Economy Promises..zzzzz...: Do You Believe Either Party Will Make a Difference?

Does it make a critical difference which party runs Congress as to IMMEDIATE cures for the economy?

  • Yes, the democrats will help gain immediate improvement if they get control of Congress/Governorship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, the GOP will help gain immediate improvement if they get control of Congress/Governorship.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I don't believe either party will make any immediate difference in the economy for complex reasons.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
This weirdness at Fox News continues. It likes to read its own polls and tell itself that is how reality is in the middle.. They really are "roving" all over the place in trying to find key issues that matter to the public. They know what does but they're pretending not to. Very odd..

Jan. 11, 2012 - 2:36 - FBN's Gerri Willis on voters' biggest issue this election season, and how GOP candidates are raising their money. Exit Polls Show Economy Matters Most On Air Videos Fox Business
So we all know how the economy tanked. Under Bush/Cheney, they spent too much on the Iraq war [ISIS an extension thereof] and their buddies on Wallstreet got a golden pass while the common man took the shaft...and still is taking the shaft.

Obama is the janitor that's done a so-so job of mopping up that mess. Given all that, how many of you actually believe that which senator you elect will actually matter on the economy? ie is this economy a simple matter of a majority vote in Congress for a "sudden fix"? Or is it more deeply entrenched and cannot be fixed readily by either party?
Just gotta add that Fox has just announced [on the eve of a pivotal election] that ISIS [be afraid voters! GOP] has now announced it will use ebola [be afraid voters! GOP] as a new weapon of TERROR!

I smell a Benghazi situation....where our enemy + key timing would benefit having a more traditionally aggressive party in office????... Do we imagine "our enemy" doesn't watch our election cycles and know which party gives less resistance to its advancements? Or is war a very nice money making machine for men of many countries all over the world?...

And because of that...I smell something far, far worse...
Just gotta add that Fox has just announced [on the eve of a pivotal election] that ISIS [be afraid voters! GOP] has now announced it will use ebola [be afraid voters! GOP] as a new weapon of TERROR!

I smell a Benghazi situation....where our enemy + key timing would benefit having a more traditionally aggressive party in office????... Do we imagine "our enemy" doesn't watch our election cycles and know which party gives less resistance to its advancements? Or is war a very nice money making machine for men of many countries all over the world?...

And because of that...I smell something far, far worse...

Would you rather have ISIS grow unchecked?
And the Middle Eastern countries how about you fucks do something about it.
The only thing that would have an immediate effect on the economy would be a tax cut, especially on corporate rates. Not likely to be signed by Obama.
Would you rather have ISIS grow unchecked?
And the Middle Eastern countries how about you fucks do something about it.
It's the timing bro....and you know it. But let's stick to the economy for now since Fox says it's the #1 issues people are mad about....

...they may be mad about it, but they're not dumb enough to believe either party will fix it ASAP. So, therefore, other issues besides the *yawn* predictable terror alerts as conservatives slip in the polls [thank you Rachael Maddow] are more important. I only brought the terror crap up here to illustrate how desperate and wrong GOP strategists are and how critically stupid such a move is added to the timing.

In other words, voters in the middle [remember, you already have the choir's votes] aren't dumb. THAT'S WHY THEY'RE IN THE MIDDLE IN THE FIRST PLACE. And the smart strategists understands this. Stupid ass Carl Rove is leading that party down another box canyon and Miss Maddow is there with her six shooter waiting in ambush. She's been firing rounds and the scattered GOP is blindly shooting in every direction, falling back on its nauseatingly overplayed "eleventh hour tactics" and doing so in a way that links them very unsettlingly with "our enemies". She has taken advantage of their rigidity. While she remains flexible and agile: Maddow Miracle Motivates Marijuana Vote Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Odd how those enemies are smart enough to take back Iraq but too dumb to notice that ramping violence on the 11th hour of a pivotal American election might bring in more of the party who is most likely to launch heavy artillery against them.

See..people in the middle THINK.
The only thing that would have an immediate effect on the economy would be a tax cut, especially on corporate rates. Not likely to be signed by Obama.
Yeah, like a tax cut is going to affect IMMEDIATELY the lives of the average Joe. What planet are you living on that anyone would believe that? When the situation is as dire as it is, preaching "trickle down" is not what people see as a deluge of immediate relief.

Immediate relief would be universal healthcare, for all the money it would suddenly free up for hiring people...It would be an instant fix for the economy. But politicians on both sides of the aisle really like that drug company and health insurance pocket padding to the point of crippling our we middle folk realize that any of the sheisters running will only "trickle down" the wealth in an ever more anemic, weak their narcissistic, selfish myopia prevents them from being able to trace the breadcrumbs backwards as to why their own portfolios are slipping because of "the weak economy and lack of consuming/demand down"..

It's like our economy has an enlarged prostate on a retarded idiot. Only surgery will fix it at this point..
The chant of trickle down economics has gutted the voting public's trust in the GOP for economic recovery seen in their lifetimes... It's like the "trickle down" water supply from the Colorado river once it reaches
I'm fine with a corporate tax cut as long as that money is used to increase wages of the people who make the company its profit... the workers on the floor, not the CEO who does Zippo.

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