Economic Equality is Unjust

Meanwhile, the real data, over a whole year, as opposed to P@triots propaganda. Not that he'll care. He like being lied to, and he liked repeating the lies.

Treasury: 2018 Deficit was $779 Billion
Oh sweetie...don’t try to weasel out of this one. The deficit is the result of spending. Revenues to the federal government after the tax cuts were record highs.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

:dance: :dance: :dance:
For one month, dipstick.
We were talking about retirement, remember, dingbat? Quote the whole thing so people can see what an idiot you are...
No snowflake...we were talking about “economic equality”. Your dumb ass was talking about retirement. :laugh:
Actually you had just told me I was on welfare or something, dingbat. Brain-washed functional idiots like you think all Democrats are on welfare. Amazing dolts...
To claim “economic equality is unjust” is a horrible understatement. Economic equality is flat out evil. Most people are taught as toddlers that it is not acceptable to take what doesn’t belong to you. And most people learn by elementary school that it is in poor taste to accept that which you didn’t earn.
Conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians celebrate the fact that people have unequal (or diverse) talents, preferences, risk averseness, attachments and cultures because these are the central element to the rich tapestry of an enlightened, humane and prosperous society. These differences will inevitably lead to economic differences. And those differences are not objectionable. Any political system that mandated economic equality would be unjust. It is unjust to treat unequal situations equally.
Anyone who demands equal outcomes without first demanding equal effort, talent, abilities, hours, and most of all - results - is a monster. Person B shouldn’t work half as hard and half as long as Person A and still get the same compensation or lifestyle.
Government should not enforce a pre-determined distribution of income or wealth. Individual effort, merit, preferences and values matter morally. An unplanned distribution is just if the distribution is the result of individuals acting freely in accordance with just rules.
The bottom line - government has no authority to take from one and give to another. None. And no, the right to tax does not even remotely qualify. Taxes are to run the government. If you’re not a government employee, then taxes do not justify your income from a tax payer.

*Quotes are taken from marketing material for upcoming economic lecture by David Burton - Senior Fellow, Economic Policy, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation

Most dirt poor uneducated idiots fail to comprehend that our tax system is rigged to favor the wealthy.

Every player gets $200 for passing GO -- but the super-rich, through economies of scale and tax advantages available only to them, they collect $10,000 for passing go.

Most toddlers understand that...
The economy exploded under Clinton and Obama, but was quite anemic for Reagan and Bush and Trump.
Your attempts and propaganda are just plain pitiful. It’s unreal that anyone would even try in this day and age. It just goes to illustrate your lack of intellect.
The U.S. economy is roaring like no other time in recent memory. The job market is hot, unemployment is down to record lows, and small business optimism is soaring.

But this newfound dynamism didn’t come from nowhere. It required a package of market and consumer-friendly reforms passed by Congress and adopted by the Trump administration. These reforms have boosted economic freedom.
The Republicans began in 2010 rebuilding the economy that the Dumbocrats had collapsed. President Trump was the final piece.

Under Trump, US Economic Freedom Rises Significantly
The Trump cult claimed tax revenue would rise after the Trump tax cuts, but instead it dropped even more than predicted.
Nobody lies quite like mammaries. That’s exactly what occurred, you ignorant dolt...

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April
Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong About Trump's Tax Cuts?
When Tax Cut Economics covers spending.
That’s impossible since Dumbocrats are committed to spending more than the American people give them - no matter how much that is.
Oh sweetie...

As I've said before, I don't appreciate predatory old queers like you hitting on me.

don’t try to weasel out of this one. The deficit is the result of spending. Revenues to the federal government after the tax cuts were record highs.

As I just posted evidence showing the precise opposite, you're clearly lying.

I showed the entire year. You cherrypicked a single month. Very dishonest of you, as months are highly variable. Did you really think that scam would work? After all, you're speaking to normal people, as opposed to fellow Trump cult morons.

You also left out the inflation adjustment, another very dishonest tactic.

So, you lied, and I spoke the truth. Same old same old. Do you regret lying, or do you only regret getting busted for lying again?

And since this triggers you so hilariously and sends you running, I'll post it again. Jimmy Carter had a better average job creation rate than Ronald Reagan. BLM records say 2.5 million jobs/year for Carter, 2.1 million for Reagan. And Carter did it without the massive deficits. So much for your supply side fables.
Today's workers work harder than ever for less. They produce more for their employers than ever before. They never complain, don't miss work, and all go above and beyond so the overgolfed CEO can make even more.
Jimmy Carter had a better average job creation rate than Ronald Reagan.
Is that why Jimmy Carter was a one term wonder? Because he was so amazing? The economy is far more than job creation, snowflake. It’s inflation (which was through the roof under Carter), it’s interest rates (which were through the roof under Carter), it’s personal wealth and savings (which were abysmal under Carter). And we won’t mention the energy crisis thanks to the failed ignorant policies that you still embrace 40 years later.
what you're saying is the trumps economy got just a little tiny bit better than Obama's. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt.
That’s a bargain compared to MaObama who spent $10 trillion and made the economy exponentially worse.
So you don't believe in the 2008 GOP World depression, only averted by Obama
and the welfare department spending 8 trillion dollars. You are a brainwashed functional moron. And Obama turned it around with the stimulus October 2010. He did an amazing job and you are a brainwashed hater dupe functional GOP moron. Read about the depression,
the whole world was ruined. Just like the GOP wrecked the Middle East. 4 lies. What you still believe super duper...
Just like the GOP wrecked the Middle East. 4 lies.
Clearly snowflake here has no clue what “GOP” means. He thinks MaObama was part of the GOP. :laugh:

