Economic Good News.....288,000 jobs added in April


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts
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how about we call them "Snow Jobs" ??

do you know what a Snow Job is ?
Economy adds 288,000 jobs; jobless rate, 6.3%

Employers added 288,000 jobs in April as milder weather continued to lift the labor market from a winter slump.

The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% -- the biggest drop since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

Many economists expect the economy and job market to accelerate this year because of higher household wealth and reduced debt, as well as more modest federal government spending cuts

there are fewer Americans with jobs in obama's sixth year than at the height of the "Bush" recession

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
In an economy that is stagnant this will be a one off. The labor force participation rate is still stuck in 1970s terrirtory.
record welfare and food stamps in obama's 6th year

if so many jobs are being created how can left-wing nutjobs be labeling the Right as heartless for asking why the level of food stamps cant be cut by one penny or unemployment by one day?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
how many are at Walmart; or some other place the Left hates like in the oil and gas producing sector?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Market at all time highs, unemployment dropping, more and more jobs opening up. Breaking our "Conservatives" hearts.

Kids, cry your eyes out. President Obama is going to have both his terms go down in history as successful after the disaster that was Bush.
From the New Yawk Slimes, so it's dimocrap scumbag approved

People, yeah we're gaining jobs. But what KIND of jobs? That is the question.


On preview, this graph sucks. Go to the site

During the recession we lost MILLIONS of mid-wage and high-wage jobs. We also lost quite a few low-wage jobs.

Look at the graph. We're still almost a million jobs behind in replacing the middle and high wage jobs but the low wage jobs have more than made up the ground they lost.

What the Liar In Chief has done is really simple -- He's turned America into a third world country.

There are fewer and fewer middle and high wage jobs to be had.

Bring on the sycophants to start with the excuse-making
Market at all time highs, unemployment dropping, more and more jobs opening up. Breaking our "Conservatives" hearts.

Kids, cry your eyes out. President Obama is going to have both his terms go down in history as successful after the disaster that was Bush.

pretty comical watching left-wing losers brag about the RECORD CORPORATE PROFITS of companies they vowed to "MAKE THEM PAY!!" NOT THAT LONG AGO; in between pissing and sh*tting in buckets and throwing bottles at the police

unemployment isnt dropping until you losers come to grips with and admit the rate of participation in the labor market is at a 40-year low

libs are laughable losers who lie to themselves

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