economy is not on a rebound, it's on a roar

I'll believe it's roaring when GPS is north of 4%, UE is south of 7%, and more people believe we're headed in the right direction over wrong.

Are there reasons for these particular numbers or are they arbitrary?

I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that they have been blasted with the message that the economy is in the tank during the last Presidential election. Also I believe Congress thinks they can use the perception that the economy is not going so great so when they screw up and torpedo the system they can say, "Oh well, it was sinking anyway."
[ame=]Australian Submarine Torpedo Test "Hits a Destroyer" - YouTube[/ame]
I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that.......

we have a liberal communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and had 2 communist parents, and people know how well liberal communist economies do!!

They know about East/West Germany or Cuba/Florida, or China before Republican capitalism and after.
I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that.......

we have a liberal communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and had 2 communist parents, and people know how well liberal communist economies do!!

They know about East/West Germany or Cuba/Florida, or China before Republican capitalism and after.

It has been the biggest cover-up of our time. I shouldn't reveal this but Obama was the ghost writer of Communist Manifesto . Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels got all the credit although the only contribution they made was the title. Obama originally name it, "My 2012 Presidency Acceptance Speech."
I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that.......

we have a liberal communist president who voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and had 2 communist parents, and people know how well liberal communist economies do!!

They know about East/West Germany or Cuba/Florida, or China before Republican capitalism and after.

It has been the biggest cover-up of our time. I shouldn't reveal this but Obama was the ghost writer of Communist Manifesto . Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels got all the credit although the only contribution they made was the title. Obama originally name it, "My 2012 Presidency Acceptance Speech."

who would be surprised given that our liberals spied for Stalin, Barry is beloved by the CPUSA, had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, wrote a book called "Dreams From My Communist Father" and was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis ,( Communist Party number: 47544)
I'll believe it's roaring when GPS is north of 4%, UE is south of 7%, and more people believe we're headed in the right direction over wrong.

Are there reasons for these particular numbers or are they arbitrary?

I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that they have been blasted with the message that the economy is in the tank during the last Presidential election. Also I believe Congress thinks they can use the perception that the economy is not going so great so when they screw up and torpedo the system they can say, "Oh well, it was sinking anyway."
[ame=]Australian Submarine Torpedo Test "Hits a Destroyer" - YouTube[/ame]

Purely arbitrary, my own rationale. And I would suspect people were also blasted with the message that the economy is doing well too. I don't think most people need any help figuring out how things are going in the USA these days.
I don't think most people need any help figuring out how things are going in the USA these days.

right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!
I don't think most people need any help figuring out how things are going in the USA these days.

right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!

There is something very wrong with our country. One need look no further than Paul Ryan.

dear, he's a libertarian like our Founders!! Why not move to Cuba if you don't like freedom and patriotic Americans?
I'll believe it's roaring when GPS is north of 4%, UE is south of 7%, and more people believe we're headed in the right direction over wrong.

Are there reasons for these particular numbers or are they arbitrary?

I believe a major reason that people have the opinion that the economy is going in the wrong direction is that they have been blasted with the message that the economy is in the tank during the last Presidential election. Also I believe Congress thinks they can use the perception that the economy is not going so great so when they screw up and torpedo the system they can say, "Oh well, it was sinking anyway."
[ame=]Australian Submarine Torpedo Test "Hits a Destroyer" - YouTube[/ame]

You "believe" based on what?

Take a look at the evidence. The stock markets have rebounded to previous highs, 4 years later. At best that's neutral. All indicators of the economy show signs of modest growth, not "roaring." Average net worth is down. Average income is down. Real estate still hasn't recovered and is just now starting to show indications of tiny growth.
I don't think most people need any help figuring out how things are going in the USA these days.

right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!

There is something very wrong with our country. One need look no further than Paul Ryan.

Yes. Too many career politicians selling "cuts in the assumed rate of increases" as actual cuts.
right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!

There is something very wrong with our country. One need look no further than Paul Ryan.

Yes. Too many career politicians selling "cuts in the assumed rate of increases" as actual cuts.

I saw an article somewhere that says if we limited the increases in gov't spending to 2.5%/yr, we'd eventually balance the budget in 10 years or so. I disagree with those who say we gotta balance it right now, that's a sure way to a recession that none of us need. There's no reason why we can't do it over time, assuming we can manage to stick to the policy that long.

But that means a reform to the entitlement programs so they don't swamp us in debt. I can't see that happening anytime soon though.
right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!
A little context would make this a more valid point, like how much higher is this 35% number than in 2000, 1990, 1980,or 1970? If it is usually 32% then your number wouldn't be much of an eye-opening statistic, but if the norm is 20% then it could surely be a reasonable indicator or economic or social upheaval.

Do other developed countries, say Germany or Canada or Australia, have a comparable ratio?

Also why is someone in their late 20s living at home automatically a sign of bad direction? Multi-generational households were much more common in this country even when our grandparents were children. One could make the case that it makes more sense financially for single young adults to stay at home longer. They can get stronger financial footing, gain some life and job experience, etc. Granted this may come at the expense of easily getting laid at their convenience.
right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!
A little context would make this a more valid point, like how much higher .

