Economics 101

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

I was in a major department store the other day and the guy sweeping the floor was pushing around a dime and two pennies. Every now and then I talk to this guy, since I'm just that way, and said something like "aren't you going to pick those up?" He looked at me and said "They aren't worth it but if you want to feel free." So I did and at the end of the day threw it into my change jar.

Now most of you might think it wasn't worth the effort like this kid. That's because you haven't thought it thorough...

1. I get little exercise doing it.
2. It only takes like a second.
3. If it was only a penny. That means I'm making a penny a per second. Let's do some math...

$0.01 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $36.00 an hour
$0.05 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $180.00 an hour
$0.10 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $360.00 an hour
$0.25 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $900.00 an hour

Ya' know I know guys who won't even pick up a quarter and I just smile and pick it up myself. I like the opportunity to make nearly a thousand dollars and hour tax free even if it's only for a second. So please throw you change on the ground or refuse to pick it up because you're too proud... and quarters are preferred but I'll even pick up the rest if it all averages out to nearly $300 - $500 an hour.



Gotta' love it when there's a half dollar or dollar piece laying there on the ground.
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I was in a major department store the other day and the guy sweeping the floor was pushing around a dime and two pennies. Every now and then I talk to this guy, since I'm just that way, and said something like "aren't you going to pick those up?" He looked at me and said "They aren't worth it but if you want to feel free." So I did and at the end of the day threw it into my change jar.

Now most of you might think it wasn't worth the effort like this kid. That's because you haven't thought it thorough...

1. I get little exercise doing it.
2. It only takes like a second.
3. If it was only a penny. That means I'm making a penny a per second. Let's do some math...

$0.01 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $36.00 an hour
$0.05 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $180.00 an hour
$0.10 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $360.00 an hour
$0.25 a second X 3600 seconds in an hour = $900.00 an hour

Ya' know I know guys who won't even pick up a quarter and I just smile and pick it up myself. I like the opportunity to make nearly a thousand dollars and hour tax free even if it's only for a second. So please throw you change on the ground or refuse to pick it up because you're too proud... and quarters are preferred but I'll even pick up the rest if it all averages out to nearly $300 - $500 an hour.



Gotta' love it when there's a half dollar or dollar piece laying there on the ground.

Reminds me of my Grandpa, God bless his soul. Raised a family of eight with one job, paid for his home and a cottage. I inherited some of his thinking about money, though not all of it, he was the most frugal man I ever me and I loved him for it.

When I was in University I was living with him for a short time until I found my apartment. I will never forget him saying that we would go shopping, I walked out to the car and he asked what I was doing, we were going to walk...this was in central Toronto. I was surprised as we weren't exactly close to the mall or stores, but, he wanted to spend the time to chat and had the route all planned out, it took us about three hours of walking in the sun to finish our shopping.

He was meticulous. He had about six flyers on him with specific items circled. I won't ever forget that we had to walk three blocks for a 24 roll of toilet paper even though at the store we were currently at had the same product for 10 cents more. I pointed it out to him and told him we could just get it from our current location. "That's 10 cents!" He claimed...I was in disbelief, but walking we went, for one particular item 10 cents less.

To me it's still nickel and diming. I have a belief about eating. I go to the gym and try and be active because I like food too much, I don't want to limit myself and put on weight, though with age I've been forced to retrain my habits. I also believe that's how I should view money. I want the freedom to earn what my talent and effort will derive from life, so I can spend more freely. Living in Canada in a Communist, crony capitalist system; this is tough. Talent and particularly ambition means little here.

Hey, to each their own. Good for you to pick up those pennies, it better than watching it swept away. :)
I save all my change. It bugs the unholy shit out of me when people will pass over loose change as if they do not appreciate the value of money. I grew up poor but made something out of my life to where I do not have to care about loose change, but I still do. I have a coffee can (Folgers) on top of one of my gun safes where I put my loose change. Periodically I take the Can to Publix where they have a sorting machine and will exchange it for paper money. It embarrasses my family when I do this for some reason but I don't care. I also have a coffee mug in my truck where I put change when I am out and about when I stop for coffee or food.

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I don't pick up change.

I used to.

Then a kid dropped a dime and couldn't find it.

He cried.

I bent over to pick it up and was rewarded with a big smile
and with a pinched nerve in my lower back that took two
weeks to settle down.

Next time the little shit can squall all he wants.

Probably a liberal anyway!

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