Economics for Dummies (liberals)


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Please explain to me what accounts for these wide gaps in GDP between similar sized entities sharing the same geography.

Florida 34,800
Cuba 5,300

Domitian Republic 5,800
Haiti 800

California 46,000
Mexico 10,300
"Economics for Dummies (liberals)"

Given the previous administration – responsible for a massive deficit, unfunded government programs, and wasteful wars; given the record of Congressional republicans, responsible for the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and the Federal government forced to shutdown due to lack of funding – neither the OP nor anyone else on the right is in a position to refer to others as 'dummies' concerning the economy.
"Economics for Dummies (liberals)"

Given the previous administration – responsible for a massive deficit, unfunded government programs, and wasteful wars; given the record of Congressional republicans, responsible for the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and the Federal government forced to shutdown due to lack of funding – neither the OP nor anyone else on the right is in a position to refer to others as 'dummies' concerning the economy.
"Economics for Dummies (liberals)"

Given the previous administration – responsible for a massive deficit, unfunded government programs, and wasteful wars; given the record of Congressional republicans, responsible for the credit rating downgrade, sequesters, and the Federal government forced to shutdown due to lack of funding – neither the OP nor anyone else on the right is in a position to refer to others as 'dummies' concerning the economy.
You could have said, "I don't understand the OP" or but but but yabut Boooooosh
Please explain to me what accounts for these wide gaps in GDP between similar sized entities sharing the same geography.

Florida 34,800
Cuba 5,300

Domitian Republic 5,800
Haiti 800

California 46,000
Mexico 10,300
Well Cuba is easy. It is communist and has been black balled by most of the free world for decades because of the U.S. While Florida is part of the greatest economy in the world.

Haiti is easy too. It's an arid wasteland that can barely provide enough for its people to survive. While the Dominican Republic is comparitively a tropical paradise.

Damn Mexico is also easy. It has savage cartels funded by the U.S. drug trade, and is the avenue for drugs from South America to get to the U.S.

Did you have a different answer in mind Frank?
Please explain to me what accounts for these wide gaps in GDP between similar sized entities sharing the same geography.

Florida 34,800
Cuba 5,300

Domitian Republic 5,800
Haiti 800

California 46,000
Mexico 10,300
Well Cuba is easy. It is communist and has been black balled by most of the free world for decades because of the U.S. While Florida is part of the greatest economy in the world.

Haiti is easy too. It's an arid wasteland that can barely provide enough for its people to survive. While the Dominican Republic is comparitively a tropical paradise.

Damn Mexico is also easy. It has savage cartels funded by the U.S. drug trade, and is the avenue for drugs from South America to get to the U.S.

Did you have a different answer in mind Frank?

Greater Freedom = Greater Prosperity

Greater Government Control = Poverty

North Korea 1,800
South Korea 26,000

North Korea, one of the most Progressive nations on the planet, American Progressives should vacation there
First, please explain what the numbers are; GDP/capita?

[QUOTE="CrusaderFrank, post: 12329159, member: 19448

Greater Freedom = Greater Prosperity

Greater Government Control = Poverty [/QUOTE]

Nice try but you couldn't be more wrong. California has greater government control than Mexico. Dominican Republic more than Haiti. Europe more than Africa. China more than Russia. Chaos creates poverty and order creates wealth. Still doubting, look at American cities who embrace order vs. those who are ruled by corruption.

Entrepreneurs and capital must have law and order to provide security to their investments. The US is #1 because, in large part our UCC and Bankruptcy laws. Entrepreneurs like me know the game, understand the rules and can make fair bets on a level playing field.
Please explain to me what accounts for these wide gaps in GDP between similar sized entities sharing the same geography.

Florida 34,800
Cuba 5,300

Domitian Republic 5,800
Haiti 800

California 46,000
Mexico 10,300
Well Cuba is easy. It is communist and has been black balled by most of the free world for decades because of the U.S. While Florida is part of the greatest economy in the world.

Haiti is easy too. It's an arid wasteland that can barely provide enough for its people to survive. While the Dominican Republic is comparitively a tropical paradise.

Damn Mexico is also easy. It has savage cartels funded by the U.S. drug trade, and is the avenue for drugs from South America to get to the U.S.

Did you have a different answer in mind Frank?

Greater Freedom = Greater Prosperity

Greater Government Control = Poverty

North Korea 1,800
South Korea 26,000

North Korea, one of the most Progressive nations on the planet, American Progressives should vacation there
How is it you people think progressive means communist?
Progressiveness is an action to improve society. There are Progressive Christian churches here in the USA, yet they are not communistic in nature..
Please explain to me what accounts for these wide gaps in GDP between similar sized entities sharing the same geography.

Florida 34,800
Cuba 5,300

Domitian Republic 5,800
Haiti 800

California 46,000
Mexico 10,300
Well Cuba is easy. It is communist and has been black balled by most of the free world for decades because of the U.S. While Florida is part of the greatest economy in the world.

Haiti is easy too. It's an arid wasteland that can barely provide enough for its people to survive. While the Dominican Republic is comparitively a tropical paradise.

Damn Mexico is also easy. It has savage cartels funded by the U.S. drug trade, and is the avenue for drugs from South America to get to the U.S.

Did you have a different answer in mind Frank?

Greater Freedom = Greater Prosperity

Greater Government Control = Poverty

North Korea 1,800
South Korea 26,000

North Korea, one of the most Progressive nations on the planet, American Progressives should vacation there
How is it you people think progressive means communist?
Progressiveness is an action to improve society. There are Progressive Christian churches here in the USA, yet they are not communistic in nature..

Modern American Progressives answer ever question with the phrase "more and bigger government"

Who should control the economy?

Who should control the internet

Who knows best what my health care requirements are?

Who knows my best diet?

Mo' N Bigga Gubbamint!

Now that both Communist China and Russia abandoned Progressivism, North Korea is the pot of gold at the end of the progressive rainbow
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More

  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"

  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Show me where it describes communism or bigger govt..??
Show me where it describes communism or bigger govt..??

why always be stupid?? Just look at who, today, describes themselves as progressive.

What's the Difference Between a Liberal and a Progressive? | David ...

May 25, 2011 ... Edition: U.S. .... A "progressive" are those who focus on using government power to make large institutions play by a set of rules. ... The "free market" conservatives have so dominated the political debate over the last two ..

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