Economic Upswing Continues: Economy Added 201K Jobs, Wages Up by $17 Per Month, in August

Seventeen dollars a month!

Wow! That’s like 60 cents a day.

Don’t spend it all in one place.

Moron, he has been in office a year and a half, after 8 years of that doofus, obama........and he is fixing the economy while obama told us to just get used to low performance...the man child, obama, was a disaster for this country....8 wasted years.
All this WINNING....damn that Trump!


Good on Trump for not screwing up what he was handed, though he is trying his best and might yet succeed.

Hell, Gator...if Barry hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010 and had the GOP keep him from passing the rest of his agenda your little collection of graphs would probably look more like they did back in 2009 and 2010. Remember what Barry, Harry and Nancy had cued up next for passage back then? Cap & Trade legislation that would have raised energy costs across the board for US businesses? Great strategy in the middle of a recession! Crediting Obama for economic success during his two terms is rather amusing. The biggest boom during that time was caused by fracking...something that Barry actively opposed but couldn't do anything about. Name an Obama initiative that made the economy grow in his last six years? Name an Obama economic initiative at all in his last six years? Fact is...Barry kind of mailed it in on the whole economy thing after Larry Summers left. I think he found it too much work creating jobs.

I do not credit Obama for the economy any more than I credit Trump for it. Obama leaving the economy alone was a good thing, that is what every president should do.

Funny that you say Obama found creating jobs too much work when his last 4 years in office jobs were being created at a rate far exceeding what has happened under Trump. Must be too much work for him as well I guess

Did you want to list the Obama economic initiatives that brought about that rate in his last four years, Gator? You give him credit for leaving the economy alone...then give him credit for creating which is it?
All this WINNING....damn that Trump!


Good on Trump for not screwing up what he was handed, though he is trying his best and might yet succeed.

Hell, Gator...if Barry hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010 and had the GOP keep him from passing the rest of his agenda your little collection of graphs would probably look more like they did back in 2009 and 2010. Remember what Barry, Harry and Nancy had cued up next for passage back then? Cap & Trade legislation that would have raised energy costs across the board for US businesses? Great strategy in the middle of a recession! Crediting Obama for economic success during his two terms is rather amusing. The biggest boom during that time was caused by fracking...something that Barry actively opposed but couldn't do anything about. Name an Obama initiative that made the economy grow in his last six years? Name an Obama economic initiative at all in his last six years? Fact is...Barry kind of mailed it in on the whole economy thing after Larry Summers left. I think he found it too much work creating jobs.

I do not credit Obama for the economy any more than I credit Trump for it. Obama leaving the economy alone was a good thing, that is what every president should do.

Funny that you say Obama found creating jobs too much work when his last 4 years in office jobs were being created at a rate far exceeding what has happened under Trump. Must be too much work for him as well I guess

Did you want to list the Obama economic initiatives that brought about that rate in his last four years, Gator? You give him credit for leaving the economy alone...then give him credit for creating which is it?
Obama never did much of anything. He was in over his head on all things, so it was probably for the best.
The BLS Employment Situation report for August shows that the Trump economic upswing is still going strong. The economy added 201,000 jobs in August, and there was a host of other good economic news in the report. Some highlights from the report:

* In August, average hourly earnings for all employees on private non-farm payrolls rose by 10 cents to $27.16. Note that an extra 10 cents per hour multiplied by 22 eight-hour work days equals an extra $17 per month--and keep in mind that this is just the increase for August.

* Over the year, the number of long-term unemployed has declined by 403,000. So over the last year, the number of long-term jobless people has dropped by 403,000. This is a huge improvement over the Obama years--the U-6 unemployment rate remained historically high under Obama. Even when the economy did fairly well under Obama in 2016, the number of long-term unemployed barely changed at all (see, for example, the BLS reports for January through December 2016).

* Mining employment increased by 6,000 in August, after showing little change in July. Since a recent trough in October 2016, the industry has added 104,000 jobs, almost entirely in support activities for mining.

* Employment in construction continued to trend up in August (+23,000) and has increased by 297,000 over the year.
Fake News, the "REAL" unemployment rate is much higher.

“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42%.”

- Donald Jackass Trump
Labor force participation is just as bad as it was when Trump said that.

The labor force participation rate has leveled off since 2013 and is about where it should be.
According to trump it is really bad and why the real unemployment rate is so much higher.
2% GDP is the new normal.
Jobs are not coming back.
Do you have a magic wand?
We have shovel ready jobs all over.
Then he and his minions want to take credit for the current economy.