The number of young adults ages 20 to 34 who lived with their parents jumped from 17% in 1980 to 24% in 2007-09 — the Great Recession— according to a detailed analysis out today.
The rise was sharpest among those under 25 — a new high of 43% vs. 32% in 1980 — but it increased largely across the board. Even among 30- to 34-year-olds, nearly one in 10 lived with parents.

liberalism has arrested the development of our children and country
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right with 35% of kids between 25-30 still living at home it is clear something is very wrong with the liberal direction of our country!!
A little context would make this a more valid point, like how much higher .

The number of young adults ages 20 to 34 who lived with their parents jumped from 17% in 1980 to 24% in 2007-09 — the Great Recession— according to a detailed analysis out today.
The rise was sharpest among those under 25 — a new high of 43% vs. 32% in 1980 — but it increased largely across the board. Even among 30- to 34-year-olds, nearly one in 10 lived with parents.

liberalism has arrested the development of our children and country

Please name the survey and provide a link. Your numbers aren't making much sense.
First you said that currently 35% of 25-30 year olds are living with parents.
Then you say a new report, released yesterday showed that 24% of age 20-34 lived at home as nd 43% of those under 25,

So that would take some very strange math for 43% of under 25 + 35% of 25-30 + X% of 31-34 to be 24% altogether.
A little context would make this a more valid point, like how much higher .

The number of young adults ages 20 to 34 who lived with their parents jumped from 17% in 1980 to 24% in 2007-09 — the Great Recession— according to a detailed analysis out today.
The rise was sharpest among those under 25 — a new high of 43% vs. 32% in 1980 — but it increased largely across the board. Even among 30- to 34-year-olds, nearly one in 10 lived with parents.

liberalism has arrested the development of our children and country

Please name the survey and provide a link. Your numbers aren't making much sense.
First you said that currently 35% of 25-30 year olds are living with parents.
Then you say a new report, released yesterday showed that 24% of age 20-34 lived at home as nd 43% of those under 25,

So that would take some very strange math for 43% of under 25 + 35% of 25-30 + X% of 31-34 to be 24% altogether.

dear, I think the point is that as Obama's liberalism harms the economy kids can no longer find jobs and must live home with their parents.
The number of young adults ages 20 to 34 who lived with their parents jumped from 17% in 1980 to 24% in 2007-09 — the Great Recession— according to a detailed analysis out today.
The rise was sharpest among those under 25 — a new high of 43% vs. 32% in 1980 — but it increased largely across the board. Even among 30- to 34-year-olds, nearly one in 10 lived with parents.

liberalism has arrested the development of our children and country

Please name the survey and provide a link. Your numbers aren't making much sense.
First you said that currently 35% of 25-30 year olds are living with parents.
Then you say a new report, released yesterday showed that 24% of age 20-34 lived at home as nd 43% of those under 25,

So that would take some very strange math for 43% of under 25 + 35% of 25-30 + X% of 31-34 to be 24% altogether.

dear, I think the point is that as Obama's liberalism harms the economy kids can no longer find jobs and must live home with their parents.

That may be your point, but you have done nothing to support it or show that it's true. I get a little suspicious when someone quotes "a survey" but doesn't say by whom or give a link. When I specifically ask for a link and the only response is dodge, I get very suspicious.
The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

All they're doing is Day Trading enhanced by Algorithmic Programs that buy and sell in micro seconds. Then of course, they pay each other fees for the transactions.

Yes, you DO need to drop all your 401K allocations and start buying Gold and Silver instead because the Dollar is finished. What the US Gov't doesn't take from you investment will be wiped out by hyper-inflation. Probably this year.

The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

Banks aren't borrowing large amounts from the Fed.
The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

All they're doing is Day Trading enhanced by Algorithmic Programs that buy and sell in micro seconds. Then of course, they pay each other fees for the transactions.

Yes, you DO need to drop all your 401K allocations and start buying Gold and Silver instead because the Dollar is finished. What the US Gov't doesn't take from you investment will be wiped out by hyper-inflation. Probably this year.

The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

Banks aren't borrowing large amounts from the Fed.

Point taken but they could have taken that money and invested in any market in the world. They could have bought gold, silver, factories, antique cars, assault weapons. The fact that they are betting on America's future is an indicator. There is nothing in this world that is not subjective. As subjective indicators go I would say this is as good as any.
The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

All they're doing is Day Trading enhanced by Algorithmic Programs that buy and sell in micro seconds. Then of course, they pay each other fees for the transactions.

Yes, you DO need to drop all your 401K allocations and start buying Gold and Silver instead because the Dollar is finished. What the US Gov't doesn't take from you investment will be wiped out by hyper-inflation. Probably this year.

The problem with using the DJIA as an Economic Indicator is that Banks (International not just US Banks) are taking money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates and playing it on the Stock Market.

Banks aren't borrowing large amounts from the Fed.

Point taken but they could have taken that money and invested in any market in the world. They could have bought gold, silver, factories, antique cars, assault weapons. The fact that they are betting on America's future is an indicator. There is nothing in this world that is not subjective. As subjective indicators go I would say this is as good as any.

Point taken but they could have taken that money

What money? They aren't borrowing from the Fed.

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