Economic Equality is Unjust

To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation
Our welfare clause is general and covers any contingency. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but the Poor may benefit and the right wing is too envious.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith. Your brand of thinking is more like the Somalian government, or lack of it.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith. Your brand of thinking is more like the Somalian government, or lack of it.
First of all...this has nothing to do with taxes. :eusa_doh:

Reading comprehension problem? Second, you’re inability to grasp basic math is tragic. We use a percentage of income because that is inherently “progressive”. A person making $1,000,000 per year will pay a shit-ton more in taxes than someone making $30,000 per year if both pay 10% in taxes. To insist that the person already paying way more should be punished with a higher rate on top of that is just flat out pure assholery. Only an envious little dick would advocate for something like that.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you
Thankfully, we’ve learned a ton about economics since the 1600’s. In typical fashion, you “progressive” regressive want to take society backwards.
so is the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, super duper.
That isn’t “unjust”, snowflake. That’s the direct result of the lazy and entitled mindset of the left.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t even have a college degree and he had 0 problem going “upward”. You’re inability to produce a desired good or service is your problem. Don’t blame your failures on society, Frankie.
Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism, strongly disagreed with you, and he endorsed progressive taxation. We liberals, of course, are the heirs of Adam Smith. Your brand of thinking is more like the Somalian government, or lack of it.

Heirs of Adam Smith? Part Indian too right?
Seems the more they make the more they cry like petulant little girls about having to pay taxes...those things that support out troops. The greatest fighting force on Earth.
I love paying our troops. It’s paying parasites like you (in the form of welfare, Medicaid, Obamacare, housing, SNAP, etc.) that I have a problem with.
Today's workers work harder than ever for less. They produce more for their employers than ever before. They never complain, don't miss work, and all go above and beyond so the overgolfed CEO can make even more.
Pure idiotic propaganda by “InItForMe” (such an appropriate name for the selfish left”). Everything he just said is the polar opposite of reality.

Today’s worker works lazier than ever for more than ever. They produce very little considering the technology and processes put in place for them. They miss work for a hangnail (and often times less). Because they are lazy, entitled lefties.
Paying SOME taxes to government for essential services is not Economic Equality. Some taxes are necessary, huge amounts of taxation for Social Engineering purposes is STEALING.
First of all...this has nothing to do with taxes.

Since you were whimpering about taxes in your OP, you're clearly lying to everyone's face.

Reading comprehension problem?

So are you sorry for lying, or do you consider lying justifiable to push the goals of your anti-capitalist cult?

Second, you’re inability to grasp basic math is tragic. We use a percentage of income because that is inherently “progressive”.

A person making $1,000,000 per year will pay a shit-ton more in taxes than someone making $30,000 per year if both pay 10% in taxes.

So you just blubbered it's not about taxes, as you make it entirely about taxes. You really suck at lying.

To insist that the person already paying way more should be punished with a higher rate on top of that is just flat out pure assholery. Only an envious little dick would advocate for something like that.

As the rich person gets far, far more back, he should pay far more in. As was said by Adam Smith, the man you hate for being the father of capitalism. Only a possibly sexually confused greedly deadbeat with Stalinist leanings would claim otherwise and go against the father of capitalism.

Why do you expect everyone else to pay for your deadbeat lifestyle? I got news. Whine all you want, we're still not enabling your deadbeat lifestyle. And good luck trying to convince everyone that you're a special snowflake who should be allowed to mooch.
As the rich person gets far, far more back, he should pay far more in.
And that is what a flat percentage does. Here, let me help you snowflake...

$5,000,000 x 10% = $500,000
$50,000 x 10% = $5,000

Notice how one pays half a million while the other pays a paltry $5k even though both are paying the exact same rate? That’s how it works. That’s why we use percentages in taxes.
Only a possibly sexually confused greedly deadbeat with Stalinist leanings would claim otherwise
Awe...Mammaries is beginning her daily thread meltdown. :itsok:
and go against the father of capitalism.
As I previously stated Mammaries, we’ve learned a lot since Adam Smith. We learned that “progressive tax rates” don’t work and are thus ignorant.

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