Economic Equality is Unjust

Just wanted to point out that increasing income taxes on the rich will not come close to doing any of the huge programs the progs want to do. I'd love to hear a leftist economist explain how it will allow them to implement free anything. It will grind the economy to a halt for what exactly, to make poor people feel better? I have heard the whole soak the rich mantra as nothing more than a 'hate tax.' I know it is a false bribe to attract voters who want government money, but it seems like not even the democrat media could perpetrate this hoax forever. To put it simply, rich people are not the answer to all poor people's problems. Sorry.
It will grind the economy to a halt

Your made that prediction under Clinon and Obama, and the exact opposite happened.

So the answer to your question is that sinece we leftists are familiar with real world economics, so we know your claims are delusional, with the source of the delusion probably being emotional in nature. You want to believe it, so you do, regardless of the facts.
That's a function of how well a CITY is run.. Most don't HAVE "income tax"... Nothing to DO with Federal "kickbacks" or benefits.

I need not say more. You've accepted my point that the business owner benefits more from infrastructure and education, and thus he should pay more for such things. Moving the goalposts to "but that's the city!", even when it's not, doesn't help your case.

And you dodged every question about EXACTLY how business people get a 4X return from being robbed of their capital by tax hungry revolutionaries...

Par for the course BullWinkle..[/QUOTE]

Yep, par for the course. You wrote some mysterious conspiracy gibberish, and nobody paid attention, because it's not worth the effort to make sense of Unimbomber-style rambling. And then you did some namecalling.

Don't worry, nobody expects better of you.
No doubt a f
let's increase the minimum wage, instead.[/Q

No doubt a few companies could, but probably very few. What about all the businesses with around 20 employees that scrape bye in the black from month to month? You think they could stay in business? Do you think very many businesses in general operate way above black from month to month?
Sorry DanielPalos, the above post is messed up. I'll repeat that small businesses and most larger business don't operate above breaking even to the point they can raise salaries over 30%. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this, how could you force mega corporations to raise minimum wages without wiping out everybody else?
It will grind the economy to a halt

Your made that prediction under Clinon and Obama, and the exact opposite happened.

So the answer to your question is that sinece we leftists are familiar with real world economics, so we know your claims are delusional, with the source of the delusion probably being emotional in nature. You want to believe it, so you do, regardless of the facts.

Obama and your real world economics gave us a stagnant service only economy that was so bad, Obama said it was the new normal. Record people were on government assistance, and you claim I'm delusional? As bad as that was, it will be a drop in the bucket compared to what the extreme left has planned. It is not possible for a few hundred Bill Gates types to fund a nationwide daycare. The numbers don't work, more importantly, why would you want to do that in the first place?
I know how to handle income inequality, and how to help the poor. I'll give you a little while to see if you can come up with it.
No doubt a f
let's increase the minimum wage, instead.[/Q

No doubt a few companies could, but probably very few. What about all the businesses with around 20 employees that scrape bye in the black from month to month? You think they could stay in business? Do you think very many businesses in general operate way above black from month to month?
Structural unemployment happens. The right wing doesn't care when it is corporate downsizing and management gets their bonuses.
Sorry DanielPalos, the above post is messed up. I'll repeat that small businesses and most larger business don't operate above breaking even to the point they can raise salaries over 30%. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this, how could you force mega corporations to raise minimum wages without wiping out everybody else?
States have Boards of Equalization that may help capitalists get, Equalized.
The business gets far more back from the taxes than the worker, so the business should pay in much more.
The lack of logic by mammaries is astounding. The employee wouldn’t be employed without an education/trade/skill. They benefit every bit as much.

Furthermore, without the business, nobody would have an income. The Trump tax cuts (just like the Reagan tax cuts, the Kennedy tax cuts, and every tax cut in history) proved that allowing businesses to keep as much of their own money as possible results in a thriving economy and raises the standard of living for everyone.

Mammaries forces herself to suspend all reality and ignore all facts simply because she is lazy and desperately wants to mooch off of society. Ignore her.
Economic equality simply means that when you supervisors get a 20% increase, their employees should get one too.
Canada must cringe every time you open your mouth. You are an absolute embarrassment to the human race. That’s not what “economic equality” means at all.
Just wanted to point out that increasing income taxes on the rich will not come close to doing any of the huge programs the progs want to do. I'd love to hear a leftist economist explain how it will allow them to implement free anything. It will grind the economy to a halt for what exactly, to make poor people feel better? I have heard the whole soak the rich mantra as nothing more than a 'hate tax.' I know it is a false bribe to attract voters who want government money, but it seems like not even the democrat media could perpetrate this hoax forever. To put it simply, rich people are not the answer to all poor people's problems. Sorry.
Sound like an Ayn Rand fan
Donald Trump told workers that if he lowered the tax rates for corporations, that the workers would all get a $4000 raise from the tax savings, and the workers believe him. They're still waiting for those raises too.
Sweetie...nobody is “waiting”. We’ve all walked home with that or more already. You’re a prime example of why Canadians should stop commenting on other nations.
The Trump tax cuts (just like the Reagan tax cuts, the Kennedy tax cuts, and every tax cut in history) proved that allowing businesses to keep as much of their own money as possible results in a thriving economy and raises the standard of living for everyone.

As the opposite happened, you look even more desperate and delusional now. The economy exploded under Clinton and Obama, but was quite anemic for Reagan and Bush and Trump. Jimmy Carter, the worst Democrat, had a better average job creation rate than Reagan, the best Republican. The Trump cult claimed tax revenue would rise after the Trump tax cuts, but instead it dropped even more than predicted.

However, such reality won't matter to you, as you literally don't care. You only care about proclaiming your butthurt, believing in comforting cult myths, "mo fo me", and wide stance encounters. Fortunately, Pelosi just handed you a whole lot of butthurt, so that should keep you happy for a good while.

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