Whose policies set the Middle East on Fire? MaObama. Who was President during the Arab Spring? MaObama. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Egypt. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Libya. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising in Benghazi. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising - and subsequent shit storm - in Syria.

You’re an idiot thinking you can convince people that MaObama was a member of the GOP.
Just like the GOP wrecked the Middle East. 4 lies.
Clearly snowflake here has no clue what “GOP” means. He thinks MaObama was part of the GOP. :laugh:

Whose policies set the Middle East on Fire? MaObama. Who was President during the Arab Spring? MaObama. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Egypt. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Libya. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising in Benghazi. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising - and subsequent shit storm - in Syria.

You’re an idiot thinking you can convince people that MaObama was a member of the GOP.
I think you could just as well say that George W bush and the corrupt GOP cause the chaos where the 2008 GOP World depression. And definitely with the war in Iraq the stupidest War ever fought.
what you're saying is the trumps economy got just a little tiny bit better than Obama's. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt.
That’s a bargain compared to MaObama who spent $10 trillion and made the economy exponentially worse.
He did an amazing job and you are a brainwashed hater dupe functional GOP moron.
When MaObama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. After he passed his unconstitutional “Stimulus Packages”, unemployment topped off at over 10%. Only an idiot leftist would attempt to declare that that is doing an “amazing” job.
Just like the GOP wrecked the Middle East. 4 lies.
Clearly snowflake here has no clue what “GOP” means. He thinks MaObama was part of the GOP. :laugh:

Whose policies set the Middle East on Fire? MaObama. Who was President during the Arab Spring? MaObama. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Egypt. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Libya. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising in Benghazi. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising - and subsequent shit storm - in Syria.

You’re an idiot thinking you can convince people that MaObama was a member of the GOP.
I think you could just as well say that George W bush and the corrupt GOP cause the chaos
No, you really couldn’t. At all. Libya was 100% stable and our ally during the Bush Administration. Muammar Gaddafi even turned over his entire nuclear arsenal to us. Then MaObama stirred up shit with a black op and helped to overthrow him to destabilize the nation.
They only GET that business if their education and infrastructure and services are up to par..

Thank you for that example that proves my point so effectively.

The business requires the education and infrastructure, which someone else paid for. The business gets far more back from the taxes than the worker, so the business should pay in much more.

That's a function of how well a CITY is run.. Most don't HAVE "income tax"... Nothing to DO with Federal "kickbacks" or benefits..

And you dodged every question about EXACTLY how business people get a 4X return from being robbed of their capital by tax hungry revolutionaries...

Par for the course BullWinkle..

Remember when you all mocked Obama for saying "You didn't build that" saying that he was telling business people they aren't responsible for building successful businesses. What Obama really said was that the infrastructure and governmental structures and protections which allow businesses to be so successful in the USA are expensive to create and maintain. Those things which help businesses succeed cost money, and business people aren't building the roads, the courts, the trade alliances, and the educated work force which help succeed. That's what tax dollars are for.

I can understand why Americans feel like taxes are theft of their money. It is your wealty being transferred to the laziest people of all - the investor class. The sit on their asses, and party in Vegas, while you go to work, precisely because their parents gave them stocks and investments so that your hard work ends up in their pockets. Go rich people!!
Just like the GOP wrecked the Middle East. 4 lies.
Clearly snowflake here has no clue what “GOP” means. He thinks MaObama was part of the GOP. :laugh:

Whose policies set the Middle East on Fire? MaObama. Who was President during the Arab Spring? MaObama. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Egypt. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising and collapse of Libya. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising in Benghazi. It was MaObama’s policies which caused the uprising - and subsequent shit storm - in Syria.

You’re an idiot thinking you can convince people that MaObama was a member of the GOP.
I think you could just as well say that George W bush and the corrupt GOP cause the chaos
No, you really couldn’t. At all. Libya was 100% stable and our ally during the Bush Administration. Muammar Gaddafi even turned over his entire nuclear arsenal to us. Then MaObama stirred up shit with a black op and helped to overthrow him to destabilize the nation.
He was a terrorist dictator absolutely brutal. Good for them- the libyans like him dead, at least the ones I like. It should probably be two countries these two tribes do not get along LOL

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