging in America's forests to create cheaper paper pulp for MORE forms, regulations and mandates for them to comply with??

Give me all the FEDERAL advantages I'm missing here..

I know TSA LOVES to pat down my daughter, but I don't see how that soothes a tax rate of 70%..

In a system where over HALF of working filers PAY NOT A PENNY for Fed govt operation, you're never gonna even approach that Cortezian Socialist unicorn of paradise not matter HOW MUCH you bleed from "the rich"..
They only GET that business if their education and infrastructure and services are up to par..

Thank you for that example that proves my point so effectively.

The business requires the education and infrastructure, which someone else paid for. The business gets far more back from the taxes than the worker, so the business should pay in much more.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith. Your brand of thinking is more like the Somalian government, or lack of it.

Yeah, Carl Marx thought the same thing. Our founders disagreed with both, they thought everyone should contribute to the government equally. Then along came the commiecrat regressives and they fucked up the whole thing.

Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith.
In fact Thomas Jefferson promoted an EXTREME inheritance tax meant to create equality
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation

You are too stupid to be one person.

Economic equality simply means that when you supervisors get a 20% increase, their employees should get one too. Employees haven't had a real increase in the buying power of their wages since 1980, and have in fact, seen the buying power of their wages steadily eroded as their living expenses rose all around them. Executive wages went up 270% during that same time frame.

In the 1980's Republicans told the workers that unions were evil and holding them back, and that once the workers dumped the unions, wages would get a big bump. The workers believed them and got rid of the unions. They're still waiting for that raise.

Donald Trump told workers that if he lowered the tax rates for corporations, that the workers would all get a $4000 raise from the tax savings, and the workers believe him. They're still waiting for those raises too.
Supply side economics has failed for the third time. It failed for Reagan, for Bush, and now for Trump.

The supply side crowd told us the economy would grow so fast, the tax cuts would pay for themselves, and revenue would actually rise.

It didn't happen. Revenue has cratered, even more than predicted.

At this stage, belief that supply side economics works is only found in cultists.
Supply side economics has failed for the third time. It failed for Reagan, for Bush, and now for Trump.

The supply side crowd told us the economy would grow so fast, the tax cuts would pay for themselves, and revenue would actually rise.

It didn't happen. Revenue has cratered, even more than predicted.

At this stage, belief that supply side economics works is only found in cultists.
No one ever seriously thought supply side (voodoo) econmics would do what was claimed...least of all it's authors

It's just something to say to justify tax cuts for the rich
They only GET that business if their education and infrastructure and services are up to par..

Thank you for that example that proves my point so effectively.

The business requires the education and infrastructure, which someone else paid for. The business gets far more back from the taxes than the worker, so the business should pay in much more.

That's a function of how well a CITY is run.. Most don't HAVE "income tax"... Nothing to DO with Federal "kickbacks" or benefits..

And you dodged every question about EXACTLY how business people get a 4X return from being robbed of their capital by tax hungry revolutionaries...

Par for the course BullWinkle..
There is actually a commercial where I live where a college has a slogan that not everyone has the same opportunity, but everyone has equal talent. What the heck? I bet they get a great education. It is something like Southern New Hampshire University, not sure. These people just wake up in the morning, declare themselves awesome and hold open a bag waiting for it to get filled with cash. Unicorns and communists, its all cute and sad until people start to get murdered.
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
That's all fine. We dont want equal outcome. We are calling out the LUNACY of billionairism at the detriment of our people. It's not sustainable. Billionaires will take more and more of the economic output, and control our lives and government as well. Get it in your head bruh. This is like the gap between relativity and quantum mechanics. The massive scale of billionairism and its extraction of wealth from our society doesnt follow the same rules as your clever rehearsed parables about equal outcome. And it shouldnt follow the same policy. We have to find a way to reverse this dependence and shift the income growth back down the distribution. Not to me. It could be just down to the millionaires and still be exponentially better for our economy.
Dem's are teaching their masses that not only is it okay to steal from others, they are ENTITLED to steal from others.
No no. It's not theft to stop throwing all of our money away at the billionaires. That's unsustainable. Try using your brain and thinking through the problem for yourself rather regurgitating the same old false con garbage.

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