Educated white women were already recoiling from Trump. Then came Kavanaugh.

I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

You've been watching CNN. Please stop.

All News-outlets in the U.S.A are terribly biased, myopic, and ridiculous.

I get my information from online, from various sources.

Therefor I think for myself, unlike retardos with little wee-wees who blindly follow Trump, even if he character assassinates the Republican party.

Trump has been the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Reagan made the world pivot around him.

I'll tell you this: you've seen NOTHING yet. NOTHING. Trump is brilliant and before his second term is over, you'll have to Google "democrat Party" to even remember them.

Haha, you really believe that?

Well, the approval rating polls, say otherwise.

Trump's not brilliant, he's a big mouthed, obnoxious, idiot.
You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

Poles? LMAO

Disaster? He gave them the SC as well as numerous other federal judges. He lowered the Corp. and personal tax rates, he backed Israel and ISIS is almost wiped out. Iran is about to implode from within. Plus he WON the votes. LMAO. Your biased fascist opinion is irrelevant. Find a job.

Trump's comments against women like grabbing p*$$y turn off normal people, especially Women.

Not to mention his support of that Molester Roy Moore, turns off normal people, especially Women.

As for ISIS being wiped out, you are aware that's helped Iran to expand into Israel's door-steps?

Trump's support for Poland to pay Jews compensations, only turns off his Polish supporters, in favor of Jewish Democrats

I don't know how Trump will win the Rust-Belt again, without the Polish American vote, in states like Wisconsin through Pennsylvania, will be lost for Trump, no doubt.

#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.
You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

You've been watching CNN. Please stop.

All News-outlets in the U.S.A are terribly biased, myopic, and ridiculous.

I get my information from online, from various sources.

Therefor I think for myself, unlike retardos with little wee-wees who blindly follow Trump, even if he character assassinates the Republican party.

Trump has been the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Reagan made the world pivot around him.

I'll tell you this: you've seen NOTHING yet. NOTHING. Trump is brilliant and before his second term is over, you'll have to Google "democrat Party" to even remember them.

Haha, you really believe that?

Well, the approval rating polls, say otherwise.

Trump's not brilliant, he's a big mouthed, obnoxious, idiot.

Still waiting for your news sources....
Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

Poles? LMAO

Disaster? He gave them the SC as well as numerous other federal judges. He lowered the Corp. and personal tax rates, he backed Israel and ISIS is almost wiped out. Iran is about to implode from within. Plus he WON the votes. LMAO. Your biased fascist opinion is irrelevant. Find a job.

Trump's comments against women like grabbing p*$$y turn off normal people, especially Women.

Not to mention his support of that Molester Roy Moore, turns off normal people, especially Women.

As for ISIS being wiped out, you are aware that's helped Iran to expand into Israel's door-steps?

Trump's support for Poland to pay Jews compensations, only turns off his Polish supporters, in favor of Jewish Democrats

I don't know how Trump will win the Rust-Belt again, without the Polish American vote, in states like Wisconsin through Pennsylvania, will be lost for Trump, no doubt.

#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.

My area is Republican, and had voted for Trump.

A lot of people who previously voted for Trump, bragged about Trump, don't any-longer.

Considering my region is culturally like rural Pennsylvania, or rural Wisconsin, or rural Ohio, rather than NYC.

I say good-riddance.

Republicans aren't going to get Whites in the more educated parts of America, even parts who voted for them before hand.
Haha, you really believe that?

Well, the approval rating polls, say otherwise.

Trump's not brilliant, he's a big mouthed, obnoxious, idiot.

He might not be a rocket scientist but he's got balls and has triggered the left into showing their true colors.
Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

You've been watching CNN. Please stop.

All News-outlets in the U.S.A are terribly biased, myopic, and ridiculous.

I get my information from online, from various sources.

Therefor I think for myself, unlike retardos with little wee-wees who blindly follow Trump, even if he character assassinates the Republican party.

Trump has been the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Reagan made the world pivot around him.

I'll tell you this: you've seen NOTHING yet. NOTHING. Trump is brilliant and before his second term is over, you'll have to Google "democrat Party" to even remember them.