Worst labor participation rate since the 1970s.
Long term unemployment highest since 1930s.
Lowest home ownership in last 51 years.
Just a few of the landmarks of his administration.
All this WINNING....damn that Trump!


Good on Trump for not screwing up what he was handed, though he is trying his best and might yet succeed.

Hell, Gator...if Barry hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010 and had the GOP keep him from passing the rest of his agenda your little collection of graphs would probably look more like they did back in 2009 and 2010. Remember what Barry, Harry and Nancy had cued up next for passage back then? Cap & Trade legislation that would have raised energy costs across the board for US businesses? Great strategy in the middle of a recession! Crediting Obama for economic success during his two terms is rather amusing. The biggest boom during that time was caused by fracking...something that Barry actively opposed but couldn't do anything about. Name an Obama initiative that made the economy grow in his last six years? Name an Obama economic initiative at all in his last six years? Fact is...Barry kind of mailed it in on the whole economy thing after Larry Summers left. I think he found it too much work creating jobs.

I do not credit Obama for the economy any more than I credit Trump for it. Obama leaving the economy alone was a good thing, that is what every president should do.

Funny that you say Obama found creating jobs too much work when his last 4 years in office jobs were being created at a rate far exceeding what has happened under Trump. Must be too much work for him as well I guess

Did you want to list the Obama economic initiatives that brought about that rate in his last four years, Gator? You give him credit for leaving the economy alone...then give him credit for creating which is it?
Obama never did much of anything. He was in over his head on all things, so it was probably for the best.

As far as economics goes...losing the 2010 mid terms was a god send for Barack Obama! If he'd signed Cap & Trade into law as he was economy on life support would have most likely "flat lined".
The BLS Employment Situation report for August shows that the Trump economic upswing is still going strong. The economy added 201,000 jobs in August, and there was a host of other good economic news in the report. Some highlights from the report:

* In August, average hourly earnings for all employees on private non-farm payrolls rose by 10 cents to $27.16. Note that an extra 10 cents per hour multiplied by 22 eight-hour work days equals an extra $17 per month--and keep in mind that this is just the increase for August.

* Over the year, the number of long-term unemployed has declined by 403,000. So over the last year, the number of long-term jobless people has dropped by 403,000. This is a huge improvement over the Obama years--the U-6 unemployment rate remained historically high under Obama. Even when the economy did fairly well under Obama in 2016, the number of long-term unemployed barely changed at all (see, for example, the BLS reports for January through December 2016).

* Mining employment increased by 6,000 in August, after showing little change in July. Since a recent trough in October 2016, the industry has added 104,000 jobs, almost entirely in support activities for mining.

* Employment in construction continued to trend up in August (+23,000) and has increased by 297,000 over the year.
Fake News, the "REAL" unemployment rate is much higher.

“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42%.”

- Donald Jackass Trump
Labor force participation is just as bad as it was when Trump said that.
Actually it is worse, down 0.2% since tramp was anointed.
More cheerleading using bullsh*t stats?

Maybe some of you see through this and realize low end employment , which is largely engineered to exist off gub'mit subsidization is condusive to economic trickle down policies where the Elites win,at middle class taxpayer expense.

Google U6 for starters

then you can talk to guys like me who've been in construction since the Carter administration about economic booms & busts, and what sorts we attract betwixt all these cycles.

of course the usual three toed troglytes will stampeed on it insisting free trade capitalism weeds out the crybaby snowflakes, cuz they're ALL self made men that can pull it down w/o Gub'Mit help.

Yep, that's really workin' out great fellas...

Worked years in the oil and gas industry. Found no change in wether the economy was bust or boom.
Did find in the last fifteen years too many wanted a paycheck but did not want to work. Ran across many that had a complete lack of common sense. Would stand in the way of large equipment that was moving toward them then rather then move would argue that they were fine where they were and that the equipment was in the wrong.

Some are just not smart enough to do anything but breath and take up space.
Good on Trump for not screwing up what he was handed, though he is trying his best and might yet succeed.

Hell, Gator...if Barry hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010 and had the GOP keep him from passing the rest of his agenda your little collection of graphs would probably look more like they did back in 2009 and 2010. Remember what Barry, Harry and Nancy had cued up next for passage back then? Cap & Trade legislation that would have raised energy costs across the board for US businesses? Great strategy in the middle of a recession! Crediting Obama for economic success during his two terms is rather amusing. The biggest boom during that time was caused by fracking...something that Barry actively opposed but couldn't do anything about. Name an Obama initiative that made the economy grow in his last six years? Name an Obama economic initiative at all in his last six years? Fact is...Barry kind of mailed it in on the whole economy thing after Larry Summers left. I think he found it too much work creating jobs.

