Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?

I think what Obama has done is amazing in the face of the bigoted partisanship by Congress.
I love it, everything is pure chit so the Obama-bots decide to play the card that Obama is "the best" President in US history.... If you're going to lie, lie fucking big, right?

The only areas where markets are doing well are areas where the Government/FEDR dump stimulus/money. Housing is once again on the rise despite income levels dipping... It's IMPOSSIBLY STUPID. The UE rate goes down despite every single month LESS PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY WORKING.

So again, if you're gonna lie, lie fuckin big.... but realize most of us here know your still lying.
I think what Obama has done is amazing in the face of the bigoted partisanship by Congress.

he's doing phenomenally well despite the whining/obstruction from the rw

Again.... Does Obama get credit for not being able to pass things, like his jobs act, or does the GOP get credit for blocking it.... lie big dotcom, lie big.

If the economy gets better as you claim, without most of Obama's "stuff", as you claim... Then how do you credit Obama again?
I'm not defending Bush, but I'd like to see the money spent under Bush by the FEDR VS under Obama... You guys understand that for the most part they are not adding 80 billion, that's near 1 trillion a year, to Obama's deficit number right? It's off the books, like Bush's wars were.

Think what the annual deficit would look like if they added 870 billion to it at the end of the year. I mean, is it fair to not count that money as deficit spending yet give Obama full credit for the bubbles, i mean "recovery" it creates? You guys point at the markets doing well but 80 fucking billion dollars a month is DUMPED on the markets.... It's not real guys, it's pure chit.
I think what Obama has done is amazing in the face of the bigoted partisanship by Congress.

he's doing phenomenally well despite the whining/obstruction from the rw

Again.... Does Obama get credit for not being able to pass things, like his jobs act, or does the GOP get credit for blocking it.... lie big dotcom, lie big.

If the economy gets better as you claim, without most of Obama's "stuff", as you claim... Then how do you credit Obama again?
Because he's Obama and because of that (D) thingy next to his name. ;)
I'm not defending Bush, but I'd like to see the money spent under Bush by the FEDR VS under Obama... You guys understand that for the most part they are not adding 80 billion, that's near 1 trillion a year, to Obama's deficit number right? It's off the books, like Bush's wars were.

Think what the annual deficit would look like if they added 870 billion to it at the end of the year. I mean, is it fair to not count that money as deficit spending yet give Obama full credit for the bubbles, i mean "recovery" it creates? You guys point at the markets doing well but 80 fucking billion dollars a month is DUMPED on the markets.... It's not real guys, it's pure chit.

See, the Fed COULD use that 1 Trillion Dollars and forgive Student Debt which is 1 Trillion Dollars but as you can see, Americans don't mean SHIT to them.

You see Obama attacking the Banks or the IRS in any way? Nope.

There's a reason for that.
See, the Fed COULD use that 1 Trillion Dollars and forgive Student Debt which is 1 Trillion Dollars but as you can see, Americans don't mean SHIT to them.

You see Obama attacking the Banks or the IRS in any way? Nope.

There's a reason for that.

and the reason is campaign financing and the promise of future employment (revolving door employment from Wall St to Washington & back). That has only been cemented under the Citizens United Ruling. This is also the reason for the proliferation of astroturf 501 (c) (4) *cough* "social education" :rofl: groups.
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See, the Fed COULD use that 1 Trillion Dollars and forgive Student Debt which is 1 Trillion Dollars but as you can see, Americans don't mean SHIT to them.

You see Obama attacking the Banks or the IRS in any way? Nope.

There's a reason for that.

and the reason is campaign financing and the promise of future employment (revolving door employment from Wall St to Washington & back). That has only been cemented under the Citizens United Ruling
Fuck off Fraudball :thup:

A REAL libertarian would see the cronyism inherent in such a practice. Quid pro quo Fraudball. Look it up boy. ;)

Washington to Wall St to Washington to ...
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Eat shit, commie fuck.

All libertarians I know of recognize that if politicians and bureaucrats weren't selling their power and influence, there'd be nobody hanging around to buy it.