Haha, you really believe that?

Well, the approval rating polls, say otherwise.

Trump's not brilliant, he's a big mouthed, obnoxious, idiot.

Still waiting for your news sources....

Trump's losing the Rust-Belt, he won last time.

Just as I predicted, because most Poles aren't Zionist, White trash like most Hillbillies down South, are.

Tracking Trump: The President's Approval State by State, Month by Month
I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

“Educated people” must mean those who only consume news that justifies their beliefs, but there is nothing smart about that.
See my signature. Do you think I made it up? You consistently post anti white rhetoric.
Your signature is not an example, read instance, of MarcATL saying something racist.

I'll have to see evidence sir. You just stating doesn't make it so.

Provide an instance of me saying "anti-white" stuff.

And yes, you are making it up, subconsciously, if not consciously, only way to confirm is to air it out.

I look forward to your evidence.
I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

You've been watching CNN. Please stop.

All News-outlets in the U.S.A are terribly biased, myopic, and ridiculous.

I get my information from online, from various sources.

Therefor I think for myself, unlike retardos with little wee-wees who blindly follow Trump, even if he character assassinates the Republican party.

Yeah bc there are no biased sources online LOL
I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

“Educated people” must mean those who only consume news that justifies their beliefs, but there is nothing smart about that.

Trump supported Commie massacres by China in Tiananmen Square, as a good thing for government force.

Trump defends comments on Tiananmen Square, Putin

How can anyone support that?
Haha, no, just no Trump's a flake.

He appeals to White trash, only.
Poles? LMAO

Disaster? He gave them the SC as well as numerous other federal judges. He lowered the Corp. and personal tax rates, he backed Israel and ISIS is almost wiped out. Iran is about to implode from within. Plus he WON the votes. LMAO. Your biased fascist opinion is irrelevant. Find a job.

Trump's comments against women like grabbing p*$$y turn off normal people, especially Women.

Not to mention his support of that Molester Roy Moore, turns off normal people, especially Women.

As for ISIS being wiped out, you are aware that's helped Iran to expand into Israel's door-steps?

Trump's support for Poland to pay Jews compensations, only turns off his Polish supporters, in favor of Jewish Democrats

I don't know how Trump will win the Rust-Belt again, without the Polish American vote, in states like Wisconsin through Pennsylvania, will be lost for Trump, no doubt.

#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.

My area is Republican, and had voted for Trump.

A lot of people who previously voted for Trump, bragged about Trump, don't any-longer.

Considering my region is culturally like rural Pennsylvania, or rural Wisconsin, or rural Ohio, rather than NYC.

I say good-riddance.

Republicans aren't going to get Whites in the more educated parts of America, even parts who voted for them before hand.

Time will tell. Your state voted BLUE! As did mine. Irrelevant. Did you vote for Trump?
See my signature. Do you think I made it up? You consistently post anti white rhetoric.
Your signature is not an example, read instance, of MarcATL saying something racist.

I'll have to see evidence sir. You just stating doesn't make it so.

Provide an instance of me saying "anti-white" stuff.

And yes, you are making it up, subconsciously, if not consciously, only way to confirm is to air it out.

I look forward to your evidence.

This isn't a court of law. It is a court of public opinion. And btw "anyway" is one word...maybe a professional online blogger should learn that.
Trump's comments against women like grabbing p*$$y turn off normal people, especially Women.

Not to mention his support of that Molester Roy Moore, turns off normal people, especially Women.

As for ISIS being wiped out, you are aware that's helped Iran to expand into Israel's door-steps?

Trump's support for Poland to pay Jews compensations, only turns off his Polish supporters, in favor of Jewish Democrats

I don't know how Trump will win the Rust-Belt again, without the Polish American vote, in states like Wisconsin through Pennsylvania, will be lost for Trump, no doubt.

#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.

My area is Republican, and had voted for Trump.

A lot of people who previously voted for Trump, bragged about Trump, don't any-longer.

