Economy's Growth Rate Revised Downward to 2.2% Pace


Economy's Growth Rate Revised Downward to 2.2% Pace- AP

The U.S. economy grew slower than previously thought in the third quarter, as the recovery got off to a weaker start than official statistics estimated last month.

I told you that the statistics did not support a recovery. Now we know.

Folks, that means that the so called growth rate of the economy is less than the rate of inflation.

I.E. we are going BACKWARDS.

wheres' your link, mr. "i bet on the market to fail"?

s'matter, things too good to help your stock portfolio?

Jilllian, you are very low IQ and obviously seriously mentally ill. Look at the numbers instead of trolling. I have posted them regularly.
I didn't support the Shrub, butt stabber.

Your cut-rate deflections from the utter failures of your Boyking are towering failures.

Bullshit you support the same crap he spouted
You don't know jack about what I supported and didn't for those eight years, shit biscuit.

Best shut your mouth and appear the fool, than open it and remove all doubt.

Then tell us what you stand for asshole instead of pretending you stand fro something else.

BTW I was here during Bush and remember you defending his dumb ass.
Face it, dipshit, you have no idea who or what I support.

Want me to give you a list of witnesses?...There are scads of them here.
Oh you are so fucking stupid that you dont realize you support shit evey time you speak here?

Look asswink, you rail on this site and then we laugh at your stupid railings.

That is how we know what you support.

You are one of those assholes who now pretends he never supported Bush yet you defend him every time his real record is held up for all to see.

Go lie to yourself and quit pretending you dont defend what you always defend.
Feel free to dig up those posts, skidmark.

In fact, I defy you.

P.S. Opposing democrat buffoonery is not default support for republican buffoonery.
How the heck did Bush get elected twice since virtually no republicans will now admit to having supported him?
Didn't vote for him either time.

In fact, I haven't supported any republican, whose name wasn't Ron Paul, since 1994.

But y'all fell free to keep weakly flailing away. :lol:
Ahh a Paulite, that explains a lot as Paul voted along republican party lines at a 75 to 80 percent rate.
"I got nothing" is much more concise and honest...Try it some time.
Didn't vote for him either time.

In fact, I haven't supported any republican, whose name wasn't Ron Paul, since 1994.

But y'all fell free to keep weakly flailing away. :lol:

and all we have is your word on it since posts records dont go back that far huh.

Your word has no wieght.
We have your constant defence of the failed policies and your constant attempts to blame them on dems when it was the Republicans who caused this huge mess.

Here is part of what you also fail to grasp, saying you are a libertarian is no free ticket. The libertarians want an unfettered system which is exactly what caused this HUGE mess.
The Kool-Aid mainliners are too busy distracting from that, by making this about me and BOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!

And they're failing miserably.
The Kool-Aid mainliners are too busy distracting from that, by making this about me and BOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!

And they're failing miserably.

I see that....

It's convienient for them to point blame elsewhere... It's exactly what their Glorious Leader is doing so why shouldn't they?...

Meanwhile, in reality, economic growth is well below predictions and unemployment is getting even worse... The actions of this ineffectual President are a shining testiment to his inability to lead...
Where is the growth and jobs Barry said he would deliver?

Just another 6 months.

How many times did we hear that in past years.

At what point does your Glorious Leader (and you then as a koolaid-mainlining follower) accept responsibility for his actions?

Here, in reality, people are starting to realize that the emperor has no clothes...
Where is the growth and jobs Barry said he would deliver?

Just another 6 months.

How many times did we hear that in past years.

At what point does your Glorious Leader (and you then as a koolaid-mainlining follower) accept responsibility for his actions?

Here, in reality, people are starting to realize that the emperor has no clothes...

Ahh but you forget how the first part of the Bush presidency was.

Just a bit of partisan flip flop going on here?

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