Zombie retards like you blame the maggots for the rotting carcass.
It's certainly in the best interest of politicians to take credit for everything good, and blame others for everything bad.

Much of the economic bad inflicted on the country between 2000 and 2009 was caused by business. Generally, shedding American workers in favor of cheap foreign labor recruited here, or sending jobs there, all in exchange for massive executive bonuses. Plus the heyday of mortgage backed derivatives that allowed risk to be created with the attendant rewards, hidden, then sold. Coulda, shoulda, Bush regulated those abuses? Certainly.

But, he had two holy wars to pay for, and was not inclined to tax his wealthy family and friends, so what appeared to be a boom economy was fostered instead of regulated.


Obama fixed the Great Recession, but business has to recreate the jobs that they gave away, and they have been slow in doing that.

Clearly Obamanomics have demonstrated superiority over the austerity circus favored by European economies.

All of this, of course, at the expense of the Republican Party.

They've screwed up badly, and have not found the path to political recovery. Nor have they shown any interest in recovery. They feel that their blame engine through Rush and Rupert is strong enough to pull them out. It is not.
The UE rate goes down despite every single month LESS PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY WORKING.

The complain about other people lying yet come out with this amazing lie. In 2008 there were 2 months that saw gains in total employment (and Jan doesn't really count because that was do to statistical readjustment).
In 2009, there was 1 month of employment gain, so even for then you weren't quite right.

But since then...2010 had 5 months of employment loss, 2011 had 3, 2012 had 4 and we've had 1 month of employment loss in 2013. So every single month fewer people working? No. that's untrue. BLS Series Report : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Series LNS12000000
Eat shit, commie fuck.

All libertarians I know of recognize that if politicians and bureaucrats weren't selling their power and influence, there'd be nobody hanging around to buy it.

Zombie retards like you blame the maggots for the rotting carcass.

Democrats tried to do something about that you idiot. Gawd but you're dumb. Its called BCRA & McCain strongly supported it. It has since been challenged by guess who and subsequently watered down. Maybe you need to take a nap because your thinker isn't working very well this afternoon :rofl:

Saying that a bad practice exists and to participate because thats "just the way things are" justifies an action? Morals not part of the libertarian credo I take it?
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Eat shit, commie fuck.

All libertarians I know of recognize that if politicians and bureaucrats weren't selling their power and influence, there'd be nobody hanging around to buy it.

Zombie retards like you blame the maggots for the rotting carcass.

Democrats tried to do something about that you idiot. Gawd but you're dumb. Its called BCRA & McCain strongly supported it. It has since been challenged by guess who and subsequently watered down. Maybe you need to take a nap because your thinker isn't working very well this afternoon :rofl:

Saying that a bad practice exists and to participate because thats "just the way things are" justifies an action? Morals not part of the libertarian credo I take it?
No, they didn't try to do anything about that....No democrat has ever proposed making the federal gubmint smaller, less costly and less powerful....That is what it would take to have fewer people trying to buy that influence.

Juan McQuisling's idiotic campaign finance deform bill was a great big pile of window dressing shit....It did nothing to address the issue of influence peddling.

The stupid shit here is you, stupid shit.
Wall Street isn't the economy.

Boiking sucks on the economy...Only Wall Street banksters and his mindless zombie fluffer tools could argue differently.

As has been said before the stock market is doing well right now because the Fed is holding interest rate at near zero basically forcing people to put their money in the market.

It's a castle built on sand.

Weren't all the conservative economists predicting inflation of 10%, caused by Obama's stimulus?

Whahappened??? :lol:

And here it is, 4 years later, and inflation? What inflation?

Go cry wolf somewhere else. You don't support Dodd-Frank, or anything meaningful to rein in Wall Street.

I don't give a shit if an economist is conservative.

Will ever be able to think outside of your two dimensional ovine stable?

It's not rocket science why people are throwing their money into the stock market. There is no choice if looking for any kind of return.

You should be concerned because don't you think that the stock market is just like Vegas and that people should heave a safe place to put their money you know away from all those evil guys on Wall Street?

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