Considering my region is culturally like rural Pennsylvania, or rural Wisconsin, or rural Ohio, rather than NYC.

I say good-riddance.

Republicans aren't going to get Whites in the more educated parts of America, even parts who voted for them before hand.

Time will tell. Your state voted BLUE! As did mine. Irrelevant. Did you vote for Trump?

I didn't vote last time, but if I had it would've been for Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.

I prob won't vote this time, either, but it I had it would probably be against Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.
That is unless anti-ICE fruit-loops Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic candidate, or someone worse. (If possible)

Personally I'm tired of Zionist shills, and sh(ts like Trump, Bolton, Haley, and Pompeo.

Trump's been hot-air on Illegals, and Refugees, so F him.

He has no values, except to big mouthed White trash, and Zionists.
Trump's gone off the rails long ago, he's helped Democrats, more than anybody else could.

Trump's gone off the rails? Haven't you Tards been saying that since 2015 when you laughed him off?

And yes, he's helped the Democrats more than anyone else could. Before, they were in control of the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court AND the White House! With Trump's help, they have now lost control of ALL of them! :auiqs.jpg:
I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

“Educated people” must mean those who only consume news that justifies their beliefs, but there is nothing smart about that.

Trump supported Commie massacres by China in Tiananmen Square, as a good thing for government force.

Trump defends comments on Tiananmen Square, Putin

How can anyone support that?
Haha, no, just no Trump's a flake.

He appeals to White trash, only.

LOL he won. Stop posting shit from 2016.
#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.

My area is Republican, and had voted for Trump.

A lot of people who previously voted for Trump, bragged about Trump, don't any-longer.

Considering my region is culturally like rural Pennsylvania, or rural Wisconsin, or rural Ohio, rather than NYC.

I say good-riddance.

Republicans aren't going to get Whites in the more educated parts of America, even parts who voted for them before hand.

Time will tell. Your state voted BLUE! As did mine. Irrelevant. Did you vote for Trump?

I didn't vote last time, but if I had it would've been for Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.

I prob won't vote this time, either, but it I had it would probably be against Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.
That is unless anti-ICE fruit-loops Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic candidate, or someone worse. (If possible)

Personally I'm tired of Zionist shills, and sh(ts like Trump, Bolton, Haley, and Pompeo.

Trump's been hot-air on Illegals, and Refugees, so F him.

He has no values, except to big mouthed White trash, and Zionists.

LMAO!! Then STFU and go back to listening to Red Ice Radio.
Trump's gone off the rails long ago, he's helped Democrats, more than anybody else could.

Trump's gone off the rails? Haven't you Tards been saying that since 2015 when you laughed him off?

And yes, he's helped the Democrats more than anyone else could. Before, they were in control of the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court AND the White House! With Trump's help, they have now lost control of ALL of them! :auiqs.jpg:

I hate Democrats, and I hate Republicans.

Americans are such inferior peoples.

You're like major retardos, you root for your Politicians like sports teams, and do so no matter how retarded, or how much they lose.

I've never seen such idiots in my life, and it's only getting worse.
I thought Trump might've been a fake plant since day 1.
I made a thread about it on another forum back when he was still fighting other Republicans for the nomination.

My theory was Trump was a former Democrat.
Not just that.

But, how could Trump who was smart enough to amass so much wealth, not be smart enough to shut his mouth more often?
Especially when he's said crude, rude things about Women???????

Wow, yeah, I'm still suspicious.

You sound like an idiot. Most CEOs are just like Trump. Pompous, self confident, arrogant. Churchill was the same way. You need to find a job.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

“Educated people” must mean those who only consume news that justifies their beliefs, but there is nothing smart about that.

Trump supported Commie massacres by China in Tiananmen Square, as a good thing for government force.

Trump defends comments on Tiananmen Square, Putin

How can anyone support that?
Haha, no, just no Trump's a flake.

He appeals to White trash, only.

Your opinion, shaped by anti-Trump propaganda, means shit to me. How about this? PROVE it’s ONLY “white trash” who like Trump. And when I say “prove” I don’t mean give me your worthless opinion.

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