I do not credit Obama for the economy any more than I credit Trump for it. Obama leaving the economy alone was a good thing, that is what every president should do.

Funny that you say Obama found creating jobs too much work when his last 4 years in office jobs were being created at a rate far exceeding what has happened under Trump. Must be too much work for him as well I guess

Did you want to list the Obama economic initiatives that brought about that rate in his last four years, Gator? You give him credit for leaving the economy alone...then give him credit for creating which is it?
Obama never did much of anything. He was in over his head on all things, so it was probably for the best.

As far as economics goes...losing the 2010 mid terms was a god send for Barack Obama! If he'd signed Cap & Trade into law as he was economy on life support would have most likely "flat lined".

The chances of Cap & Trade passing even if the Dems had held the House were slim to none.
Moron, he has been in office a year and a half, after 8 years of that doofus, obama........and he is fixing the economy while obama told us to just get used to low performance...the man child, obama, was a disaster for this country....8 wasted years.

You’re more than a bit of an asshole aren’t you?
Moron, he has been in office a year and a half, after 8 years of that doofus, obama........and he is fixing the economy while obama told us to just get used to low performance...the man child, obama, was a disaster for this country....8 wasted years.

You’re more than a bit of an asshole aren’t you?
Surely not bigger than Michelle's?
More cheerleading using bullsh*t stats?

Maybe some of you see through this and realize low end employment , which is largely engineered to exist off gub'mit subsidization is condusive to economic trickle down policies where the Elites win,at middle class taxpayer expense.

Google U6 for starters

then you can talk to guys like me who've been in construction since the Carter administration about economic booms & busts, and what sorts we attract betwixt all these cycles.

of course the usual three toed troglytes will stampeed on it insisting free trade capitalism weeds out the crybaby snowflakes, cuz they're ALL self made men that can pull it down w/o Gub'Mit help.

Yep, that's really workin' out great fellas...

Worked years in the oil and gas industry. Found no change in wether the economy was bust or boom.
Did find in the last fifteen years too many wanted a paycheck but did not want to work. Ran across many that had a complete lack of common sense. Would stand in the way of large equipment that was moving toward them then rather then move would argue that they were fine where they were and that the equipment was in the wrong.

Some are just not smart enough to do anything but breath and take up space.

I've had to cross picket lines on bigger jobs Max

they (protestors) were going bust , due to the big box store that came to town

that these fools took it out on us hardhats was just as idiotic as talking to oil machinery

or, for that matter, sorts in the past who took their discontent of the war out on the vets

they just don't understand , it's all said & done way over our heads , and by sorts that are lovin' the fact that we're on each others sh*t, not theirs

More cheerleading using bullsh*t stats?

Maybe some of you see through this and realize low end employment , which is largely engineered to exist off gub'mit subsidization is condusive to economic trickle down policies where the Elites win,at middle class taxpayer expense.

Google U6 for starters

then you can talk to guys like me who've been in construction since the Carter administration about economic booms & busts, and what sorts we attract betwixt all these cycles.

of course the usual three toed troglytes will stampeed on it insisting free trade capitalism weeds out the crybaby snowflakes, cuz they're ALL self made men that can pull it down w/o Gub'Mit help.

Yep, that's really workin' out great fellas...


Humm, well, if you think these stats are "BS," what did you say about the stats under Obama, since Trump's stats are so much better?
You just wonder how much better the economy has to get before liberals will finally admit that Trump's policies are working.
Wages went up 2.9% and inflation went up 2.9%. So in other words, it's a wash.
Wages went up 2.9% BEFORE taxes, so after tax income has not kept pace with inflation! So it is NOT a wash!

Wages went up 2.9% BEFORE taxes, so after tax income has not kept pace with inflation! So it is NOT a wash!

Taxes were cut, so after tax income did go up.
That, of course, has nothing to do with the unassailable fact that the 2.9% increase in wages is BEFORE tax income.

You are just trying to lie your way out of the fact that AFTER tax income has NOT kept up with the TRUMP Inflation. As a TrumpTard you can NEVER admit the truth about anything!
You just wonder how much better the economy has to get before liberals will finally admit that Trump's policies are working.
Probably the same amount of improvement you America-haters required from Obama.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
You just wonder how much better the economy has to get before liberals will finally admit that Trump's policies are working.
Well he told us the labor force participation rate was aweful and it's gotten no better. Why did that make the economy so bad under Obama, but now you ignore it?

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